I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C135 Entrepreneurs' Circle

C135 Entrepreneurs' Circle

0The Changjiang School of Business was not just a normal university. Most of the people who came here to study were businessmen from all over the country. They paid an expensive tuition fee just to improve their standards in business management.    


Therefore, there was no major here. Everyone had to study together and teach together. The class was called the CEO Training Course. According to the order in which they signed up, they were divided into "CEO Class 1" and "CEO Class 2".    


Of course, because the courses here are for entrepreneurs, the tuition fees are very expensive. For example, Chen Yu Rou reported three years of courses here, a year would be more than 500,000, and in three years, more than 1.6 million.    


However, Ye Feng did not feel that he had spent all his money on this, because in addition to learning about management, what was more important was that in the CEO class, he was able to make friends that were worth a lot.    


Imagine, your classmates are all bosses of different industries, and as long as you have a good relationship with them, this is a very useful network of resources.    


If he did not want to stay in Guangcheng to develop the Yuanfeng Group, Ye Feng would have wanted to register and learn by himself.    


Arriving at the door of Changjiang Business School, before Ye Feng even got off the car and steadied himself, a woman beside him asked, "Yurou, is that him?"    


"He doesn't look like much. It doesn't look like what you said. I didn't see anything that resembled Wu Yanzu."    


"But you don't have to say. His muscles are quite strong. He's a tough guy."    


Finished speaking, Ye Feng felt someone poking his waist.    


Ye Feng's face was as black as Mr Bao's. He glanced at those women who looked like they were looking at aliens and forcefully smiled: "I am Ye Feng."    


"I know you are Ye Feng, is your brother called Ye Yu? "It's a storm." A woman with an elegant temperament adorably said as she blinked her big eyes.    


The Corrupt Girl who poked Ye Feng's waist said: "He doesn't have a brother, that's not right, he should have a brother …"    


Ye Feng was about to spurt blood. Was this the female entrepreneur from the Yangtze River Business School?    


This is so rotten that it can't be any more rotten. To think that Changjiang Business School would produce such a wondrous thing.    


What made Ye Feng even more worried was that Chen Yurou was actually sharing the same dorm with them. This was too dangerous!    


Fortunately, before they could continue harassing Ye Feng, Chen Yurou pushed them away and said angrily, "All of you go away, you still have no sense of shame!"    


The Corrupt Girl giggled and said, "Why do you want face, it's not like you can exchange it for money. However, Yurou, your man should really be very fierce. "    


Ye Feng was completely speechless. He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry and said, "I haven't asked for your help yet."    


Rotten Woman was the first to speak, "Do you despise me?"    


Ye Feng opened his eyes wide, why do I despise you?    


As if she understood Ye Feng's doubt, the Corrupt Girl huffed in anger: "When you said 'master', your tone was wrong, 30% disdainful, 30% mocking. There are still 4 points that I haven't figured out. Why don't you say it again?"    


Ye Feng wanted to cry. Fuck, such a beautiful woman is actually a goddess?    


It wasn't a lie to say that she was pretty. Besides Chen Yu Rou, this rotten girl was probably the prettiest amongst them all.    


Unfortunately, this mouth was too damaging. Ordinary men probably wouldn't be able to control it.    


Ye Feng didn't want to talk anymore. Talking to these women with high IQ was way too tiring.    


In the end, it was Chen Yu Rou who saved him, pointed at the Corrupt Girl and introduced her to Ye Feng: "This is Li Wen Yu."    


Ye Feng nodded and shook hands with Li Wen Yu.    


Seeing Ye Feng looking at her, Li Wen Yu snorted and said arrogantly: "You may look like a fierce man, but you are not my man. You want to swindle me into taking over my company, but you don't even have a chance!"    


Ye Feng choked to death, just how much confidence did he have to say such words in front of Chen Yurou?    


Ye Feng ignored her and quickly shifted his gaze, so that he would not be tortured by this woman again.    


Following that, Chen Yurou pointed at the woman who still pretended to be cute around 30 years of age: "She's Zhou Jingfang."    


Ye Feng nodded again and shook hands with Zhou Jingfang.    


The last woman who didn't say anything introduced herself, "My name is Tang Qian. Hello."    


Ye Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and finally met a normal person, and quickly said: "Hello, I am Ye Feng."    


This was the normal way of self-introductions. For people like Li Wenyu and Zhou Jingfang, they did not follow the usual pattern and caused Ye Feng to think that he had walked into the wrong place.    


After introducing the crowd, Chen Yu Rou tugged on Ye Feng's hand and said in a displeased tone, "Why didn't you inform me before you came?"    


"Tsk, didn't I just want to give you a surprise? It's already so old, there's nothing new at all." Li Wen Yu said disdainfully.    


Ye Feng was about to collapse. He really wanted to shout: "Whose mental hospital left you in disgrace, quickly take it back!"    


However, after thinking about it for a while, he decided to forget it. He admitted that he was no match for this female boss.    


Just pretend he didn't hear Li Wenyu's words, Ye Feng smiled and said, "Since you came, you can't possibly chase me away, right?"    


Chen Yurou smiled happily and said in a spoiled manner, "Why should I chase you away? I'm so happy to know you're here, ever since I signed up for the chairman class, this is the first time you've come to see me."    


Ye Feng was blaming himself.    


However, he quickly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll come see you more often."    


This time, Li Wen Yu did not make any trouble, and Ye Feng heaved a sigh of relief.    


After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Chen Yu Rou, Ye Feng looked at the time and asked: "Have you guys eaten yet?"    


They all shook their heads. Li Wenyu was even more unsatisfied, "If you didn't come, we would have already eaten. "Now I'm going to punish you. Quick, treat us to a good meal.    


Ye Feng laughed, "No problem. I'm not familiar with the Shanghai market, so you can go wherever you want to eat. I'll pay the bill."    


He pretended to be low-key in Grand City, but he didn't need to come to Shanghai.    


On one hand, Ye Feng was not planning to stay in the Shanghai market for long, and on the other hand, he wanted to give more face to Chen Yurou.    


Although a meal didn't change much, but for these people to be able to enter the chairman class, it meant that they were all female bosses with decent economic strength. Ye Feng had to let them know that Chen Yurou had some background, at least she had a husband that wasn't short of money.    



It was hard to say how close they were to each other. Although these people seemed kind on the surface, in reality, they all had a scale in their hearts.    


In a place like Cheung Kong Business School, people make friends based on strength.    


To put it bluntly, my company is one of the top five hundred in the country. I wanted to make it into the top five hundred in the world so I came here to study and improve my management.    


And your company is just a grocery store in a remote area, I'm sorry about that, but we are on our way to the other side of the road.    


Ye Feng still remembered that back when he was in charge of the Ye Group in the capital, he had participated in a business exchange meeting. At that meeting, there was a Shanxi coal miner who kept trying to please him.    


After the meeting was over, Ye Feng gathered with a few of his merchants' friends. The coal boss also wanted to come along, but one of his friends, an internet expert, said rudely on the spot, "You're a coal digger, why are you joining us?"    


Ye Feng remembered clearly that at that time, the coal miner was in an awkward situation. However, there was nothing wrong with the internet expert's words.    


They were also merchants, and were divided into different grades. This had nothing to do with the amount of assets they had, but rather the level. No matter how rich one was, one could not enter the business world of financial investment and the internet.    


The main purpose of Ye Feng's trip this time was to give Chen Yurou face. He did not want her to receive the same treatment as the former boss in the CEO training.    


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