Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Sooner than I'd wish, it was time for Master to leave, taking Evelyn with him. Evelyn was saying goodbye to her Master in the manner of sex slaves everywhere. Master had cum often today and needed to save himself for Evelyn later. But we were still saying goodbye as wives or lovers, kissing him and wishing him well.    


"When you bring Evelyn back on Friday," I said, "she should have trouble walking upright, Master. Prove to Bill what a virile, manly fucker you are."    


He laughed. "I suppose I should worry about the same thing."    


"With four of us and only one of him, it's unlikely, sir," Lisa said. "I mean, even Rhonda finds him cunt worthy. I don't know how he'll have the energy for four of us."    


We all laughed again, Master hugging us, a group grope.    


"Although," I hinted, "Lisa's cunt is off limits and Rhonda is starting work again tonight, sir. If he lets Robert in on the fun and games and Whore and I are the primary beneficiaries of their cocks, we might, at least, hope to walk bow legged by the time you get back."    


Master kissed me. "You slut," he whispered. "Your slut, Master. Always," I answered back, arching my naked body against him, feeling his erection under his pants. "You might want Evelyn taking care of that on the drive. I wouldn't want you to suffer a rupture or something worse."    


"I think I'd be okay if you'd stop rubbing it."    


I lifted my hands up. "Fine. You've got a new slave to fuck now. I understand why the old ones wouldn't hold as much fascination."    


He kissed us all again. Robert was loading the luggage into the truck. Evelyn was finished with her Master, being helped to her feet by her husband, receiving a kiss and a whispered goodbye, dressed for the drive.    


Once they were gone, I mixed Bill a drink, grabbed sodas for the rest of us, told Lisa to get Lucas and we adjourned to the patio and pool. Robert had stripped off again, joining the rest of us. He did some stretching and calisthenics and then started in punching on the heavy bag, using the bag we kept for kick boxing and Rhonda to practice self defense for work. I needed to discuss some things regarding Whore's training with Bill and wanted her out of the way. I told her to disappear for a minimum of half an hour and offer herself to Robert, asking for permission to come back before she returned. Robert decided to partake and had her bent over, clinging to the bag while he fucked her cunt.    


"We were discussing some of the things you might want to do with Whore this week, Master," I said. I outlined some of the things we'd all discussed last night.    


"Those sound pretty good," Bill said. "I definitely want to buy her some totally slutty outfits and having her seduce a clerk in the store has appeal to me. A blow job in a full restaurant would set her down a peg. What's the name of the waitress in this place?"    


"Sharon, sir."    


"I think she should lick her cunt too, don't you?"    


"If she's working, she probably can't, sir," Lisa said.    


"You think the management at Luigi's would be more intractable than the one at Trelio's?" Bill laughed.    


"You'd spend that much a second night in a row?" I asked.    


"Oh, I don't think it would cost much more than a hundredth of that. I'm thinking maybe a thousand dollars for them to look the other way while I borrow their waitress for a half hour."    


We laughed. Considering how Sharon had enjoyed her reward for her initial largesse, I could see her enjoying more right under management's noses. "If Whore is threatened with the Slave Trainer, I doubt you'll have any trouble making her see reason."    


"What do you think about the Slave Trainer?" Bill asked.    


"Oh, we hate it unconditionally, sir. It's the worst device ever for a sex slave," Lisa said. "It's our least favorite punishment. I'd rather get 100 hard swats with The Enforcer than wear a Slave Trainer for one charge. We live to cum and not cumming is horrible."    


"Would you recommend I get one for Evelyn?"    


"We like Evelyn, sir. Why would we recommend you get one?"    


"Why does your Master have one?"    


"Well, it is very effective on new slaves, especially in getting them to do something they don't want to do. Master used it on me to get me to swallow cum, which I detested for the texture, and to get me to lick a cunt for the first time. He got me to seduce the sales clerk and suck his cock in Luigi's using a Slave Trainer. I used one on Rhonda to encourage her to break her gold star lesbian status and fuck and suck cock. Unless there is something you want Evelyn to do which she's currently reluctant to do, you don't need a Slave Trainer. But it will help break Whore down to where she's more malleable and willing to submit to your will."    


He nodded. "Tell me, do you have a reputable gentleman's club in Fresno?" Bill asked.    


"Gentleman's club?" I asked, unfamiliar with the term.    


"A strip club," Bill said, "but not a dive, preferably one with an amateur night. I was thinking Whore could do a strip tease for the clientele, maybe a show, masturbating for them."    


"Not in Fresno," Rhonda said, "not a decent one. There are two, both with seedy reputations for drugs and prostitution, and not a little blood spilled occasionally. I wouldn't trust either of them. We get called to one or the other at least once a week."    


"Rhonda would know," I said. "If she says no, don't go, sir."    


"Too bad. I think it would be beneficial for Whore to do something like that."    


"What about a bachelor or bachelorette party or a frat party, Master?" Lisa said. "Fresno State is nearby."    


"Mmm. Interesting idea. What do you think of that idea, Rhonda?"    


"As long as she's not paid for sex, sir, it would be legal," Rhonda said. "I'd think it would be tough to arrange on short notice."    


