Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C107 This Was Premeditated!

C107 This Was Premeditated!

0On the other side of Imperial Hospital, there was a pungent smell of disinfectant everywhere.    


The screaming Chiang Yaxin seemed out of place with the quiet atmosphere of the hospital. Fortunately, she was staying in a single high-class ward and would not affect others. Otherwise, she might be scolded to death.    


"Mom... Wuwuwuwu, is there a wound on my face? Will there be a scar? Wuwuwu, what if there is a scar? And my leg, it hurts! Am I paralyzed? I don't want to become a disabled person, Mom..." Chiang Yaxin's face was full of tears. She still wanted to wear a beautiful dress. She didn't want to be in a wheelchair all the time.    


"Yaxin, calm down first..." Xiang Yuhan comforted her by the side.    


The doctor heard Chiang Yaxin crying for her father and mother from across the corridor. He frowned and went in to interrupt her.    


"Hello, is it Chiang Yaxin and Miss Chiang? I came here to tell you about your condition. This time, it was still considered lucky. It was just a slight concussion and a fracture in the ankle. It should be able to recover in a few months."    


When Chiang Yaxin heard this, she cried even more sadly, "Bone fracture... and concussion?" This sounded very serious!    


... "" The doctor was a little speechless, but with the principle of being responsible for the patient to the end, he squeezed out a smile, "Miss Chiang, please maintain an optimistic and positive attitude. This will help the recovery of the illness."    


"How can I be optimistic when I am like this?! Try it if you get hit!" Chiang Yaxin was extremely angry. This doctor really stood there and spoke without waist pain!    


Xiang Yuhan looked at her daughter who did not have any complexion on the hospital bed and her heart felt like it was being pulled and pulled. The tears that she had been holding in also fell at this moment. As she cried, she comforted, "Yaxin, don't worry. Mom will not let anything happen to you..."    


Chiang Yaxin was still angry. She saw that there was a plaster cast on her feet. And even the culprit did not know who it was. The effects of the anesthesia had passed. The wound was in so much pain that she felt extremely irritated. He picked up the vase by the table and threw it on the floor!    


At this moment, Chiang Xiaofeng rushed over in a hurry. When he received the call, he was in a meeting. It was an important collaboration meeting, and he only came after the meeting was dismissed. As soon as he entered, he saw this scene. His daughter's leg was covered in a thick plaster. She was also hung up, and her head was also wrapped in bandages. Her face was swollen from the impact...    


"What's going on?" Chiang Xiaofeng's face darkened as he asked in a cold voice.    


"I, I don't know either. I was sitting in the driver's car. When I drove past a crossroad, a small broken car rushed over like crazy. Then the car turned over. I didn't fasten my seatbelt, so..."    


"You're saying that the small broken car hit you? It was deliberately aimed at you?" Chiang Xiaofeng caught the keyword. It was premeditated!    


"Yes! I saw it with absolute certainty... The driver was a woman, this slut! She even deliberately rolled down the window and laughed at me. She was clearly coming for me!" Chiang Yaxin gritted her teeth, wishing she could go back and find that woman.    


"Preposterous! This kind of thing will happen in civilized society now!" Obviously, Chiang Xiaofeng was also very angry. After all, his precious daughter was being played like this for no reason.    


"That's right, Dad. You must find this slut for me. She caused me to become like this... Wuuuu, I want her to pay me back ten times, a hundred times over! She can forget about running away after bumping into me..." Chiang Yaxin bit her lips, unwilling to give up.    


That stinky woman, this matter can't be let go just like that!    


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