Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C87 087



We arrived at the house shortly after Chen orgasmed. We said goodbye to both of them and Bill and Evelyn. The slaves immediately removed clothing. After using a towel to wipe Whore's cunt since we'd had no time to clean her up, I led her upstairs to the room Dan and Sandy were using tonight. The hall light was on.    


"I want you to go in there and start sucking Dan's cock. He's a Master, so address him as such. When he wakes up, beg him to fuck you while you pleasure Sandy. Tell him your new name and ask to be addressed as such and that you're their payment for babysitting. They have the baby monitor tonight. When the baby wakes up, it's your responsibility to change the diaper."    


"I've never changed a diaper, Domina."    


"Sandy will show you how. She'll also show you how you need to feed the baby. Since he's started taking solid food, he doesn't always need breast milk, but there are bottles in the fridge which can be heated if he wants some. You will be their sex toy until tomorrow when they leave. We'll continue your training after they've left tomorrow morning. Be pleasing to them. You'll be punished if they have any complaints about your service."    


"Yes, Domina."    


"I'll hold the door open until you reach the bed so you can see, and close it after you start sucking his cock. Don't disappoint me, Whore."    


"I won't Domina."    


She crept to the bed in the light from the hall. Dan was spooning his slave from behind. She looked at them for a moment, deciding what to do. Seeing no other solution, she gently rolled Dan towards his back until his cock was visible, got on her knees and started sucking him.    


It didn't take Dan long to wake up.    


"Hello," he said, blinking himself awake.    


"My name is Whore and I may be addressed as such. I need to be fucked and I'll gladly pleasure Sandy while you fuck me."    


Dan saw me standing at the door and I nodded my head. He smiled.    


"You better finish what you started then. My cock won't get hard by itself, Whore."    


"Yes, Master." Whore kept sucking.    


Sandy was stirring also, saw the shadowy shape sucking her Master, smiled. I closed the door and went downstairs to my bedroom. Rhonda and Lisa were in a sixty-nine, and Master was fucking Lisa. Lacking other, more formal, responsibilities, I cupped Master's sack and caressed his balls, rolling them in my fingers.    


"I figured you'd been fucked enough tonight," Master panted.    


"I don't know what you consider to be enough, Master, but I'll concede Lisa needs it more than I do." He chuckled. "When you're done," I said, "I'd like to borrow my slave and take a shower. I still feel sticky."    


"I'm not surprised." He grunted. "That towel wasn't nearly big enough to wipe you off completely."    


He grunted again, starting to fuck faster. I rolled his balls some more, speeding up the process. He gasped, shaking, his balls pumping, filling my sister slave. I patted his ass.    


"Fill 'er up, sir. Shove that baby batter deep. Your slave wants a baby."    


"Don't take a shower without me," Lisa panted. "Nobody properly cleaned me at the restaurant after Master fucked me. I've got dried cum all over my cunt."    


"We can't have that," I said. "Who'd want to lick you in that condition."    


Lisa laughed. "No one. That's the point; you're all too finicky. Just give me a couple minutes before I stand up. Might as well let the wrigglers have a chance to work before I stand up and they all run down my leg."    


"Hey, I planted quite a few of those bastards way up there," Master protested. "They shouldn't all run down your leg."    


"Gravity has its way with most things, sir. Are you ready to pull out of me so I can stop crushing Rhonda?"    


Master rolled off Lisa, who rolled off Rhonda. There was a cock to clean and I was just the slave to do it.    


"Mmm," Master panted. "I may not be able to get an erection again tonight, but you can keep doing that anyway. Rhonda, a quick question for you. I saw you let Bill fuck your cunt tonight..."    


"She did?" I interrupted. "How nice."    


"Yeah, while you were otherwise engaged. My question is, did you just need to orgasm that bad or did you find Bill cunt worthy?"    


Rhonda laughed. "Cunt worthy, that's a good one, sir. I'll have to remember that. Can't it be both? That I needed to cum and he was cunt worthy. If anyone is cunt worthy, I would think it has to be Bill, don't you?"    


"So who else is cunt worthy?" Master asked. "If I weren't your Domina's Master, would I be cunt worthy?"    


"I believe you would have earned my cunt even if you weren't her Master, sir. There was a time before our ceremony I might have doubted it, but yeah, you're cunt worthy."    


"Anyone else? You did allow Sam to fuck you."    


"That was because we were angry at you, Master. You hadn't explained yourself yet. I fucked him to flip you the bird. Sam might eventually become cunt worthy, but he isn't yet."    


"So anyone else?"    


"Not at the moment. It's an exclusive list, sir." Rhonda kissed him.    


"Do you want to get pregnant some day and would you want me to be the father? Would you like a black father for your child, or do you care?"    


"If I have a child, I'd like him to be yours," Shasta said, smiling, "and yes, someday. After I'm 33 or so. Don't want to wait much longer than that, but I don't want a baby yet. After all, if our relationship continues as I hope it will; I consider Lucas and the eventual baby Lisa to be mine as well."    


I kissed her. My beautiful slave. Master and Shasta would make beautiful babies. She pulled me down on top of her, deepening the kiss. She broke it after a couple minutes.    


