Spirit Through the Heavens

C326 Leave the Deathly Silence Corridor

C326 Leave the Deathly Silence Corridor

0As time slowly passed, Lu Feng had already stayed in the Deathly Gallery for 24 hours.    


"Deng Deng Deng!"    


"What's going on?"    


When Lu Feng shattered the flying Rocky, he was stunned for a moment because the last few pieces of Rocky were much more powerful and fast than before.    


"Lu Feng, you have been in the Deathly Gallery for more than 24 hours, so the danger you will encounter next will be even greater than before!" Mu Xiao reminded.    




Hearing this, Lu Feng's expression became extremely serious.    


The previous journey had already left Lu Feng covered in injuries. Although his life was not in danger, the intense pain still existed.    


But now, the danger had become even more severe. Wasn't this clearly asking for Lu Feng's life?    


"Priest, how should I leave?"    


Lu Feng originally thought that he could leave by himself, but in this situation, he could only ask Mu Xiao.    


However, for Deathly Gallery, everyone encountered different things, so the method of breaking out of the encirclement was also different.    


This was also the reason why Mu Xiao couldn't give Lu Feng any opinion. Whether he could leave smoothly or not depended on his own efforts.    




After listening to Mu Xiao's explanation, Lu Feng's facial expression became extremely ugly. Now, he could only rely on himself to get out of this place.    


Although Lu Feng had no idea what was going on right now, it was not that easy for him to give up. No matter how difficult it was, if the others could leave this place smoothly, he could do the same.    


"I don't believe it!"    


Lu Feng looked at the bottomless Deathly Gallery, then his eyes focused. In the next second, he took a big stride forward.    


"Swish! Swish! Swish!"    


Along with the sound of rushing wind, Lu Feng could be seen running inside the Deathly Gallery.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


"Swish, swish!"    


"Boom, boom!"    


The wind howled and the rocks exploded. Lu Feng was buried by the rocks in an instant.    


"Lu Feng!"    


Bi Ling and the others were shocked when they saw the mess in the crystal ball.    


Lu Feng actually dared to use movement skills in the Deathly Gallery. Wasn't he tired of living?    


Even Mu Xiao was a little surprised by Lu Feng's actions. He never thought that Lu Feng would come up with such a method.    


Although he sped up, all the dangers were gathered together.    




However, a long roar suddenly sounded from within this messy Deathly Gallery. Immediately, a human figure could be vaguely seen running at a rapid speed.    


Although the sound was very loud, Lu Feng was still running at full speed.    


"Good kid, you actually guessed correctly!" Mu Xiao saw that the powerful Wind Blade was blocked by a huge rock. Although the Wind Blade shattered the rock, it no longer had any power.    


The originally powerful rock was cut into pieces by the Wind Blade, and that didn't have any lethality to Lu Feng.    


In other words, although danger appeared one after another, they had already canceled each other out before their attacks could reach Lu Feng.    


It was also because of this that Lu Feng didn't need to do anything at all. He just needed to keep running forward.    


"What happened? Why can't I see anything? What's wrong with Lu Feng?"    


When Lu Feng was running at full speed, everyone who saw the blurry image of the crystal ball started to worry about his safety.    


Due to the mess caused by Lu Feng, the people outside could not see what was happening inside, not even Lu Feng's figure could be seen.    


"I don't know. The smoke and dust in the hallway is too big. I can't see what exactly happened!" Hua Long shook his head and said.    


He was helpless in this situation. He could only hope that the smoke in the hallway would disperse as soon as possible.    


However, as time passed, not only did the smoke and dust not dissipate, it became thicker and thicker, causing the crystal ball's image to turn gray, and nothing could be seen.    


When Bi Ling, who was originally worried, saw this scene, she felt relieved instead.    


The dust became thicker and thicker. It must be because of Lu Feng. Otherwise, if he was in danger, the dust should have gradually dissipated.    


However, Bi Ling didn't understand how Lu Feng did it.    


"Phew! Phew!"    


After another four hours, everyone who had been staring at the gray crystal ball for a long time finally saw the dust begin to disperse.    


When the dust completely dispersed, they saw a figure panting for breath. At the same time, the clothes on his body had also turned blood red.    


Although this figure's appearance was very frightening at this time, his face revealed a smile.    


"This is..."    


Following Lu Feng's gaze, Bi Ling and the others saw the end of the corridor.    


Seeing the end of the corridor meant that as long as they passed through this corridor, they would be able to come out smoothly.    


"Swish! Swish! Swish!"    


After Lu Feng rested for a minute, he ran forward again.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


"Boom, boom, boom!"    


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"    


As Lu Feng was advancing, countless arrows, large amounts of rocks, and powerful Wind Blade, all kinds of dangers were approaching him.    


