Spirit Through the Heavens

C1566 The Emperor's Smelting Trial Began

C1566 The Emperor's Smelting Trial Began

0"Oh, what's there to congratulate on, expected thing?" Lu Feng smiled and stood up from the ground.    


"Array Sovereign, Strength Sovereign, I promised you that I will participate in two trials. And you all have achieved good results. Now, the promise of participating in the trial of the Emperor has been fulfilled. Now, only the Monarch trials are left, although I still don't know the content of the trials. But I'll do my best."    


When Lu Feng's eyes fell on the two Venerables, he said in a low voice.    


"Lu Feng, all you need to do is try your best. If you really can't get the first place, it's fine as long as you are not at the bottom of the list." Array Sovereign said.    


Array Sovereign and Li Xiong were already satisfied with the result of getting the first place. Therefore, as long as they weren't at the bottom of the Monarch, there wouldn't be any problems.    


In any case, although Lu Feng's cultivation base had reached the Monarch Stage, he had just broken through. Therefore, asking him to help him get the first place was indeed asking for too much.    


Hearing this, Lu Feng naturally nodded his head in agreement, but he would do his best.    


Just like that, after everyone rested for a moment, Lord Hong's voice finally rang out.    


"What? Still in this swamp? Could it be the same trial?" When everyone heard Lord Hong's words, everyone frowned.    


If it was the same trial, then it would be a great advantage for the group that Lu Feng participated in.    


"Lord Hong, if it is the same trial, then Lu Feng must be forbidden from participating. Otherwise, the trial will be unfair." Sword Sovereign was the first to object.    


This swamp was huge, and Lu Feng had the ability to know the whereabouts of other groups. This was clearly a game of normal people playing hide-and-seek with blind people.    


"Sword Sovereign, why should we forbid Lu Feng from participating in the trial? It's because he has the ability to know other people's positions. That's his ability. You have no right to stop him from participating in the trial because of this." Li Xiong was the first to jump out and object.    


"Hmph! With Lu Feng here, won't you all be able to easily obtain the first place in the Monarch Level? Using such a method to obtain the first place won't be glorious." Sword Sovereign furiously said.    


"Sword Sovereign, you just apologized to Lu Feng. What's wrong? You have revealed your true colors so quickly. It seems like your apology just now wasn't sincere at all. Lu Feng, his apology doesn't count. You have to be honest." Array Sovereign also spoke at this time.    


When he heard Array Sovereign actually speak about this matter, Sword Sovereign's face became even gloomier. Obviously, this was the stain that he didn't want to mention the least.    


When Array Sovereign and Sword Sovereign were arguing, the other Venerables didn't speak. Although they also thought that Lu Feng's trial wasn't fair to them, what Array Sovereign said was true. This was Lu Feng's own ability. It wasn't against the rules of the trial.    


"The Monarch Level trial is a match, and the rules are still the same as before. We will first select two groups to fight, and the remaining group will be free. Then, we will draw another group to fight, and in the end, the first place will be decided between the two groups."    


While Sword Sovereign and Array Sovereign were arguing, Lord Hong's voice rang out once again.    


Upon hearing this, a smile appeared on Sword Sovereign's face. As long as it wasn't the same as the Emperor's trial, Lu Feng's ability wouldn't be able to display its full potential.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


At this moment, five milky white rays of light suddenly descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.    


"Come here!"    


When Sword Sovereign saw these five rays of light, he drew the middle ray without hesitation.    


After Sword Sovereign, Array Sovereign, Knife Sovereign, Sovereign Jin and Fire Sovereign also drew one light.    


"Buzzing! Buzzing!"    


After the five Venerables drew the light, four rays of light emitted a buzzing sound and then connected with each other. Only the light in Array Sovereign's hand did not move.    


"Space rotation?"    


Lu Feng could not help smiling when he saw that Array Sovereign had drawn the wheel. Clearly, he was happy for Array Sovereign's good luck.    


"Look at my luck. This is the first time I drew a free wheel." Array Sovereign couldn't help but laugh because he drew the empty wheel.    


"Let's go to the side and rest for a while. Don't disturb their battle." Array Sovereign said to Lu Feng and the others, then walked to the side with a smile.    


Other than Array Sovereign and Li Xiong's disciples, the other four groups chose two places in the swamp and started the competition together.    


Sword Sovereign and Hong Sovereign's disciples' opponents were Ice Sovereign and Fire Sovereign's disciples, and Knife Sovereign and Dark Sovereign's disciples' opponents were naturally Sovereign Jin and Hao Zun's disciples.    


Fighting together could save some time. After all, the swamp was very big, so there was no need to fight one by one.    


As for Array Sovereign and Li Xiong's disciples, they were standing at a place that was most suitable for watching the battle. They could watch two battles at the same time.    


"Haha! This is the first time that we've enjoyed such treatment. Not bad. It feels so good to watch others fight." Zhang Kuang put his hands on his waist and said with a smile.    


While Zhang Kuang was laughing, the others were also in a good mood.    


Just like that, after Lord Hong gave the order, the two duels began at the same time. In an instant, the sound of intense fighting could be heard.    


