Evil CEO's Favorites

C15 Chapter 15

C15 Chapter 15

0If Xia Huanhuan didn't say anything, Jun Ziyan would rarely take the initiative to speak during a meal.    


Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan and was suddenly confused. The current him looked calm and harmless. If it was just accompanying him, it wasn't impossible to treat him as a friend.    


But what would she do when he became vicious?    


Her buffer period was now less than two months. How would she face him then? Was it really "his", as promised? Or was she trying to convince him to give up on this idea? Or … Escape from him?    


In the blink of an eye, numerous thoughts flashed through Xia Huanhuan's mind.    


Jun Ziyan finished his meal. He put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a tissue and suddenly shouted, "Huanhuan …"    


"Huh?" She came back to herself.    


"I don't like the way you looked at me." He lifted his finger and ran it over her face, and although he longed for her to see that he was the only one there, her look — "It's as if you're going to leave me any minute," he said.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. His gaze seemed to be able to see through her mind, causing her to not know what to say. She avoided his gaze and said, "You're thinking too much. Rest early and leave the hospital tomorrow." It's half past nine at night.    


She packed her things and prepared to leave, but he suddenly took her hand.    


She looked back at him, puzzled.    


"Stay with me." He looked at her steadily. He didn't want her to leave, wanted her to stay with him! That desire grew even stronger.    


Xia Huanhuan's face turned slightly red. "Stop fooling around!" As he spoke, he tried to withdraw his hand.    


"I didn't make a fuss." When he exerted force, she was instantly pressed down on the bed. His body covered most of her body, and his face was extremely close to hers. When his breath landed on her face, it gave off a kind of itchy feeling.    


"Get up, or I'll be angry!" Her face turned even redder, and the gesture reminded her of the time ten years ago when he had pressed her down on the bed.    


Yet he was still pressing down on her. His lips were lightly kissing the tip of her nose, her cheeks … He was lost.    


"I want you to stay — with me." he repeated, tightening his grip on her. She had a nagging feeling that if she let go of him, she would leave him without a single shred of regret!    


"Jun Ziyan!" "Don't make me hate you," she said angrily, and now she really regretted coming to see him at the hospital.    


His movements suddenly stopped, and even his body became incomparably stiff in an instant. "If I let you go, you'll like me?" He stared at her, his lips moving, each word uttered.    


She was stunned, not knowing if she should answer "yes" or "no".    


"But Huanhuan, I don't want to let go." "He said it without thinking. Regardless of whether she really hated it or liked it, he was unwilling to let it go." "It wasn't easy for me to wait ten years. I can't bear to …"    


His lips moved along her jaw, slowly kissing her neck, her collarbone.    


Xia Huanhuan's body trembled slightly. In this situation, if he was not careful, it would easily provoke him, and there would be no way to predict what he would do next.    


What should he do to make him let her go?    


She tried desperately to come up with a solution, but he suddenly stopped kissing her. "Are you scared?" he suddenly asked.    


She was stunned and momentarily forgot to make any sort of reaction.    


He lifted his head and placed his palm against her neck, as if feeling the pulse in her veins. "If you're afraid, I can do nothing."    


Her face was full of surprise, she almost couldn't believe her ears, but she heard him continue, "Huanhuan, I can do nothing, as long as you stay with me."    


He could suppress his body's instincts and desires with all his might for her. All he wanted was for her to stay by his side …    


Xia Huanhuan didn't expect Jun Ziyan to say something like that, and he really did it. He just took her hand and fell asleep.    


The bed in the VIP ward was large enough for two people to lie on.    


Xia Huanhuan was lying on her side, watching Jun Ziyan, who was curled up like a ball, holding her hand and sleeping with his eyes closed. As always, it was a habit to keep your body tight.    


She had read in a psychology magazine that people who slept like this were extremely insecure.    


So — had he never felt safe?    


Obviously, they were born in a clan like that. There were many people who begged for things that they would never be able to have in their entire lives!    


While he was sleeping, he looked calm and innocent. However, this sleeping posture made Xia Huanhuan feel a bit pitiful. It was as if the hand that he was holding was the only thing that he could rely on at this moment.    


Staring at his sleeping visage, she suddenly, as if possessed, lifted her other hand, which had not been held, and gently slid it towards his brow.    


