Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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My desensitization program had helped. It bothered me less and less when other men fucked my slaves. I'll admit there was a twinge or two, but it was less every day. As I coddled Lisa in the bathtub, she received her new instructions.    


"Since you're trying to have a baby now, you don't get any more alcohol."    


"Yes, Master."    


"No other man fucks your cunt but me," I said. "It's our child I want to raise, no one else's."    


She twisted, arching back, putting a hand around my neck and kissed me. "No cock but yours in my cunt. I understand, sir."    


"After the others take a shower and before Rhonda goes to work, we're going to do a triple penetration, the girls in your cunt and ass and me in your mouth. They won't stop fucking you until I cum and I expect to last quite awhile since I've cum three times tonight. I hope it makes up for your enforced abstinence."    


"It will help a lot, sir."    


"Take a shower, slaves," I ordered. "Make it a fast one, no playing around, so your sister slave gets to enjoy another fucking quickly."    


"Yes, sir," they echoed.    


I continued washing her until the others were done, then I dried her, patting dry her new piercing and rubbing the rest of her. I carried her to the bed and laid her down, a fragile and beautiful possession.    


"Julia on the bottom, Rhonda on top," I ordered.    


Julia inserted her strapless and lay down on her back, Lisa mounting her, cunt still wet despite the bath. Both women parted their legs enough that Rhonda could kneel behind them with her strapless on. She used some lubricant for the strapless, Julia parting the cheeks of her sister slave for Rhonda to smear some around the puckered star of her anus.    


Rhonda pushed slowly into Lisa's back door, knowing how full she was. Both of the women turned on their vibrators at the same time and Lisa shivered through another orgasm. She had two more before I fed her my prick, only half hard at the moment. Lisa's mouth soon coaxed it to an erection. I believed Lisa had more than a half dozen orgasms before I flooded her mouth with what cum I had left. We all lay quietly on the bed save for the breathless panting.    


"I want all three of you to know how much I love you all, how much I desire you, how you complete me and make me whole. I'm the luckiest man in the world and I know it. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. I hope you don't mind if I try to spend most of my cum in Lisa's cunt until she's pregnant. I want more than anything to give her the child she wants and deserves."    


Julia kissed Lisa. "I don't mind at all, Master. You're also taking care of my needs in other ways and I always have my own slave to pleasure me. I want this for her as much as you do."    


"You know me, Master," Rhonda said. "I'm content with cunt more than cock. You put your cum in her, I'll try not to suck it all out after."    


I laughed, then I kissed Julia, next Rhonda, and finally Lisa, lying next to me in a tangle of arms and legs and soft curves. At some point, Julia had to feed Lucas and Rhonda had to get up to head for work. Some rearranging of ourselves on the bed took place each time.    


I fucked Lisa again in the morning, before we got up, Julia encouraging me to pump it deep into her pussy, leaving my cum in her for several minutes. Julia licked me clean, and finally, after I'd dressed, she lapped at Lisa's outer folds, tidying up the mess which had dribbled out.    


I kissed both slaves again before I left for work, Julia while she suckled Lucas, a very happy man.    




When I got home that night, Sean, Rhonda and Julia were working in the kitchen.    


"Where's Lisa?" I asked.    


"Waiting for you in the bedroom, sir," Julia replied.    


I went into the bedroom and Lisa was in the stocks, set at a height perfect for fucking and licking. Shasta was lying on the bed in front of Lisa's face, having her cunt licked.    


"Sorry, Scott. I needed to cum quite desperately," she said.    


"No problem," I responded, taking off my clothes. "You're not blocking the hole I intend to use."    


"Julia said Lisa is trying to get pregnant and you were saving much of your cum for her."    


"Indeed I am," I answered, thrusting into Lisa's liquid furnace, making her moan against Shasta's cunt.    


"I love Cedric and would never give him up, but I wish sometimes he was conceived as an act of love instead of during a rape."    


I drove hard into Lisa, making her whimper.    


"I understand completely. Did Julia tell you the other poker players are interested in hearing more about what you plan to do after the poker game?"    


"Yes, she did. Told me in front of Sean so he know I'm planning my next fucking. He flinch a little but keep his mouth shut, so I have hope for him. Bernice and Cedric both miss him. I won't say nothing to him yet, but I want him to come back if he behaves. I miss having my own slave."    


