Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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The first thing I wanted to do after eating was try the e-stim device on my sister slaves. While we were still outside, I tried it first on Rhonda as she needed a quick nap before going to work. Master told her we were all supposed to use it for about a half hour every day, but use our own judgment. I took control of the remote for Rhonda, since she was my slave. She liked the third pattern on the vibrations, so that was the one I used when I started the e-stim.    


She shook as badly as I had when I turned it on. It reminded me of cartoons of people being electrocuted. It wasn't that bad, but you couldn't stop shaking. Rhonda climaxed at every e-stim level but it wasn't until I got all the way up to five before Rhonda squirted too. It shot out four to five feet.    


"Holy cow," Rhonda said, still shaking after I'd turned it off. "That was fucking intense. I can see why it's good for the Kegel's. It almost feels as if they just cramped."    


"I know." I started licking my slave to clean the fluids from her cunt and legs.    


"I want to try it," Lisa said when I was done.    


I inserted it in my sister slave and handed her the remote. "Since we're supposed to do ourselves every day; you might as well learn to do yourself. Find your favorite vibration pattern first."    


Lisa liked pattern four. I thought it was interesting we all liked different vibrations. When she turned on the e-stim, she went through all five levels without squirting. She did orgasm, so it wasn't that she was unaffected by the electronic stimulation. I asked her to try it with different vibration patterns and level five e-stim. Still didn't squirt.    


"Guess I'm not a squirter," Lisa said.    


"You might be too dehydrated," Master said. "Climaxed too much earlier. Try it again after a full day of drinking fluids and without cumming first. It was the first time Julia and Rhonda climaxed after a period of abstinence."    


"You might be right, sir," I said. "I'm going to try it on myself again. I've cum often since I squirted."    


I removed the device from Lisa's pussy and put it in my own. I moved it up to my vibration pattern and started the electronic stimulation, going from one all the way to five. I finally did squirt again, but it wasn't nearly as much as the first time. Maybe six inches and a small amount of fluid. I did it for fifteen minutes, but that was it.    


"It may be a function of hydration. It wasn't nearly as much as I did the first time."    


"Well, whether Lisa squirts or not, we definitely know it can't be done on the bed, or on any carpet. Hard surfaces only."    


"Do you think you'd be shocked if we turned it on while you were fucking our ass?" I asked.    


"Are you trying to discourage me from ass fucking?" Master asked, laughing.    


"Never. Just want to know. If we're contracting our Kegel's as it's zapping us, it would be enjoyable fucking us, wouldn't it?"    


He laughed again. "I supposed we can try it sometime. At least we'll know."    


Rhonda went to sleep after. Master took us to bed and fucked us both before falling asleep, depositing his cum in Lisa.    




Our furniture business might be taking a day off on Monday, but Master had to work. Lisa and I sucked his cock before he left for work, and I was lucky enough to collect his gift. I was the first one to go to the clinic on Monday morning, having an appointment at nine AM. Lisa's was at three PM, so she was looking after Lucas until I got home. It also left me with the time to see Mistress Dark after.    


When they lasered my pubic hair off, there was a slight burning sensation, similar to the heat I'd feel if Master was whipping my mons. They warned me again blonde hair didn't do as well as darker hair. They said I should come back in two months and they'd do another treatment, and said I might have to do it about once a year after to go for the smooth look I was hoping for. I made the next appointment before I left.    


I called Mistress Dark and asked if I could stop by and see her right now. She said she'd be happy to spend a little time with me though she expected to use me when I was there. I didn't mind being used, so agreed to her terms. Rose greeted me at the door with a kiss and led me back to the dungeon. Mistress Dark currently had one male and two female slaves in training. The male was currently licking MD's cunt while Slut fucked his ass with a strap on. He was learning how to ignore what happened to him while paying attention to her pussy. He seemed to be doing fairly well, so I assumed it wasn't the first time he'd done it.    


She was seated in a chair, so I bent over and kissed her.    


"Ah, slave. I've missed you. You're one of my favorite trainees."    


"Thank you, Mistress."    


"What is the purpose of your visit today?"    


"I wanted to inform you we were getting ready to open our own website in the next week or two. We spent the last couple days doing video's and photos demonstrating all of our current products and a large number of yours. It should be very stimulating to the average viewer. We'll promote your business with links to your site and Brianna's baubles with our jewelry and links to them. Also, we're selling part of our manufacturing to William Thornhill for them to be built at some of his furniture factories. We're only going to keep king size and larger bed frames. He's going to take 20% for shipping and handling our frames, and give us 10% on every one of our products he sells. We anticipate profits 50% higher than we're currently making in a year, with less work on our part.    