Looking at the two intense fights, Lu Feng frowned slightly.    


Because Array Sovereign's disciples were not good at close combat, even if they had gone through physical training before the start of the trial, the effect of a last-minute effort was not very good.    


Therefore, if they were to fight face to face, Array Sovereign's disciples would obviously be at a disadvantage, because the enemy would not give them time to set up the formation.    


If Array Sovereign's disciple did not set up the spirit formation, he would feel like a hero who was useless.    


Therefore, if he wanted to win, he had to come up with a good idea.    


"Zhang Kuang, Xu Huo, when the time comes for the competition, all of you will fight with all your might. Remember, each of you must use 100% of your strength to attack. If possible, one against two, even if you are at a disadvantage... We must give Array Sovereign's brothers and sisters some time to set up the formation. " Lu Feng suggested to Zhang Kuang and Xu Huo.    


"Lu Feng, if the opponent is Sword Sovereign or Knife Sovereign, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long, because their close combat strength is also very strong." Zhang Kuang frowned slightly. Obviously, what Lu Feng said made them feel awkward.    


"It's fine. We can hold on as long as we can. Once we can't hold on, we can only hold on for as long as we can. He felt like he was retreating. This way, each of you can find your own brother Array Sovereign. This way, when the time comes, it won't be chaotic when we retreat. " Lu Feng thought for a moment and said.    


"Lu Feng, I'll team up with you."    


When Array Sovereign's disciple and Strength Sovereign's disciple were forming a one-to-one team, Shen Juan took the initiative to walk in front of Lu Feng.    


"No need. There is one less person on your side. You can team up with him." Lu Feng directly rejected Shen Juan's invitation.    


Due to the unexpected change in Qin Jietong and Lu Feng's appearance, there was a slight deviation in the number of people. Lu Feng himself knew how to set up the formation. Plus, his physique was not weak, so he naturally planned to form a group by himself.    


"Lu Feng, you are the one who knows how to set up the Nine-horned Dragon God Formation, so nothing must happen to you. As long as we can give you a chance to successfully set up this spirit formation, the victory will belong to us." Shen Juan said.    



"Lu Feng, Shen Juan is right. Nothing must happen to you. I don't mind being alone." The remaining Strength Sovereign said.    


"Lu Feng, you can team up with Shen Juan. She is right. As long as you succeed in setting up the Nine-horned Dragon God Formation, the victory will definitely belong to us." Zhang Kuang also spoke at this time.    


"Alright, then I will team up with Shen Juan."    


Even Zhang Kuang said so. Lu Feng thought for a while and felt that it made sense. Although it would take some time to arrange the Nine-horned Dragon God Formation, if there was really time to do so, the victory would definitely be on their side.    


"Master, Shen Juan took the initiative to form a group with you. I'm afraid her motive is not simple. You have to be careful." After Lu Feng agreed to be in the same group as Shen Juan, Soul Realm's voice rang out.    


"Don't worry. In front of Lord Hong, I don't think she will dare to do anything to me." Lu Feng smiled and said.    


Of course, although he said so, Lu Feng knew he had to be careful. After all, it was not wrong to be careful.    


Just like that, after the team was formed successfully, Lu Feng gathered all of Array Sovereign's disciples.    


Because Strength Sovereign's disciples could not delay for too long, the first spirit formation that Array Sovereign set up must be simple and practical.    


And as long as they successfully laid out one spirit formation, they would have extra time to lay out the other spirit formation. This way, as time passed, the power of the spirit formation would increase.    


In a battle, time was earned by oneself.    


While Lu Feng and the others were discussing, the battle on both sides of the battlefield was very intense. However, whether it was Sword Sovereign or Knife Sovereign, both of them had the upper hand in terms of sword Qi and saber Qi.    


However, Sovereign Jin, Hao Zun, and the disciples of the Ice and Fire Venerable weren't easy to deal with. Therefore, even if they were at a disadvantage, it wouldn't be easy for them to be defeated.    


Just like that, as time passed, the battle became more and more intense.    


"I didn't expect Sword Sovereign's disciples to be so strong. Each of them has reached the state of One with the Sword, and their attacks are extremely powerful." After Lu Feng and Shen Juan finished their discussion, his gaze fell on the battle on Sword Sovereign's side.    


This was because Lu Feng knew very well that if he wanted to take first place in the Monarch Level, this group would definitely be a formidable opponent.    


"Zhang Kuang, your strength is the strongest amongst all of us. So, if we were to fight this group later, that person will be left to you to deal with." Lu Feng pointed at the young man with the strongest Qi on Sword Sovereign's side and said.    




Looking at the person Lu Feng pointed at, Zhang Kuang could not help swallowing his saliva and nodded. "Lu Feng, if I face him, I'm afraid I can only hold on for one or two minutes."    


"That's enough. My request is that you hold on for thirty seconds. Then retreat and cooperate with Array Sovereign's brothers to hide in their spirit formation and continue attacking. I believe that with the interference of the spirit formation, you will be able to hold on for a few more minutes no matter what. " Lu Feng continued.    


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