"That I understand completely," I said, pumping hard, reaching for my orgasm.    


Shasta moaned and climaxed, Lisa concentrating on Shasta the way she'd been trained, despite the fucking I was throwing her.    


"When it be time for you to get cleaned off, let me do it in front of Sean. Want to see how he takes it."    


"As you wish," I said, a short time before groaning and exploding into Lisa's quim.    


Shasta and I left Lisa in the stocks and went back to the living room. Shasta knelt down and cleaned my cock, doing a very creditable job, even starting to get me hard again, before she dressed and left. I thought about going back in the bedroom and fucking Lisa again, but thought I should save at least one fucking for Julia. I did send Rhonda into the bedroom to clean Lisa and release her after about five minutes of her soaking up my sperm.    


They rejoined us a few minutes later. At dinner, I fed Julia, while Lisa fed Rhonda. I finger fucked Julia to two orgasms after we ate, then sent her to the floor to get me hard again. I think I surprised her when instead of fucking Lisa once more, I pushed her over the back of the couch and fucked her. There had to be some balance. Julia was already pregnant when Lisa's slavery started so I hadn't had to prefer one over another like I was doing now, but Lisa couldn't be my exclusive fuck. Julia deserved to be used as well.    


I left Sean high and dry tonight. Let him stew a little before the poker game tomorrow, see how he took things then.    


Lisa and I fucked once more before we went to bed. Julia cleaning me after while Lisa and Rhonda played awhile before Rhonda went to work. She brought Lucas for his pre-sleep snack after changing his diaper. I watched as Julia fed him, Lisa on the other side, smiling and rubbing his tiny back. I felt quite content when I slept that night.    




Friday, I had enough time to work for a couple hours on the plans for the next bit of bondage furniture, incorporating some things we'd done into a smaller, though less capable design, than my original piece. It was also cheaper, so might expand our market. When I got home, I showed the design to Lisa and Julia, who were excited about it. Since I was going to be busy at the poker game later, I didn't fuck either of my slaves. Rhonda was going to be off tonight and Saturday, so I was bringing her. The computer equipment had arrived, so Sean wanted to get started on his web design. Knowing what Shasta wanted, I told him he'd have to attend the poker game so he could look after Lucas as my slaves would be busy serving the others. He didn't want to go, but he agreed Lucas would be well cared for with him.    


I'd sent Dad the address and he was already there with Mother when the rest of us arrived. Shasta had taken her own car so she could drive home when we were done. Rhonda and Lisa rode with her so Julia could ride in the back with Lucas while Sean sat beside me in the front.    


Regina had a nice big home and it was well set up for informal gatherings, refrigerators in the kitchen and patio, along with a wine cellar. Snacks and hors d'oeuvres were laid out, including peeled shrimp on ice and hot goodies in serving trays. It's the first time Dan and Sandy had been there. We were getting ready to play when Jerry sent a text, telling us to hold the game; he'd be there in fifteen minutes. Since it was a Friday night, we had no problem waiting. He arrived in his work clothes, Reneé with him.    


"So, what's this about Shasta wanting to be sold after the game? Is she going to serve under the table as well?" Rob asked. "Is she going to strip so we know what we're buying?"    


"I ain't no slave so I'm not serving as one. You can buy my holes when the game over," Shasta said. "I'll strip when it's time to buy. Since I'm not a slave, I have rules. You can fuck any hole you buy, but I decide how, not you. I still require some control when I'm fucked due to my previous issues, but I want to see if any of you fuckers any good satisfying a woman."    


"Do you even know how to suck cock or lick cunt?" Regina asked. "I know you like yours getting licked, but I haven't seen evidence of the opposite."    


"I suck cock better than I lick cunt, no question, but I've done it a couple times to see what it's like. Ask Scott how I suck cock. I sucked his a couple nights ago. You take your chances on my cunt licking, but remember, I decide how it happen. If I'm licking yours, you might be licking mine at the same time."    


"There you go, Regina," Ed said. "You haven't licked a cunt since Rhonda. It would be interesting if you went for another black cunt."    


Regina blushed, but at the same time she seemed like she might be interested. I wondered what she'd do.    



"So how did she do sucking your cock, Scott," Chen asked.    