In the darkness, only a few rays of moonlight shone through the gaps between the curtains and onto his face, making him look calm and serene.    


With her by his side, could he be at ease? He was so relieved that he could sleep soundly.    


It was just like when he slept by her side when she was young. He would always show an expression of content, especially when the weather was cold. When she hugged him because she was afraid of the cold, he would feel even happier.    


Even though her sleeping posture wasn't good, even though she would often overwhelm him, he always liked to sleep with her.    


"I love Huanhuanhuan to sleep with me in her arms."    


But when she asked him why, he didn't answer. To him, liking was liking. It was just a feeling, and he didn't even need a reason.    


Xia Huanhuan's finger gently brushed Jun Ziyan's forehead. Looking at the stitches, she suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.    


His injuries made her feel guilty. His stubbornness and perseverance gave her a headache. If this were to continue, how would she face him …    


Her thoughts were in a mess, she couldn't come up with a single answer!    


When Mei Xinyi saw Ye Nanqing, Ye Nanqing was sitting quietly on the sofa in the living room, drinking wine. There was something playing on the TV screen opposite of the sofa.    


Mei Xinyi walked in and saw that it was a TV show that she had just started. It was just a small character, but since the character was a dancer, many of the scenes were revealed to her in excitement.    


Ever since she got together with Ye Nanqing, she paid extra attention when she was filming. She didn't take on this role anymore. Even if it was kissing or something like that, they would all be borrowing her place.    


However, there was no way to erase what had already been filmed.    


"You … Why are you looking at this? " Mei Xinyi asked anxiously. Ye Nanqing, who had always been watching her movies and television, had suddenly started to panic when he saw this.    



"I just wanted to see what you were like before I met you." Ye Nanqing said plainly.    


She couldn't tell from his expression, so she explained uneasily, "I just wanted to make a living in show business so that my family could have a good time. If I had known that I would meet you in the future, I would not have taken on such a role! Nanqing, don't be angry, alright! "    


Her words were half true and half false. As for him, his expression remained indifferent.    


"Do you think I'm angry?" Ye Nanqing asked.    


"Could it be …" Isn't it? " Mei Xinyi was a little confused.    


Ye Nanqing put down the glass in his hand and looked at the woman in front of him. The speed of his heartbeat hadn't changed at all. Even when he saw that she was intimate with other men on the screen, he didn't feel angry at all.    


But when he saw Xia Huanhuan pulling Jun Ziyan away that day, he felt waves of stabbing pain in his chest.    


"Say that again." Ye Nanqing said all of a sudden. He sounded like he didn't know the reason, but Mei Xinyi knew what he meant by "that sentence".    


With a slightly changed expression, Mei Xinyi hesitated for a moment before saying, "Don't be afraid. If you don't have a home, I'll give you one."    


Ye Nanqing listened quietly. This sentence was something that had been buried in his memory for many years. He kept thinking and reciting … He thought that when he heard it again, he would be extremely excited as if he had found a treasure. However … In fact, it made him lose something that he already had...    


Mei Xinyi pressed her soft body against Ye Nanqing and bit her lips as she looked at the man in front of her. In these three years, although he was clearly by her side, she felt as if she never had him.    


He hadn't even touched her! Even though he and Xia Huanhuan had separated, he was still cold to her. Just like that, she didn't even dare to kiss him.    


Once, when he was resting, she dared to kiss him, but he opened his eyes without warning and said in a very cold voice, "Don't do anything that will make you regret it."    




At that moment, she really wanted to ask, if she really kissed him, what would happen? How would he make her regret?    


All of a sudden, she had the urge to kiss him, but no matter what, she had to try.    


But just as her lips were about to touch his, his lips parted slightly, and he said calmly, "The person I'm thinking about right now isn't you."    


Mei Xinyi's expression suddenly changed. "Is it Xia Huanhuan?"    


"Yes." he admitted.    


Mei Xinyi dug her fingernails into her palm before suddenly standing up and shouting, "But isn't the person you've been looking for me? Even when you were with Xia Huanhuan back then, it was only because … She reminds you of me when I was a child! "    


He raised his eyebrows slightly, but there were still no fluctuations in his eyes. Even if she said these, it didn't mean anything to him.    


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