Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Shasta was becoming more confident in her Dominance each day. When we had our cum break, she assigned everyone their task, and everyone accepted her orders. I had to lick Alice and Janet, the two sisters, to orgasm, Lisa sucked Sean, Janet did Melanie. Reneé did Shasta as she wanted to find out if Reneé was as good as Rhonda had been. Sean licked me and Alice did Melanie. After work, I demonstrated fellatio on Sean once again as Shasta watched intently. After I sucked him dry we took a break for supper.    


Sharon and Phill arrived as we were cleaning up. Of course, everyone was naked, which intrigued Phil no end. His eyes were flitting from one naked female to another like a butterfly. Sharon panicked seeing the other people present.    


"I only wanted you to be here, and perhaps Lisa or Rhonda. I can't do this in front of other people."    


"I understand and they won't be present," I said. "Lisa will bring them into another room where she's helping them acquire new skills. Sharon and Phil, this is Shasta, one of our employees, with her slave, Sean, also an employee. Shasta suffered a tragedy a few years back which left her emotionally and physically traumatized. She's trying to overcome that trauma with our help. Lisa will help her tonight in my absence. Of course, you know Lisa and Rhonda. Everyone this is Sharon, our favorite waitress and someone to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for a service she rendered, and this is her husband, Phil. As soon as we finish tidying up after supper, Lisa will depart with Shasta and Sean, leaving just the four of us to repay my debt."    


Sharon visibly relaxed, once she knew she wasn't going to be on display. "Can you tell me what your husband wanted?" Sharon asked.    


"I'll explain when the others are gone," I replied smiling.    


We finished our chores and Lisa took Shasta and Sean upstairs, along with the baby monitor, so she could respond if Lucas got hungry. I had a bottle prepared in the refrigerator for just such an occasion. We would be using the Master bedroom with the door closed. I brought them inside and locked the door.    


"Phil, I'm perfectly willing to play the good hostess and satisfy your wishes in observing what happens, but it's to be under my rules. Rhonda is a police officer and if you don't exhibit the proper respect or try to exceed what's allowed in any way, she will hurt you and possibly arrest you. I'm not yours. I belong to my Master and only my Master. What I'm doing is what he allows and only what he allows, nothing more. Are you willing to abide by those rules?"    


"S-sure, no pro-problem," he stammered.    


"This is something I owe your wife, not you. I'm doing it for her, not you."    


"O...okay. I understand." Nodding his head.    


Convinced he wouldn't be an issue, I addressed the next subject.    


"My Master wants to know we are performing up to his expectations and we're being obedient his wishes. In order to ensure we're doing as we're told, he wishes photos to be taken documenting what we do and for them to be sent to him. After seeing them, he will delete them. They won't be kept, put on the internet or in any way used to harm you. He wants to know we're being good at what we do and obeying him."    


I saw Sharon get this horrified look on her face. I doubted she'd ever let her husband record them having sex and I was asking to record her while she and I were having sex. On the other hand, she'd licked me in a restaurant bathroom, a woman, for the first time in her life ever, and was here with her husband now to watch her do it again. Maybe there was room for flexibility.    


"I know this might make you uncomfortable. More than uncomfortable. You may have never done anything like this before. If I were a normal person, I suppose I would be. Every act of sex I've engaged in for the last week has been documented for him. I was afraid, not that I was being recorded, but it might cause him pain he wouldn't need to experience if he didn't witness me having sex with others. If you don't wish to do this, he would understand. He says that his imagination is worse than any photo could be and he'd prefer a photo to guessing what I'm doing. He'd like to offer an incentive to make it more palatable for you. If you agree, I'm offering a choice of two alternatives, based upon you and your marriage. Phil can either fuck me, or I can suck his cock. That's choice one. I know you're pushing the boundaries of your marriage a little by being here tonight. I'm unsure how far you wish to push those boundaries.    


"If doing either of those things would cause stress in your marriage and this option is unacceptable, I would suggest option two. After either I or Rhonda engage in oral sex with you with your husband watching, it's very likely he would find himself with an erection he would like to relieve. He could make love to you and after he's cum in your pussy, the one who hasn't had oral sex with you yet, will eat his cum out of you, giving you three more orgasms more than what you've already had. Those are the two things I came up with off the top of my head, but I'm willing to consider any options you might suggest to me. Again, you don't have to be recorded but Master would prefer it if we were. I'm willing to negotiate reasonable terms to satisfy my Master. Rhonda and I will step outside the room and give you time to discuss it. Knock on the door when you've come to a decision."    


Rhonda and I left and went into the living room. About fifteen minutes went by and I began to think they'd just give it up and go home. I was asking a lot. They finally knocked on the door and we went back inside.    


Sharon spoke first. "I'm sorry to ask, but does your Master ever fuck your ass?"    


"All of my holes are available to Master," I said, smiling so she would realize I was not offended by her question.    


"I don't want to have anal sex, but Phil would really like to try it. Would you let him have anal sex with you in return for some photos?"    


"No, I enjoy anal sex. I'd be happy to accommodate his desire to try it out. I could make another suggestion. While you and I have oral sex in a sixty-nine, Phil could fuck my ass then. You would have a close up view of him fucking me. It would have to be me, however. Rhonda is not available for any sex other than oral."    


They looked at each other. Phil had a pleading, puppy dog look on his face.    


"Even if you like it, I'll never do it for you," Sharon said. "It's one and done."    


"I understand, but I'd like to try it just once."    


She turned to me. "If you're willing, that would be the price for photos, but I do have one other thing I'd like to ask."    


"What is it?"    


"The device that made you so miserable I had to help you. I'd like to try it on for myself to see why you were so desperate to orgasm."    


"You want to try on a Slave Trainer?" I asked.    


