Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0"I tell Master I love him all the time. I tell Lisa and Rhonda I love them. I tell Lucas I love him. I don't think anyone doesn't like knowing if someone loves them, even if they don't reciprocate the feelings."    


He looked at Rhonda. "Hey, I tell even my family I love them, even though most of them don't have anything to do with me because I'm a lesbian slave girl. Fuck 'em, but they're still my family. I need to let them know I still care for them even if they don't respect my lifestyle choices. I want them to know I'm not a different daughter or sibling than I was because I love women and submission. It's why Wendy is finally warming up to me and coming to our bonding ceremony."    


"I'll make sure I make my feelings known," Sean said.    


Sarah came out of the bedroom. Her face glistened with Shasta's juices.    


"I need someone to lick my cunt. Any volunteers or should I just order one of you to do it."    


"We'd all volunteer," I said, "but why don't you try Rhonda since you've never had her before. Everyone agrees she's the best cunt licker here."    


"Rhonda, I'm going to lie on the bed with Shasta riding my face. You can get between my legs and pleasure me."    


"Of course, Mistress. My pleasure." Rhonda went through the door and it closed behind her.    


"It's too bad you're being punished, Sean. Lisa and I could use a good fucking."    


"I can't cum. There's no reason I can't help you cum."    


Lisa and I looked at each other. No reason at all Sean couldn't make us cum.    


We sat next to each other on the couch with our legs overlapping each other they were spread so wide. "Come to mama," I said, "in case Lucas wakes up wanting to be fed." I patted my pussy. "Make me cum."    


He made us cum, a lot.    


Roughly a half hour later, Lucas did wake up. Sean moved from me to Lisa and I went to get him. I changed his diaper first because he was wet and stinky in case that was the problem, but he wanted fed too, so I put him to my breast and brought him back to the living room. Lisa was cumming again, lucky slave. Shasta, Sarah and Rhonda came out of our bedroom. Both Rhonda and Sarah had washed their faces. Rhonda joined me.    


"Was Rhonda pleasing, Mistress Sarah?" I asked. "She shall be punished if she wasn't."    


Sarah laughed. "Oh, hell yes. Maybe I should acquire a female slave myself. I love cock, but having something soft in my mouth instead of a hard dick can be oh, so pleasant."    


"You almost make me want to try it myself," Shasta said. "I've had a lot of hard dick in my mouth recently."    


"You'd have no shortage of volunteers to teach you, Mistress," Lisa said.    


Ron and Regina came down the stairs. Ron was wearing a mask of dried cum and Regina walked a little wobbly if you asked me, like she'd been pounded hard.    


"Regina, was Ron pleasing?" Sarah asked. "Did he do as he was told?"    


"He did exactly as he was told," Regina said. "I forgot to tell him to cum. He fucked me for over a half hour before I remembered to tell him to climax, then he sucked his cum out and fucked me again."    


"Did you have a chance to speak to you? I understand he wished to talk to you about your marriage."    


"Yes. He apologized to me. Told me he was sorry he wasn't a better husband and that he was attracted to guys and he should have said something before we were married. I've forgiven him. In fact, I'd like to reward him for being such a good boy. Can he suck Sean's cock?" She asked Shasta.    


"Sean is being punished. He can't cum today. He was disobedient last night," Shasta said.    


"I see. Well, there isn't any reason he couldn't suck Ron's cock is there? Or get fucked in the ass for that matter? You don't even need to remove his cock cage for that."    


Criminy. We'd just discussed this very subject with Sean. Now his Mistress was being asked to provide the very services we'd discussed. Shasta got a scowl on her face and I believed she was about to refuse his services, but Sean spoke, getting on his knees first.    


"Mistress, I've never told you how much I love you; so deeply, I've never felt anything like it before. I love your son, I love your mother and I'm willing to do anything you wish of me. With you dating other men, the possibility exists you will find a husband. He may not wish you to keep a male slave. Or he may require my services for himself as the price to keep me. Until such time as I no longer serve you, I am willing to do anything you ask, and to prepare for the possibility you find a man who wants to use me too, I would happily serve Ron for you. I'm yours to command, Mistress. You have but to say the word." He bowed his head.    


Both a declaration of love and total subservience. Well done, slave.    


"Are you sure, slave?" Shasta asked, suddenly realizing how much Sean cared for her. Not just a sex toy to be used, but a man who loved her.    


"Yes, Mistress, with all my heart."    


Shasta considered Regina's request under a different light.    


"You may suck Ron's cock, slave, but I want Sarah to release him to cum when he needs to, not upon command."    


"Ron, you will cum when the urge hits you, not wait for my command," Sarah promptly ordered.    


"Yes, Mistress."    


Sean crawled to Ron and took his cock in his mouth. Regina hadn't cleaned his cock after their fucking, but Sean was used to the taste of female cum. It was Ron's he'd not tasted before.    


Sean had no experience sucking cock. He knew how he liked his cock sucked however. He did the best he could under the circumstances. He never got more than four inches of cock into his mouth, but barring that, was doing an excellent job. Ron was trained enough by his Mistress he didn't push the issue, holding still instead of driving, letting Sean do the work. In roughly ten minutes, I could detect the signs of Ron's impending release. I didn't know if Sean would detect them.    


