Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I'd been worried, needlessly apparently, wondering what Master would say to me when he got home. He said nothing, asked nothing, even when I offered to tell him. He said it wasn't important. We had a lovely set of fuckings after his shower and I was feeling much better when I fell asleep.    


He fucked us all again in the morning, though not quite the same way, again ending up in Lisa when he orgasmed. We had a late breakfast and went out to the pool after to exercise and unwind. We three women worked on yoga, then practiced a few self defense moves which didn't require us to hit the concrete. Master swam laps for half an hour, then stood by the edge of the pool watching us grapple. He seemed to like what he saw, because he fucked both Lisa and I once more, ending in her. Rhonda cleaned all three of when he finished. We got in the hot tub.    


He pulled me into his lap and asked me to tell him about the store and my adventure on Thursday night.    


"Rhonda and I went to the grocery store while Lisa stayed home with Lucas. At some point, Rhonda told me she thought this fellow was following us. He went with us up and down two aisles and onto a third. He suddenly started drawing closer and Rhonda bowed up, preparing for trouble."    


"'Excuse me,' he said apologetically, 'but I couldn't help but notice you make a ringing sound while you walk. At first I thought it was your cart making a strange sound or a phone, but it seemed to follow you instead of the cart. I find myself extremely curious about the source of the sound as I don't think I've ever heard anything like it except for a bell on a cat collar. May I please inquire what it is?'"    


"Rhonda relaxed slightly as he was not threatening in the slightest, merely curious. I told him that I was a sex slave and the bell was something you used to mark me as your property. 'Should I call the police? Is this woman here to ensure you don't escape?' 'You misunderstand, sir,' I said. 'I am a voluntary sex slave who has willingly submitted myself to my husband as his sexual plaything. The other woman is herself another voluntary sex slave, but belonging to another.' I didn't tell him she belonged to me. I pointed out the collars on our neck and said they were another sign of his ownership. He leaned in closer to inspect the writing on them."    


"'What do you mean when you say you're a sex slave?' He asked. 'It means my Master does not own me for anything other than sex, that he can do what he wants with me sexually and I have to submit.' He paused for a moment, considering my answer, then asked, 'Anything?' I told him anything within the bounds of my agreement with you which we'd agreed on beforehand. 'So, if he wants you to suck his cock or fuck your ass, you have to do it?' 'Anytime he wants,' I replied."    


"'And this is okay with you?' He asked. "I am a willing sex slave,' I said. 'I adore sex in all its forms, including both men and women.' He looked at Rhonda speculatively, wondering if I'd had sex with her. 'Including her,' I informed him. 'Could I look at what's making the ringing?' He asked."    


"I looked to make sure we were the only ones in the aisle and Rhoda stood to block the security camera and I briefly lifted my skirt to show him my piercings and the bell. 'That's incredible,' he said. 'I'm going to need to go to my van in the parking lot and stroke one off, I'm so fucking aroused right now. Can I look at it closer?' I told him I couldn't show him in the store, it was too public. He got this desperate look on his face. 'Can you come out to my van? It has black out windows. I'd love for you to suck me.' I looked at Rhonda and she shrugged her shoulders, so I told him if my Master agreed, I might be able to grant his request."    


"Which is when you called me?" I asked.    


"Yes, Master."    


"What did you take from the fact Rhonda shrugged her shoulders?"    


"That he seemed relatively harmless and she wouldn't let anything happen to me."    


"Is that what you meant, Rhonda?"    


"Essentially, Master, plus it was her decision. I'm her slave."    


"Then I gave you permission. What happened next?"    


"I told him you'd given me permission, but only if he wasn't married. He said he was divorced. I asked Rhonda if he was lying. She said he thought he was being honest. I next told him I wasn't going to leave my groceries in the cart while we were out in his van, so I told him to wait at the front of the store until we'd finished our purchases, at which time we'd accompany him to his van. 'You're not joking are you? You're not going to duck out some side door while I stand like some stupid shit at the front of the store with a hard on?' 'I told you I'm a sex slave because I love sex and Master has granted his permission. He's been in LA since Sunday so I haven't had a cock since Sunday. I assure you, you'll get everything you desire if you wait.' He stared at us for maybe a half minute or so, then walked up to the front of the store to wait.    


