Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C95 095

0Evelyn had to move carefully to make sure the vibrator in her cunt remained there, but she moved to the bucket and did as I'd ordered, sitting on the bucket as if she were watching the workers moving to and fro. She reached into her purse and got her iPad. At random intervals, usually when I noticed no one else in the vicinity, I'd turn one or the other on, sometimes both. She usually started a little, then relaxed as she realized what was happening. She tried to remain blandly impassive, but sometimes, she'd get these expressions on her face, almost like as if she was daydreaming with a smile on her face and I'd know she was cumming.    


I checked on her every hour or so, asking if she needed anything. Once, about mid morning, she asked for a bottle of water. Another time, she told me she was sitting in a pool of her cum and her pussy vibrator would slide out if she stood up unless she could hold it. A good warning, I thought. When she said she needed to urinate, I brought her big rag and when she stood up, and the vibrator slid out of her, I covered the top of the paint bucket, hiding the vibrator and the liquid pooled on the lid, waiting beside it while she used the porta-pottie. She came back and I had her put it back in when the coast was clear and rearrange herself.    


"My bottom is getting numb, sir," she said, having adjusted herself on the bucket.    


"We'll break for lunch soon. How many times have you cum?"    


"Was I supposed to keep track?"    


"No, just guess."    


"Over ten, less than twenty." She smiled. "You can't imagine how much I've wanted to moan, or even scream when I was cumming and couldn't. There was someone close enough to hear. This has been dangerous fun, sir."    


Lunch time came. We were too remotely located for a lunch wagon to roll around and guys and girls from the other crews living in LA, usually brought lunch boxes from home. My guys, living in a motel, usually had a run a few miles down the road and hit a mini-mart or McDonalds for lunch. I told my foreman I might need a little longer to take Mrs. Thornhill to some nicer place for lunch. He said he'd take care of getting the crew started when lunch was over.    


The vibrator slipped out again when she stood up for lunch and I wrapped it in the rag and shoved it in my briefcase. There was a pool of liquid below where she'd been sitting. I used another rag to wipe it, then tipped the bucket over in place. I took her to a diner with cushioned booth seats and she had a hot roast beef sandwich with gravy and I had a corn beef on rye. When we left, I didn't head back to her house.    


"Where are you going now, Master?"    


"A WalMart or Target. You're right about the bucket; you need a softer seat. I'm going to get you a canvas camp chair."    


"Will you be doing the same thing to me this afternoon, sir?"    


"Of course," I replied, smiling.    


"Then get a couple beach towels to put over the chair or people might think I've peed in it, Master."    


"Good tip."    


I not only got a couple beach towels, I got a cheap pair of cotton panties to hold the vibrator in when Evelyn stood up. They'd be thrown away at the end of the day, drenched in her fluids. When I returned to the truck, Evelyn took a quick look around, then told me to open my zipper when I got in the car.    


"Keep watch, Master," she said, pulling my cock out of my pants. "Warn me if someone gets close, not like the bus incident."    


She leaned over my crotch and gently sucked my cock. It only took five minutes for her to extract my cum, swallowing every drop. I went back to her new house and opened my briefcase to replace the batteries in her vibrator.    


"My briefcase smells like a whorehouse," I said.    


"Something to remember me by, sir."    


I laughed, pulling her vibrator out of the rag I'd wrapped it in, and replaced the batteries, then changed them in her butterfly. The rag was thrown onto the floor in the back. I told her to put everything back on.    


"The pussy vibrator will just fall out if I try to walk, Master."    


"Not today," I said, pulling out the panties. "Now you can walk around with it inside of you."    


"Ooh, sir. That should be an interesting feeling. The plug in my bottom and this in my cunt," Evelyn said, sliding the vibrator back in. "I thought Master's liked to keep my fuck holes available."    


"Well, I can't fuck you while we're here and both your holes are occupied anyway."    


She put the panties on. I turned on all of her vibrators.    


"Oh, fuck," she moaned.    


"You're going to walk back to the same place with them both operating."    


"If you could possibly describe how I'll be moving as walking, Master. More like crawling, I should think."    


I laughed and got out of the truck, carrying the two towels and camp chair. Evelyn tried to follow me, but it was more of a halting, crabbed walk until I took pity and turned them off until she could sit down. I set up the chair in the same location as previously, putting one of the towels down over the seat.    


