Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C52 052

C52 052

0"Well, I only think I'm lesbian because I kissed a girl and I liked it, and I was afraid of cocks. What if I'm not? I won't know until I screw a man. If I like that, I'll ask a boy out. If I liked girls better, I'll ask a girl out. I'll definitely ask someone, maybe one of each, but I need to know first, which one I like. You wouldn't want me ending up with a depraved pervert would you?"    


"I'm beginning to think you're a depraved pervert and you'd deserve each other," I said disgustedly.    


"Pretty please."    


"I'm going to hell," I muttered. "I'm sure of it."    


"Just once. That's all I ask."    


"We'll talk about it later."    


"How much later?"    


"I don't know. Later, okay. I'll talk to Master."    


"Thank you." She sat back with a satisfied smile on her face. I wished I could wipe it off.    


We sat quietly for twenty minutes or so before Lucas started to fuss. Rhonda changed his diaper but he continued to cry so he must be hungry. I signaled and pulled over and Master pulled up behind me. I got out of the car.    


"What's wrong?"    


"Lucas is hungry. Rhonda and I are going to trade places so I can feed him."    


"What about the rest of you? Should we stop somewhere and eat?"    


"I'm still good. I'll check with the others."    


Rhonda was getting out to take the driver's position.    


"Are you hungry yet?" I asked. "Should be stop?"    


"I'm good for another hour. Why don't we wait until Lucas is fed and stop after when you don't have to leave your tits out."    


"Give it another hour, Master," I said. "We'll feed Lucas first."    


A big semi came blowing past throwing out a huge gust of wind, blowing the slim bit of fabric in the front of my dress to the side. Apparently the two cars following the semi got a good look at what I was wearing beneath the dress; exactly nothing but my slave jewelry. They laid on their horns as they went by, the echoes diminishing in the distance.    


"I was going to ask if you wanted a drive-thru or to dine inside," Master said. "I suppose that question has been answered."    


"If you wish to dine in, I don't care, Master. I'll go where you go."    


"You might give any septuagenarians or older heart attacks."    


"But they might die happy, sir."    


He laughed. "I certainly expect to, though I'll be lucky to make fifty."    


"Fucking is good for your heart, Master. You might live to be a hundred."    


"I'll continue to follow. You take off. Stop where you want to eat and I'll pull in after you, inside or out, your choice."    


"Yes, sir."    


I got in, and Rhonda took off. I lowered the panel on my beaded bra and started feeding Lucas. He was happily taking supper from me.    


After a few more minutes, Wendy spoke again. "Can I ask more questions?"    


"I suppose. I won't promise to answer," I said. "Why ask us?"    


"You're the most open and uninhibited people I know. Even if I could ask my parents, they probably wouldn't know the answer. I don't even know if my mother's had anal sex."    


"Perhaps. I think the majority of people have tried it at least once, though I doubt they advertise it to their friends and family," I replied. "If I have to answer some of your questions, you need to answer mine as well."    


"Okay. So, what's it like, getting fucked in the ass?"    


"I find it pleasant. Not as fun as regular fucking, but I cum from it, which is all you can hope for from any sex."    


"What's it like getting fucked by more than one person at a time like Marcia and Chantelle were this morning?"    


"It's better than one person fucking you, because you have the sensations of both. It's like rubbing your breasts when you're masturbating. Rubbing your pussy feels good, but rubbing both feels better. And you feel so full. Cocks in every hole, two of them right next to each other, both stretching you very close to one another."    


"Had you ever done it before you became a slave?"    


"No. I wasn't that wild before I was married. My fantasies mostly started after my marriage. I wasn't unhappy as a wife, but it definitely called to me. I think it mostly started after our friend, Zoe, said she was becoming a sex slave to Brianna. I'd never really thought of it before seriously, thinking it was strange before it became real to me. Then I started reading sex slave romance novels and got into reverse harem novels. After, a lot of my fantasies extended to more than one person fucking me. My slavery was Master's attempt to make some of those fantasies become real."    


"Had you ever been with a woman before?"    


"No, but Master trained me to pleasure women because it was less painful to watch me with a woman than another man."    


"What's the freakiest thing you've ever done?"    


"You mean watching multiple people fuck me yesterday wasn't the freakiest thing you think I've ever done?"    


"Okay, that was pretty freaky. What would be some of the other strange things you've done?"    


