Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0"Rhonda's my sex slave," I reminded her, "and must be accessible to me to have sex with at any time."    


Becky nodded. She tried to ignore us, but of course, she couldn't.    


"So your Master doesn't care if you have sex with other men?" Becky asked as we ate.    


"He cares, but allows it under certain conditions," Lisa said.    


"What about you, Becky," I asked. "I doubt you're a virgin. You must have fucked men in the past. Why women? Why now?"    


"No, not a virgin. Had a boyfriend up until a couple months ago. No one since. I guess I'd always wondered what sex with a woman would be like. Found myself watching lesbian porn more often than the straight stuff."    


"Was the sex good with your boyfriend?" Lisa asked.    


"It was okay. Nothing special. He never went down on me unless he was a little drunk and couldn't get it up, though he wanted blow jobs all the time. The regular sex was fine, but rarely showed any imagination. Mostly missionary or doggy style. Didn't like me on top."    


"How old was he?" I asked, before nibbling on a plump black nipple, making my slave moan.    


"My age, couple months older."    


"Sounds like you could do with a more experienced and affectionate boyfriend," Lisa said. "Maybe someone older."    


"Maybe I just needed a girlfriend," Becky said. "I've been wet since you let me know I could come tonight. Had to jill myself off a couple times today, and I've never had to do that before."    


We laughed. "I did talk to Master about you," I said. "He's rather adamantly opposed to anyone acquiring a girlfriend to play with on the side."    


"Even if I agreed to fuck him too? I hoped he would change his mind. I got the next three days off."    


"Do you know how many times he needs to get erections now in order to satisfy mostly Lisa and I? Four or five times a day he's fucking one of us. Adding you makes it harder for him and worse for us. I could use every one of his erections myself, let alone sharing him with another female."    


"Better for me then. I just have to keep the women satisfied. I wouldn't have to fuck him too."    


"Do you think Rhonda and Lisa are incapable of pleasing me? Or I them? You've experienced what we can do. We're not lacking in cunts. I warned you this morning you can't plan on us being there for you. You'll need to find your own sex partner, not use us as one. Master said we could enjoy you again tonight, but not to plan anymore beyond this."    


The rest of the meal was mostly silent except when my slave climaxed on my fingers. Becky couldn't look away. When everyone was done, I sent Rhonda under the table to pleasure Becky while Lisa and I cleaned up and put Lucas to bed. When I came back from the nursery, Becky's back was arched up off the chair, grasping Rhonda's head, clutching her to her cunt, gasping for breath.    


I tapped Rhonda's head and told her to stop. I held Becky's head in my hands and looked her in the eye.    


"If you think you want to be a lesbian, Becky. Show me, show us, you have what it takes to pleasure another woman. So far, all you've proven is you like your cunt getting licked. Shasta likes getting her cunt licked and she's no lesbian."    


I pulled her up by her hand, led her to the bedroom and lay down with my legs spread wide. "Fuck me," I ordered, "Make me cum as fast as you can."    


I'll give her credit. Maybe she thought it was some kind of test which if she somehow managed to pass, she'd be accepted into our circle. She'd done a little licking last night, but she did a lot more tonight. Without any training whatsoever, she made me cum in four minutes, four times within twelve as she got better and better.    


When given the opportunity to lick Lisa and Rhonda, she did just as well, both of them cumming early and often. Her face was a mess when she finished. Rhonda got a washcloth to wash her face. We all lay on the bed, kissing, hugging and stroking each other after, idly with no intent.    


"Tell me more about what it's like to be a slave?" Becky asked.    


"It's different for every Dominant and submissive," Lisa said. "Julia and I fuck anyone Master allows us to fuck. Rhonda, through her agreement with Julia, only has to fuck one man, our Master. Other men are her choice. It was part of her agreement. Some Dominants are harsher and more brutal than ours. Some submissives enjoy that, others would not. One of our friends, Slut, as she is frequently known, though her real name is Penelope, enjoys being punished. She becomes disobedient to her Mistress so she can be punished. The other slave, Rose, does not like being punished and does what she can to avoid it. You reach agreement with your Dominant as to which things you'll allow and what you won't. What you won't allow is your hard limits. You can have soft limits too, which need to be approached very carefully and under certain conditions you'll do them and others you won't."    


"Like what?"    


"All three of us will suck our Master's cock after he's fucked our ass if certain conditions have been met. We need to have our asses cleansed ahead of time, flushed out with multiple enemas. If we're not, we won't suck his cock afterward. So Ass to Mouth is a hard limit if we're not cleansed and a soft one if we have been, but depending upon how recently," I said. "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?"    


"A couple times. Didn't really enjoy it either time and I certainly wouldn't have sucked either cock after."    


"So a hard limit for you. Other hard limits might be how many times you're struck during a punishment, or what your Dominant uses to punish you or where on your body they punish you. There are lots of different things which can be limited by your agreement. Sometimes, you haven't established a limit for something yet, so you'll have safe words. Ours are alpha to ease up or slow down, and omega to have something stop altogether. Some agreements are pages long, others may be only a few lines and only the safe word will be used to control what happens."    


"All you're really telling me is what sex slavery is. I want to know what it's like."    


"I can show you what it's like," I said. "How much do you trust me?"    


"Why? What are you going to do?"    


"You don't get to know that. You have to trust me enough to believe I won't do something so bad you'll hate it, but you will have a safe word. You can use it if you need to, but you need to surrender your will to mine and do what I want you to. At the end, you'll know what it's like to be a sex slave."    


