Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C15 015

C15 015



I received a series of texts from my slaves at around four PM. I suspected I knew the contents, so didn't bother looking now while others were around. Thornhill's house was coming along nicely. He was back in town, coming for the bonding ceremony next week, staying with Brianna and I was showing him the progress on the house.    


"Looks good so far, Scott. I like it," Bill said.    


"Of course, most of the enhancements I designed for your house won't be going in until we do the final trim, but I'm happy. Everyone is getting along together. Mixed crews like this don't always work out, but Sam gave me the names of some good contractors, and they all had good subs they worked with. We're actually ahead of where I thought I'd be at this point. Which is good, because of the time I'm taking off this week. I'm going to send my crew home from Wednesday to Monday, give them time to be with their families."    


"I believe I chose well when I picked you for the job."    


"Mr. Thornhill, I have a favor to ask."    


"I'm listening."    


"My wife offered her oral services to you at Christmas."    


He smiled. "I recall. She didn't think you weren't too keen on the idea, I remember."    


"Not at the time, but I've changed my mind. I've got something special planned for my slaves at our bonding ceremony. To really make it work, I want them well used by others prior to the ceremony. I was hoping you'd not only accept her offer, but take both of my slaves and fuck hell out of them on Thursday night; you and your wife make full use of their slave services all night long. I'll also offer Rhonda, but my wife is only allowing her oral services, not vaginal or ass, since it's her slave."    


"Why? You seemed quite adamant you were opposed to sharing your slaves with other men at the time."    


"My father reminded me of something recently. He thought long and hard a year ago when I acquired my slaves and was sharing them briefly, about fidelity and marriage. When he decided to accept my mother's full time slavery, he decided there wouldn't be any restrictions on her use. He told me he knows my mother loves him, and there's no doubt in his mind of it. There is nothing she could do which would ever make him doubt it. So fucking other people with his knowledge and permission is like someone buying new clothes. It doesn't mean they're tired of the clothes they have now or they'll quit wearing them. It only means they want to try something different. It makes a ton of sense to me. I have no doubt how much I'm loved. It's demonstrated to me every day. I believe you could offer your fortune to them and they wouldn't leave me. So why am I so scared? Because that's what it was; fear. Fear I'd somehow lose them. I can't cling to them. It's like water. Trying to cling to it in your hands makes it all squirt out. Holding your hands loosely, like a bowl, you can hold it.    


"So while I've been gone, I've been making sure they fuck as many different people as they can. And while they're here, starting Wednesday, I'm going to offer them to Brianna, you and Sam on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Prior to the bonding ceremony, I'm going to offer them their freedom. I want them to choose again, who or what they want. If they don't return to me, I never owned them in the first place, no matter if I called them my slaves or not. It was pretentious to believe they were mine. If they are truly mine, they'll choose me, no matter what they're offered. But I want them to know the other possible choices which are out there, so I want them fucking and subservient to other people, including you. It's why I'm asking for this favor on your part. I want them to know what other choices they could be making instead of me. It's important to me and for their decision."    


Thornhill was quiet for a long time, thinking about what I'd said. "I've never heard it explained quite that way and I have to admit it makes some sense to me as well. I've sometimes wondered if we shouldn't have marriages which would only last a year, and you'd have to renew your vows for another year if you wanted to remain married after the year was up. If it's someone you truly loved, it would make you try harder during that year knowing they could walk away at the end of that time if they no longer felt the love. You'd have to do the same thing every year on your anniversary to remain married."    


"You're right," I said. "I'm going to make that another element of their slavery. Each year, they have to renew their commitment as slaves to remain so. I'll remove their collar and they have to hand it back to me to re-collar them if they wish to remain my slave."    


"You've given me a lot to think about in relation to my own slave, Scott. I like your idea. Of course, the fact that my slave is also my wife, as is one of yours, makes it more complicated, but it does seem you've put some thought into this. If you still feel the same way on Thursday, was it..." I nodded. "I'll accept your slaves with gratitude and affection. I'll make sure they'll be well used per your desire."    


"You'll know if I do. I'll make it plain to everyone, including my slaves. Thanks, Bill. I really do appreciate it. If you'd speak to Sam about it, I'd appreciate that as well. I don't want him thinking I've suddenly lost my marbles. I'll speak to him myself when I see him on Wednesday, but it might help if you paved the way for my suggestion."    