"We're going to lose Janet to maternity leave, Reneé to her honeymoon, and possible pregnancy at some point. Lisa is trying to get pregnant and we were two to three weeks behind in our orders even without that. It was hard for anyone to take a vacation or time off. Just the beds should keep us busy enough we might even be able to get ahead a little.    


"We're hoping the cross promotion will help drive your business up as well. Almost all of the videos and photos we took of naked slaves featured one of your products. It's practically pornographic. As soon as the site is ready, I'll have Sean send you a link so you can take a look at it."    


"Thank you, dear. I appreciate it." She spoke to the man licking her cunt. "You can stop now. This woman will be taking over for you. You did well. Slut will help you cum now."    


"Yes, Mistress," he said.    


Slut and he left, and I took his place in front of Mistress Dark.    


"Show me you haven't forgotten how to seduce me," MD said.    


"Yes, Mistress," I replied.    


I spent the next twenty minutes showing MD I hadn't forgotten anything. It was ten minutes before I made her cum, and she came four more times in the next ten.    


"That was excellent, slave. Rose, I think you should enjoy this slave's mouth. She's gotten quite good."    


"I would love that, Mistress, though I would also like to sample her as well."    


"You whore," MD said affectionately.    


"Yes, Mistress."    


"If I were to die suddenly, you'd gladly submit to Julia, wouldn't you?"    


"Probably, Mistress. Slut would probably prefer someone harsher, but I'd happily submit to Julia."    


"Go and use my bedroom. No more than thirty minutes, and don't leave a mess behind you."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


Rose took my hand and led me to Mistress Dark's bedroom. We spent a lovely twenty-five minutes with our mouth's plastered to one another's pussies.    


Before our time was up, we'd remade the bed.    


"I hope we'll still be able to see one another after you start your own website," Rose said, kissing and licking some of the cum off my face. We started back to the dungeon.    


"I'll make sure Master invites your Mistress over on occasion for supper and games," I said. "We've relaxed our rules somewhat. If Mistress wanted to fuck our Master, it's now permitted. We get to fuck other men again now."    


"She doesn't much fuck cocks unless they're subservient to her."    


"Too bad. Master is an excellent lover."    


"I know," Rose said. "I wouldn't even mind fucking him if I submitted to you."    


I kissed her again. "You're a lovely little slave. It was worth the pain and trouble turning you into my slut."    


"Thank you."    


I took my leave. When I left, Rose was pleasuring MD in return for getting to spend time with me.    




When I got home, Lisa and I ate lunch and fed Lucas. Since we had some time before Lisa needed to leave for her laser appointment, we tried the Impulse e-stim device again out on the patio. I lay down on one of the lounges and inserted the device in my cunt. I squirted again, somewhat lightly, on the fourth level. I'd cum often on Rose's tongue, so I shouldn't be surprised it wasn't as much as my first.    


Lisa hadn't cum at all today, so I was hoping she'd squirt today. It was a strange sensation. At the highest stimulation level, you couldn't say she squirt really, since all it did was dribble out of her cunt, but it was voluminous.    


"I guess I'm not much of squirter," Lisa said.    


"Perhaps not," I said. "Wendy squirts from ass play. Maybe we should fuck your ass at the same time you're getting stimulated."    


"What if it shocks Master?" Lisa asked.    


"We don't have to use a real cock. If it shocks him, we'll use a strap-on. Just as long as you're getting fucked at the time."    


"It's not necessary I squirt. I have great orgasms anyway."    


"I know. But it would be nice if it would happen just once. It's pretty wild."    


She kissed me. "I'm going to shower and go."    




We started to get photos and video's from Sean around two in the afternoon. Lisa said she'd look at hers when she got back. I started looking at the ones for me. I had so little modesty left I didn't care what a photo or video showed. I tried to look at them from the point of view of a company owner. I didn't care if there was skin showing or I orgasmed, but it needed to be in the process of showing or demonstrating the products, and not strictly a porno website. As a result, I usually looked for things showing the products initial use, cutting ahead to the look on my face when I climaxed and not everything in between. It cut out a lot of the most egregious sex and fucking,. It wasn't supposed to be a porn site, but a furniture site. It was just a sexy business selling sex related products.    