"You'll still need your bare ass on the towel unless you want to soak the back of your dress."    


She looked around to see if it was safe, then raised the back of her dress to sit down, tucking it in around her. I gave her the other towel to lay on top of her lap, to better hide the fact her dress was rucked up.    


"This will be much better, sir," she whispered. "Thank you."    


I turned on the vibrators again. "Don't thank me yet," I said. "It's not over til it's over."    


She moaned. "It's like the vibrator is making my plug vibrate as well."    


I left her alone. She sat there the rest of the afternoon, with her stimulants keeping her on edge the rest of the day. Over the course of the afternoon, she had another bottle of water and bathroom break. I'd see her legs and body tighten on occasion as a new wave of pleasure coursed through her, but on the whole, I don't think anyone else ever realized she was cumming frequently. I stayed there until everyone else had left. When no one else was at the job site but the two of us, I turned both vibrators on and left them on. Finally able to make a sound, Evelyn screamed softly as she climaxed over and over again.    


She couldn't leave her seat. I hadn't given her permission yet. She watched as I pitched a rope over one of the bare interior rafters and screwed two eyebolts into the wooden floor, her eyes widening.    


"Get up and strip, except for your panties," I said.    


Evelyn jumped up, doing what I asked. Her panties were soaked. I called her to me, fastening the rope around her hands and tying them together and lifting her arms above her head. I fastened her legs to the two eyebolts with more rope, spreading them far apart, opening herself to me.    


"We're going to inaugurate your new house a little early" I said.    


I ripped her sodden panties off, catching the vibrator as it slithered from her slick cunt. I left the butterfly on and running. It wasn't in the way from anything I was doing anyway. I got a new paint stirrer and standing beside her, gave her the fifty swats she was supposed to get every day, though not all of them landed on her lovely bottom. Some found her breasts, some her twat, which is why I left the vibrator on, continuing to give her orgasms. She was thrashing, both in pain and pleasure, though mostly pleasure from the moaning she could now release.    


The last of the fifty administered, I released her legs and my cock, and crouching, thrust into her cunt, making her spasm wildly. Lifting her legs around my waist, I fucked her tight cunt as she hung there, the anal plug making a snug fit for my cock despite the slickness of her soaking pussy. She orgasmed six more times as I fucked her, the butterfly continuing to stimulate her clit even as my cock reamed her cunt. Her exhortations of "Fuck me! Fuck my cunt, Master!" moaned into my ears. My cum rising, exploding deep into her as she sobbed in joy. The last few thrusts into her clenching cunt, milking the last of my cream.    


I lowered her legs to the floor as I shrank and fell out of her, our cum running down her legs. I turned off the butterfly, and released her arms and she clung to me, like a drowning man, whimpering, "I feel so good, Master. You made me feel so good."    


"Masters should make slaves feel good."    


I put everything away, removing the eyebolts from the floor. She donned her clothes. She was right about the towel, it was soaked, though it hadn't gone through to the chair beneath it. I threw her torn, soggy panties into the construction dumpster. I put the chair into the truck, not thinking she'd want to come again tomorrow, despite the warm glow she was feeling now. I stopped at my usual restaurant and the witch wasn't there.    


We sort of rushed through supper. I wanted to get Evelyn back to the room and fuck her again. As soon as we closed the door, we had our clothes off and I was fucking her from behind, turning and twisting the plug in her ass as I did, making her cum five more times before freezing, my cock throbbing my load deep inside her cunt.    


We kissed and spooned for awhile, enjoying the afterglow of some terrific sex.    


"Go remove your plug and shower. I need to make a few phone calls and get things lined up for tomorrow's work. Put a swim suit on afterward and we'll go to the pool."    


"Yes, Master."    


I made my phone calls, still talking when Evelyn padded into the bedroom, naked and drying her hair. She found her suit and put it on. It was a tiny bikini and didn't cover much. I whirled my finger around and she turned, showing me the T back, baring her buns. My cock twitched. Noticing, she opened her mouth and mimed sucking my cock. Christ, not yet. I shook my head no and she smiled.    


Finishing my calls, I put on my swimsuit and we went to the pool. It was relatively quiet this time of the evening, the sun seekers gone, only a dedicated swimmer doing laps. We both got in the water, and I held her, rubbing her ass.    



"I'm not taking you to work again tomorrow."    


