Supreme Master In City

C7 Police Intervened

C7 Police Intervened

0There was a nip in the air that night, which penetrated through your body.    


The black military jeep went pass the flashing neon lights that filled the streets.    


Since there weren't any evidence yet to prove the Xu Family's involvement in the Long Family's death, Long Wei wanted to understand the situation so he went to the Xu Family's banquet.    


Deep down, Long Wei knew this was not so simple.    


His elder brother Long Hwa had contacted him frequently. He would tell him everything was fine at home and at the company and he should defend their country without any worries.    


Long Hwa had told him the Long Corporation Group's gloriousness would be infinite and he would do all he can to make the Long Corporation Group the top distinguished capital in Chuzhou. It will be renowned.    


Moreover, the two brothers would communicate over the phone frequently and hearing things were going well, Long Wei never had second thoughts about it.    


Then Long Wei went on a mission, there was a disaster in the Long Family, the corporation went bankrupt, his father and brother died, so basically the Long Family was wiped out in a night.    


This happened so sudden and very quick that everyone was caught off guard.    


"Dad, brother, don't worry. I will definitely get to the bottom of this and I will clear your names of all the wrong doings you were accused of," Long Wei said sternly as he leaned back in his seat while looking at the colorful city night outside.    


When Long Wei left, the Xu Family had became calm and quiet but shortly after they were suddenly disrupted again.    


Wang Hai who had arrogantly provoked Long Wei before, was now dead, in a blink of an eye.    


The cause of death was obvious, a gunshot wound.    


The person who witnessed this was a famous socialite from Chuzhou.    


According to her, it was Long Wei's subordinates that did this.    


To shoot someone in a open public area was too bold. Did they think they were above the law?    


The person killed was a well-known wealthy man in the Chuzhou City. This earth-shattering action was unheard of.    


"Is Long Wei crazy? How can he see human life as child's play? He is too presumptuous!" Xu Lei and Xu Ziying were in the middle of their discussion when they heard someone report there was a dead person downstairs.    


To make matters worse, this person died at the entrance of the Xu Family's home.    


This was supposed to be a day of celebrating the strategic agreement between the Chuzhou Chamber of Commerce and the Southwest Chamber of Commerce. It should be a day of great celebration.    


With Long Wei's arrival, the horseman of pestilence, he attacked Wang Hai in front of the guests and then executed him.    


He started ranting at the banquet hall and even threatened an eye for an eye, when he finds the culprit that caused the death to the Long Family.    


What shocked everyone was not how arrogant Long Wei was but how his subordinates were the just the same. He was so bold to kill someone with a gun. It was really resentful!    


Xu Ziying wearing her light drape looked at Wang Hai's body and frowned. This situation was really petrifying.    


They had an altercation at the banquet hall and Long Wei had him killed just to vent his anger! This was just too uncivilized!    


"When will Captain Lu Kai be arriving?" Xu Ziying asked in a low voice.    


"Soon, don't worry. Captain Lu Kai is a good friend of mine. Today's event won't end like this. We have to get an explanation." The well-known wealthy person in Chuzhou was shot and killed at the Xu Family's villa. Xu Lei was a little upset. If they do not have a reasonable explanation, it would damage their reputation.    


This matter must be thoroughly investigated!    


"Hmm, yes, it is best to let the police handle this. Long Wei is very ruthless and reckless. He must have a habit of doing these things. He might even be a wanted criminal!"    


Xu Ziying murmured to herself. Killing so brazenly and treating it like child's play. He must be a violent and dangerous person otherwise what normal person would do such a thing?    


"It's possible we may have to tell the police about aunt. Long Wei have admitted he killed her and many people can testify against him," Xu Lei quickly added.    


Meanwhile, three police cars drove closer to them with the sirens wailing.    


There is a murder in Chuzhou City!    


After receiving the call, Chuzhou City's Criminal Police Interpol was dispatched immediately, personally led by the Criminal Police Captain Lu Kai.    


While the police light bar flashed repeated, a muscular man opened the car door and got out of the car.    


This man was quite tall, 1.8 meters actually. His hair was a mess and he dressed very casual. He looked quite sloppy.    


Lu Kai, Captain of the Criminal Police Interpol, was a retired soldier. After leaving the army, he was assigned to work in the Criminal Police team.    


It was rumored when Lu Kai was a soldier, he had been in many international battlefields and was very experienced in combat.    


A beautiful woman in a police uniform followed Lu Kai. The woman was tall and had delicate facial features. She had a voluptuous figure that was very eye catching.    


"Captain, can you let me do this one? I can't just only follow and observe them all the time," Zhang Yun pleaded as her eyes twinkled.    


Zhang Yun only had respect and admiration for the Captain.    


An admired iron man who has been on the battlefield.!    


"Alright, you take it," Lu Kai lit a cigarette and inhaled.    


"Thank you, Captain!" Zhang Yun was ecstatic. She took a deep breath and walked next to Wang Hai's body. Then she shouted, "Everyone that is not related to the crime scene step away five meters. Seal the perimeter, now! How dare you kill in Chuzhou? I will hunt you down no matter what!"    


Zhang Yun's time has finally come, she can let her abilities shine.    


At the police academy, she was a top student. After she graduated, and entered the police force, she became the Deputy Vice Captain only because of her family background. Everyone was aware of this but not everyone agreed.    


Zhang Yun was determined to have this case solved so those who were dissatisfied with her, can be silenced.    


This murder case was a good opportunity for her to prove her abilities.    


"You don't have to investigate this murder case. I can tell you who the killer is!"    


Xu Lei rolled his eyes at Zhang Yun and walked up to Lu Kai. He said coldly, "Captain Lu, I know who the killer is so there's no need to investigate."    


"Hmm? "Really? Then who is it?" Lu Kai shook his head and asked in surprise.    



"Is this a joke? If you know who the killer is, why did you let the killer escape?" Zhang Yun looked annoyed at Xu Lei.    


Lu Kai looked at Xu Lei and said, "Director Xu, this is a matter of life and death here. You can't joke around now."    


"Do you think I'm in the mood to joke?" Xu Lei frowned, "The person that killed Wang Hai is Long Wei's subordinate. But Long Wei is also a killer. Today my aunt went to the Long Family's home to claim their property and was later killed by him. This person might be a wanted criminal. You'd better have this scumbag checked thoroughly!"    


"Is this a murder case?" Or a wanted criminal case?" Zhang Yun became even more excited after she heard this. If she was able to solve this case, it would be her great achievement. Then she can hold the Deputy Vice Captain title with confidence!    


"Tsk, Long Wei?" Lu Kai slightly nodded and said to Zhang Yun, "Check on this Long Wei person and ask Director Xu for the specific details."    


"Alright, Captain. I'll check it right away," Zhang Yun answered with enthusiasm. Then she went to Xu Lei to take down his statement.    


"Captain Lu, the Long Family adopted Long Wei when he was young. He has now returned to avenge his family because he thinks there are people that caused the death of the Long Family. He even threatened to kill me too."    


Xu Ziying deliberately twisted her alluring figure as she walked towards Lu Kai.    


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