Supreme Master In City

C1105 In Exchange

C1105 In Exchange

0Tang Fengkwoo nodded. "Dark Shadow and hypnotists are indeed powerful. They should be able to assassinate Loong Wei together."    


Elder Mu asked, "Speaking of which, Loong Wei has been hanging out with his subordinates all day long. It should be very difficult to assassinate him, right?"    


"There's no hurry. Loong Wei will always be alone." Tang Fengming sneered maliciously.    


"I have received news that Loong Wei is leading the Soldier of the Western Realm to attack us aggressively. Why don't we have another fight?" Elder Huo said angrily, "Otherwise, people will think that we are afraid of Loong Wei!"    


"That's right. Zhuge Family and Sun Divine Cult will help us in the war, especially the patriarch of Sun Divine Cult, changkong Wufeng. He has hated Loong Wei for a long time!"    


Elder Mu clenched his fists and said coldly.    


Changkong Yan was crippled by Loong Wei. Changkong Wufeng would never be able to swallow his anger!    


Adding the fact that they were both from the Holy Tao Aristocratic Family's Zhuge Family, Western Realm had no chance of winning!    


"Have you thought about whether the Loong Aristocratic Family will attack?" Tang Fengming changed the topic and looked at the crowd.    


"Once we start a war with the Western Realm, the Loong Aristocratic Family will definitely intervene. If that happens, it won't end well for us."    


When Tang Fengkwoo heard this, he furrowed his brows. "Are we just going to hide and not fight, and let Loong Wei provoke us?"    


Ever since he was young, he had never suffered this kind of grievance!    


"Relax, Loong Wei isn't here to start a war with us. He just wants to intimidate our Aristocratic Family Tang and force us to let him go." Tang Fengming pondered for a moment before speaking.    


"How about this, we will use Yih Hui to exchange for the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique in Loong Wei's hands!"    


Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique was a secret of Loong Aristocratic Family, Tang Fengming had long coveted it, but it was absolutely impossible to obtain the heart technique from the Long Family Member.    


However, he could use Yih Hui to threaten Loong Wei to hand it over.    


Didn't the outside world always say that Loong Wei was righteous? This time, it hit his soft spot.    


"Patriarch, this is a brilliant plan!" Elder Mu's eyes sparkled, "If Loong Wei were to hand over the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique, it will definitely anger the Loong Aristocratic Family, and it might even split the two sides. This way, we will be able to deal with Loong Wei with peace of mind!"    


As the patriarch of the Aristocratic Family Tang, Tang Fengming's experience and means were not something that ordinary people could compare with. His eyes had long been looking into the distance, and he would definitely not stop because of a mere Loong Wei.    


It was a pleasant surprise that he had hired someone to assassinate Loong Wei and catch Yih Hui by accident.    


It would be great if he could use this opportunity to force Loong Wei to retreat.    


If Loong Wei took the risk and insisted on starting a war, Aristocratic Family Tang would be happy to accompany him to the end.    


At the same time, outside the door.    


The people of Western Realm arrived first. Loong Wei got out of the car and strode to the door. He stared at the tightly shut door with his cold eyes.    


This time, he had to save Yih Hui no matter what. He had already lost Old Lord, and he didn't want to lose another good brother.    


"Loong Wei, you are really fast!"    


A disdainful voice was heard, and the door slowly opened.    


Tang Fengkwoo walked out with a group of elders.    


"Let Yih Hui go, I will leave you with a complete corpse." Loong Wei said in a calm tone.    


"Arrogant! Do you think our Aristocratic Family Tang will be afraid of you?" Tang Fengkwoo said with a mocking smile.    


"Last time, if it wasn't for that old bastard who saved your life, do you think you would have survived until now?"    


Loong Wei became furious when he heard this.    


The old Lord had died in Tang Fengming's hands. This grudge, this hatred... It was an irreconcilable hatred!    


"I will say it one last time, release Yih Hui immediately." Loong Wei said with a stern expression.    


"It's not hard for us to release him, but you have to hand over the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique." Tang Fengkwoo gave Loong Wei a disdainful look. "I wonder if you are willing to part with it?"    


