Futian Sword Fanatics



0But the Eye of Destiny was also a double-edged sword!    


There were both good and bad aspects to the double-edged sword. It could be said that there was only half of the good and the bad aspects!    


But coming back to it, if Mo Lin were to fully unearth the potential of the Eye of Creation.    


At that time, what kind of almighty being was the Nine Star Universe? Even if it was the strongest existence in the Nine Star Universe, they would have to kneel in front of Mo Lin and call him grandfather!    


This was the Eye of Destiny!    


It could be said that Mo Lin's main goal now was to unceasingly unearth the potential of the Eye of Creation!    


"The minotaur has left. Let's quickly move these lives away, then we can leave this universe and enter independent space. Otherwise, if we are still inside the nebula, we will definitely be smashed by it!"    


At that moment, the old prophet spoke up.    


Indeed, now that the Eye of the Universe had been penetrated, the universe began to shrink. Once the universe shrunk to a certain degree, all life within it would be directly squeezed dry!    




Mo Lin and the others knew that this matter could be big or small, and so they began to work together to transfer the life forms from the one star universe!    


However, just as Mo Lin and the rest were working together to transfer the life forms of the one star universe, the Ox-head Monster who was trying to escape was quickly returning to the Nine Star Universe.    


He wanted to tell his Ox-head Clan about Mo Lin possessing the Eye of Destiny!    


One must know that Mo Lin's Eye of Destiny was not a small thing!    


If their Ox-head Clan could possess Mo Lin, they would definitely have an eye of good fortune!    


Then they would be able to stand firmly, and the Ox-Head Family would directly become the super family of the 9 star universe!    


When that time came, all the clans would tremble in fear in front of the Ox-head clan!    


It was because of this thought that the Ox-head Monster was quickly flying towards the Nine Stars Universe, wanting to tell the higher ups of the Ox-head Race that Mo Lin possessed the Eyes of Destiny!    


It could be said that Mo Lin was about to fall into danger, it could be said that Mo Lin had caused countless of trouble with the Eye of Destiny!    


Of course, Mo Lin hadn't gotten into any trouble yet!    


Finally, with the assistance of Mo Lin and the others who were working together, all the life forms in the one star universe were successfully transferred into the Nebula Cauldron!    


After entering the Nebula Cauldron, those common people acted as if nothing had happened as they continued to live happily as before!    


Naturally, they did not know that they had just made a trip through the gates of hell!    


They were lucky because Mo Lin and the others were helping them to regain their new life!    


"Let's go, we need to hurry out of the Eye of the Universe and leave this place!"    


After transferring all the life forms of the one star universe, the old prophet spoke out to Mo Lin and the others.    


One had to know that the current one star universe was already slowly turning cold and dark, the temperature was rapidly decreasing, and some remote places' temperature had already reached -1000 degrees Celsius!    


It could be said that this kind of cold could instantly freeze a person into powder!    


Seeing the universe slowly losing energy, Mo Lin and the others did not hesitate and rushed towards the eye of the universe!    


The eye of the universe had layers upon layers of space, layers of black holes, and even had an extremely terrifying suction force. It was like a terrifying meat grinder, swallowing up all the light!    


But Mo Lin and the others were tyrannical, and they slowly broke through their shackles and flew out of this terrifying black hole, completely escaping this one star universe!    


After exiting the One Star Universe, Mo Lin and the others discovered that outside of the One Star Universe, there was an extremely terrifying world without any boundaries.    


This world was too big to imagine!    


Looking at this world, you could see countless galaxies shining brightly, looking like boundless galaxies!    


These rivers of stars were like a dizzying circle, speckling the vast world!    


Naturally, the one star universe Mo Lin and the rest were in earlier was also a small nebula in essence!    


"Senior Prophet, where should we go now?"    


At this time, Mo Lin looked at the old prophet and asked.    


We are currently in an independent space in the universe, which is this vast and empty world. Although this independent space looks calm and tranquil, but sometimes large spatial and temporal turbulence will appear, and these large spatial and temporal flows are caused by matter that doesn't form the universe. These large spatial and temporal turbulence are the matter that did not form the universe, and in the places that these energy passed through, there would be nothing but grass growing, life would turn to dust.    


Looking at Mo Lin and the others, the old prophet laughed.    


"Oh? Then how about we enter the two star universe? "    


Looking at the old prophet, the universe evil being suggested.    


We have no way of entering the two star universe, because the two star universe's eye of the universe is just like the one star universe." We have no way of entering the two star universe, because the two star universe's eye of the universe is just like the one star universe.    


Looking at Mo Lin and the others, the old prophet said directly.    


"Then let's enter the Nine Star Universe. How many of them are there in this world?"    


Looking at the Old Man Prophet, Mo Lin asked curiously.    


Mo Lin thought that since the Venerable One went to the Nine Stars Universe, if he also went to the Nine Stars Universe, he wouldn't be able to meet the Venerable One!    


"This world only has one 9 star universe!"    


Just as Mo Lin finished speaking, the old prophet spoke up.    


"Oh? Only one? "    


Hearing that, Mo Lin's gaze trembled.    



It had to be known that if there was only one Nine Star Universe, it meant that after Mo Lin arrived in this Nine Star Universe, he would definitely be able to meet the Venerable Almighty!    


"Senior, how are we going to get there?"    


Looking at the old prophet, the Cosmic Hades asked.    


"We can just use the teleportation array. With it, we can probably reach the Nine Star Universe in half a day!"    


Looking at Mo Lin and the others, the old man of the Prophet said with a kind expression.    


It could be said that the old prophet was truly worthy of his title. He knew everything, as if he knew everything.    


At this moment, the old prophet took out an ancient teleportation formation from his bosom!    


This ancient transmission array was a circle. Within the circle were all sorts of strange symbols that looked like fishhooks and earthworms. They were twisted and crooked!    


"We will work together to draw up a transmission array with blood essence. Once the transmission array is complete, we will obtain the support of the world's energy. When that time comes, we can sit on the transmission array and reach the Nine Star Universe!"    


Looking at the crowd, the old prophet smiled.    


However, if you carefully look at the smiling face of the old prophet, even though it was kind and gentle, you would notice that there was a trace of desolation in the old prophet's expression!    


This desolation gave people the feeling that something bad was about to happen.    


However, the gloomy expression on the old prophet's face was not too obvious.    


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