Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C58 058

C58 058

0"Yes, Master," I replied. Sean added the camera and lighting equipment to our order. I added a half dozen full or half face masks to the order for photos.    


I kissed Rhonda. "Please get my purse, love."    


She gracefully rose from the couch and got it. I removed my credit card with the lowest interest rates and highest limit. "Here goes nothing," I said. Boom, everything ordered. Some would be delivered tomorrow, some later in the week. One item next week, a photo lamp.    


"What do you want to call your business, ma'am?" Sean asked.    


I looked at Lisa, squirming on Master's lap as he played with her, though still bereft of any orgasms but what her piercing gave her. Not nearly satisfying enough compared to a nice hard cock.    


"Sister Slaves Bondage Furniture would be my suggestion."    


"I like it," Lisa said.    


"Master?" I asked.    


"It's your business," Master replied. "Name it what you want. Sean would you like to fuck my wife?"    




He was surprised, and so was I. Granted Master had started allowing us to fuck other men again, but he was here and would be watching in person now, not looking at photos and videos afterward and he could fuck me himself, especially with Lisa off limits and Rhonda not particularly desirous of dick.    


"It's an easy question. Do you want to fuck my wife? You haven't cum since Wendy was trained in cock sucking, have you?"    


"No, Sir."    


"You'll have to earn it. I want you to lick both Rhonda to five, and Julia to three orgasms. Once you've done so, you may fuck Julia's cunt, ass or mouth, her choice, then lick her clean after if she's chosen her cunt or ass. I know how slaves don't wish to go without sex for too long."    


"Please, Sir. Thank you."    


"Spread 'em, slaves," Master ordered.    


Rhonda and I looked at each other, sitting side by side. I pulled her right leg over my left and we both scooted closer to the front of the sofa. I held her hand.    


"Rhonda first, then me, then Rhonda again until we've both had the requisite number of orgasms, please," I said.    


Sean nodded eagerly and got on the floor in front of the couch. I saw him go between Rhonda's legs and I squeezed her hand. She climaxed within three minutes, then he moved to me. I watched Master watching us. His cock was starting to grow as he watched, peeking out from beneath Lisa's bottom. I moaned when I orgasmed, squirming on his tongue. He moved back to Rhonda. I stroked her inner thigh as he dined on her pussy. We were slaves; we came so easily. I doubt it would take him twenty minutes to finish off the two of us. Not much longer in any case.    


When Rhonda climaxed again, he came back to give me my second. Rhonda leaned down and licked my left nipple as he licked my liquid folds.    


"Remind me again," Master said to Lisa. "You can't have sex in your cunt due to you piercing. No one said you couldn't be fucked in the ass, did they?"    


Lisa thought about the instructions again and got a big smile on her face. "No. I'm quite sure it is only vaginal sex I'm not allowed to have."    


"Get some lube since I can't lube myself in your cunt."    


"Yes, sir." She scampered off to get the Astroglide. Good, Lisa was going to get fucked again.    


I orgasmed, holding Sean's face against my cunt as I released. Mistress Dark's trainees always knew how to lick cunt well. When my tremors eased, he leaned back, a mask of cum covering the lower part of his face. He moved back to Rhonda for her third. This time I pulled her in for soft, sexy kisses while I pinched a taut, puckered nipple. It didn't take long for her to surrender again.    


Lisa had returned and Master spread some lube on her asshole and his cock. He turned her so she could watch us and eased in between her buttocks.    


My last licking, though I was sure I'd cum often when Sean fucked me. He was going into my cunt. This time, Rhonda suckled my breast again while playing with the other. My back arched and my hips thrust into him as I climaxed this time, whimpering. Rhonda would get the next two, so I got up and went behind her on the couch so I could easily play with both her breasts, while bending her head back and tongue fucking her mouth. She was done in five, her last one following closely on the fourth.    


Master was guiding Lisa slowly up and down his cock. He was still paying attention to us though.    


"Slave, which hole do you want Sean to fill?"    


"My cunt, Master."    


"Then I want Rhonda to lie on the couch in front of your face. You'll bend over the end of the couch and lick her while Sean fills you from behind."    


"Yes, Master," we replied. Even Rhonda would get to cum more.    


I got the key to remove Sean's cock cage. After it was off, I asked if he needed help getting hard.    


"No, ma'am," and like magic it started growing in front of me. Rhonda was already on the couch. After I bent over the arm, I had to pull her a little closer so I could reach her dark pink core. As soon as I started tasting her nectar, Sean slammed into my cunt. I spasmed, my pussy throbbing.    


"Sean, don't cum until my timer goes off," Master said, setting his watch.    


"How long, Master?" Sean asked.    


"It will be a surprise, won't it?"    


