Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C89 089

C89 089

0"Take another rest, drink some water, stretch, then come back and you'll start on Rhonda. You're doing well so far. I'm proud of how far you've advanced."    


"Thank you, Domina."    


While Whore was gone, Lisa said, "She's really improved greatly since yesterday. She'll be a prime slave if she keeps going this way."    


"Which is why she needs to repeat, build memory for doing it like this."    


Whore returned. She'd washed her face in addition to using the bathroom and drinking a glass of water. Rhonda was on the bed, waiting for her, welcoming her with open legs and another liquid cunt.    


"During your training with Rhonda, I will be paddling your bottom. I will start lightly at first, though I shall strike you progressively harder as we go along. Use the initial swats to acquaint yourself to the sting of the paddle. Let it dance on the edge of your consciousness, but not to the forefront. Let the sting wash over you. Feel the warmth on your bottom, but don't let the pain in. Drift with it. Let the warmth flood your pussy, spread throughout your body, absorbing the sting."    


"I'm not sure I can do that, Domina."    


"If you concentrate on Rhonda's cunt, it's actually easier to drift off, to ignore the pain. If her pussy becomes your focus and not your buttocks, you'll actually feel less pain than by concentrating on yourself. You might even cum yourself and if you do, you have my permission to cum."    


"You think it's possible to orgasm while spanked, Domina?"    


"It happens to me frequently. It has happened to all slaves at some point or other. Rhonda became my slave upon a bet I couldn't make her cum while whipping her. It was for one day, but she didn't want to stop."    


She looked at Rhonda for confirmation and Rhonda smiled. "It's true. She was whipping me and when she struck my cunt, I climaxed. By the time my day was up, I was ready to become her sex slave permanently."    


"You'll begin your seduction and I'll leave you alone for a few minutes, and then I'll start lightly."    


Whore got between Rhonda's legs and Rhonda closed her eyes waiting for the magic to begin. I gave Whore five minutes to get deeply into the seduction. Rhonda hadn't cum yet but was moaning for the pleasure she was feeling, before I gave Whore a love tap. She ignored it which is good. From that point on, the swats continued, moving all over her lovely ass, and she remained glued between Rhonda's legs and licking her cunt. The swats became increasingly hard, but not punishment hard. Her bottom started to move, but it did not seem to me, she was trying to avoid The Enforcer, more as if she were seeking it. That was the sting level I left it as. Both women were making sounds of pleasure, not just Rhonda.    


Rhonda's were louder, and more frequent, but her voice wasn't the only one raised in pleasure. Rhonda had cum three times and when she orgasmed the fourth, Whore joined her, the unmistakable signs of a cunt spasming in front of my eyes. I turned the Enforcer around, penetrating Whore's pussy, extending and increasing the enjoyment she felt from her orgasm. Despite it, she remained focused on Rhonda's pleasure, giving her a fifth climax in short order, despite her squirming upon the handle of The Enforcer.    


Both were panting hard when I told Whore to stop.    


"I climaxed, Domina," Whore said in wonder.    


"We could tell, slave. It was quite obvious. Part of the reason was your focus on Rhonda. Did you detect any wavering in Whore's attention to you while she was spanked or fucked, Rhonda?"    


"None, Domina. Whore is excellent slave material."    


"Take another brief rest, Whore, then start on Master. Essentially, seducing a cock is much the same as seducing a cunt. Focus on extending pleasure to your Master. While an orgasm will the be inevitable conclusion of your work, let him enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Listen to his body. What makes him feel the most pleasure, what the least. Search out all of the places which give him enjoyment. There are far more than just the nerve endings in his cock. Your tongue, your lips, your fingers, your breasts, even the hair on your head can be used to tease and please him. Skin is an erogenous zone and he has a lot of it. Don't ignore the rest of him for the little patch between his legs. You may wash your face, Whore. You've got cum all over it."    


"Thank you, Domina."    


She hadn't returned when our doorbell rang. The only people we were expecting was the Thornhill's. I told Whore to answer the door nude and if it was her Master to kneel when he entered the house. She rushed to the door and we followed along more leisurely.    


It was indeed Bill and Evelyn. Bill was holding a carry on, Evelyn had a purse and make up case. Robert was holding a larger suitcase. Whore was kneeling for her Master.    


"Scott, I was wondering if you had room for Robert in your house or I should send him to a nearby motel?"    


"We do have an additional room," Master said. "The bed will need to be made up. We don't leave sheets on it. Rhonda has the other bedroom upstairs as she works nights Sunday through Thursday and we want her daytime rest to be relatively undisturbed farther from the noises in the basement. The other bedroom downstairs was turned into a nursery for Lucas. Rhonda can show Robert where the sheets are and help him make up the bed."    


"Great, thanks. Robert, get your suitcase and take it upstairs with Rhonda. Evelyn, you may strip. How is my other slave doing?"    


Lisa was taking Bills luggage to our room while Robert went to get his suitcase. Evelyn was getting nude. It was quite easy when you only had one garment to worry about. She knelt beside Whore when she was done, a proper slave.    


"Very well, Master Bill," I replied. "She's been learning to lick cunt while ignoring distractions such as getting fucked or punished. She was about learn to do the same while sucking on my Master's cock, but she might as well start on yours instead."    


"I was hoping to be trained fully before attempting my Master, Domina. I wanted to be perfect for him."    


"Nonsense, Whore. You'll do fine. It's not that much different from pleasuring a cunt. We just discussed it. You performed superbly on Rhonda. You shouldn't have much more difficulty performing on your Master. Sir, you may want to removed your clothes. Whore is learning not all of your nerve endings are located in your cock. I'll hang up your suit. Have a seat and let Whore entertain you."    


Bill leaned down to caress her face. "Show me how much you've progressed in your training, Whore."    