Rhonda got up at five and we started making supper.    


"When do you go back to the Laser Clinic?" I asked her.    


"Not until Friday, Domina. It was the only day I can go without fucking up my sleep."    


"Any idea when you can get a day shift?"    


"Probably when someone who has it now gets promoted out of it, Domina."    


"It would be nice if you got to sleep with us every night."    


"Yes, it would, Domina." She kissed me.    


Lisa got back around five-thirty. I checked out her cunt to see how well the laser had done removing her pubes.    


"Does it burn a little?" I asked.    


"A little. Not bad."    


I licked her a few times, to test the smoothness.    


"Nice and smooth."    


"You can't stop before I cum," she moaned.    


"We're making supper. I'll make sure you cum later." She groaned. I didn't blame her.    


When Lucas started getting hungry, she took over so I could give him some milk.    


When Master got home, he took a fast shower before joining us. I was done breast feeding Lucas, so Master fed him his other food and changed his diaper. We put him his playpen while we ate. He fed Lisa while I fed Rhonda.    


I told them what happened at Mistress Dark's when I spoke to her. Master laughed when he heard how I'd had to lick Mistress Dark and spent some time with Rose. I told them Rose had said she'd request submission to me if something ever happened to MD.    


"You're hoping to fuck me to death, aren't you?" Master asked.    


"No, Master. She's more lesbian than heterosexual. I'm hoping I get fucked to death. It may not happen, but I'd like to die trying."    


He laughed.    


I gave Rhonda three quick orgasms finger fucking her after supper. We all shared the clean up, then I told Rhonda to go onto the patio and use the Impulse for a half hour while the rest of us looked at the stuff Sean sent over.    


The three of us sat on the couch and went through everything. I explained the reasons I'd chosen the way I had when I looked through them previously. Master tended to agree with me. He went through it the same way. It took us a couple hours, but we eventually had the things we could all agree with. We sent them to Sean and said as far as we were concerned, these items could go in the website, but we also wanted to check over anything else the other participants approved to see if it met the needs of the website in addition to meeting their approval. Sean said he'd make sure anything anyone else okayed made it us for our overall approval. He hadn't heard back from anyone other than Alice yet. I said he could wait until tomorrow to show us what Alice had approved.    


Rhonda had joined us after using the Impulse, watching over our shoulders. She admitted she'd squirted again while using it. We showed everything we'd done the last couple days to Rhonda, even the stuff we weren't keeping.    


"This stuff is so hot," she said as she went through it. "I wish I could have participated."    


"I do too. The only person of color was a Mistress," I said. "It would have been nice being more culturally diverse, but better a black Mistress than a black slave. That would have been worse."    


Rhonda laughed. "Oh, definitely, Domina."    


"Do you feel odd being a sex slave to a white woman?"    


"You've never treated me or Shasta differently because we weren't white, Domina. I consider you to be essentially color blind. I'm a slave and Shasta is a Mistress and you treat us both as what we are. I have no problem being your submissive. You've even treated my sister as an equal. You never looked down on Lucia either. Everyone here treated her with the respect she deserved. I've never regretted being your sex slave."    


"I'm glad. Now, please lick my pussy, slave." I spread my legs.    


Rhonda laughed. "Happily, Domina."    


She came round the front of the couch and started lapping at my folds. Lisa started sucking Master and was soon riding his cock. After a few minutes, I got on the floor to get into a sixty-nine with my slave so I could taste her as well. After lying on the floor for a few minutes, I convinced the others to retire to our bed. Nothing like fucking in comfort. After Master climaxed in Lisa, she sucked him back to an erection so he could fuck me. He did so while my slave and I lapped each other's cunts. I had a half dozen orgasms before Master sent his seed deep up my pussy. After, I gave Lisa the tongue lashing I'd promised her when she got back from her laser hair removal. I considered my life to be the best it could possibly be.    




We quit work early on Tuesday to go through everyone's photos and videos. Other than having a couple items for our own enjoyment, we came to agreement over what to include on the website after spending a couple hours going over the photos and videos with the other participants. Janet went home early, although she watched a few things for fun. Bill had approved those things which had Evelyn in them earlier today. We only modified those to fit the overall use, showing less instead of more. Sean said he'd have the website ready for public consumption in a couple days. He'd send it to William first for his approval.    


