Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C79 079

C79 079



As soon as we got in the limousine and told the driver to return to the hotel, Evelyn raised the privacy window.    


"Would you like me to suck your cock, Master?"    


"I've had enough cock sucking, Evelyn. I want to put my cock into your cunt and fuck you to a froth."    


She smiled and said, "I would enjoy the same, sir."    


She started to remove her dress. "I could fuck you in the dress," I said. "You're nude beneath it."    


"This dress cost a couple thousand, sir. While Master can easily afford it, he prefers I take care of my things."    


"Have you cum since the start of the poker game?" I asked.    


"One of the twins played with my cunt until I climaxed while I gave him food, sir."    


"We need to take care of that, don't we?"    


"Please, Master."    


"You may cum as often as you need to, slave."    


"Thank you, sir."    


She carefully folded her dress and set it aside and I motioned her into my lap. I spent several minutes just kissing and caressing her, fingering her to an orgasm before I leaned back on the seat and had her mount me. She rode me to four more orgasms, sliding up and down my shaft before I froze, pulsing, giving a deep groan, releasing deep in her cunt. She rode me through my final tremors, finally collapsing against my chest.    


"We're here, Mrs. Thornhill," the drivers voice said over the intercom.    


"Find somewhere to park, Robert. We're not done yet."    


"Yes, ma'am."    


"Where is here, anyway?"    


"The Wyndham Garden, Fresno. Fresno doesn't really have any deluxe accommodations, so we've done the best we can. What they consider a suite is nothing more than a room with some seating in it. Three hundred, fifty square feet, smaller than my bedroom in New York, but we've made arrangements. Master is very good at making do."    


Evelyn sank down and cleaned my cock and I turned her over on her back and did the same to her, lapping my cum from her pussy. Both clean, she put her dress back on.    


"We're ready, Robert," Evelyn said in the intercom. "Drop us at the lobby, please?"    


"Yes, ma'am."    


"Have you ever fucked Robert, Evelyn?"    


"No." She looked to me with wide eyes. "Are you suggesting I fuck him with you, sir?"    


"Perhaps. What would your husband think?"    


"I don't know, Master."    


"Does he have a room here as well?"    


"Yes, sir."    


"Theoretically, everyone in the house may partake in your slave services. This is your house at the moment. I know what Bill would say about turning you loose on the entire hotel, but one other person?"    


"Oh, God, sir, you're making me so fucking wet right now."    


"Ask him."    


I watched Evelyn dial her Master. She was rubbing her breasts as she waited for him to answer.    


"Master, Scott was wondering if he could invite Robert to our room to join us. He said he is staying in our house at the moment and a slave should be prepared to serve anyone in the house." Evelyn listened to his response. "I know, Master. It's got me very aroused. I'm positively dripping." Another delay. "He wants to know if he may use Lisa while he's there," Evelyn said, "Julia explained the restrictions."    


"He's welcome to sample all the treasures of the house."    


"Scott says he's fine with it." A brief delay. "Thank you and good night, Master. I'll tell him." She hung up.    


"He said if you feel it's an appropriate use of your time with me, we can invite him, sir. And he wishes you a good night."    


"The good night is self evident considering the treasure I have," I said, kissing her. "Well, what do you want to do?"    


"Would you be offended if I wanted him to join, Master?"    


"Not at all. I know how slaves get. Tell him to come up to the room in about an hour. I want to fuck you once more by myself."    


The limo was pulled up to the front of the hotel. Robert opened the door for us. He helped Evelyn out, holding the door for me to get out myself.    


"Robert," Evelyn said, somewhat breathlessly I thought, "I'd like you to come up to our room in an hour."    


"Ma'am?" It was almost midnight.    


"I have one more errand for you tonight. My room in an hour."    


"Yes, ma'am."    


The trials and tribulations of the employees of the rich. I was sure Robert was used to doing many strange things at all hours of the day. Tonight's errand would certainly be a first for him.    


We went up to the room and immediately removed our clothes.    


Evelyn fell into my arms, saying, "God, fuck me, Master. I need to feel you inside me again. I'm so fucking horny."    


"I'll fuck you, but you aren't allowed to cum."    


"Master!" She protested.    


"You heard me. On the bed now."    


She got on the bed, her carefully coifed hair looking more disheveled now. Her lipstick smeared while cleaning my cock. I remembered Julia's lesson to Tony last week, the position that gave a woman the least amount of control. I put Evelyn on her back, put her legs over my arms and bent her backward, exposing her wet cunt for my cock, wide open. I slammed into her.    


