Unparalleled Martial God

C2376 A Woman Without Talent Is a Virtue(part I)

C2376 A Woman Without Talent Is a Virtue(part I)



Chu Yang was like a Void Mouse, with a whoosh he was about to drill into the hole, but then he realized that the hole was blocked by a transparent barrier, he was caught off guard, and with such a speed, he fiercely crashed into it. His entire body immediately stuck to the hole, using his body to write a huge character on it.    


He was as flustered and flustered as a rat encountering a venomous snake. The world was vast, but he had nowhere to run.    


Shi Danfeng was not only a viper, but also a beauty trap set up by someone. Not only was he afraid of venomous snakes, but he was also unable to resist the allure of the beauty in the trap. He could only run for his life!    


Dan Feng was such a woman. Her beauty was a temptation that no man would be able to resist. The evil nature within beauty was the trigger to all crimes!    


Chu Yang was obviously a man. Facing such a beauty, it was too easy for him to make mistakes, so he could only run. Even if Dan Feng didn't have any feelings for him, he would still dream that she would fall in love with him and dream of obtaining her.    


This kind of feeling had appeared on Shangguan Lan before. Shi Danfeng was the second, the only difference was that before Shangguan Lan, he had no women and had no scruples. But now, facing Shi Danfeng, he already had a woman who he liked.    


He wanted to obtain both of them, but he knew very well that if he wanted both of them, he wouldn't be able to get even one of them in the end.    


"This woman is also proficient in space magic!"    


"No, I can't use my cultivation in the Saint King Mystic Realm at all. Why is this woman able to use it!?"    


Chu Yang only managed to do it because he was a scholar, how could she do it?    


Everything quickly came to an end. Even though he didn't have a cultivation base in the Dao of literature, he was still able to use the space technique because of his master, Pill Phoenix.    


Chu Yang could clearly feel a strange power being released from his master's dainty body. It completely affected the space around him, suppressing the power of the path of literature.    


If the Secret Realm of the Saint King was endless darkness, then she was a lamp in darkness, tearing apart a corner of darkness. If the Secret Realm of the Saint King was a desert, then she was an oasis in the desert.    


"What a terrifying woman!"    


Chu Yang was shocked, he could not escape, he could not even fight.    


Shi Danfeng was an Earth King, so he did not make a move. He had already concealed his battle prowess against Saints and plotted for his future.    


"Lecher, run! Run away!"    


Shi Danfeng approached gracefully like a wisp of green smoke, like a perfect combination of a fairy and a faerie. Her pretty face and neck were still red, and with the delicate fragrance of a woman, she appeared in front of Chu Yang in the blink of an eye.    


"There should be at least one time in my life when I have forgotten myself for someone's sake. I don't seek results, I don't seek companions, I don't seek for the past to possess, I don't even ask you to love me, I only hope to meet you in my most beautiful years."    


Chu Yang's mouth was still dirty, "You've already met me, why do you need to force yourself to have me? We once loved each other … …"    




The skin on Shi Danfeng's face instantly turned hot. She could almost smell the meat on her face, and could even see that her face was already familiar.    


She was also wondering what kind of person he was to still be so shameless and narcissistic despite the current situation.    


Also, why would the words of a lecher make one's heart beat so fast?    


Her fist also moved, Chu Yang's eye sockets received the punch, screaming in pain.    


"In the future, when we are together, you will be in charge of beating me up while I will be in charge of getting beaten up. After that, are we going to love each other just like this?"    


He couldn't help but vent his anger!    




Shi Danfeng punched Chu Yang in the left eye again, and the panda eye was born. To be more precise, it was much more serious than a panda eye, and his eyeballs felt like they were about to explode.    


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