"Yes, sir." I wondered how much his balls would ache before he could cum.    


Rhonda and I began cumming rather regularly, as did Lisa, still bouncing on Master's lap. I heard her cum four times before Master grunted and flooded her rectum with his seed. Lisa got up, with some of it running down her legs and got a warm washcloth for clean up. Master was careful when he cleaned her, staying away from her pussy.    


Sean still had to continue. His fucking got a little ragged as he had to slow down to fight off his climax, then speeding up again when the immediate moment had passed. I'd had eight orgasms and estimated he'd been fucking me for thirty minutes, when the timer went off. Rhonda even covered her pussy with her hand to keep me from licking her any longer as Sean had been battering my cunt so hard, he'd banged my face into her cunt. As soon as the time went off, Sean gave a strangled cry, jammed himself deep in my cunt and flooded it with his cream. I was not as tight on his cock as I was on others, and I could feel some of it leaking out of me, running down my legs. He was still pulsing in me a minute after he started.    


"Clean her up, Sean," Master ordered. "Rhonda you can clean him off."    


Sean knelt behind my bottom and start licking and sucking the cum running from my cunt, even licking that dripping down my legs. Horny slave that I was, I climaxed two more times as he struggled to get it all. Rhonda had gotten off the couch and was lying on the floor to get to his cock.    


Done, Master told me to replace his cock cage again and send him back downstairs. As soon as it was on him, Sean left.    


"Did you enjoy that, slave?"    


"You know I did, Master."    


"Well, I for one was glad everyone got to enjoy more sex," Master said, "including our lovely Lisa. Why don't you all take a shower. I'll get mine after you're done."    


"Yes, sir."    


In the shower, I said, "It doesn't look as if Master is done letting us fuck other men."    


"No, it doesn't," Lisa said, "and there's another poker game this Friday."    


"Who's house is it at this week?" I asked, having lost track as we hadn't played the two previous Fridays.    


"Regina's, I think," Lisa replied, "though I don't recall the host or hostess."    



I started washing Lisa's cunt since my hands were now as clean as hers and I wanted to remind her how much I cared for her. I gave her a quick orgasm by cleaning her hood piercing.    


"At least I won't have to do more grocery shopping," I said as she moaned through her orgasm. "Have you stopped taking your pill?"    


"Yesterday morning."    


"Well, we know who won't be getting fucked in her cunt by anyone other than Master very soon."    


"I'm excited about getting knocked up and where we're going with the business," Lisa panted. "I see exciting times ahead."    


I kissed her, saying, "I do too."    


It was three very satisfied slaves snuggled together with their Master that night, though sleep was once again interrupted by three hour timers and a crying baby.    




Master fucked Rhonda in the morning as she licked my cunt. He'd confirmed poker night at Regina's, Edward hosting. He also told us his father and mother were participating again. Sean helped make breakfast, making himself useful. After Master left, I told him he hadn't managed to disguise his discomfort when Master was fucking Shasta as well as he thought. I said he was fairly successful, but still managed to convey some distress.    


"I know, ma'am. It's hard."    


"You have to act as if it's not happening, like she's merely sitting on the couch sipping a cup of tea. If you love your Mistress, you should want for her whatever she wants for herself, even other men. What's good for her is good for you. Her pleasure should be paramount in your mind, no matter where she receives it from, men or women."    


"It's difficult to do so, ma'am."    


"It will be a lot more difficult if she gets rid of you as her slave. If she wants to fuck someone else, ask if you can put their cock in her. Ignore anything that's happening but her pleasure. Ask to lick her cunt while she's getting fucked, to clean off his cock afterward so she doesn't need to. Her happiness is all that matters, not yours. Your happiness should come from pleasing your Mistress in any way you can. Surrender your ego, your jealousy; as unimportant and standing in the way of your happiness."    


"Do you feel anything when your Master fucks another woman?"    


"I feel nothing but happiness when he fucks Lisa or Rhonda. Their happiness is as important to me as his or my own and when they don't get the attention I feel they should, I'm unhappy. Other women, I feel something, but I know Master is committed to me and our relationship and it's only fucking. They don't have what I have with him and never can. Most of the other people he fucks are committed to other Dominants. They have no more reason to betray their Masters than I do.    


"Shasta is an exception to that rule, but I don't begrudge him giving pleasure to her if she needs it, both because I respect her and in our business, I'm subservient to her, as far as furniture production goes. The same applied to Wendy. She's not submissive though she may wish to explore it at some time, but as Rhonda's sister, if she needs Master's help exploring her sexuality, I don't care. Master's happiness means more to me than my own, but he ensures I'm happy. Did he not give me to you last night, so he could fuck Lisa? He's willing to suffer some discomfort on my behalf, so why shouldn't I for him?"    


