Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0Evelyn climbed over my hips and lowered herself over my prick, giving herself a couple of determined rides up and down until she climaxed, easing her pain. I spread her bottom and told Robert to be very gentle in penetrating her. He complied, pushing slowly through her puckered star, slowly filling the channel beside my own cock. He reached bottom and held still, Evelyn panting hard between us.    


"Fuck me, Robert," Evelyn gasped. "Fill my ass with your cum."    


Robert obeyed, still moving slowly until Evelyn said, "Faster, Harder. I'm a sex slave. Use me like the slut I am."    


That's when Robert started plunging harder, using every inch of her cock in her bottom. Evelyn spasmed, melting against me as Robert fucked her ass. She was kissing me, plunging her tongue in my mouth, playing tag with mine, sliding up and down my shaft in counterpoint to Robert's thrusting. Three minutes later, she orgasmed again, clinging to my cock as she shivered through another. I could feel Robert's shaft beside me, the thinnest of walls separating our organs, sliding against the membranes keeping us apart.    


"This feels so fucking good," Evelyn moaned. "So good. I'm going to cum again."    


She did shortly, gasping, panting, unable to catch her breath. Robert suddenly froze, his prick pulsing beside mine, filling Evelyn's rectum with his cum. I expected him to pull out shortly, but apparently, the tightness of her sphincter and my cock thrusting beside his kept him from entirely losing his erection. Within a couple minutes, he was thrusting again. I wondered how often he might have looked at Evelyn in the past, imagining her naked, possibly fucking her, his fantasy now come true, first in her sweet cunt, now her ass. He was able to keep going past three more of Evelyn's, and my own orgasm, cumming a couple minutes after I inundated her pussy, still trembling within the confines of her sheath when I could feel his cock twitching again, especially since mine was now quiescent.    


I grabbed the towel still lying on the bed and used it on me, then Evelyn, before passing it to Robert to wipe himself off. All three of us collapsed on the bed, breathing hard, our hearts pounding.    


"Evelyn, thank Robert for your fucking."    


"Thank you, Robert. I enjoyed my fucking immensely."    


"Robert, if you constantly maintain the same level of professionalism you demonstrated to your employer previously, you might be lucky enough to do this again. If you abuse the trust placed in you, you may find yourself without a job. No matter what happened tonight, Evelyn is William's wife and his property. Just as you wouldn't think of betraying his trust by stealing his car, don't betray it with his most valuable possession."    


"I understand, sir."    


"William needs to be picked up from my house in time to return him here by noon. Do you recall where my house is? You were there at Christmas."    


"I do, sir."    


"You're free until the time you need to leave and pick him up."    


"Yes, sir."    


"Get a good night's sleep."    


"I'll sleep like the dead, sir."    


I laughed. "So will we."    


He dressed and let himself out. I gathered up Evelyn and took her to the bathroom and showered with her, taking a little more time and ensuring she was sparkling clean before I dried her off.    


"Thank you, Master," she said sleepily. "I had a wonderful time. I can't believe you included Robert in our sex. Now every time I ride with him, I'm going to think of his cock fucking my cunt or ass and this time with you."    


"If you're going to fuck someone other than your Master, you might as well make it memorable."    


"I doubt I'll forget it, sir."    


She cuddled against me and we quickly fell asleep, exhausted.    




It was two before we went to bed last night. It was past nine in the morning when I felt Evelyn sucking my cock. She saw me open my eyes.    


"Master, please fuck me again."    


I smiled at her. "Since you woke me up before I was ready, I'll fuck you, because I'm not going to waste this erection, but you're not to cum again until I do."    


"Master, you're so mean."    


It didn't stop her from swinging her leg over me and sinking over my shaft. She started bouncing up and down.    


"Let's see, your regular fifty swat morning spanking and another thirty if you cum early; we're up to eighty and it's not even 10 AM. If you cum twice, you're over a hundred. It doesn't seem as if you care how many you get, as long as you cum."    


