Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C59 059

C59 059

0When do you want to do this?" Janet asked, "and do you want a pregnant slave in the photos? Obviously, I need to speak to my Master before agreeing."    


"We won't have all the photography equipment required until next week and it will be on the weekend so we don't take time out from actually building the furniture, so the weekend next, would be the earliest possible date. As for a pregnant slave, I think they could be very sexy in the right setting and could even be used as a Dominant in some of the photos. A slave forced to satisfy her pregnant Mistress because her husband is away or afraid to fuck her now she's pregnant. Some men get off on pictures of pregnant women. However, your pregnancy might make you more identifiable, Janet, so you need to take that into consideration. As we add more products, we'll eventually need more photos, so if you're uncomfortable doing it now, you should be able to do it in the future after delivering. Oh, as a side note, Lisa is now hoping to get pregnant. She's gone off birth control, so we're hoping for another baby in the next year or so."    


Everyone immediately crowded around her to congratulate her.    


"It hasn't happened yet," she said. "We're just starting the process."    


"If I may, ma'am, some people are turned on by lactating breasts as well. We might want some photos where someone is squeezing the milk from your boobs as they're punishing you," Sean added, "perhaps as we're removing a baby from your arms. We could use a doll for that."    


"Interesting option, Sean."    


"Any more questions?" Shasta asked. "If not, get back to work."    


We all got busy.    


During our cum break, Sean was once again ignored. He didn't raise a peep regarding his exclusion. Shasta asked him about it.    


"I assumed I'm still being punished, Mistress, though I should tell you, Master Scott had me fuck his slave last night. If you order me not to, I won't do it again."    


"You do anything Scott say, since you be staying in his house."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


We got our first Amazon delivery during the day, the web design software. With no computer to install it on, we just set the box aside until we did get one. At some point during the afternoon, the subject of the Friday night poker game came up. Since it didn't affect our work, Shasta allowed it.    


During the discussion, it came out that slaves were often sold for the pleasure of others after the game.    


"Let me get this straight. You or some other slave gets sold to one of the other poker players at the end of the game?"    


"Yes, Mistress, mostly just for an act of sex, although on a few occasions, someone has been sold for an entire night. Master's mother was sold twice that way."    


"Could I be sold, not as a slave, but just to fuck?"    


"I don't know, it's never come up, Mistress. We're often displayed and inspected, much as we were before our ceremony, fingered and toyed with by all the potential bidders. The slave is required to do whatever her purchaser wants, and I'm sure you'd feel less control than you usually require for sex. Any or all of our holes can be sold, sometimes used one after the other, sometimes all at once, depending on the Master selling us. For instance your mouth could be sold to a woman and you'd have to pleasure her as she wanted, which usually requires you to lick her cunt. Fifteen minutes is the usual cut off for women since we're more orgasmic. The men usually fuck us longer as they get to cum at least once during their purchase."    


She thought about that for a few minutes.    


"Who usually plays in these games?"    


"Master, Jerry, Chen, Edward and Rob Strong, Regina and Lisa. This Friday, Dan is playing and he's offering Sandy to be sold. Are you thinking of playing so you can buy a slave, Mistress?"    


"Why does Lisa play if she's a slave? And no, I don't know nothing about poker and I got you to lick my cunt."    


"Lisa has always been one of the poker players. She's the first one who purchased my services. She asked to be a slave the following day. She's been forced to serve and gotten sold a couple times, Mistress, but mostly she plays so they have enough players. They like to have a minimum of six and sometimes another player can't play due to illness or something. Jerry may not be back from LA in time for the start of the game."    


"I'm hoping a cock would buy me. Let me ask this? What if my holes are sold as a non-slave? The person who purchases me has a right to the hole, but not how I'm fucked. Say if Jerry buys my cunt, he gets it, but only the way I want; Ride him cowgirl, doggy style, missionary, whatever I want and not him. If my mouth gets bought by a woman, she can get her cunt licked, but has to lick mine as well, my choice not hers?"    


"Well, Regina has licked cunt a couple times, Mistress, but mostly out of curiosity. I don't know if that would throw her off or not. Lisa doesn't care one way or the other."    


"I think I'd like that, selling my holes. I still need a good fucking. If I sell it, do I keep the money."    


