Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I took Rhonda back to our room. She sucked me to hardness and I fucked her long and hard in the missionary position, driving deep into her cunt. I was happy I'd finally told them what I was doing. Everyone seemed calmer and more at ease now. Even Rhonda was more relaxed now she was aware of my strange behavior.    


After climaxing, I turned around and we took care of maintenance needs. She kept sucking long after sanitation itself was necessary. I grew hard in her mouth and thought about letting her finish me off, but doing so wouldn't let her cum again unless I kept licking her, so decided use her warm, slick pussy again. While we spooned, I entered her from behind and played with her large sensitive nipples. There was no rush on this fucking, the immediate needs taken care of for both of us, so it was a slow back and forth, three or four inches of cock sliding through Rhonda's liquid honey.    


We were interrupted by Julia, coming for the strapless vibrators.    


"Pardon, Master. I came to pick up some toys. How are you doing?"    


"I'm doing well, and hopefully, from the sounds she's making, your slave isn't missing you too much," I replied.    


"She's a sex slave, being fucked. She cannot help herself." Julia bent over the bed and kissed her. "I'm glad you're enjoying our Master." She kissed me, stroking my inner thigh from knee to my balls, palming my nuts. "Save some energy for tomorrow sir. I expect to be well fucked at our bonding ceremony."    


"I'm quite certain you'll be well fucked, slave." I intended they spend a good deal of the day fucking, and not just with me.    


"Promises, promises, sir," Julia said, releasing my sack.    


It was a promise. I believed I was finally ready to share my wonderful slaves. They deserved nothing but the very best I could give them. Just as I had before Julia's slavery first began, I'd been mentally preparing myself to let them enjoy every aspect of their subservience. A few people were in on the plan, or at least aspects of it. I'd made some equipment which needed to be stored here until tomorrow, so Brianna knew parts of it. Zoe had prepared new documents for my slaves. Essentially, they were much the same with a few modifications. I also had new collars and cuffs for my slaves, and new jewelry.    


Julia left with the vibrators. I was good for another ten minutes of slow thrusting before I had to speed up and empty myself into Rhonda with a sigh of pleasure. We cleaned each other off once more. I managed to give Rhonda another orgasm before I stopped. We continued lying like this awhile, mouth to groin.    


"I'm sorry for screwing it up again."    


"You've fixed it, so don't worry about it, sir," Rhonda replied. "I wasn't much bothered, but I was concerned for Domina. She was upset. She didn't know what was going on. She thought you didn't want her anymore and it's why you kept pushing her onto others."    


"I will never not want her," I said, "nor not want Lisa or you, for that matter. I know you're in it for Julia, but I appreciate how happy you make her and for helping me to keep her happy."    


"You're welcome, Master." She kissed the end of my cock. "I actually like you more than you think I do. The fact you make her happy is rewarding to me."    


She turned around and we kissed.    


"I'm going to be making changes," I warned her.    


"What kinds of changes, sir?"    


"Nothing too drastic, but I'm going to loosen up on the Master chains. I realize I've been fearful of letting loose, with no reason. Julia demonstrates every day how loving she is, towards you, Lisa, me. Essentially, she's the most loving person I know. She gives of herself without reservation. I've been a miser in comparison. She lets you have sex with anyone you wish. She's not worried you'll leave her for another Mistress. I want to treat her the same way she treats you."    


"I think she'll appreciate it as long as she's confident you love and cherish her. She's happy as long as you're happy with her."    


"Exactly why I want to let her free to enjoy herself more, without concern for me. I know she will do anything for me. She has done anything for me."    


She kissed me. "She has."    


It was comfortable sleeping with only her, her body curled up in front of me.    




Rhonda sucked me to an orgasm in the morning, well trained by her Domina. We went to breakfast and Chantelle was working, already making preparations for the large influx of visitors. Sam, Marcia and my two slaves weren't at breakfast yet.    


"Did you have a good time with my slaves last night, Chantelle?" I asked.    


"A wonderful time, Monsieur Scott. You are very fortunate to have such beautiful, accomplished slaves."    


"I feel the same way."    


Since neither of my other slaves was there, I fed Rhonda while she sat on my lap, giving her the first couple of what I hoped would be many more orgasms today. William and Sam eventually came in around eight leading my two slaves in on their leashes. Their slaves followed. I wondered if they'd shared my slaves last night. They were in the same house.    


They handed the leashes to me. "Showered, fresh, asses freshly cleansed, by nine as I promised," Sam said.    


"Were they appropriately servile or should they be punished?" I asked.    


"I think it's safe to say it was one of the best nights we've had in awhile. Evelyn passed out she orgasmed so hard," Sam said. "They certainly don't deserve to be punished. May I ask you a question, Scott?"    