"Oh, fuck. I'm not going to make it. Please let me cum, sir."    


"Sorry, not going to happen," I grunted, thrusting deep again. "What's the punishment if you cum without permission, slave?"    


"Twenty-five swats, sir."    


"My own slaves get thirty. I think you'll get thirty since you're mine tonight. I think Robert should give them to you. He looks big and strong."    


"Ooohhh, please don't, Master. You're going to make me cum."    


"I'm not making you cum, you're doing that all by yourself without permission. Think about something else other than my big cock sliding into your wet cunt, over and over, until I squirt my sperm deep inside you."    


Of course, telling her to think of something else other than her fucking, made her think of her fucking. She was shaking.    


"Please, oh, please, sir, let me cum, I'm begging you. I'm almost there."    


"No dice, slave. You're not to cum under any circumstances."    


She was silent, straining, I could detect the signs of her impending orgasm. She was doing what she could, but she wasn't going to make it. My cock kept sluicing far up her pussy, rubbing against her clit, her piercing, her g-spot. Just about every erogenous zone she possessed was under assault.    


"Ungh, ungh, ungh," she moaned, with each thrust into her liquid core. I kissed her, driving harder. "Aaauuugggghhhhhh! Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm cumming. Oh, fuck me!"    


The palpitations of her pussy almost made me cum despite our interlude in the limo, they were so strong. She was clinging to me as if I was in danger of floating away. I kept pounding hard and her orgasm dragged on. She didn't stop moaning for several minutes.    


I kept driving, wide open for my thrusts, her knees up near her face, impossible to stop, slow, modify or alter, a cavalcade of cock piercing her cunt. Evelyn started whimpering again.    


"Oh, please, sir, I'm going to cum again. Please, sir. I'm begging you. Please let me cum."    


"If you can hold out until I orgasm, you can cum, otherwise you can't."    


"How long before you cum, sir?"    


"It could be three minutes, might be five. Who knows."    


Evelyn moaned. Again, she tried to hold out, knowing she faced another punishment if she didn't. She was no more successful than she was the first time. She spasmed, whimpering low throated moans to enhance my pleasure. Another ten strokes and I climaxed myself, flooding her cunt a second time. I released her legs, allowing her to stretch out on the bed, and licking her pussy clean once again, before feeding her my own cock to clean.    


"Take a fast shower, a rinse, before Robert gets here," I ordered. "You should be somewhat presentable for your employee. You smell like a slut. When you come back, bring your paddle."    


"Yes, Master."    


Evelyn padded into the bathroom and in ten minutes was back. Her hair was dry so she hadn't washed it, but her skin was still damp. I had her stand in the corner holding her paddle, facing the room, while we waited.    


"When he knocks, you'll answer the door naked and let him in, then return to your corner while I discuss your situation with Robert."    


"Yes, sir."    


"Hold the paddle behind your back so you don't cover your cunt and spread your legs farther apart."    


"Yes, Master."    




It was ten minutes before Robert knocked on the door. As far as I could tell, Evelyn was getting wetter with every minute, to the point it was leaking down her leg. She went to the door and invited him in, then went back to her corner and stood. Robert watched amazement as she let him in stark naked, then went back to her corner. I'm not sure he even saw me sitting on the bed.    


"Robert," I said.    


He finally looked at me, sitting naked in a chair across the room from Evelyn. He blinked twice, bringing himself into the present.    


"Robert, are you familiar with the relationship which exists between your employer and his wife?"    


"Somewhat," he replied, his eyes drifting back to the naked Evelyn in the corner.    


"I think perhaps it should be clear. William is a Dominant Master. Evelyn is his submissive, a sex slave. It's the reason she's wearing his collar around her neck. Bill has decided to be more generous in sharing his slave's favors. This past evening, her services were sold to me until noon tomorrow. She's mine to fuck as if she were my own. Before exiting the limo, Evelyn contacted her Master and asked if you could be included in our fun. He said you could be. Whether or not you participate is up to you. You aren't being ordered to participate, nor will you be held accountable for fucking William's wife if you do. Your job is secure, no matter what you choose to do. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"    


He tore his eyes off Evelyn again and looked at me. "I believe I do, sir."    