"That's prostitution and illegal, Mistress. The money goes to charity. I usually have mine go to the American Red Cross. Cindy and Sandy donated to a battered women's shelter. The person sold decides where the money goes."    


"Bring it up to the group and see if anyone is willing to fuck me under my rules?"    


"I'll send out a text tonight, Mistress."    


I looked at Sean, but his expression was passive, and I hoped it was because he was learning.    


At the end of the workday, Lisa and I had to satisfy Shasta, while Rhonda and Sean started supper. She didn't stay after, wanting to go home for supper since she missed last night. Tonight was the first night Lisa could be fucked in the cunt, so I hoped Master had something good planned for her and wouldn't waste his erections on someone else. She had to be desperate for sex by now. I was after my piercing.    


When Master got home, he shouted, "Where's the lovely Lisa? I have a present for you."    


Lisa stepped out of the kitchen, knelt and replied, "Right here, Master. How can I serve you?"    


"Stand up."    


"Yes, sir."    


She stood and he bent her over the dining room table, pulled his zipper down, extracted his cock, and fucked her right there, pounding her hard. He kept going until he emptied himself into her cunt. Lisa climaxed four times. She was panting hard when he finished.    


"Stay there."    


"Yes, sir."    


Master went to our bedroom while Lisa waited, breathless. He came back naked with some of our rope and both strapless vibrators. He set them on the table, beside her, fastened her hands down on the other side of the table and her feet tied and spread on the other.    


"This slave is now open for business to everyone. Enjoy."    


"Does, this include me, Master Scott?" Sean asked.    


"It does. But only her ass or her mouth. Her cunt is mine for the foreseeable future."    


I removed his cock cage and Sean immediately stopped what he was doing and pushed into Lisa's bottom. Master took up stirring the item on the stove. Ten minutes later, Sean too, emptied himself. He returned and Rhonda was the next to use her, though all she did was lick the cum dripping from her nether parts until Lisa climaxed three more times. Rhonda returned and took over the salad making so I could use her next, inserting one of the strapless vibrators in my pussy, turning it on and thrusting into Lisa's pouting pussy. I didn't stop fucking her until I'd had three orgasms myself. She had more because I was thrusting into her.    


"Should I release her now?" I asked.    


"No. She'll remain there until I release her."    


When we sat down for dinner, Master sat by her head and fed her and himself. Occasionally, one of us would pause in our eating to caress her bottom, kiss her cunt or even fuck her again. Rhonda did first, using the other strapless, still needing to cum herself. Master continued feeding her during her fucking, though I'm not sure how much she ate compared to how often she orgasmed, moaning like the slut she was.    


I told Master about Shasta wishing to be sold at the poker game.    


"As a slave!" Master said, astounded.    


"Not as a slave, sir. She just wished to offer herself for fucking. She wouldn't serve under the table and while her purchaser would get the hole they purchased, Shasta would determine for herself how she was fucked." Master looked at Sean, who remained impassive. "She wished me to text the other players and make the offer."    


"If that's what she wants, we should honor her wishes," Master said. "Send the text."    


I did as he requested. Soon I started receiving responses, most just saying they were interested and would talk about it at poker.    



Eventually, Sean stood up and fucked Lisa again, a little harder than the first time. While he was doing that, Master stood on the other side and fed Lisa his cock.    


"Don't cum until I do," Master ordered Sean.    


"Yes, sir."    


Both of them sawed into each end of her, Lisa whimpering around the cock in her mouth. Master finally climaxed, grunting, sending more protein down to her gullet. Sean pumping more in on the opposite end of her digestive system. Then they both sat down and Master continued feeding her food. With Sean's and her cum running down her leg, I eventually got behind her and tidied up the mess left behind, Lisa moaning again as my tongue searched every crevice to extract what might have been missed earlier.    


Master stopped feeding her when she said she had enough. The rest of us began cleaning up, but Master used her cunt again, fucking her for a long time before he thrust deep and pulsed out his next load of cum.    


There she remained, tied across the table until the kitchen was cleaned. Master told Sean to disappear, and when he'd gone to the basement, finally released first her legs, then her hands. He picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. Rhonda and I followed. He ran a tub of hot water and got into it with her, washing her, even her hair, playing with her, giving her another orgasm or two in the process. Lisa was feeling quite mellow when they finished.    


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