"Of course."    


"Do you intend to let all the men present fuck your slaves?"    


"Who spilled the beans?" I said. "It's supposed to be a secret."    


Lisa and Julia looked at one another, not dismayed in the slightest, like they knew ahead of time.    


"No one," Sam said, "Julia thought it was a possibility. I thought she was crazy when she suggested it. I couldn't believe you'd run a train on your slaves? I'm still not sure if I believe it. It's a far cry from what you've demonstrated before."    


"I agree. It is. I hope to be a different person than I was before. They've never given me any reason to doubt their love and devotion to me and I feel it should be rewarded."    


"But a train? That's drastic."    


"It's a momentous occasion, deserving of a special event. All they have to do is say the word and it stops."    


"I don't believe you're going to do it," Sam said.    


I suddenly had an idea of how I could get even with Sam for letting me think he bought my slaves for the night.    


"Would you wager Marcia on it, Sam?" I asked.    


"Wager how?" Sam asked.    


"Master," Marcia warned. "I don't feel you should treat me as a piece of meat to be bartered. Be careful. I'm warning you."    


"Let's hear the terms of the wager first," Sam reassured her. "It might be nothing."    


"Not nothing, Scott," I said. "If I offer my slaves to everyone here as I expect to, you offer Marcia for the same, but with a time limit on it. Say ninety minutes, or so. How many different people could fuck her in ninety minutes, Scott? Six, eight, ten? If you're right and I don't offer them up, Lisa and Julia will come one weekend and you have full use of their slave services for two days."    


"Master," Marcia warned. "Don't you do it. If you do, I'll be as pissed or more pissed at you as I was when you fell in love with Chantelle."    


"Of course," I said. "Marcia would need to be in complete agreement with such a wager before I'd accept it. She would have to beg to be fucked by everyone here. She would have to wear something up until the end of the ceremony where she could decline to be used, or beg to be used."    


My slaves looked at each other again. They knew what I was doing. I was going to put Marcia in a Slave Trainer. We'd see how strong she was compared to other slaves who wore them.    


"Marcia, do you anticipate begging people to fuck you?" Scott asked.    


"No, but what would I have to wear?" Marcia asked.    


"Julia, you know what I want, bring both of them."    


"Yes, Master." She got up and went to our room to get the Slave Trainers.    


It didn't take long for her to return. I showed it to Marcia and Sam.    


"Is this like a vibrator?" Marcia asked, eyeing the device, noting the phallic insert.    


"Yes, it turns itself off and on. When the batteries die, we'd have to stick the new one on. Between the two of them, it should last about five hours, but we'll be done before then. If you accept the bet, you can't interfere in its use at all, by say, masturbating or something. Leave it alone to do its work."    


"Do you think it's like the We/Vibe you use on me, Master?"    


"It looks like it." Sam was suspicious. "Turn it on for a minute."    


I turned it on. It vibrated, just as it should. The problem wasn't the vibrations, it was when the vibrations stopped.    


He didn't see anything wrong with it. No electric shocks or anything to get concerned about except he thought his slave would cum. She wouldn't.    


"I'm inclined to accept the wager," Sam said. "We certainly enjoyed his slaves last night. A whole weekend would be great. What do you think?"    


"I'm suspicious," Marcia said.    


"I'm suspicious too, but you're holding it. You've felt it vibrate. Is there any reason why I shouldn't accept this bet. I just don't think he's going to run a train on his slaves. It doesn't fit his profile."    


Marcia handled the thing some more. It was still vibrating. The conditions hadn't been met for it to turn off. She was probably thinking it wouldn't be any worse than any other vibrator she'd ever tried. She was wrong.    


"What do you think Bill?" Sam asked.    


"As much as it would be fun for you to have these two slaves for the weekend, it seems greedy for no good purpose with a great risk to you and Marcia, but it's between Marcia and you."    


I decided to increase the wager. "Two weekends with my slaves within a month's time," I said, laughing. "Four days of sex with my two women, plus your two, provided yours still want to have sex with you."    


Sam still had doubts. "Only sixty minutes with Marcia against two weekends," Sam said, "and I'll do it."    


"Marcia?" I said. "You have to agree."    


"I don't trust you as far as I can throw you, Master Scott," Marcia said. "God knows I had a great time with your slaves last night. They're so creatively amusing. But I can't find anything wrong with the bet, so if my Master wants to make it, I won't object."    


"Look at the bright side, Marcia," I said. "If you lose, you're going to be really well fucked for an hour. We need to get this on you. I can have Julia help place it on you."    


"You don't want to do it yourself, Scott?" Marcia said, smiling.    