After supper, we three slaves used the Impulse again, toning our Kegel's. Rhonda and I squirted, as we had before. We had Master try fucking Lisa's ass when she underwent electronic stimulation. He was shocked, which ruined a perfectly good erection. It was just too close to the charge. I sucked him after to make up for it.    





On Wednesday morning, Lucia went into labor. Bill sent his LA helicopter to pick up Master so he could go for the birth of his child. He had just enough time to throw a few things together before he had to leave for the airport. Master and Brianna were there for the delivery at three AM on Thursday morning. It was a healthy baby girl, seven pounds, thirteen ounces. She was named Maria, after Lucia's mother. Master had to rent a car while he was there.    


Her delivery threw a wrench in the works. Master just stayed in LA. Jerry was getting married on Saturday, so Master let him go home Thursday to prepare. Master stayed in LA on Thursday and Friday, working the afternoon on Thursday and coming home after a full day on Friday. Jerry would be going on a two week honeymoon with his new bride to Hawaii, so Master would need to stay in LA for the next two weeks. Master came back Friday to attend the wedding on Saturday, but needed to go back on Sunday and planned to work straight through the following weekend until Jerry was back. Reneé didn't work on Thursday or Friday for the same reason; her wedding on Saturday. Lot's of last minute preparations to be done.    


Needless to say, the Friday night poker game was cancelled.    


Friday, Rhonda lost her pubic hair at the laser clinic. All three of us had bald cunts again. Quite a bit of pussy licking took place Friday evening. Master going for some too when he got home. He was definitely better than he had been.    


The wedding on Saturday afternoon was beautiful. It was held at Reneé's family Methodist church. His poker buddies were seated on Jerry's side, because we'd known him longer than we'd known Reneé. Reneé was gorgeous in a pearl white, slinky silk dress which was perfect for her slim figure. As a slave, she didn't have underthings below her slip, which a lucky few people saw when Jerry removed her garter at the reception, none of them members of her family.    


The reception was held at Regina's country club. Regina had helped arrange it when they were looking for a place to hold the reception. I'm sure it was the most black people who'd ever been there at one time. William and Evelyn were surprise guests at the reception. William gave them $10,000 as a wedding present, though he asked them to keep it secret. It might be enough to pay for most of their honeymoon    


The slaves didn't dress as slutty as we normally would. The day was Reneé's and we didn't want to detract from her in any way. All the women I knew danced with Jerry and all the men danced with Reneé. I realized Reneé had sucked the cocks of most of the men we knew who were attending. Probably fucked a number of them too, going back to Memorial Day. Of course, so had Lisa and I. Rhonda had sucked most of the knobs. What can you expect from sex slaves anyway?    


Bill and Evelyn stayed at our house again on Saturday night. We signed the paperwork on Sunday which transferred much of our furniture business to him. Sean showed him our new website on Sunday, and by Tuesday, it went live. While the site would be maintained and administered by Bill's IT department, it wasn't under the same corporate umbrella. It was just too fucking sexy to be put in with his other businesses. Master got to ride back to LA in Bill's helicopter, while Robert drove his truck to LA. It allowed Master to stay a couple extra hours and fuck all of his slaves once more before he left.    


Since Jerry wasn't going to be free to look after things in Fresno while Master was in LA, Master arranged for Shasta and I to stop by most of his job sites during the two weeks he'd be gone to make sure work was getting done. Shasta went because she knew what to look for. I went as a representative of Master's business. Chen helped some too as he was scheduled in at certain times at each house and he made sure they were ready for him. It was a good thing we were giving up some of our business, because we were three people down for much of the next two weeks.    


We talked to him every day so we could update him on his business and how we were doing. For fucking, we had each other, of course, though Sean also got to fuck one of us each day on work days. Master arranged it with Shasta. On the weekend he stayed in LA, Master's parents came on Saturday to ensure we each had a nice cock to play with. Dan spanked all three of us too, just on general principles, not because we weren't pleasing. On Sunday, Chen and Janet came over for the day. Chen was always a good lover and Janet didn't mind us licking her cunt either.    


Master didn't have someone every night, but he got to spend some time with Zoe and Dawn, and once with Evelyn again, sharing her with Bill on Saturday night after a nice dinner out. He even got to spend some time with Cindy, though Zoe was with to make sure he didn't commit incest according to California law.    


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