Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Traffic was horrible on the way home. A helicopter would have been great. Instead the first hour had been stop and go with little damn movement for twenty or thirty miles, though it finally eased up after. It was after eight thirty, and I was exhausted when I got home. I'd been working hard for twelve straight days. Despite my weariness, I'd been hard for the last forty-five minutes thinking of the video Julia had sent me last night. Becky was a cute girl who looked quite delicious in any way that mattered. My brain knew what Julia was trying to pull, but my dick didn't care. I wondered what I'd find when I got home; whose face would be in whose crack.    


Walking through the door, all four of them were sitting on the couch, improperly dressed, which is to say, naked, but not doing anything. Julia and Lisa got up from the couch immediately and knelt at my feet. The other two remained on the sofa.    


"Good evening, Master," Lisa said.    


"We've missed you, Master," Julia said. "I'm sure you're exhausted. Did you have a chance to eat?"    


"Yeah, I got a burger at In and Out."    


"Excellent, sir," Lisa said. "Let us introduce you to our guest."    


They led me to the couch and Julia said, "Becky, this is my husband and our Master, Scott Rivers. Master this is Becky."    


"Becky what?"    


Lisa and Julia looked at each other. They shrugged.    


"We don't know, sir," Lisa said. "It didn't seem important."    


"You've been fucking her for two days and you don't know her last name? What a bunch of guys you are."    


Becky stood up and extended her hand. "Becky Stephens, sir. I'm pleased to meet you."    


I took her hand and looked her over. I had barely seen her when she delivered the pizza and her company uniform hadn't been particularly flattering. Plus, I'll admit I hadn't looked at her face too much when I was sent the video. First of all, it was buried in Lisa's pussy, and I paid altogether too much attention to watching Rhonda fuck her. Julia was right. Becky was cute as a kitten. Shorter than my slaves, maybe 5-4, younger; with the restless energy of her youth. Her plump breasts which from her shorter stature appeared bigger, to the neatly trimmed dark brown bush between her legs. She blushed under my scrutiny.    


"Good evening, Becky. I'm pleased to meet you. You're a lovely young woman."    


I bowed over her hand, kissing her knuckles. I don't know if she'd expected me to ravish her when I walked through the door, but this wasn't what she expected. She blushed again.    


"Master, Lisa and I will help you shower after your drive," Julia said. "Becky will be waiting in our bed when you're refreshed."    


"You have this all planned out, don't you slave?"    


Julia smiled at me. "You know me so well, sir."    


"Are you in this with her, Lisa?"    


Lisa glanced at Julia. "I always stand with my sister slave, sir."    


I was led to the shower and Julia fondled my prick when my erection was revealed to them.    


"I'm happy to see you're looking forward to the evening, sir."    


Her fingernails lightly scratched from scrotum to crown. Both of them helped wash me, teasing my cock just enough to keep me aching.    


"Becky had a previous boyfriend, Master," Julia said. "He wasn't a particularly good, nor imaginative lover. He only went down on her when he was too drunk to get it up; only liked missionary or doggy. I'd like her to learn what it's like to be fucked by a fantastic lover. I think the sex with us girls may have only seemed as good as it did in comparison to him. I'm sure you can show her how wonderful fucking a cock can be."    


"She's wearing the mid-sized anal plug," Lisa added. "Her boyfriend was pretty average in size, so your cock should really be snug in her pussy, especially with the plug in, so go slow to start. You might want to start with a little oral to show her real men know how to lick cunt."    


"After you fuck her, Becky will demonstrate her cock sucking skills, after which you can fuck Lisa, sir," Julia smiled, "after which Becky might have a nice little surprise for you."    


"Don't you want a fucking tonight?" I asked.    


"We have the week, Master, and Rhonda and I will stay occupied while you're busy tonight. I know how tired you must me after the long stint in LA and the wretched drive home."    


I shook my head and kissed her, then Lisa. What delightful slaves they were. I brushed my teeth and they led me like a lamb to the slaughter to our bed. Becky wasn't tied down, but she was stretched out as if she were. Rhonda was with her on the bed, idly playing with one of her breasts, keeping her nipples nice and peaked for my viewing pleasure. I got on the bed and Becky's eyes widened when she saw my erection. I guess I was a little larger than her past boyfriend.    


Her pussy was moist and I wondered if it was anticipation or some other factor which had a clear bead of fluid at the bottom of her slit. The color coded plug was in her bottom. I paused and looked at her again and she blushed once more. My slaves had almost lost the ability to blush. Nothing much flustered them anymore, so seeing her redden under my scrutiny was delightful. After ten or so seconds of my silent regard, she looked as though she wanted to close her legs, but Rhonda noticed it too, and put her hand on her inner thigh, reminding her to keep them open.    