"I'm so fucking crazy with lust right now, sir, I'd fuck a doorknob."    


"Be careful what you say around me," I said. "My slave said she could fuck a cucumber and enjoy it, so I fucked her with a cucumber."    


She stopped, looking down at me. "You're joking, Master."    


"I'm not and there is a doorknob on the bathroom door. It looks a little fatter than you might be accustomed to, but if you want to fuck a doorknob, I'm your man. I install them for a living."    


Evelyn started riding me again. "I don't want to fuck a doorknob, sir. It was a figure of speech."    


"Don't say you'd fuck a fence post either. They can be really big and leave lots of splinters."    


She started laughing, leaning down to lean against my chest. Since she was in the neighborhood, I palmed her boobs and pinched her nipples. She moaned. I thrust my hips a couple times to make up for her lack of movement, causing her to growl, "Oh, fuck!"    


She rode me some more, going faster.    


"You're going to cum, aren't you?"    


"Probably, sir, I've tried resisting, but have proven incapable of maintaining control while I'm fucking you, so I'm just going to cum and take my medicine. Right now, I don't give a damn."    


"I'll make a deal with you," I said. "When you ask for permission to cum, if you can hold out for just two more minutes, I won't punish you."    


"Great! Permission to cum, sir."    


"You have to do better than that. I want you on the precipice, hanging on by a thread."    


"How do you know I'm not hanging by a threat now, sir?"    


"How many times do you think I've seen my own slaves cum, dear."    


She laughed. "A lot, I'd bet, Master. Fine. I'll wait until I'm dangling, then ask."    


It didn't take long either. Another couple minutes of fucking and all the signs were there. "Permission to cum, Master."    


"Starting countdown. I'll announce the last ten seconds. You can't stop moving though," I said, "you have to keep moving."    


"Fuck! Fine. Have it your way." She braced her arms on my chest and kept bouncing up and down.    


"How much time left now?" She panted.    


"Another minute."    


"Aughh! Felt like a fucking hour. I'm so close. I might not make it."    


"You can do it. I have a lot of confidence in you."    


"More than I have in myself. My muscles feel like they're starting to contract."    


"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," I announced.    


"Oh, fuck! Oh fuck! I'm cumming." She was frozen in place, her cunt clamping like a vise on my cock, massaging it in a velvet embrace. "It's beautiful, so good."    


I waited until the tremors died before saying, "I lied. You had fifteen seconds left."    


She stared at me, confounded I'd lie to her about something as important as an unpunished orgasm. I couldn't help it and broke into a grin.    


"You fucking bastard. You almost spoiled it. I was still feeling aftershocks when you said that. Killed them, flat dead."    


I pulled her down and kissed her. "You're beautiful when you're angry."    


She got out of bed, grabbed the room service menu and threw it at me. "Order us something, sir. I'm starving. Preferably lots of protein."    


"Come back to bed and I'll lick your cunt clean before you drip all over the floors."    


"Fine, but I want another orgasm, no restrictions on cumming, Master."    




She climbed back on the bed, pulled her feet back to her butt and spread her legs. "Hurry, sir. I think you left quite a creampie in me."    


"Yes. A nice juicy one, too, about to run out of your cunt."    


I leaned forward and swiped my tongue up her cleft, gathering some already dribbling out.    


"Mmm, Mmm, good," Evelyn said. "I'll give you an hour to stop that, sir."    


I laughed and continued cleaning up after myself until I was sure I had most of it.    


"What do you want, seriously, speaking about food now?"    


"Three fried eggs, over easy, a half dozen slices of bacon, two slices of whole wheat toast, coffee, black, and orange juice, please, sir."    


"You are hungry."    


"I didn't eat a lot last night, Master. I was nervous, didn't know who I'd get sold to, hoping it wasn't Regina. She reminds me of who I used to be, which wasn't a nice person. I was hoping for you, Jerry or Chen."    