"Oh, the sex would be free," Bill said. "Like I said, I was thinking of some kind of show, maybe a blow job for some lucky winner, draw names from a hat or something."    


"As far as arranging it on short notice," I said, "I think if Master Bill called one of the frats and offered to pick up the tab for the booze, it could be done in a heartbeat."    


Rhonda replied, "Since California has a 21 year old drinking age restriction law, providing alcohol to anyone who wasn't, would be a crime. If you provided alcohol for an entire frat, someone would need to make sure no one underage drank."    


"It seems odd to me we can talk about letting an 18 year old get his cock sucked by Whore as long as she isn't paid, but he can't have a beer while getting it sucked," Lisa said.    


"Politicians make the laws, I'm forced to uphold them. No one I know has ever accused politicians of being rational."    


Bill laughed. "No, not rational at all. It seems we still need something humiliating for Whore. Keep it in mind over the next couple days. I want her humiliated to the point she doesn't think of herself so highly."    


"We thought she should fuck everyone who played poker, sir. We'll need to get Jerry and Reneé here some evening. Plus she'll be taking care of our cum break every day at work."    


"Cum break?" Bill asked.    


We laughed. "Since half of us are naked slaves and we all work naked, and we've needed cunts for slave training purposes, we started offering a cum break at lunch. Anyone who wants one, can get licked until they cum. No one who hasn't licked someone before, has to do the licking. We only used to do it when someone was being trained to lick cunts, but we've decided doing it every day at lunch made the rest of the day go easier. Everyone likes them. Said it's the best company benefit they've ever had. Should I get reservations for Luigi's for tonight, Master, and see if Sharon is going to be working?" I asked.    


"I think that's an excellent idea. Make them for seven again if she is, otherwise, we'll try again tomorrow. Do you mind if I check out your operation?"    


"Yes, sir, to the reservations, no problem to checking us out. I'll make sure the non-slaves know you'll be checking it out so they can dress if they wish to. Most won't care, but a couple might. Should I get my parents to baby sit, sir?" I asked.    


"No, I think Robert should earn his keep. He's gotten more sex in the last weekend than he's had in a month as far as I know."    


"Does he know how to feed and diaper babies, sir."    


"He should. He raised three, though he's divorced now."    


Rhonda interrupted. "I have to work tonight and I wouldn't mind napping before I have to leave. I'll look after Lucas and you can let Robert drive so everyone can drink. Well except Lisa, anyway."    



"Why isn't Lisa drinking?"    


"She's trying to get pregnant, sir. Her cunt is off limits, except to Master and she can't drink in case she does catch. But you may still utilize her ass or mouth, sir, plus she's always good for licking cunts."    


"Hey!" Lisa said.    


"Don't protest to me," I said, kissing her. "You're the one who wanted a bun in the oven. Do you know how to change diapers and feed a baby, sir?"    


He laughed. "In a pinch. It's why I pay nannies. I don't mind putting the food in one end, but it's nice if someone is taking care of the opposite end."    


Speaking of babies, Lucas was starting to act hungry, so needed to be fed.    


I got out of the hot tub, picked him up, and put him to my breast, the easiest way to feed the little rascal. I picked up my phone and called Luigi's.    


"Hi, this is Julia Rivers. May I ask if Sharon is working tonight? - Excellent, I'd like to make a reservation on behalf of William Thornhill for five people at seven PM at Sharon's work station tonight. - Thank you. I appreciate it."    


"Reservations are made, Master."    


Robert had finished with Whore and she was cleaning him at the conclusion of his fun, then he began working on the heavy bag again. Whore was looking to us for further instructions. I hadn't gotten to enjoy her practice today after I'd trained her and wouldn't mind someone taking care of my needs while I fed Lucas. I waved her over and sat down in a lounge.    


"Whore, you didn't practice on me today after I trained you. I'd love to cum. I want the same as I gave you."    


"Yes, Domina."    


I leaned back, closed my eyes and went to heaven.    




Lucas had stopped drawing milk and he needed some solid food. I told Whore to leave my cum on her face for the rest of the afternoon and follow me into the house. I had her hold Lucas while I worked on his food.    


"Do you dislike me, Domina?" Whore asked while I scurried around the kitchen.    


"I don't believe I either like or dislike you, Whore. I'm somewhat indifferent to you."    


"Have I ever mistreated you, Domina?"    


I paused, thinking.    


"I had very little contact with you before you joined the poker game," I said, beginning to move again. "Prior to my slavery, it was primarily Ron who played and we had limited occasion to socialize. I don't remember you being particularly friendly. I believe you didn't like Lisa playing with the boys after her divorce, thinking she was out to attract one of the other players. Since you started playing, I've been a slave and you've never treated me as anything other than a slave. Primarily, I was there for your pleasure and not much else. If it had nothing to do with licking your cunt, you pretty much ignored me and any other female slave. I think you have more problems with women who aren't submissive, such as Shasta and Sarah, than you have with us. I don't know how to analyze that. For some reason, you perceive them as more of a threat to you personally, than you do slaves. At least, that's how I see it. I suppose I think of you as haughty and stuck up, getting along easier with men than women."    


"You may be right, Domina. I've always liked men more than women. I don't know why. And I know I'm bitchy sometimes. Shasta and Sarah do get my goat. I don't know why."    


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