"We rushed through the balance of our shopping and paid for everything. He followed us to our car while we put the groceries in the trunk and the cold items in the cooler, then we both followed him to his van, a sleeper model with dark windows as he said. He let us in. 'Is she going to participate, too?' pointing to Rhonda. 'She doesn't do cock. She's here to ensure you don't do anything to harm me, at which time she would hurt you badly.' He looked at Rhonda and she smiled sweetly at him and said, 'You'll regret being born if you hurt her.'"    


I kissed Rhonda. "Good girl. Get the rules established right at the beginning."    


"I told Rhonda to text Lisa and tell her we'd be late and why. She said she'd also text the plate on his van in case we didn't show up in a reasonable amount of time. While she did that, I sat on a stool he had and pulled up my skirt and told him to take a good look. He put his face right next to my cunt and looked for maybe four or five minutes. He said, 'You're wet.' 'I'm a sex slave. I'm always wet and I'm going to get fucked.' Realizing I wasn't joking, he touched me. I didn't say a word no matter where he stuck his fingers. Getting bolder he started licking me and I didn't say squat about that either, just moaning when he made me cum on his tongue and fingers."    


"'I can't believe I'm doing this,' he said. 'This is incredible.' 'You can lick me all you want,' I replied, 'but I have to get back to my baby, so if you want to get pleasure as well as give it, we need to get started.' He stood up and pulled out his cock, hard as a nail. I leaned forward and started sucking, taking him to the back of my throat. 'Christ,' he gasped, 'this is a fucking dream.' He didn't last five minutes, Master. He gave it up and I swallowed every drop like a good slave. He never stopped moaning and groaning, like a ghost in a haunted mansion, thrusting his hips at me like I was a milking machine."    


"I looked at my watch and told him I had maybe twenty more minutes before I needed to leave for home. If he wanted, I'd suck him back to an erection if he thought he could be done in twenty or so. 'More! I can have more?' 'About twenty minutes more. Do you want to fuck my cunt or not?' 'Please, yes.' I didn't have to suck long or hard before he had another erection. I got on my hands and knees in the van and he got behind me and started fucking. I had a couple orgasms and asked if he wanted to fuck my ass before his time ran out. He immediately pulled out of my cunt and went into my ass. He climaxed within five minutes of going into my bottom. Rhonda handed him some paper towels to clean up, while she licked the cum from my cunt and ass while he watched in stupefied amazement. Rhonda gave me another climax in cleaning me as I was still pretty jazzed from the whole situation.    


"When I was getting dressed after, suffering an awkward silence, Rhonda told him this was a one time thing, never to be repeated. He wasn't to hang around the grocery store waiting for us to show up, hoping for a repetition of today, approach us any other time he saw us, try to follow our car, try to look us up or do anything which would make him a nuisance to our family. 'This woman only fucked you because she had permission from her Master,' Rhonda said. 'She'll never get permission to fuck you again, so except for some pleasant memories and nice wet dreams, put her out of your head forever. I don't want to repeat myself in more forceful terms. Is that clear to you, or should I explain it again?' He said it was clear and he'd leave us alone."    


"Good for you, Rhonda," I said. "I should have realized it might cause problems if the person became enamored of their opportunity, hoping to repeat it. We need to keep it in mind for the future. So, Julia, how did you like your walk on the wild side?"    


"Well, it's not like he was a great fucker, Master, being pretty average on all accounts, but the fact he was a stranger I just met in the grocery store and I was fucking him within thirty minutes of meeting him for the first time, I was quite aroused. I was a little surprised you let me fuck him, though not as much as I would have been a month ago. You've always been there when I was fucking someone new."    


"I was there to be sure nothing happened to you. Despite the fact you were fucking my friends, I couldn't know for sure how they'd behave. None of us had ever confronted the situation before. With Rhonda there to make sure nothing bad happens, I don't feel the need to be there is as important as it was before. She can probably protect you better than I can, despite our relative size and strength differences. I'm glad you enjoyed it, slave."    


He kissed me and fondled me until I climaxed in his arms. Then he did the same to Rhonda, praising her for her care for me and ensuring I wasn't hurt. He was doing the same for Lisa on general principle when Rhonda got a text from Wendy, saying she had a date and wondered if we'd like to meet.    


Master said sure and to ask her if we needed to be dressed to greet them. Rhonda texted her back and informed us when she got an answer that Wendy intended to strip when she got here, so we could do as we wanted. Rhonda told her we'd leave the door open and to come back to the patio when she got here. I was interested to see if it would be a man or woman she chose to date.    


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