"Just to see what it's like."    


"For a slave like me, it's hell, but you can try it. I'm going to suggest you do so without your husband in the room."    




"You'll see when I show it to you."    


"I don't have to decide this instant, do I?"    


"No. Nor does anyone else have to be present. You can try it in privacy and knock on the door when you're ready to stop."    


She nodded. "What do we do to get started?"    


"Why don't you make yourselves comfortable for starters. No one will need clothes for what we're about to do?"    


They started to remove their clothes, Phil more eagerly than Sharon. Phil was pretty normal, average height, average weight, average cock, nothing I need worry about having in my ass. Sharon was perhaps a bit plump, not fat by any stretch, but with a few added pounds. She looked fit and athletic otherwise, spending much of her time on her feet.    


"I'm sorry I'm not prettier," she said, as the last of her clothes came off.    


"You're beautiful," I said. "Honestly, I find how a person is on the inside means much more than their appearance. All looks fade, but internal beauty is always there. You rescued me when I desperately needed it. I would have gladly repaid you months ago for your generosity and kindness. Why don't you lie on the bed, get comfortable, and Rhonda will start with you and we'll end with me."    


"Do you need to start taking pictures yet?" Sharon asked.    


"No. Rhonda is my slave and I can see whether or not she's performing well as a slave. Master is only interested in what I do. Phil why don't you sit next to Sharon and hold her hand. She seems nervous and I'm sure she'll be comforted by your nearness."    


I waited for Phil to sit and take his wife's hand. Her legs were together, almost afraid to spread them. Rhonda would address that when she started.    


"Rhonda, Miss Sharon was very kind to your Domina. I wish you to show her the greatest amount of pleasure you can."    


"Yes, Domina."    


Rhonda got on the bed, kneeling over Sharon's body. "I'm going to make you feel so good, you're going to think you're in heaven," she whispered throatily. She leaned down and kissed her lips. Sharon just held still, shivering for the first dozen seconds, but Rhonda's kiss was insistent and eventually Sharon's lips parted and they kissed like lovers. Sharon started to relax, getting into the kiss, eventually putting her arms around Rhonda and pulling her down against her body. They remained like that for five minutes, with Rhonda gently rubbing her naked body on Sharon's until finally she moaned. Phil's cock started to grow.    


"Pay attention to what Rhonda is doing, Phil," I said. "If you follow her example and practice what she teaches, your wife will never be tempted to stray. You'll have Sharon panting for your tongue every night."    


Rhonda began moving down, kissing Sharon's neck, nibbling at her ears, the hollow at her throat. I could see Sharon squeezing her husband's hand a little harder. After spending some time in that vicinity, Rhonda moved lower, kissing the tops of her breasts, and the sides, then the bottom before suckling the taut nipples for the first time. Her back arched and Sharon moaned some more. Rhonda knew how to please a woman and she was doing everything in her power to please Sharon. Phil's cock was a flag pole now.    


Continuing to caress and stimulate Sharon's breasts with her hands, Rhonda kissed her way down Sharon's abdomen, poking at her belly button with the point of her tongue, nipping lightly on her love handles. Sharon's legs started to spread on their own, knowing what was coming and no longer concerned for her modesty. Rhonda kissed her way down to the delta of Sharon's pubic hair. I could see moisture beginning to form on her pussy, glistening on her curls in the light. Sharon groaned when Rhonda skipped over her cunt and started kissing her inner thighs from the knees upward. She took another five minutes to work her way back up. Rhonda was blowing lightly on her sex and Sharon spread her legs wider in anticipation.    


Sharon moaned when she felt Rhonda's tongue touch her folds for the first time, a light lick, a kiss, a brush of her tongue, a gentle nibble of the labia, unfurling with her arousal. Phil started to touch himself, lightly stroking his cock with the hand not holding his wife's.    


"Warn me when you're about to cum, Phil," I whispered. "I'll catch it in my mouth so you don't mess the sheets."    



He looked at me, startled. I nodded in answer to his unspoken question. He started stroking himself harder, almost hoping to cum now.    


Rhonda was licking the dew collecting in Sharon's slit, and she orgasmed for the first time on a woman's tongue, a shallow scream erupting, holding Rhonda's head against her sex as she humped Rhonda's mouth. Rhonda speared into her sheathe with her tongue, encouraging her climax, collecting her cum. She hadn't even touched her clit yet.    


"Oh, fuck!" Phil said, "I'm going to cum. Fuck me! I'm almost there."    


I lowered my mouth over his prick, locked my lips around the crown and felt him explode, painting my tonsils with his sperm, his groaning rivaling that of Sharon, cumming for a second time. He was squeezing her hand as hard as she was squeezing his. I made sure I gathered all of his discharge before releasing his cock.    


"Oh, God! Thank you," he gasped. It wasn't God he should be thanking, but who was I to quibble.    


Rhonda inserted a couple fingers in Sharon's cunt and began her oral assault on her clitoris, lightly scraping the g-spot on the roof of the pubic wall. Sharon started bucking upward, cumming again, thrusting her hips at the source of her pleasure. Rhonda kept her lips locked over her clit, sucking softly. It was something I knew well and I smiled at the rapture on her face.    


After a half dozen of the best orgasms Rhonda could provide, Sharon was close to a limp puddle on the bed. Rhonda rose over her body again, kissing her some more, letting Sharon taste herself on her lips. Sharon responded immediately to the kiss this time, opening her mouth for Rhonda's tongue to dance with hers as they rubbed against one another.    


Rhonda finally broke the kiss. "Was I pleasing to you, Miss Sharon?"    


"Oh fuck, yes, very pleasing, Rhonda. I enjoyed it immensely. You weren't kidding about heaven," Sharon giggled.    


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