"She did very well," I said. "My slaves trained her so she does as well as they do, lacking only their amount of practice.    


I had my own announcements to make. "Julia will be sold as a red silk slave for the night, with full slave services to the house she's sold to. Rhonda will only be white silk and will come home with me. Lisa is playing tonight and is trying to get pregnant and her cunt is off limits until we know she's caught."    


"Sandy will also be sold as red silk for the entire night," Dad added.    


"I'm curious," Jerry said. "You wanted your slaves off limits to cocks for a long time, Scott. I know you relaxed your restrictions prior to the ceremony. Why are you continuing to share your wife now?"    


"Because I love her and want her to have every advantage and opportunity for pleasure I have. She ensures I'm happy and content and have any slave I wish to fuck, without protest or complaint. I realized I've not been as good to her as she was to me. I was disappointed in myself and the degree to which I loved her in return. I know it's been mostly fear, but I know I have nothing to fear. She will always return to me happier for the chance to fuck others than before she left. I will be well rewarded for my love and generosity towards her." I kissed her. "You might wish to reconsider offering your own slaves for the poker games. Slaves love getting fucked. I'd understand why Chen wouldn't be eager to offer his pregnant wife and Reneé is preparing for her upcoming nuptials, so you might wish to wait until after the honeymoon, but as far as I can tell, your slaves love the hell out of you, but would enjoy the opportunity to be skewered on more than one prick the way Marcia, Evelyn and Chantelle were this weekend."    


"Would you like a double or triple penetration, slave?" Jerry asked Reneé.    


"If my Master could see his way to sharing his slave, she would love being so used."    


Chen asked my father, "I see you don't mind sharing Sandy freely. Is this the way you feel about it, Dan?"    


"I've been married for over thirty-five years and I'm not worried about surrendering her to someone else for the night. When she returns the next day, she loves me even more than when she left. After her first poker game, she damn near fucked me to death she was so happy."    


"Would you like to be shared, Janet?" Chen asked. "Be honest with me."    


"I love you with all my heart, sir, and am willing to do whatever it is you wish of me. Would I enjoy having others to have sex with? I'm a slave and slaves love having sex, as much as they can. It is not necessary you share me, but I would be grateful if you could. I have not resented you having sex with others and I would hope you could do the same with me."    


Chen kissed her. "I know you haven't. You've even pushed me to have sex with other people, even while you feel fat and ugly."    


"All people enjoy sex, Master, and slaves perhaps more. It makes me feel good to see you enjoy yourself with others. It's like a gift I've given you, like a new watch, or even the child I'm carrying. I do not fear sharing you with anyone, man or woman. I know you love me and will always return to me because I will always give you a reason to return. As far as I'm concerned, you can fuck anyone you want, and if I don't care, why would you ever leave me. That is what I would fear the most; being without you. Everything else means nothing."    


"Well said, Janet," Julia said. "I couldn't express it any better myself. It's the only thing I'm afraid of; losing my Master, but if he can have anyone he wants, he has no reason to leave me at all, unless I'm an angry shrew. It's difficult being an angry shrew if my life is dedicated to making him happy and obeying his will."    


"Perhaps I'll reconsider my stance on sharing my slave," Chen said, kissing her again. "It is difficult not giving her anything she craves. I don't know how many times I've left the house to buy her food she claims the baby is hungry for."    


"Well, Scott, if Shasta has sucked your cock," Regina said, "does that mean you're no longer limited to slaves? I know you turned me down in the past because I wasn't one. If I'm no longer off limits, I might sell myself like Shasta wants to do."    


"We relaxed our rules regarding my only fucking slaves," I said, smiling. "Do you want to put your ass out to bid?"    


"I'd prefer selling my cunt," Regina laughed, "but I'm flexible."    


"Damn straight," Rob said. "I can bend her like a pretzel."    


"Enough of this schmaltzy shit," Dan said. "Let's play cards."    


"The game has started late tonight. Why don't we play until 11:30 since it's a Friday," I said, "then start the bidding after? Julia can start under the table while Rhonda and Sandy serves food, then switch in a half hour, Sandy up next. Regina, you're hostess and have the first deal. What's the game?"    


"I'd like some Texas Hold-em to start," Regina said. "I can hardly wait for your wife to lick my cunt again."    


"Done," I said. "Deal the cards."    


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