"This offer is contingent on a couple different factors. One is that access to his slave can only be granted by William. You can never assume it will be granted at any other time past tonight. You should never speak to Mrs. Thornhill in a familiar way or touch her in any way you haven't previously been allowed. You must remain professional. Her body remains sacrosanct to William. You should never use this knowledge to smirk behind his back or otherwise make fun of your employer. You're being granted a great honor and you should treat it as such. Is this clear to you?"    


"Yes, sir."    


"Given those circumstances, do you wish to fuck Mrs. Thornhill?"    


He looked back at her, naked in the corner.    


"Yes, sir."    


"Evelyn, come here. Display yourself for Robert."    


She walked up to him and assumed the display position, legs apart, hands behind her head, chest out.    


"Inspect her closely," I said. "Check out her slave piercings on her breasts and cunt. Touch them if you want. Pay close attention to Bill's ownership badge on her cunt. She's his and nobody else's. It's important you never forget that."    


His hands went to her breasts, caressing her, his fingers moving over the piercing's on her nipples. Evelyn shivered under his touch. He pulled a foot stool in front of her and sat down, playing with the jewelry on her pussy. He saw the fluids running down her legs and wiped it with a finger, licking, tasting her.    


"Master, I'm going to cum. Please sir, let me cum."    


"You can cum, slave."    


Evelyn shivered, her muscles tightening, flowing under her skin, her pussy pulsating with her orgasm. Robert inserted two fingers into her pussy, feeling the palpitations of her climax.    


"She's going to be punished for cumming without permission twice. Thirty swats for each occurrence. I'm going to give her the first thirty with the paddle she's holding. If she doesn't cum from her spanking, she'll need to cum to make her feel better. You will fuck her to ease her pain, then you will give her the remaining thirty with your hand as you will be unused to using a paddle so should feel how hard you're striking her. When her punishment is complete, she's going to mount my cock and I want you to fuck her ass so you can feel the heat rising off it from her spanking. Does this sound acceptable to you."    


"Fuck, yes!"    


A definitive answer.    


"You may want to remove your trousers, at least, Robert. They might get in the way of what you want to happen. Over my knee, slave," I ordered.    


Robert was stripping off his clothes in a heart beat. He was already hard. He'd been eying the naked wife of his employer long enough and had time to consider what was about to happen. She handed me the paddle and she got over my knee on the edge of the bed. "Hands and feet on the floor, Evelyn. Keep count for me, promise to be more obedient."    



"Yes, Master."    


Swat. "One, I promise to obey you, sir."    


Smack. "Two, I promise to obey you, sir."    


One by one, I gave each of them to Evelyn, her bottom getting redder and redder, groaning under the weight of the paddle, still calling out each one and promising to obey me for each one, Robert's eyes glued to her naked ass. I finished.    


"Kneel on the bed," I said. "Robert is going to fuck you now. You have my permission to cum."    


As soon as Evelyn was situated on the bed, Robert was in her, thrusting. It took maybe three thrusts max before she was whimpering through an orgasm. Robert didn't last nearly as long as I had, but Evelyn was so primed, she still climaxed three times before Robert groaned and flooded her cunt. He had a lot more cum than I did by this time of the day. Evelyn turned and cleaned off his cock, sucking him clean and nearly into another erection. It would be hard again before he finished his half of the spanking. So would I. I handed Evelyn a towel as I wasn't up to sucking another man's cum from her cunt and I wasn't sure if he'd do it. This is where a second slave came in real handy.    


"Robert, put Evelyn over your knee and give her the other thirty spankings. I want you to be aware of how red and sore her ass is right now and take it into consideration as you spank her. The point is not to abuse her, merely remind her she should be obedient."    


"Yes, sir. Do I need to make her keep count."    


"That's up to you. It's not a bad idea for the slave to keep count in case you're easily distracted by naked red asses."    


Robert laughed. "You'd better keep track, Mrs. Thornhill. You have a very distracting ass."    


His hand fell, her bottom bounced. "One."    


Robert was careful. He moved his swats around her buttocks, never concentrating on just one or the same places. It didn't stop her from silently weeping and whimpering each time his hand landed. She'd already suffered through the paddle. Still she kept an accurate count. He reached thirty and left his hand on her, feeling the warmth emanating from her bottom. I got on the bed and told her to let Robert soak his cock in her cunt before she mounted me. He did just that and his shaft was soaked from her arousal and the number of times she'd cum.    


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