"Your Master played the game so I'd win the last hand and put Regina nearly out of money. He didn't want you going to Regina either. I suppose he could have done it with one of the others if they'd had good cards that hand. Ended up being me."    


I called our order in, ordering a three egg Spanish omelet with two pancakes for myself with OJ and Earl Gray tea.    


"Should I make you answer the door naked?" I asked.    


She shivered. "That sounds like the crazy sort of thing you'd do. What's the craziest thing you've ever had your slaves do that I might not be aware of, Master?"    


"They've had to answer the door naked when a food delivery driver delivered food and they were the tip. They hiked nude on a somewhat secluded part of the Pacific Crest Trail, like the Appalachian, only on this side of the continent. It runs through Yosemite a few miles away. They had to fuck two guy hikers they met on the way, and we met Sarah on the trail, and they had to fuck her too. Both of them had to seduce sales girls helping them pick out clothes in a nice Department store. They had to get the clerk to allow them to lick her, and hopefully get licked back. That's how we met Jerry's slave, Reneé. She was the clerk Lisa seduced. They've both sucked my cock in a restaurant, although the tables have long table linens, so they were mostly hid. Didn't want to get arrested. Then there was a Memorial Day party and barbecue which was fairly similar to our bonding ceremony. What's the strangest things you've done."    


"Well, I've been suspended naked from a mast on a ship, exposed to the whole fucking world, like a flag, just off a beach. I've had to wear a butt plug and vibrator on a public nude beach and made to cum dozens of times while people were constantly walking by. I too, sucked my Master's cock in a non- nude restaurant, and there were no long table cloths. Master just bought a bunch of the restaurant farther away from the other guests. It was a buffet style, but he paid $20,000 to them so they'd let us remain naked and ignore our indiscretions and wait on us. I was sucking his cock another time, on St. Barts, hidden primarily by the legs of the other people with us when supermodel, Gigi Hadid, came up to our table. We knew her from fashion week in New York and she came up and greeted us by name. I was so embarrassed to be caught under the table, I came off Master's cock just as he was cumming and got cum all over my face. She saw it. I was mortified.    


"I can laugh about it now, but I wanted to sink into the ground at the time. She didn't seem to care, and I've never heard a whisper about it, but I was horrified all my rich friends in New York would hear about me sucking cocks under tables. The funny thing is, I'm not friends with most of them anymore. I doubt I'd even care now. A few times, during high finance negotiations, Master has had me disguised by a mask and had me wait on the other parties naked, or sucking his cock. It usually flusters them so much they make multimillion dollar mistakes."    


"Those aren't bad. I'm impressed."    


"Except for the financial negotiations, most of it happened before I even formally submitted. I was playing along, hoping he wouldn't divorce me for the unfaithful bitch I'd been. By the time it ended, I was ready for a collar.    


"I'd like to say I've very much enjoyed any time I've spent with you and your slaves. You're all quite imaginative. It's led to some interesting and fun times. Two hours with you last night and I was fucking the chauffeur. I'm glad Master is allowing me more freedom. He would never have allowed Robert to fuck me two months ago. He wouldn't have allowed me to fuck you either, or sold me at a poker game. I think you've caused both Master and Sam to open up."    


"Considering I couldn't open up either, that is a miracle. How do you feel about it?"    


"You couldn't tell from last night? I couldn't wait to jump you when I got in the room."    


"It doesn't bother you that you're doing now what used to piss him off?"    


"No, Master. He deserved to be pissed off. I was a slut for no purpose. It's not like I enjoyed fucking anyone more than my husband. I was doing it for no reason, almost an act of self-hatred. Sam believed it was always because I was a slave at heart and was trying to force Master to take me over my knee and spank me. He might be right. This was perfect for me. Sam and Marcia made the distinction the few times they intentionally allowed each other to fuck outside their marriage of knowledge and consent. Having the knowledge and permission of your spouse before you fuck anyone else instead of sneaking around behind their back. I will never do that to my Master again. If he's willing and able to share me, I'll happily accept, but I won't be a whore fucking around behind his back. Doing it with his permission makes it more exciting and enjoyable."    