"Ron's about to cum, Sean," I warned him.    


Sean grimaced a little, preparing to receive his offering. Ron put his hand on Sean's head, loosely, still not driving, but groaned as his prick pulsed, sending his seed into Sean's mouth. Sean swallowed it all. Very slave like. I got up and got him a glass of ice water to wash it down.    


"That was actually quite arousing," Regina said. "I wouldn't mind watching Sean get fucked in the ass either."    


It had been arousing. Watching sex is arousing to slaves as well as Regina. Other than internally critiquing his skill as a cock sucker, I'd been aroused to witness it. His act of subservience might have been arousing to Shasta as well. Sean had just proven how willing he was subsume his will to hers. Her fingers were on her damp cunt, though not moving at the moment.    


"Whatever Mistress desires," Sean said, still kneeling where he'd sucked Ron.    


"How fast Ron get hard again, Sarah?" Shasta asked.    


"Give me an erection now, Ron," Sarah ordered.    


Without any stimulation at all, Ron's cock was hard enough to fuck Sean within a minute. Sean got on his hands and knees with his legs slightly apart so Ron could kneel between them.    


"Mistress Shasta," I said. "I'd like to make a suggestion if I may, for the comfort of your slave. Ass fucking stimulates the prostates of males, often giving them erections, even if unwanted. Unless he's been trained for ass fucking, his cock cage may give him unbearable pain. I also recommend lube for both his ass and Ron's cock since he wasn't prepared like you for an ass fucking, with plugs. If he gets an erection during his fucking, I suggest Rhonda suck his cock and take his cum for him so he doesn't get it on the floor."    


"Thank you, Julia, I appreciate your suggestions. Let it be so. Sean, come here so I can remove your cock cage. Julia get some lube and lube his ass and Ron's cock, then I want you licking my pussy." She looked sideways at Sarah. "Lisa can lick yours if you need to cum."    


We all obeyed with a "Yes, Mistress." Shasta was proving to be a proper Dominant.    


"No question I'll need to cum, Shasta. Thank you for thinking of me," Sarah said, holding out her hand again. Shasta took it.    


"You're welcome, Mistresses need to stick together."    


"What about me?" Regina asked.    


"Well, since all the female slaves be busy," Shasta said, "I guess Sean can lick you while Ron fucks his ass."    


I liked her answer. I put Lucas to bed first, his feeding done, then did as she requested, getting lubricant and smearing a lot of it on Sean's asshole, pushing some inside. He was already licking Regina. I then rubbed a generous amount on Ron's cock, getting him slightly harder in the process. It's a good thing he didn't possess a large cock, merely averaged sized.    


"Be gentle to this slave, Ron. It's his first ass fucking and it's without preparation."    


"I understand. I'll be kind."    


"Ron, cum as soon as the urge strikes. Don't wait for my command," Sarah ordered once again.    


Shasta squeezed her hand again.    


I nodded and went up to Shasta, leaning back in the chair with her legs spread and her cunt at the edge of the cushions. It's too bad I was going to miss the show, but I'd be able to listen. Lisa went to Sarah and did the same. I could tell when Ron penetrated Sean's ass. His groan was unmistakable. I heard nothing more for awhile. I assumed Ron was letting Sean get used to the prick in his ass.    


Shasta climaxed, and I lapped up her juices. It was about then I heard the common sounds of a cock sliding through a tight sheath and the slap of flesh against flesh as Ron fucked against Sean's buttocks. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rhonda move behind me and supposed Sean was getting an erection which would need to be addressed. I heard the sounds of fucking behind me, the sounds of tongue lapping beside me and the sounds of three women cumming, even Regina. Shasta was cumming rapidly, one after the other and I did my best to keep up with flow of fluids from her cunt. I was sure my face was becoming a sodden mess. I heard the grunts of a man cumming and it sounded like Sean's voice. It wasn't long before I heard another male growl as Ron climaxed. I licked Mistress to another climax before she told me to stop.    


I turned to look and Ron was just pulling out, cum running from Sean's abused asshole. I got a washcloth. No one would be cleaning his cock for him.    


I returned just as Regina said, "I think I'll be going now."    


"You don't want Ron to fuck you again?" Sarah asked.    


"No, it's fine. I have a couple studs at home who won't mind fucking me to exhaustion."    


After wiping Ron's cock, I also wiped Sean's bottom, still messy.    


"Might I suggest your slave use the hot tub, Mistress Shasta. It helps after an ass fucking. Ron should take a shower."    


"Go ahead, Sean, I'll join you shortly," Shasta pointed outside.    


Sarah sent Ron to the showers.    


"Thank you for allowing my slave to use yours, Shasta. That was kind. Have you discovered the joys of pegging your slave yet?"    


"What's pegging?"    


"Fucking his ass with a strap-on. A vibrating strapless is perfect."    


"No, I haven't."    


"Julia and Lisa can show you what to do. I'm sure they've pegged each other before."    