"Hey, I'd love to, but if your husband loses this bet, I'm already going to be in his doghouse. I figure I could use a few brownie points by not fondling you now."    


Sam laughed. "Look at my erection." It was an erection to make a man proud. "I'm thinking of spending four more days with your slaves. It's not every day I get to fuck other women."    


"Good luck on your bet, Sam," I said. "Julia, help Marcia put this on."    


Julia put the slave trainer on Marcia and I turned it on. She jumped, startled.    


"Oh! Well, that's not so bad, is it," she said. "When does this thing come off?"    


"The easiest way is if I don't subject my slaves to a train. The second way is if you beg to be fucked. The last way is if you last until the train is over. It's not the end I'm expecting."    




"Excellent. Kneel slaves, so I can feed you."    


They both knelt down and I picked out some food for them. More than they were used to eating for breakfast but they'd be used hard today so I wanted them well fed. Brianna and Cindy came in while they were eating. Cindy was resplendent. She was undergoing a bonding with her Mistress today as well, more permanent than the brief ceremony held before she moved to California. Hers was going to be held before mine at my request. The ceremonies would be starting around ten. The buses with the guests would be arriving around 9:30 or so. Buffet tables were being placed outside by the pool, some for hot food, some for cold. Beer, wine and soft drinks would be served with the meal, plus we were going to toast the slaves with champagne when the ceremony was over.    


When they finished eating, I stroked them to a couple of orgasms.    


"Did you have a good time last night, slaves?" I asked.    


"Absolutely, Master. We always have a good time where sex is involved."    


"Were Sam and his slaves the only ones you had sex with?"    


"No, Master," Julia replied. "Master Bill and Evelyn were there for some of it. They came so Marcia, Chantelle and Evelyn could all be triple penetrated with a real cock in their mouths, and a vibrator in the remaining hole so the Master could feel it beside his cock. Evelyn fainted when she orgasmed. Are you really going to make Marcia take part in our train?"    


"What do you think?"    


"I think we should be cautious with our friends, Master."    


"I'll be cautious, but I do want him to sweat it out as I had to do when I foolishly auctioned you off. How do you feel about today, now you know what's going to happen?"    


"It's not anyone we haven't fucked before, sir," Lisa said. "But I wouldn't want it to go on indefinitely."    


"It won't. There will be a time limit. Is it okay if I put blindfolds on you? I don't necessarily want you to know who and how many people are lined up to fuck you. I'm sure you will be able to guess some, but not all of them."    


They looked at one another. "No," Julia answered, "a blindfold is fine. You aren't going to make Rhonda go through it with us are you?"    


"Only for women and me. I won't violate her agreement with you."    


Rhonda got a relaxed look on her face. She'd been worried for a time.    


Marcia chose that moment to come up to us.    


"Is there something wrong with this device, Master Scott? Every time I think I'm going to have an orgasm, it shuts off."    


"Do you want to tell her, Julia?"    


"It's not malfunctioning, Marcia. It's called a Slave Trainer. Its designed function is to bring a slave to the cusp of orgasm, then shut itself off when it detects one is going to start. You can't have a climax in one unless you bring one on yourself, which is prohibited."    


Marcia got this horrified expression on her face. "Fuck, no!" Marcia exclaimed.    


"I'm afraid so," I said. "But I'll let you have an orgasm as soon as you beg to be fucked."    



"You're an asshole, sir," Marcia said, "and this device was invented by an evil genius who hates women."    


"I seem to recall you and your Master letting me think Sam would be fucking them all night long. I suspect we're going to double or triple the number of men who've fucked you since you've been married. From the stories I've heard, it's three isn't it? Bill and your police partner in addition to your Master. Depending on how recently they've cum, three to eight people maybe in an hour. Of course, I expect the men to line up on you. Your spectacular ass will be huge draw to everyone I know." She moaned. "All you have to do is hold out, Marcia. It's all you have to do to avoid being another fuck toy. Julia had to wear one for 24 hours. "    


"How the fuck did you last twenty-four hours wearing one of these?"    


"I had no choice. I was being punished."    


"For what?"    


"Trying to steal another Dominant's slaves for myself on a temporary but regular basis when they weren't around their Dominant. Imagine someone trying to take you from Sam, how mad he'd be. She was quite angry. I was caned in addition. I sympathize with your plight now. I do. For a slave, it's the worst punishment we undergo."    


Marcia was panting, looking as if she was going to cum. Nipples taut pegs, upper chest and neck flushed, stomach tightening. Her fluids were starting to drip down her legs. Too bad.    


"Fuck! It shut off again. It's diabolical."    


I squeezed two of my slaves against me, kissing each one. "Yes, it is."    