There was a knock on the door; our breakfast. "What are you going to do?" I asked.    


She smiled, answered the door naked, signing the check and letting him push the cart in. "Thank you, young man," she said, handing him a twenty, then escorting him out.    


"Now you have to fuck me again, as soon as I'm done eating. I'm so fucking horny again."    


I laughed. "After your morning spanking."    


"Fine, that will just make me hornier."    


"I want you sitting on my lap and I'm going to feed you."    


I sat on the couch with the tray in front of us. As I fed her, I played with her. It took longer to eat, but it was a hell of a lot more fun. Two plates and three orgasms later, she was panting in my arms, the last of the food gone. I kissed her, then turned her over, bottoms up.    


"Keep count, but you don't have to thank me."    


Fifty hard swats, with my hand. Her pussy was leaking when I finished. I didn't even bother bringing her to the bed after, putting her on her knees by the couch and slamming into her.    


She moaned, "Permission to cum, Master," panting.    


"You can cum, slave, as much as you want."    


Another hard thrust, feeling her cum, crying out softly. She orgasmed several times during our fucking, so aroused. Feeling my cock swell in her cunt, explode, a dam bursting, pulsing jet after jet into her hungry cunt. Pulling out, still damn near erect. Picking her up and throwing her on the bed. Eating my cum from her trembling cunt, feeling the hardness return to my prick. Flipping her over and penetrating her ass, hard. Her groan, her pleas to fuck her hard, bouncing off her bottom with each thrust. Time after time, drilling for oil. My back arching, abs tightened, cock throbbing, body frozen. Cum exploding forth; deep groans and soft moans the musical accompaniment to our rapture. Finally, pulling out, a bit of my cream, trailing out behind me.    


I looked at her, legs splayed, one bent, hair in disarray, face and body flushed and sweaty, my cum leaking from her still reddened and gapping ass, her cunt wet with her own cum.    


"Stay still. I'm taking a picture of you, just like this."    



Her serene smile as I shot a half dozen, moving around her.    


"Any time I don't think it's possible to get a hard on again; all I'll have to do is look at one of these."    


She half turned, her nipples still swollen from need. "Two more. I swear." Taking two more. Setting my phone down.    


"I can't return Bill's wife looking like this. It wouldn't be right. You look like you've been fucked half to death."    


"Mmm, and it was some great fucking, too."    


"Let's get you cleaned up before he gets here. Maybe straighten the bed a little so it doesn't look like it was trampled by a herd of elephants."    


"It's not like he doesn't know what happened," Evelyn said.    


"But I hate leaving the evidence around for him to find. His wife should be neat and clean, not leaking cum from her ass."    


She laughed, saying she didn't want to move. I dragged her out of bed anyway, shoved her into the shower, handed her a half dozen bottles of stuff she had arrayed on the counter and told her to make herself presentable for her Master.    


"Yes, sir." She saluted. I swatted her ass for her impertinence and she laughed again, turning on the shower.    


I straightened the bed, then joined her in the shower, washing her, caressing her, until she gleamed. It was damn close to noon. I put on my clothes. The slave remained naked. At twelve, there was a knock on the door. Evelyn got up and answered it, clinging to her Master when he opened the door, blocking it.    


"I love you, Master," she said. "You've made me very happy."    


Bill hugging her, looking at me on the bed, actually dressed for the first time since I got there.    


"I'm so glad you enjoyed it, darling, but you have to move. We're blocking the hallway."    


Evelyn pulling her Master through the door, followed by Julia, Lisa, Rhonda, and Regina, on a leash, held by Julia. Regina wearing the bare minimum the law might allow around here.    


"Kneel, Whore," Bill said, and Regina knelt on the floor, waiting. Rhonda closing the door behind them.    


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