"Oh?" Loong Wei frowned. He had never thought that Tang Fengkwoo would say such a thing.    


"Tang Fengkwoo, I think your Aristocratic Family Tang has gone crazy. How dare you try to peek into the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique?" Ni Feng'ann scolded angrily.    


The Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique was the same as the Silver Moon Sacred Body. It was a secret skill that could not be taught to outsiders.    


Once outsiders knew about it, the Loong Aristocratic Family would most likely suffer a catastrophe!    


"Tang Fengkwoo, how did you know I have the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique?" Loong Wei asked in a deep voice.    


"You are the young master of the Loong Aristocratic Family. The Long Family Member has been looking for you many times. I'm sure it has already given you the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique." Tang Fengkwoo smiled faintly.    


"As long as I hand over the heart technique, you will let Yih Hui go?" Loong Wei paused and continued, "If you dare to play tricks, I will kill all of you!"    


"That is only natural. There is no value in keeping Yih Hui in our hands. It would be best if we could use him to exchange for the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique!" Tang Fengkwoo sneered and stared at Loong Wei.    


"Chief Steward, bring the heart technique over." Loong Wei ordered coldly.    


"Lord, this..." Ni Feng'ann hesitated.    


He had worked in the Loong Aristocratic Family for many years, so he knew very well what the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique meant to the Loong Aristocratic Family.    


Once he handed it over, it would be the same as showing the life gate of the Loong Aristocratic Family to someone else. It was too dangerous.    


"Go quickly!" Loong Wei's face darkened, "No matter what, saving someone is more important!"    


"Alright, I'll go and get it now." Ni Feng'ann nodded. He understood Loong Wei's character too well. In front of his brothers and sisters, everything was secondary.    


What's more, it was just a mental cultivation method!    


"Tang Fengkwoo, even if you have mastered the Heavenly Thunder mental cultivation method, you are still a piece of trash." A mocking smile appeared on Loong Wei's face.    



"What did you say?" Tang Fengkwoo's facial expression changed dramatically. He had never been looked down upon like this before.    


However, when he thought about how Loong Wei was about to die at the hands of the assassin, he felt relieved.    


Why should he be serious with a dead man?    


"Bring Yih Hui out!" Tang Fengkwoo ordered in a deep voice.    


The news about the peace agreement between Western Realm and Aristocratic Family Tang quickly spread to the Tiandu City.    


Everyone was discussing amongst themselves.    


"Is this true? Loong Wei actually admitted defeat?"    


"Not only that, he even handed over the Heavenly Lightning Heart Technique!"    


"Loong Aristocratic Family must be furious. This is equivalent to destroying their own Great Wall!"    


The rest of the Holy Tao Aristocratic Family were secretly delighted. Once the Aristocratic Family Tang mastered the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique, the Loong Aristocratic Family would face a huge challenge.    


With this, they would have a chance to fish in troubled waters!    


Loong Aristocratic Family.    


At this moment, Loong Cangsheng was sitting in the main hall.    


"Young Lord, how should we deal with this matter?" The Conqueror asked with a worried expression.    


After receiving the news, he didn't dare to delay and quickly reported it to Loong Cangsheng.    


"The leak of the Heavenly Thunder Heart Law cannot be underestimated!" Loong Cangsheng turned around and looked at Loong Daoyuan. "Fourth Uncle, what do you think?"    


Loong Daoyuan shook his head slightly. "I should ask you this. Your father asked you to temporarily represent the family head. You should take responsibility."    


Emperor Loonghua had been cultivating in seclusion for a long time and had not asked about the family matters.    


Loong Cangsheng was in charge of all matters in the Loong Aristocratic Family.    


"This matter was caused by my cousin, so I can't get involved in it." Loong Cangsheng sighed.    


"Young Lord, the Heavenly Thunder Heart Technique is a top secret of the Loong Aristocratic Family. Are we going to just leave it at that?" The Conqueror asked with a gloomy expression.    


As a peak existence of the Holy Tao Aristocratic Family, the Loong Aristocratic Family had never felt so aggrieved before.    


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