Crawling between her legs so she wasn't tempted to close them again, I lowered my mouth to her liquid folds and ran my tongue from her taint to her clit, gathering the dew she'd released, and causing her to gasp. I retraced my steps back down and she moaned softly.    


"I thought you were going to fuck me. You look ready."    


"I'm enjoying the expectation of fucking you. I can wait. I wanted to taste you first, while you're fresh and new."    


She blushed again but smiled.    


"I'm all yours."    


"Yes, you are," I growled before inserting a finger and licking again. Her hips arched and she gasped again at the sudden intrusion.    


I licked her, delighting in her flavor, the tang of it, the sweetness underlying the tartness. At first, I left only the single digit inside her, but after her first orgasm, I inserted a second, enriching her climax. My left hand was playing with her right breast, while Rhonda still caressed the left. I gave her a second orgasm before licking my way up her body and tasted her other mouth, the soft feminine lips, giving her the two fingers to lick which had just been inside her. She was wearing perfume, my favorite. Julia must have put it on her. I inhaled against her neck, nibbling an ear lobe.    


I felt a hand on my prick, aiming it at Becky's molten core, then a second, and knew my two slaves were helping me. When I was properly placed, I flexed slightly, inserting the head in her. She gasped again, feeling my crown spread her nether lips the way my fingers had. Gently, I nudged forward, thrusting another inch inside.    


"Oh, fuck," Becky moaned. "It feels so good."    


"So does your cunt," I said. "Nice and tight and wet. Just perfect."    


I fed her another inch, then another. She was panting. "Oh, oh, oh," Becky murmured with each addition movement deeper inside. Finally, our pubic bones rubbed against each other, the hair matted down. I slid out about four inches then back in. Becky orgasmed around my cock, pulsating around her fullness, moaning deeply.    


I fucked her nice and slow, using most of my prick until she climaxed again. Now I needed to cum. I put my arms under her legs and moved them to my shoulders, bending her in two. I sped up, using every inch of my dick to develop speed on the down stroke, smacking against her clit. The sodden sounds of our flesh smacking together ringing through the room. Becky climaxed again, shuddering. I didn't slow down, kept driving deep inside, punishing her pussy.    


"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she whimpered. "I'm still cumming."    


As was I. The anticipation of fucking this delightful creature, the length of time I'd been hard, the slick tightness and the plug were too much for me and I grunted as I flooded her pussy with cream. I was still pulsing out the last of my cum a minute later. I finally pulled out and Julia and Lisa were there to clean me off while Rhonda attended to a very limp Becky, still shaking sporadically as aftershocks went through her.    


"I've never been fucked like that before," Becky whispered hoarsely. "That was incredible."    


I'd learned the importance of cuddling females after sex, I lived with enough of them. I lay down beside her and pulled her into my arms and kissed and stroked her, touching all the nice sensitive spots on her body.    


"It was incredible for me too. You're a marvelous lover."    


"I didn't do anything," she protested, "you did it all."    


"Nonsense. I was inspired by your incredible body, your responsiveness. Even the moans you made while I fucked you were music. I've been wanting to fuck you ever since Julia sent me your video. I couldn't possibly have enjoyed it more."    


I wasn't lying either. I'd enjoyed hell out of it. I had been inspired. It was a wonderful fuck. I continued kissing and nibbling, everything within reach without having to move too much. Suddenly, Becky pushed against me, making me back up.    



"What's the matter?" I asked. "Am I doing something wrong?"    


"No. I felt your cock stir against my leg. You must be recovering. I want to suck you to another erection so you can fuck someone else."    


She scrambled down the bed and took my cock in my mouth. I don't know if it had been stirring before, I hadn't noticed; but it was certainly stirring now. As I grew, she worked to take all of me inside her. She had to work at it, but eventually she could deep throat even my full erection.    


Julia was stroking her hair, her face, calling her a good girl for doing so well with my cock. When she was certain I was fully erect, she pulled Lisa into a sixty-nine with her on the bottom, telling me to fuck Lisa as well as I'd fucked her.    


I did. Between Becky licking Lisa's clit and me plowing her pussy, Lisa had a number of strong orgasms before I emptied myself a second time. I was happy to see Julia and Rhonda tribbing beside us on the bed, rubbing their cunts together and cumming as well. When I pulled out of Lisa, Becky's mouth was right there to clean me, then clean my slave.    


I rolled over, panting. "I think that about does it for me," I moaned. "I'm bushed."    


"You poor man," Becky said. "Work hard all week, then come home and work hard some more. You've had no one to take care of you. Why don't you lie on your stomach and let me rub your back for you?"    


"A back rub does sound nice," I said, rolling onto my stomach.    


Becky sat on my buttocks and I fell asleep while she massaged my back. It felt so good.    


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