"Be happy to. Once again, good work on the house, and thanks for the other things you've given me to consider."    


"Take care. I'll see you Wednesday."    


Later that evening, I looked at the photos and videos recorded of my slaves and their parents. Despite the circumstances, the cries and moans of pleasure and the signs of ecstasy on their faces was evident. I hadn't known what they would do given the choice, but I'd made my desires known through my father. They'd chosen to accept my wishes despite how they might have felt about it. To me, it proved again how obedient they were, as I suspected they wouldn't have done it if left to their own choices. Of course, it was guesswork on my part. Both of them had sucked their father's cocks and been fucked in the ass. Both of my slaves had licked their mother's cunts, Julia in a sixty-nine with Reggie's cum in her cunt.    


I called after supper having watched it all, masturbating a couple times in the process. I had them put the phone on speaker so I could speak to all of them.    


"Good evening, ladies, or should I say slaves?"    


"Slaves is probably more appropriate, sir," Lisa said.    


"Were you surprised today?"    


"Yes, Master," Julia said, "but everything you've done recently is a surprise. I hardly know what to think anymore."    


"There is a method to my madness, I assure you."    


"So says Master Dan," Julia replied, "though I don't know what to believe myself, sir."    


"It appears from what you sent me, you enjoyed yourselves, despite the surprise."    


"I'm a sex slave, Master. There is very little about sex I don't enjoy."    


"Despite fucking and sucking your father and licking your mother?"    


"Despite that, sir," Julia confirmed.    


"And you Lisa. You appeared to enjoy the triple penetration you took with your father fucking your ass?"    


"I enjoyed it, even though it made me uncomfortable."    


"I didn't know what would happen given the opportunity, whether your parents would want to fuck you or if you would fuck them if they asked. I'm happy to see it worked out as well as I hoped."    


"Why are you happy, Master?" Julia asked. "You want all of us having sex with our families?"    


"I don't expect it to happen frequently, but I began to believe as you did. Eventually, those people closest to us would find out about me and Cindy and my mother and learn about the laws as it applies to incest. Once they found out, it might have happened anyway, but now the rules have been established. It will never happen without someone being around to control it, just as Brianna controls access to my sister. If it should happen in the future, the ice has been broken and it shouldn't be a severe shock to anyone, nor will my rules be broken. You've granted me the opportunity to be with Cindy. You can't tell me there isn't a tiny part of yourself that hasn't wondered what fucking your father would be like."    


"Yes, I admit that. Despite my trepidation, I was aroused by the possibility. When he orgasmed in my mouth, I thought, 'this is the sperm that made me', and I climaxed myself. When I was licking Mother's cunt, knowing it was where I came from, a twisted part of myself took pleasure from the knowledge. I know I'm different."    


"As are we all. We're not the norm. I know we aren't. We may not be the total perverts some people might believe we are, but we're polyamorous, a Dominant with two submissives, one who possesses her own slave. That alone makes us different. Everything else is just icing on the cake. I'm willing to take responsibility for what I am and admit I'll never be normal again. Just as you admit you're a slave slut who loves sex, I'll admit to loving and possessing two slave sluts."    


"So you still love us, despite giving us to all the men you have recently?" Lisa asked.    


"Always and forever."    


"Why now?" Julia asked. "Why not six months ago or six months in the future? Why so close to our bonding ceremony?"    


"Because I chose now and I'm the Master, unless you choose to abandon your slavery."    


"An easy choice. I never want to abandon my slavery."    




"Have you been able to fuck anyone since last Sunday, Master?" Lisa asked.    


"Only Rosie," I answered.    


"Who's Rosie?" Lisa asked.    


"Rosie Palms," Julia said. "It means he masturbated."    


Lisa laughed. "I'm sorry we're not there to grant you relief, sir."    


"Me too. Only three more days."    


"We miss you, Master," Julia said, "despite the people you've had us fucking. They're not our Master."    



"I miss you too, slaves. Have a pleasant evening. Good night."    


"Good night, sir," three voices answering as one.    


I hung up, rewatching the movie of Julia getting fucked again while sucking Harry's cock, stroking myself as I watched. When Harry climaxed down his daughters throat, so did I.    


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