Spirit Through the Heavens

C1367 Lu Feng Returned to the Lower Realm

C1367 Lu Feng Returned to the Lower Realm



After arriving at Lu Feng's courtyard, Lu Xuanba shouted at the door of his room.    


"Patriarch, young master is cultivating!"    


Ah Bi and Aya were the first to walk out of their room when they heard Lu Xuanba's shout.    


"I know, but I have something important to talk to Fenger about." Lu Xuanba said.    


"Fenger, there's a man called Qi Meng and Mu Xiao who has ascended from the lower realm. He said that he has something important to talk to you about." Lu Xuanba shouted at the door once more.    


Even if Lu Feng was cultivating, as long as he wasn't in closed door cultivation, he could still hear the commotion outside.    


Therefore, after Lu Xuanba shouted a few times, Lu Feng slowly withdrew from his cultivation.    


"Soul Realm, why is this old man barking outside?" Although he had woken up, Lu Feng did not hear Lu Xuanba's words clearly.    


"Master, I think he is calling Qi Meng and Mu Xiao to the Heavenly World!" Soul Realm replied.    




Lu Feng was shocked when he heard this. He quickly opened his eyes and jumped off the bed.    




When the door of the room was opened by Lu Feng, he appeared in front of Lu Xuanba in the next second.    


"Master, did you say Qi Meng and the priest came to the Heaven Realm? ___ asked. Where are they now?" Lu Feng said.    


Due to his busy schedule, Lu Feng had yet to ask the Xuanwu Sect to pay attention to the Ascending Lake. Therefore, when he heard that Qi Meng and Mu Xiao had come, he was naturally worried about their safety.    


"Fenger, they are now in the Xuanwu Sect. Here. Through this Jade Chip, you can communicate with the Sect Chief of the Xuanwu Sect. By the way, you can also communicate with Qi Meng and the others. Oh, right. They said that they have something important to discuss with you. You should ask them quickly." Lu Xuanba replied.    


"Important matters?"    


Lu Feng muttered. Obviously, he didn't know what this important thing was referring to.    


However, since it was an important matter, Lu Feng naturally wouldn't dare neglect it. After he took the Jade Chip from Lu Xuanba, he immediately sent a message to Tang Zhen.    


"Young masters, there's a reply!"    


Just as Qi Meng and Mu Xiao were thinking about something, Tang Zhen hurriedly ran in with the Jade Chip in his hand.    


"Really?" ___ asked.    


Hearing this, the two of them immediately stood up from their seats with joy in their hearts.    


"Here, this is a sound transmission Jade Chip. Young Master is asking what is the important matter. You guys should tell him this. This Jade Chip doesn't need to recognize a master, so anyone can send a message." Tang Zhen said.    


After saying this, Tang Zhen handed the Sound Transmission Jade Chip in his hand to Qi Meng.    


After receiving the Jade Chip, Qi Meng's heart immediately became excited. In the next second, she hurriedly used the Jade Chip to send a message.    


"Qi Meng, first tell us our purpose of coming to the Heaven Realm." Seeing the extremely excited Qi Meng, Mu Xiao reminded her softly.    


" Oh! Oh! "    


After Qi Meng sent a message asking about Lu Feng, she continued to send their purpose of coming to the Heaven Realm.    


"What? Something happened in the lower realm?"    


When Lu Feng saw the second message Qi Meng sent, he was shocked.    


However, Qi Meng and Mu Xiao did not know what exactly happened. According to their description, the spiritual energy in the air in the lower realm was rapidly becoming thinner.    


The spiritual energy was something Trainer needed. Once the spiritual energy dried up, his cultivation would naturally be difficult to move forward.    


Therefore, this problem was very serious. If the spiritual energy in the lower realm was completely exhausted, then once the Spiritual Energy in the human body was exhausted, it would not be able to recover. This way, his cultivation would definitely fall, until he became an ordinary person.    


"Soul Realm, a world's spiritual energy is disappearing. Do you know what is going on?" After learning about the problem in the lower realm, Lu Feng immediately asked Soul Realm.    


This was a question about the world, so Lu Feng naturally asked about the Soul Realm, which was also a world.    


"Master, there are many reasons for this result. As for the exact situation, it seems that you will have to make a trip down there personally." Soul Realm replied.    




Lu Feng naturally nodded his head and agreed to Soul Realm's suggestion without hesitation.    


The danger of the spiritual energy being depleted was very serious. It might even affect the destruction of the entire world. Therefore, if they didn't stop it in time, once the world was destroyed, all living beings in the lower realm would be turned into ashes.    


Although the lower realm was a Third Level world, it was still a Third Level world, which was much stronger than the Soul Realm. Therefore, it would be a pity if it was destroyed.    


Besides, only Qi Meng and Mu Xiao had come to the Heaven Realm. Lan Caier and the others were still there. Therefore, Lu Feng would never allow the lower realm to be destroyed.    


"Qi Meng, you and the priest should stay in the Xuanwu Sect and cultivate. This Xuanwu Sect has already been subdued by me. I plan to turn it into a force similar to the Heaven And Earth Hall. Therefore, you all can stay there in peace. I plan to return to the lower realm. When I return, I'll come and find all of you to reunite with me. " Lu Feng sent this message over.    