He removed his clothing and I took his suit and hung it up in our closet since he would be staying as Master of the house, folding his other things, leaving them on one of the chairs. When I returned to living room, Bill had taken a seat and Whore was performing her seduction, doing much as she had when pleasuring Lisa and Rhonda. Bill certainly seemed to be enjoying it. He had an erection already, though Whore was mostly ignoring it at the moment, concentrating on other pleasure points. She was doing much as I had done when I'd pleasured him at Brianna's while we were suffering through Master's temporary madness.    


Evelyn still knelt on the floor, awaiting her Master's attention. She might not get it for awhile from all indications.    


"Master Bill, if it would please you, I'd like to show your other slave the hospitality of our house."    


He groaned, "Whatever you wish." Whore was squishing his cock between her breasts, licking the top of his cock each time it appeared as she moved up and down.    


"Please join me on the couch, Evelyn," I said, helping her up. "I would dearly love to play with you."    


Robert returned and followed Rhonda up the stairs. I wondered if I'd be fucking him again. I'd enjoyed his cock in me last night at the restaurant, but it had felt rushed, one of many trying to use me.    


Since Master wasn't going to enjoy Whore's mouth, he enjoyed Lisa's cunt, as she rode him in the other chair, trying to fill her belly with a baby.    


I laid back and pulled Evelyn into my arms, kissing and fondling her. When she seemed warmed up, I moved down her body, looking for her liquid core. Just before disappearing between her legs, I glanced over to check Whore's progress. She was lightly holding Bill's cock, licking and sucking the stones in his sack. Good, she'd paid attention. Evelyn gasped and climaxed when my tongue slithered up her slit from perineum to clit, gathering the nectar leaking from her cunt.    


Evelyn had four orgasms in the time it took Whore to give Bill one, but the one he got was a doozy. He had her head in his hands, thrusting up into her throat as he have several strangled cries of pleasure, pumping her mouth full of cum. Whore was doing as I'd said, savoring his cum, enjoying every jet of seed he was releasing, not swallowing immediately. Her mouth was awash with his cream before she swallowed it all.    


"Oh, fuck" Bill panted. "I detected a lot of you in that blow job, Julia. That was incredible."    


"I'm glad you liked it, Master Bill. Whore is progressing very quickly. I have no doubt she'll be the perfect slave for you before her week is up."    


"Would you teach me to give oral pleasure like that before we go back to LA? I want to give my Master pleasure like that when I suck him off."    


"Of course, dear girl. We can practice on him tonight," I said, kissing her.    


"I'm afraid I can't tonight, Julia," she said shyly.    


"Why not?"    


"She'll be otherwise engaged," Bill said, smiling. "Since Scott is leaving me with his three slaves and another one in training, I've decided to let Evelyn go with him to Los Angeles. I wasn't really thinking of how much he was giving up when I asked him to build my house in LA. Every other week, he's gone, neglecting you three beauties and doing without himself. I suddenly feel it was quite rude of me to ask."    


"You're paying me a great deal of money, Bill," Master said. "I knew what I was getting into when I accepted. You don't have to loan me your wife."    


"I didn't know what you were getting into. I didn't think, and no, I don't HAVE to loan you my wife. I CHOOSE to loan you my wife. It's a big difference. I talked it over with her last night and this morning and Evelyn felt she would enjoy serving another Master for five days, learning the variances between different Master's and learning to please them. She definitely enjoyed her time with you after her sale. We'll talk every day while you're working and I'll be down in LA on Thursday to see how she's doing and make sure she still feels the same. Plus I feel it's only fair since you're sharing yours."    


"That's not why I did it, Bill. I wasn't doing it because I expected tit for tat, or even tit for tit."    


Bill laughed. "I know you didn't. If you'd expected it, I wouldn't do it. My slave is more valuable than for me to go swapping her to every Tom, Dick and Harry who's willing to share someone. I'm doing it because I like and respect you, know how highly you prize your own slaves and trust you implicitly to see Evelyn is well taken care of. And I'm doing it because I know she'll enjoy every second of her subservience to you."    


"Not every second, Bill. I still have to work on your house. And eat, and sleep."    



"Then every second you're available to her, Scott," he said, laughing again. "She can use the hotel pool, or even visit Brianna during the day. I'm sure Brianna would send a car for her, or she could take a taxi. Just tell her what time you want her back."    


"Thank you, Bill. I'm incredibly honored and even amazed you're doing this for me. I don't take it lightly."    


"Nor should you. You're one of only two men in the world I would trust her with for that long. She'll need the carry on, her purse and make up case. I hope you keep her naked most of the time, but if you should choose to take her to dinner or out dancing, she'll have something to wear."    


"Not a problem. Even I get hungry for more than slave once in awhile."    


Evelyn blushed. I didn't often see experienced slaves blush anymore. New ones all the time. They were still getting used to their subservience and all it required. Perhaps it was because it was my Master and not her own saying it.    


I kissed her again. "I know you'll take good care of my Master for me."    


She hugged me; two naked slaves boob to boob and cunt to cunt. "You know I will," she said, "as well as you care for mine."    


The slaves started on lunch, including Evelyn, but excepting Whore. "You can continue to practice, Whore," I said. "Robert looks as if he needs some relief. I want you to notice the differences between different men. They're not cookie cutter cookies. Every man is different and will like different ways of doing things. When you're finished with Robert, I want you to tell me five things he liked differently from your Master. Robert, remove your clothes. You're about to get the experience of a lifetime."    


He did too, nearly levitating from his chair as Whore finished him off twenty minutes later.    


Our Master's were served drinks while they waited. There was quite a bit of grab ass in the kitchen as we worked. We enjoyed each other's company immensely, but you know slaves; any tit in a storm.    


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