"Why not? I had a great time, Master."    


"Because you were too distracting. I didn't get nearly as much accomplished as I'd hoped to. You do want it done on time, don't you?"    


"For another day like today, I could be persuaded into a delay, sir."    


"I'm not sure your husband would appreciate a delay caused by my fucking his wife."    


"Very well, sir. I shall sit here, waiting for you with bated breath, alone in my misery."    


I laughed, sneaking a finger under her suit bottoms, penetrating her. She whimpered softly.    


"If I weren't worried about you needing the bathroom, I think I'd tie you spreadeagled on the bed to wait for me with your vibrators on burning through the battery."    


She moaned, not all of it due to my finger; her imagination making up the rest.    


"Do it, Master. Do it to me. Call Marcia and have her swing by our room and release me around 10:30 AM. I should be fine until then."    


I kissed her. "Are you sure?"    


"Yes, sir," she moaned softly, her cunt fluttering over my finger, cumming. I waited until her climax ended before withdrawing it.    


"Very well, we'll call her when we get back to the room."    


Actually, I was starting to recover, the longer I stood holding this delightful lady in my arms, the more my prick was responding, to the point I didn't want to get out of the pool. I told her to go sit up on one of the deck chairs until I could recover. She smiled and got out, getting more than a glance from the man who had been doing laps. I did a few laps myself until I felt it was safe to get out of the pool myself, taking her back to the room as soon as I'd dried off. Once again, as soon as we'd entered the room, our wet suits were off and tossed onto the tile floor in the bathroom and I was in her ass, so nicely prepared by the plug she'd worn all day.    


I'd taken my damp towel beside the bed and wiped us both off afterward. I dialed Marcia.    


"Good evening, Scott. You're back in town this week again, aren't you?"    


"Yes, I am and I have a favor to ask."    


"If you want to have sex again, I'd need to call my Master and ask if he's okay with it."    


"Actually, I have Evelyn now and she's keeping me pretty busy. Where's your Master?"    


"He and Chantelle took a couple of his kids up to Minnesota to visit his family. What are you doing with Evelyn?"    


"Bill is allowing her to spend the week with me while he's in Fresno with my slaves. Which is the reason for my call. Do you believe you'll have anything pressing tomorrow?"    


"Well, you never really know. Why do you ask?"    


"I'm going to leave Evelyn tied to the bed with vibrators on at her request. She'll need to be released sometime between nine when the battery dies, and eleven, when she should probably be released to use the toilet."    


"How kinky, Scott. Sounds like fun."    


"Will you be working in the area and do you think you can swing by during that time? I'll leave a key in an envelope for you at the front desk."    


"I'm working the area, and if I'm busy, I'll call by 10:30 to let you know I won't make it there before eleven."    


"That's fair. Of course, if I get pulled off the job again, I'll have to punish her. I didn't get enough work done today."    


"What happened today?"    


I told her what happened at the house today.    


"I'm tingling, Scott. You're such a naughty boy. Okay, we're set. I'll let her go or call by 10:30. I'll talk to you later."    


It wasn't long before Bill called his slave again to check in on her. She was able to answer this time.    


"Hello, Master. Thank you for calling to check up on me. Let me put you on speaker so we can all speak." She pushed a button and we were all talking. "Speaker now." She gave an abbreviated version of what we'd done today. Bill laughing for much of it.    


"How's Whore's training going?" I asked.    


"She's currently licking Lisa's cunt, Master," Julia said. "We took her shopping this evening after our laser removal appointment. I have some bad news about that. We actually have to let our hair grow in order for the lasers to work and they work better on dark hair than they do on blonde. He said to come back in a couple weeks after our pubes have grown out a little, but I may require more visits than Lisa and Rhonda as I have blonde hair. We've stopped shaving for now and we'll all have to deal with stubbly cunts for awhile."    


"Whatever is required," I said. "What happened when Whore was shopping?"    


Julia and Bill explained everything which happened during their shopping trip and both Evelyn and I were laughing when they were finished. Regina wasn't laughing, and neither was Lisa, who was moaning in the background.    


"We'll tell you about the rest of her day when we see you on Friday, sir," Julia said. "She has to lick me again before she goes to Robert's room to get fucked. Robert wants her wearing her tail when he fucks her. We'll talk again tomorrow."    


We broke the connection, and we continued to chuckle as we snuggled together.    


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