"We have," Lisa said. "It's part of how we do a double penetration when it's only Master here."    


"I should like a double penetration tonight," Sarah said. "It's been awhile."    


"Instead of a strap-on;" Shasta said, "Sean and Ron can do the deed, but I'd like Sean to use your cunt. Don't want him thinking assholes is the only place to fuck."    


"Thank you, Shasta. That's very generous of you."    


"You make me cum at least ten times tonight. Only fair you get some in return."    


"You're a lovely woman, thank you."    


"You're not so bad yourself. I'm not sure about you when you show up, but I like you."    


"I think we're a lot alike," Sarah replied with a smile.    


"Except you like licking cunt and I don't."    


"Until you've tried it, you're only assuming you won't like it. I was much the same way before I tried it. Never did it before, didn't think I'd enjoy it. Didn't want to return the favors of the slaves assigned to pleasure me. Willing to leave them high and dry after they licked me. It's kind of like not rewarding your slave after he's been particularly pleasing to you."    


Shasta laughed nervously.    


"After Sean fucks my cunt, lick him clean. It will be a mixture of his cum and mine, but you know what he tastes like already. The rest will be me. If you're not grossed out by the taste of us on him, try the taste of us on me. It will be much the same flavor, slightly more flavored by my cum."    


"I don't want to be a queer."    


"I would never take you for a queer. You will always like cock better, maybe only cock. But there's only one way to find out."    


Shasta didn't say anything and Sarah didn't push. Rhonda had to get ready for work, so she left to get dressed. When Ron finished his shower, Shasta went out and got Sean. She brought him to the bedroom.    


"You lucky slave, you already get to cum once tonight when you being punished. You about to get lucky again. This Mistress want you in her cunt while her slave fuck her ass. Get on the bed and let her ride your dick."    


Sean had no problem getting hard to fuck a woman. He was ready to mount in a minute. Sarah lowered herself over his stalk, easily parting for his prick. She rode him for a couple minutes before leaning down and exposing her bottom to Ron.    


"Gently slave. It's been a long time since I've had two cocks at once."    


I handed Ron the lube I'd used on Sean. He oiled up his cock and his target, spread invitingly for his perusal. Very slowly, he pushed into Sarah's bottom. Shasta lay down very close to the action so she could watch Sarah's double penetration.    


"Lisa, lick me," Shasta ordered, spreading her legs. Lisa leapt to obey, leaving me to my own devices.    


Sarah was cumming like crazy, speared on the two cocks. Shasta was nearly keeping up with her, intrigued by the double fucking in front of her and Lisa's tongue dancing on her cunt. Rhonda came to say goodbye before she left and I made her lick me to an orgasm. It only took a couple minutes I was so aroused. It took about twenty minutes for both men to cum, filling Sarah with their seed. Sarah's cunt was a soggy mess, and her ass wasn't much better, though most of her juices had collected on Sean. I remembered she'd squirted once when I was licking her. This didn't look quite as bad, but it was liquid honey.    


After Ron pulled out of her ass and she rolled off Sean's cock, Shasta took her advice and sucked Sean's cock clean. She eyed Sarah's cunt speculatively for a minute, then leaned down and started lapping at the cum dripping from her pussy. I was stunned. So was Lisa. She licked her for three minutes until Sarah orgasmed again, then collected the fresh cum generated by her release.    


"Now let me taste a cunt without man juice in it," Shasta said.    


"Lisa," I said, shoving her towards the bed. "She hasn't cum yet."    


"Okay, do it now before I change my mind."    


Lisa lay on the bed and spread her legs and Shasta licked her to an orgasm.    


After cleaning the girl cum from Lisa's pussy, Shasta turned to Sarah. "You're right. It's not so bad. Not as good as cock, but if I had to do it again, I could."    


I couldn't help myself. I hugged Shasta.    


"Hey, don't be thinking I'm going to be licking girl cunt all the time. I won't. Just wanted to see what it was like is all."    


"I know," I said. "I wouldn't expect it, Mistress."    



"You can still lick me as much as I want, though."    


"Of course, Mistress. As much as Master allows."    


"Is it all right if I stay here again tonight? It's late and I really want to fuck my slave now. Your big bed even be too crowded for six."    


"Of course. Use Rhonda's room," I said.    


Sean and Shasta disappeared.    


"Lie down and climb over me, Lisa. You can finish the cleaning Shasta started. Julia, Ron can fuck you if you want."    


"Yes, Mistress," we said.    


"Before Lisa starts, Mistress, could Lisa take a couple photos of Ron fucking me. Master wants to ensure were properly pleasing to our guests."    


Sarah laughed. "Go ahead. Heaven knows you've been the perfect hostesses."    


I sucked Ron's cock to help him get hard, Lisa taking photo's of that, then the fucking that followed afterward. Ron had cum several times already tonight. He was able to fuck me for a half hour before he orgasmed on Sarah's command. He cleaned up after himself and I took photos of Lisa and Sarah licking one another. I sent the photos to Master.    


We slept the sleep of the dead that night, pretty much fucked out.    


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