Becky looked at me for about three minutes, wondering what I had in mind for her. Finally she said, "Okay. I trust you."    


"What do you want as a safe word. Something you can remember even under stress," I said.    


"What about just 'stop' or 'quit'?"    


"Too confusing. What if I'm pleasuring you and you're saying 'don't stop'. Do I stop? You don't want to use words which come up in general conversation, so it has only one meaning; Cease Now. A friend used kumquat. Or use ours, Omega. Those only have one meaning unless you're discussing fruits or Omega watches."    


"I'll use kumquat."    


"Fine. Rhonda, bring me The Enforcer, lube, and an anal plug, smaller sized since Becky hasn't done a lot of anal."    


"You're not going to make me lick it, are you?"    


"If I asked you to, you'd say kumquat, and our experiment is over, but no; that's not my intent in asking you to trust me."    


Rhonda brought the items I requested. Becky was staring at The Enforcer with the proper amount of trepidation.    


"I want you to put yourself over my lap. The Enforcer is one of the instruments Master uses to punish us. I'm going to strike you with it once and once only, so you know what it feels like. Then, I want you to imagine it hitting you twenty-five or more times in a row. That's what could happen to you if you're disobedient. One of our friends is spanked fifty times every morning. Sometimes with only a hand, other times with something worse. Every morning. You will be hit once and you can make assumptions from there as to how bad fifty is. Get ready, over my knees, NOW."    


I shouted the word, so she'd realize it was an order I expected to be obeyed. She was over my lap in two seconds, her delightful buns sticking up in the air. Since I was only doing it once, I didn't pull back or attempt to soften the blow in the slightest. SMACK.    


"Oh, fuck!" Becky groaned. "What the fuck! Christ, that stings."    


"And that was just once. Imagine thirty or more of those. If you knew you'd be punished like that, would you want to be pleasing to your Master?"    


"God, yes."    


"Let's see if you are. I'm going to tie you to the bed."    


Becky was rubbing her ass, but she reluctantly got on the bed and allowed us to tie her down, face up, spread eagled. There was a little fear in her eyes. Good, there should be.    


"Now, I'm going to blindfold you," I said. "If you need to, say kumquat and everything will stop. Do you understand?"    





"For the purposes of this exercise, I want you to call me Mistress. Each time you address me, you'll say Mistress. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, Mistress."    


I blindfolded her and as she sat in the dark, waiting and wondering what was going to happen, I spoke to her.    


"You have ceded control of your will to mine. The only thing to stop me from doing anything to you right now is your safe word, kumquat. I own your body and all of it's functions now. You only have sex with the people I tell you to have sex with and only at the times I allow. Your orgasms belong to me. You may not orgasm unless I give you permission, do you understand?"    


Weakly, "Yes, Mistress."    


"Your sole goal in life is to be pleasing to me, to do what I tell you. If I want you to lick my cunt, you'll lick mine. If I want you licking Lisa's you'll lick hers. If I wanted you sucking a cock, or getting fucked by one, it's my decision, my choice. I'm going to stick the anal plug in you now, because it is my will. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, Mistress, I understand."    


I smeared lube around and inside her anus, which made her jump. I put more lube on the plug. Having her legs spread out as they were made it harder for her to resist the intrusion into her bottom, but she was still squeezing her buttocks together when I started. I didn't want to hurt her by forcing it inside her so I simply licked her cunt briefly and as soon as she relaxed her buns, it popped in.    


"I'm going to put my cunt over your mouth and I want you to lick me and think only of my pleasure. Lisa is going to start licking you. If at any point you stop licking me to my satisfaction, I'm going to pinch your nipple slightly. That will be a signal that you've just earned five more swats with The Enforcer. Remember how it felt with just one. No matter what is happening to you, you must not lose focus on your function in life, which is to please me. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, Mistress."    


I swung my leg over her face and settled my pussy over her mouth and she immediately started attending to my needs. She was getting better all the time. I signaled Lisa and she started licking Becky's cunt.    


Becky immediately lost focus so I pinched a nipple. "That's five." She quickly tried to regain control. The more aroused she got, the harder it became. I pinched a nipple again and she redoubled her efforts. I could tell she was getting closer to an orgasm, though she wasn't doing badly for a neophyte. Then she climaxed and I had to pinch a puckered nipple three times in order for her to resume licking me. I climaxed, drenching her with my cum. She lapped it up.    


I climbed off her face. "You only earned twenty-five swats from ignoring my needs, slave, but you earned twenty-five more for cumming without permission. You're up to fifty now."    


"How could I ask for permission? Your pussy was smothering my mouth!"    


"Ten more for not addressing me as Mistress. I guess you should have thought of that before. Start again on Lisa. Rhonda will lick you this time. Close your hands into fists if you need to cum. I'll watch and know you're asking for permission to cum."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


Lisa and Rhonda smiled at me. Lisa mounted herself on Becky's face. Becky started in on Lisa and Rhonda started licking Becky. Lisa climaxed in two minutes. Becky's concentration seemed to be getting better. She was concentrating on Lisa more than her own pleasure, as skilled as Rhonda was. Lisa climaxed again and Becky closed her hands.    


I shouted at her, "You don't have permission to cum slave. Your orgasms belong to me and I'm not giving you permission to have one. You hold it, bitch. Don't you dare fucking cum."    


Lisa had to pinch her nipple. "Sixty-five swats, slave. Pay attention to Lisa's cunt. You make her cum again."    


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