However, Lu Feng didn't pay any attention to them. He continued to run forward.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


When a soft buzzing sound was heard, Lu Feng appeared on the wooden bridge again in the next second.    


"This is..."    


Lu Feng was stunned when he saw the familiar wooden bridge in front of him. Didn't he just cross the Deathly Gallery? Why did he come out from inside?    


"Lu Feng, come here quickly!"    


Seeing Lu Feng appear on the opposite side of the wooden bridge, Hua Long waved at him.    


Seeing Hua Long waving at him, Lu Feng naturally did not think too much about stepping onto the wooden bridge.    




When Lu Feng walked onto the bridge, he was slightly stunned because the gravity from before had disappeared.    


"So this gravity is one-way, high level!" Lu Feng muttered, then his figure flashed and he passed through the wooden bridge.    


"Lu Feng, are you alright?"    


Just as Lu Feng walked down the bridge, Bi Ling rushed over, because at this moment, he was really a bit scary.    


At a glance, Lu Feng did not have a single piece of good meat on his body. The originally pink sect uniform had already become bright red.    


"Master, it's just some superficial wounds. It's fine!" Lu Feng chuckled.    


Although the pain was still quite painful, with the Indestructible Body protecting his body, Lu Feng could still bear the pain.    


"Come, eat this pill. It can help you recover quickly!" Bi Ling took out a Spirit Pill and handed it to Lu Feng.    


"Thank you, Master!"    


Lu Feng thanked her and stuffed the panacea into his mouth.    




After eating the panacea, Lu Feng felt an itch on his wound not long after. He knew what was going on.    


"What a powerful pill!"    


Lu Feng was shocked. In less than a minute after he ate it, the medicinal effect began to take effect. This was obviously not an ordinary healing pill.    


"Lu Feng, first of all, congratulations on passing the Deathly Gallery. Although you did not pass the 18 stages, I will still reward you with a gift." Hua Long looked at Lu Feng and smiled.    




When Lu Feng heard Hua Long's words, he was shocked at first. He obviously did not expect to receive a gift after passing the Deathly Gallery.    


"Thank you, Master Hua. Then I should be able to participate in the next round of the competition!" Lu Feng asked.    


No matter what, he had only completed eight rounds with the Deathly Gallery, and he was sent out on his own accord. Therefore, Lu Feng was worried that he wouldn't have the qualifications to participate in the next round.    


"Of course I have it. This Deathly Gallery is much harder than the last ten stages. If you can pass the Deathly Gallery's test, you will naturally have the qualifications to participate in the next round!" Hua Long nodded and said.    


"That's right, Lu Feng. What happened to you in the Deathly Gallery? Why did you suddenly rush out?" Bi Ling couldn't help but ask.    


The other sect masters also looked at Lu Feng curiously because this was also what they wanted to ask.    




Lu Feng laughed lightly and said, "Actually it's very simple, whether it's the Wind Blade, the rock, or the raging fire. If I use my fastest speed to activate all of them... The Wind Blade cut through the rock, and the shattered rock extinguished the raging fire. With the interlocking, this way, I will be the safest. Of course. There are exceptions. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been injured all over! "    


Since the Deathly Gallery that everyone encountered was different, Lu Feng wasn't afraid to tell them the method he used to leave the Deathly Gallery.    


Because this method was suitable for him, but for others, it was different.    


"So that's how it is!"    


After listening to Lu Feng's explanation, all the Sect Masters present had a look of understanding in their eyes.    


"Lu Feng, since your competition has been completed, you should go back and rest. The competition will start the day after tomorrow, so you will have one day to recover!" Hua Long said.    


"Thank you, Master Hua. Also, Master Hua, can we talk in private? I have something to ask you!" Lu Feng hesitated for a moment and said boldly.    


“ Oh? Ask me?"    


When Hua Long heard Lu Feng's words, he was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect Lu Feng to want to talk to him alone.    


"Sure, let's go over here!" Although Lu Feng's request was a little rude, Hua Long still agreed to it due to his previous behavior.    


In fact, Hua Long was very curious. What did Lu Feng want to ask him about?    



"Thank you, Master Hua!"    


When he saw Hua Long agree to his request, Lu Feng expressed his gratitude once again. After that, the two of them walked to the side.    


"Lu Feng, there are only the two of us here. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask!" Hua Long said with a curious expression.    


"Master Hua, how much do you know about the illusion inside the Deathly Gallery?" Lu Feng thought for a moment and asked.    




Hua Long was stunned for a moment, then he asked, "Lu Feng, did you see something inside?"    


Lu Feng nodded in agreement to Hua Long's question, but he did not say what he saw. After all, he did not want others to know about some things.    


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