Of course, after he said this to Qi Meng, Lu Feng sent another message to Tang Zhen. This message was for Tang Zhen. After all, Qi Meng and Mu Xiao were very important to Lu Feng, so he naturally had to let Tang Zhen take care of them.    


After sending the message, Lu Feng returned the Jade Chip to Lu Xuanba.    


"Old man, did you do all this?" Looking at Lu Xuanba, Lu Feng let out a breath and asked.    


Lu Feng knew very well that the reason Qi Meng and Mu Xiao were able to reach the Xuanwu Sect safely was because Lu Xuanba was secretly helping them.    


"Thank you!"    


Although Lu Xuanba did not say anything, Lu Feng had already thanked him sincerely.    


"Fenger, why are you being so polite to me? Since you are your friend, I will take special care of you." Lu Xuanba said with a smile.    



"Old man, I have to go to the lower realm. Something has happened there. I have to go and settle it. How about this? You should pay more attention to the matters of Xuanwu Sect. Sorry to trouble you." Lu Feng continued.    


"Go to the lower realm?"    


Upon hearing this, Lu Xuanba was slightly stunned. He said, "Fenger, crossing realms isn't a small matter. Back then, I sent Tianhao to the lower realm to protect you. In the end, an accident happened."    


"Old man, you don't have to worry about that. I can go to the lower realm freely." Lu Feng replied.    


He told Lu Xuanba that he was going to the lower realm because he didn't want Lu Xuanba to worry about him. As for how he was going to descend to the lower realm, the Power of Space in Lu Feng's body wouldn't allow him to return to the lower realm as he wished. However, Luo Jiu's leg was fine.    


Luo Jiu's leg contained a powerful Power of Space, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to create a spatial crack to protect his lower realm.    


"Alright, I won't care too much about your matters. However, I still have to remind you that you must be careful. I will wait for you to return victorious." Lu Xuanba said earnestly.    


Lu Feng's heart trembled slightly when he saw Lu Xuanba like this. After that, he silently nodded his head.    


"Luo Jiu!"    


There was no time to lose. After Lu Feng and Lu Xuanba had explained the situation to each other, he told Luo Jiu at once.    


Although Luo Jiu's leg was in Soul Realm, Luo Jiu had to come personally to use it.    


"Master, I can send you down, but I can't bring you back." Luo Jiu replied.    


"No problem. There's a Heaven Piercing Tower between the lower realm and the Heaven Realm. I came to the Heaven Realm through it before. If I go down this time, I can still return through it." Lu Feng said.    


"Alright. Master, are you going down now?" Luo Jiu asked.    


"Yes, now, immediately." Lu Feng lightly exhaled and replied.    


After listening to Lu Feng's words, Luo Jiu's mind moved. After that, this bloody foot began to emit a powerful Power of Space.    


Lu Feng had been cultivating the Power of Space for a long time, but the Power of Space in his body was nothing compared to the Power of Space emitted by his foot.    


"What a terrifying Power of Space!"    


After taking a deep breath, Lu Feng held his breath and prepared himself.    


"Master, it's about to start. You should release the Power of Space as well. This way, if anything happens, you can at least hold back." Luo Jiu suggested.    


"Got it!"    


Lu Feng nodded to show he understood Luo Jiu's suggestion. Then, with a thought, a faint Power of Space surrounded his body.    


"Buzz! Buzz!"    


When Lu Feng was ready, a deafening buzzing sound was heard.    


In the next second, Lu Feng and Blood Leg disappeared from where they stood.    




"Sister Ning Xiang, do you think Lu Feng has the ability to save this world?"    


In the Heaven And Earth Hall in the Lower Realm, Luo Shuang felt the spiritual energy in the surrounding air disappear, and she couldn't help but worry.    


It was Ning Xiang's idea to ask Qi Meng and Mu Xiao to go to the Heaven Realm to find Lu Feng, but this was a problem with the world. Even if Lu Feng was very strong, could he change the current situation?    


"Don't worry. This is his own world, so there must be no problem. I'm only worried that Qi Meng and the others have not seen Lu Feng." Ning Xiang looked up at the sky and said.    


For some reason, Ning Xiang had a kind of uneasiness. It was as if something bad had happened, but she did not know.    


"Sister Ning Xiang, although this is Lu Feng's own world, he is still a Reincarnated Body. Can he still control this world?" Luo Shuang asked again.    


This was a big world. No matter how heaven defying Lu Feng's talent was, it would not be easy for him to change a world.    


And if the problem of the disappearance of the spiritual energy couldn't be solved, the living beings in this world would definitely go extinct bit by bit, and this naturally included humans.    


"Luo Shuang, since Sister Ning Xiang said that there is no problem with Lu Feng, then there definitely won't be any problem. As long as Sister Qi Meng can find Lu Feng, he will definitely descend to the lower realm very soon. Perhaps he has already descended and is currently investigating in all directions. " Lan Caier spoke at this time.    


Although the current situation was not optimistic, if the last bit of hope was destroyed, then all living beings could only silently wait for death to descend.    


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