Marcia went off to join her Master and Chantelle, holding a whispered conversation. Sam glanced my way during their talk and Chantelle hugged Marcia, so I suppose they'd just learned what Marcia was up against.    




I'd made a lot of preparations for today. Zoe and Brianna had been in on a lot of it. Things had been built, items purchased. The first bus had arrived at her gate and we went out to greet our guests. Brianna and Monique were with us. The bus driver had big eyes when he saw everyone standing there. Shasta and Sarah were the first two people off the bus, followed by their slaves. Seeing everyone greeting the bus was naked, Shasta ordered Sean to strip as soon as he got off the bus. He wore his cock cage. Sarah delayed for a moment, then ordered Ron to do the same. He was uncaged.    


Mom and Dad got off the bus next and Mom stripped immediately when she stepped down. I hugged both my parents, whispering quietly to Dad there might be a slight change of plans and I'd explain later. The first bus had my friends essentially, the ones who'd been picked up at Chen's, including most of the poker group.    


The second bus was the one who'd picked up the people at the mall, who's driver was as goggle eyed as the first. It included Lisa's and Julia's parents, Mistress Dark and slaves, Sharon and Phil, Gwen and Sherman and Wendy, Rhonda's sister. My workers except for the slaves and Shasta were also on the second bus. Jerry was in his own car behind the second bus with Reneé. Mistress Dark told Rose and Slut to strip down as soon as they stepped off the bus, seeing the lay of the land and liking what she saw.    


As soon as the busses disgorged, Brianna asked for and received everyone's attention.    


"Hello everyone. My name is Brianna and welcome to my home. This is my wife, Monique. As it is my home, we expect to behave as we normally do, which means complete nudity. Scott assured me you were all informed of this previously and knew what to expect. Generally speaking, slaves and submissive's are required to go naked. Those of you who aren't submissive may dress as you like. The determining factor is if you're wearing a collar. If a Dominant doesn't want their submissive to be treated as a slave, they can remove their collar for the duration of their stay. My slaves will help you in any way you need help except for sex. They are off limits to others except as I direct. My slaves will be wearing red ribbons to differentiate them. You can ask them to bring you refreshments, towels, directions, a place to store your clothes, or similar.    


"I expect a certain amount of decorum since this is my home. Decorum does not include no fucking. Public sex is likely to occur in front of you. Scott said you were warned of that as well. Decorum does include no drunken, rowdy behavior, touching or harming of my property, including slaves, or pressing your unwanted attentions on others. Several people here have been raped and we don't tolerate forced sex under any circumstances. There are a couple police officers here who will make arrests, if you aren't hurt first. Several of the women have taken self defense and will protect themselves and others. What I want is for everyone to have a good, SAFE time. Dominant's are responsible for their slaves as well as themselves including what sex they're allowed to participate in. Everyone else is responsible for themselves.    


"We have a wide assortment of food and beverages available today, served throughout the day. If you have a hard time holding your liquor or controlling yourself under its effects, please choose other beverages to partake of. Monique will lead you to the pool area where we will be holding the ceremonies starting around ten. We have lockers set up for those who wish to store their clothing. Other than the rules as I've described, welcome. I'll take a few moments later to greet you individually later."    


The rest of the slaves quickly shed their clothes before everyone followed Monique to the pool. Brianna greeted my parents and Chen, both of whom she'd met before. Father and Chen offered to introduce her to the others they knew. One of the bus drivers got off the bus to speak to me, his eyes wandering from one naked person to another. He was a youngish, fairly good looking Hispanic, about 5-8.    


"We're supposed to be back here at nine tonight to pick everyone up again, right?"    


"Do you have anywhere else you have to be?" I asked.    


"No, we were just heading back to the motel to watch some tube."    


The other driver was a middle-aged black fellow, solidly built. He was standing at his door listening to our conversation. What were another couple men, I thought.    


"If you don't have anything you need to do and company policy doesn't prohibit it, why don't you stay. I'd prefer you don't drink any alcohol since we're entrusting so many lives to your care, and I expect you to behave as a good ambassador for your company. If you think you can act properly as guests, I don't have a problem with it."    


The two men looked at each other for the moment, deciding what they should do. The black fellow nodded his head first and the Hispanic guy turned to me and said, "Gracias, seńor."    


"My name is Scott, and these are my submissives, Julia, Lisa and Rhonda," I said, introducing my slaves.    


"My name is Rodrigo," he said, pointing to his name tag on his livery uniform, "and that hombre is Lester." He pointed to his co-worker who nodded his head in greeting.    


"Why don't you come with me and join the others around the pool. My slaves have to get ready for the upcoming ceremony."    


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