"I suppose, ma'am"    


"Your Mistress is watching you. She wants to know how you're going to respond. Do you think it mere happenstance she sucked Master's cock in front of you or got fucked in front of you and everyone else instead of going to the bedroom with him? She needs to be sure you are not going to act out anymore. If you do, you're done. I'd expect you to be tested regularly until she's convinced you'll be obedient to her will. If she wants you to watch, watch, but bite your tongue and swallow your pride.    


"Master watched movies and looked at photos of us fucking other people for a week and a half, so he could prepare for the real thing without losing his mind. It was incredibly important to him to allow us to have pleasure with others, so he subjected himself to this pain for us, and he's our Master and didn't have to. Should you do any less for your Mistress?"    


"No, ma'am. I'll do better."    


"Don't hide in the kitchen. If she's having sex with someone else, force yourself to look. Take enjoyment from her pleasure. Plaster a smile on your face and wish her joy and happiness."    


"Yes, ma'am."    


We were finishing kitchen clean up when the others got there. Shasta shooed everyone to the basement to start work as soon as the others doffed their clothes. Before we started, I asked her if I could have a few minutes of everyone's time. Shasta granted permission.    


"We're going to be starting our own website under the moniker of 'Sister Slaves Bondage Furniture' and start selling our own product instead of going through Mistress Dark. Master will also design another piece of bondage furniture to add to our line. We anticipate profits to increase so all of you will likely see increases in your pay as a result of that change. Additionally, we believe the product will sell better if nude or semi-nude slaves are portrayed using the products as they are now. We can't use the same photos as we use in Mistress Dark's website because they are her slaves and her property. As such we will need to take photos of our own, perhaps even movies highlighting the functions of the furniture.    


"Lisa and I are offering $500 dollars for each half day you agree to model for those photos and videos..."    


The others started to speak and Shasta hushed them and told them to listen to all of it before commenting.    


"If you model an entire day, it would be a $1000 dollars for you. If we can't get it all done in a day or two, there may be additional modeling dates. The models, men or women, will have their faces covered for the the filming so no one will know who you are. As a parting present to Mistress Dark, we will also demonstrate some of her products on our site, directing people to hers for those products. We expect those to include paddles, whips, vibrators, dildos, strap-ons and perhaps some clothing. You don't have to demonstrate any product you're uncomfortable with, nor go fully nude, though expect tits at a minimum and possibly bush to be visible in the clothing you choose to model in. The products may be demonstrated to the point of cumming as there is very little more arousing than a woman cumming.    


"Our website will list only a post office address so it won't be tied to this address.    


"If all goes successfully as planned, we may need to start manufacturing in an outside facility in addition to this one. We would expect that facility to be a fully clothed operation, so those of you wishing to wear clothing again, may be able to work there. Obviously, we wouldn't be offering cum breaks to the workers there, which would include both men and women, perhaps mostly men. We might also go with higher hourly wages and no profit sharing, if you'd like to make a change in that area of finances. At this point, I foresee Shasta having full control of that facility if we add it, as she knows exactly what's needed. We would resume control of this one so we can remain naked slaves. Any questions?"    


"Who is going to take the pictures?" Melanie asked. "I wouldn't mind the extra money, but want to be sure photos of me don't start showing up everywhere else by some dishonest photographer."    


"One of the people you know. We're not farming out to anyone else. It will only be someone you've been nude in front of before, however briefly. Most modern digital cameras are darn close to point and shoot easy and we'll shoot hundreds of photos so we can pick out only the best for the site. I'm willing to give you right of refusal for anything you don't want used."    


"What happens to the photos not used?" Alice asked.    


"Deleted. If we need more at a future date, we'll take more. I agree with the rest of you that we don't want naked photos of us floating around for other people to get hold of. I'll be in some of them. I expect the people who know who and what I am might possibly recognize me, but I don't want anyone else to, hence the masks."    


"People may still be able to download our photos from the site," Charlotte said, "just like porn."    


"Is there anything we can do to keep that from happening, Sean? Sean is going to be our web designer. It was his previous job before he became a slave."    


"I can stop people from downloading photos, ma'am, but you can't stop people from doing screen grabs. Expect you'll be someone's masturbation fantasy and accept it, or choose not to participate. The focus of the photos should be the furniture, so most of the photos or videos shouldn't be close ups. For those demonstrating products where close ups are necessary, it's possible to crop the entire face or other features which might be recognized. Blur tattoos, remove identifying jewelry, that sort of thing. Perhaps use standardized collars and cuffs instead of those personally identifying a slave."    


"Good point. We probably want to put collars and cuffs on everyone modeling so they look like submissive slaves."    


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