"I seduced a sales clerk in the changing room of a Department Store. I sucked Master's cock under the table at a restaurant. I've been auctioned off to the winners of poker games, and I've walked a part of the Pacific Crest Trail nude, fucking two complete strangers we met on the trail."    


"Is there anything you haven't done?"    


"Lots of things I haven't done. People can get pretty damn strange when it comes to sex. Some people derive sexual pleasure from having pieces of their bodies cut off."    


"Willingly? They get parts of their bodies taken off?"    


"Yeah, amputated right off. There's no accounting for the full gamut of sexual experience. There are quite a few people who get off on either inflicting pain or receiving it."    


"Sadists and Masochists. I learned about them in school. What about you? You give and receive pain. Aren't you a sadist or masochist, or both?"    


"Not really. As a slave, I make the distinction between good pain and bad pain. I believe, for the true practitioners in S & M, the pain is the focus. The pain is what gives them pleasure. For me, pain is just something that makes the eventual fucking better. Master never spanks me without giving me orgasms. Orgasms both reduce pain due to the release of chemicals called endorphins in the body and they are the eventual goal of whatever we do. Perhaps it's the dichotomy of a brief period of pain to a lot of pleasure. Like knowing what light is because of the dark. The pleasure is better because it's so different from what went before. But Master has never struck me so hard that I hurt for more than an hour or two afterwards. I've received worse, but not from Master."    


"What about you, Rhonda. What's the strangest thing you've ever done?"    


"According to our parents, they'd probably say sex with women was pretty damn strange, but to me, sex with a man for the first time was stranger. I was what is known as a gold star lesbian. Never been with a cock before in my life, before I sucked Master's cock for the first time."    


"Why did you do it?"    


"I lost the bet with Domina which made me her slave for a day. She told me I wouldn't have to do anything with a cock during my slavery unless I begged for one. I begged for a cock when she wouldn't let me cum until I did. Then Domina made me think I would have to let Master fuck me in all my holes, though in the end, I only had to suck his cock. But when I decided I wanted to remain a slave and wanted to submit to a woman who already a slave to a Master, I would have to be available to him. Now, with but a few exceptions which I agree to, only my mouth is available to men except Master. He mostly uses his other slaves for sex, but I am available to him at all times just as they are. It's not bad. Being a submissive has really energized my sex drive. All forms of fucking help relieve that arousal, but I much prefer women to satisfy it. Domina prefers men, but having sex with women increases her chances of cumming."    


"How many times do you cum every day, on average?"    


"Over two dozen, easily," I said. "With the piercing like Lisa received today. I can cum a dozen times just from moving around a lot. It was worse when I first got it, and it's gotten better. I don't cum from it as much as I used to, but things like exercising and swimming where my legs are moving, still makes me cum all the time. Sitting still helps, but other than things like driving and sleeping, I'm not still very often."    


"Why do you shave your pussies?"    


"It's more pleasant licking shaved pussies than hairy ones," Rhonda replied.    


"Did it bother you licking my pussy because it has hair?"    


"It's less pleasant, but it didn't bother me. Did you enjoy licking my bald cunt?"    


"It wasn't bad. Nicely smooth and it made everything feel slipperier."    


"Have you tasted yourself after masturbating?" I asked.    


"Yes. I guess it was why I thought it would be okay being a lesbian. I wouldn't mind if I had to lick pussies for sex. Is there other ways for lesbians to have sex other than oral?"    


"You witnessed some yesterday," Rhonda replied. "Every time I was fucked was by a woman with a vibrator or wearing a strap-on. There's a couple other ways to pleasure each other. We can rub our cunts together in something called tribbing."    


"Why were you afraid of cocks?" I asked.    


"Well, they look big and it looks like it would hurt if they go inside of you."    


"The first couple times you have sex, it might hurt if the men aren't gentle, but it gets better the more you do it and a cock is a lot smaller than a baby. A vagina is quite flexible."    


"But child birth hurts," Wendy said.    


"Because they are so much bigger than a cock is. If we got fucked by cocks as big as babies were, perhaps having children would be less painful."    


"Or fucking more painful, Domina," Rhonda said. "When I saw Lester's cock, I thought it would be painful."    


"If he'd fucked my ass, I'm sure he would have, but my cunt thought otherwise. Lucas is done feeding, Rhonda. Why don't you pick someplace to stop for food."    


I started to burp him and refastened my breast panel.    