"I've got a pretty nice life," Rhonda said. "Lots of cunt to play with, people to love, a job I care about. The one negative was my family, but Wendy's come around, and maybe the others will eventually. I was fairly lonely when I met you. I haven't been for a long time, so thank you, cock and cunts both." She kissed all three of us.    


"I've been thinking of what trials and tribulations Whore should go through for her training. I think she definitely has to fuck and suck everyone in the poker group. She's done the Strongs, and Chen and Dan tonight. She needs to do you tomorrow, Master, before you leave for LA, cunt and ass both. We need to arrange for Jerry to fuck her sometime this week. She'll be licking all the women during the cum breaks, and we'll probably have Sean fuck her too. What else?"    


"She needs to learn to concentrate on what she's doing even if she's cumming or spanked," Rhonda said. "She was so jumpy at the spa at the hotel today; every little noise made her break concentration."    


"She's becoming good enough at cunt licking, but it's only to get you off in a reasonable amount of time. She needs to learn to adore and worship a cunt," Lisa said.    


"And a cock," I said. "We've gotten her to the point she can deep throat, but she's piss poor when it comes to an actual teasing seduction. It's all 'give me your cum and get out of my mouth'.    


"You might get her to do some of the things I made you do," Master said. "Seduce a sales clerk, suck a cock under the table at Luigi's, walk the trail nude."    


"Well, she's already tipped a lot of someones for service, sir," I said, laughing. "Luigi's would be good because there would be other customers there, not just staff."    


"Bill really threw her into the fire," Master said.    


"I think she had it coming, sir," Lisa said. "Bill was right to start her at the very bottom. Let her see what it's like down there. Out of all of our friends, I trusted her least of all, and I think her attitude has rubbed off on Ed and Rob a little. They aren't quite as snotty as Whore was, but they are less like the big, friendly galoots they used to be. She really came into our group through Ron, who would occasionally stand in. She wasn't there from the beginning. I've always thought her money got in the way of being a decent human being. My opinion anyway."    


"Perhaps," Master said. "Bill didn't want any of them to buy Evelyn. He threw away his clear win to give me enough money to buy Evelyn, keep her out of Regina's hands since she would have gone to the house for the night. Without Regina playing next week, it's unlikely either Ed or Rob could buy Evelyn and he's good with anyone else buying her for the night."    


"Have you let the baby batter soak in long enough, Lisa?" I said. "I really need a shower."    



"Yeah, I'm sure Master's sperm has done all it can."    


"Come on then. I want to wash both of you and have both of you wash me and if we should all cum in the process, it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all."    




Master fucked all of us in the morning, ending in Lisa again. I didn't mind as I'd orgasmed three times during my fucking. It might be the last time he was able to fuck us as he needed to plant his cock in Whore a couple times today. At least Bill was going to be here for a week, even if he was older and had his own slave, I'm sure I'd get to feel his cock in me.    


After Rhonda and I cleaned our two lovers, we finally wandered out of the bedroom. Sandy was feeding Lucas. Dan was fucking Whore's ass and she was complaining!    


"You're too deep, Master. Please not so deep."    


"Criminy, Whore, don't tell me you haven't had one or more of the Strong's fucking your ass. They love a double penetration."    


"Yes, Domina, but they aren't so deep in my ass."    


"Wider is more painful than longer," Lisa said. "They hurt me more than Master does."    


"But I'm used to wider, not longer."    


I suppose there's something to be said for what you're used to. All the other cocks which would go in her ass were longer, though perhaps Chen's, only a little.    


"Suck it up, Whore," I said. "Everyone else who is going to fuck your ass is longer. I'm not going to wrap tape around dicks five and a half inches down and tell someone to only fuck you as deep as the tape. You can get used to long as well as deep. I don't recall you having sympathy for Shasta when you fucked her ass with your big strap on."    


"Yes, Domina," Whore moaned. "She didn't complain."    


"Nor would she. She'd let you fuck her a new asshole before she complained to you. I don't know what problem you have with her, but I agree with Master Bill. It needs to end. Fuck her hard, Master Dan. Bend this bitch to your will," I said. "When you're done fucking her, she requires a fifty swat spanking. You might want to do that as well, sir."    


Apparently Dan agreed with my assessment. He pounded her harder and deeper. Despite the pain she said she was feeling, she still managed to cum during her fucking, begging to cum, though Dan playing with her clit as he split her open may have helped. Master watched Dan bang into Whore. Lisa and Rhonda started on breakfast.    


I kissed Sandy and Lucas, her on the lips and the baby on the top of his head.    


"How's Lucas doing, slave?"    


"Well, Domina, he's nearly done. He might like to top it off with some milk."    


"That's what I'm here for."    


I wiped his messy face before putting him to my breast. He latched on and the milk started flowing. "Tell me if Whore was sufficiently pleasing last night to you and your Master."    


"She was sufficiently pleasing, but distracted while Master fucked her."    


"We're going to start working on that today. Cunts and cocks both. She only seems to care about getting to the end, as if she won't have to suck another cock or lick another cunt as soon as she's done with this one."    


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