"Do you have a preference, Domina?"    




"Why do you call Julia, Domina, if she's your Mistress? Why not call her Mistress?"    


"She would if I weren't a slave myself," I said. "We reserve Mistress to someone who isn't a slave. The Romans had slaves who trained other slaves and they had to be addressed with an honorific other than a slave. They used Dominus for male slave trainers and Domina for female slave trainers. Lucia taught us that. Since I'm a slave myself, I'm a Domina."    


"I want to stay at your house tonight," Wendy said.    


"Aren't our parents expecting you home?" Rhonda asked.    


"I'll tell them we're arriving late and you'll bring me home tomorrow so I can spend time with you. I don't get to see you very much. I only work part-time and I'm off tomorrow. Besides, it gives you a chance to speak to your Master about fucking me. At the very least, I can get more girl on girl practice."    


"I'm certainly not going to try and convince him," I said. "That's up to you and Rhonda. I'm out of it."    


"Domina, here's a McDonald's. I'm all for pushing on tonight and getting home earlier."    


"Fine. Swing through the drive-thru. Pull into a parking space afterward. I'm going to switch places with Master. You can try to convince him."    


"Yes, Domina."    


After going into the drive-thru, Rhonda pulled over. Master pulled up alongside. He rolled down the window.    


"What's up?" He asked.    


"I wish to change vehicles," I said. "Rhonda has something to discuss with you, sir. I'll drive the truck, you ride in the car."    


"Okay," he said. "Swap with me."    


We switched vehicles and I hopped in with Lisa and Sean, bringing my food with me. Since the car had the baby in it, I followed it. Once again, the material on the front of my dress parted when I climbed into the cab and some teenagers hooted their horn upon seeing me.    


"What's going on?" Lisa asked.    


"Rhonda and Wendy wanted to talk to Master about something. She wants to fuck him so she can decide if she likes girls or boys better to ask out on dates."    


"I thought it was decided we weren't going to do that."    


"I was of the same opinion, but Rhonda made some rather convincing arguments. It was hard for me to say no, so I'll let Master decide. Wendy's still thinking about submission too. Threatened to go to the BDSM club to find out if we wouldn't let her explore it with us. I told her if she went out with someone first and still wanted to consider it, we'd make her read all about BDSM first. If she still wants to explore after reading all the bad things which might happen, we could talk about it further. Rhonda is just trying to protect her from the bad and ugly."    


I pointed to Sean in the back seat. "What's going on with him?"    


"Can't really say. He hasn't spoken two words since he got in the car."    


I looked at him in the rear view. He did look pretty despondent.    


"What's going on slave?"    


Dead silence.    


"Do I have to stop this truck, make you get out, strip you, and whip your ass or will you respond civilly?"    


"I've ruined it," he mumbled. "I had the perfect life and I ruined it."    


"That's yet to be seen. You do understand why Shasta is the way she is and why she doesn't want you trying to control her, don't you?"    


"Yes. I can't help it. I get jealous thinking of her with other men, particularly if I'm not there."    



"You do realize your purpose is to be a sex toy for your Mistress and like any other toy in her drawer, she can put you away and play with a different toy?"    


"I love her."    


"Big fucking deal. I love my Master and he has sex with other women. My Master also loves me and he's letting me have sex with other men now. You can love all you want, but you cannot control. The control is hers exclusively. If you can't accept that, it will be over."    


"Do you think I can salvage it?"    


"Do you think you can correct your behavior or will you remain jealous and fuck it up? If your Mistress wants to fuck another person, no matter who it is; can you suck it up, swallow whatever pride you still think you have and let her do her thing? That's your choice, continue acting as you are and lose your Mistress or remain a subservient slave who will do as he's told without question."    


"Will she give me another chance?"    


"I can't answer that."    


"I don't even have a place to stay anymore. I gave up my apartment."    


"You'll still have your job. We can put a bed in the basement and you can stay there until you get a new apartment."    


"Will I still need to wear my cock cage at work?"    


"Around the other women, yes. If your Mistress gives you up, Master or I would have control of it. If you start working on the website for our business and don't work around the other women, we might be able to remove it then. Of course, you can always abandon your slavery, wear clothes and move out, but we won't have a naked man around naked women without a cage."    


"Okay, I understand."    


We subsided back into silence. I wondered about the conversation in the car, if Master was having it any easier than I did.    


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