Eternal Pill Emperor

C3838 Continuous Enlightenment!

C3838 Continuous Enlightenment!

0"Such a powerful aura!"    


The Water Dragon King was startled by the aura that the White Jade Fairy had unleashed.    


Not only that, it also felt that there was a faintly discernible Pneumatic Mechanism that had locked onto it.    


The owner of that Pneumatic Mechanism was probably not any weaker than the White Jade Fairy.    


"Other than the White Jade Fairy, there are also hidden experts among the other three people!    


They really hid themselves well. I can't even see through them."    


The Water Dragon King was surprised, and cold sweat broke out on its forehead. However, it still squeezed out a smile and said with a smile:    


"Fellow Daoists, please calm down!    


It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"    


The warship stopped at a spot less than thirty meters away from the sharp thorns.    


Then, the Water Dragon King did not hurry to explain.    


Some things were real.    




The Water Dragon King moved and flew out of the warship, plunging headfirst into the sharp thorns.    


Gu Xuan and the others were shocked.    


Did he know that he had been seen through and was ashamed and angry that he did not want to live?    


However, they knew that they were wrong.    


The Water Dragon King was actually not affected by the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier.    


"No, that's not right! It should be said that the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier doesn't exist anymore!"    


Gu Xuan thought to himself.    


The aura on the White Jade Fairy's body had disappeared without a trace.    


A brilliant smile appeared on her face, and she looked harmless as if she was not the one who had released her aura and intended to kill the dragon.    


"How miraculous. I remember that that place is clearly a Flying Prohibiting Area, so how can it fly?    


Fellow Water Dragon King, what exactly is going on?"    


Fairy Baiyu's tone had become gentle.    


Water Dragon King wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and chanted the Law of Incantation, controlling the warship to fly into the area above the spikes.    


Returning to the bow, Water Dragon King explained, "You must have encountered the danger brought by the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier when you entered this place from the entrance of the Hundun Palace, right?    


There is indeed a Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier here, but it is only active for six hours a day.    


Right now, the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier has not been activated.    


Actually, if you think about it carefully, everyone can also think of it. If the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier is always activated, then other than experts like you, how many people can survive after entering this underground space?"    


Water Dragon King explained simply, and it was not too big or too small, flattering them.    


As the saying goes, one can wear thousands of clothes, but not flatter. Hearing Water Dragon King's praise, Gu Xuan and the other three felt very comfortable.    


"So that's how it is. I wonder if the activation time of the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier is fixed or random."    


"If it's random, then we have to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, we might be in danger."    


Fairy Baiyu asked tentatively with a curious expression.    


Water Dragon King clearly did not plan to hide anything, and he smiled slightly:    


"The activation time of the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier is naturally random.    


However, the commotion when the Protection Barrier was activated was very loud. When they sensed that something was wrong, they had plenty of time to leave this area.    


"As for whether the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier was activated or not, we would know if we just threw something that could fly."    


"The reason why everyone was affected was completely because they had encountered it for the first time. They did not know about the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier."    


"With sufficient preparation, even the weakest Vicious Beast would not be affected."    


Gu Xuan and the others nodded slightly.    


The logic was indeed so.    


As long as they had sufficient information, the Flying Prohibiting Protection Barrier in the underground cave was indeed not a threat.    


The Water Dragon King controlled the warship and flew upwards. Soon, it flew out of the entrance of the underground cave and left the territory of the Blood Bone Hell.    


"I believe everyone can tell that this palace is a part of the Supreme Palace.    


The Black Tiger General is the master of this place, but since he hasn't returned, I will call for everyone."    


The Water Dragon King brought Gu Xuan and the others to a side hall.    


It clapped its hands, and a group of fish-shaped Vicious Beasts walked in with all kinds of delicious food.    


"Everyone, please rest here for a while. There's no need to rush.    


We will give everyone a present in turn.    


After everyone has taken their presents, if you are satisfied, please wait for a few hours.    


We hope to travel together with everyone to the Divine Court of Desolation!"    


The Water Dragon King smiled kindly.    


"What present is it? Can't you give it to me now?"    


White Jade Fairy frowned.    


Dragon King smiled and said, "Prepare the gift. It will take some time.    


Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy everyone. It won't waste any of your time. On the contrary, it will save everyone a lot of time."    


White Jade Fairy nodded. "Then I will wait and see."    


Dragon King took his leave and left with his subordinates.    


Gu Xuan looked around the side hall, but he did not find anything abnormal.    


"I keep feeling that there is something strange about that Dragon King.    


But I can't figure out what is wrong.    


This place seems to be very normal. Forget it, we do need to rest.    


In short, let's rest for half a day.    


After half a day, if that so-called gift still hasn't arrived, I will go and pluck the Dragon King's whiskers."    


"Pull out the dragon whiskers?"    


Jin Wansan, who had been covering his face and feeling unhappy, seemed to have been intrigued.    


"Speaking of dragon whiskers, I have a question that I want to know the answer to.    


"That is, what exactly is the dragon whisker candy made of?"    


Everyone was silent.    


If anyone were to pay attention to this idiot Jin Wansan today, he would be an idiot!    


Gu Xuan sat cross-legged, his mind was like a flower in full bloom as he began to recall everything that had happened after he stepped onto the arena.    


That arena was truly mystical. It could actually allow one's strength to surpass one's own realm.    


If he could learn it, it might be of great use.    


Unfortunately, there was no place to learn it at all.    


After the arena cracked open, one could tell at a glance that it was an ancient array pattern. Even if it was not damaged, it was not something that could be understood in a day or two.    


Not to mention, those array patterns were not complete at all, and it was impossible to study them.    


Moreover, even if he understood it, it was not something that could be done in a short period of time.    


"Forget it. If I have time to think about these things, why not continue to study the Boxing?    


The martial imprint of the path of the Boxing was just a little bit away from being condensed.    


But why was it so close?"    


There was a faint fist intent on Gu Xuan's body.    


He, just like that, unknowingly, without any warning or preparation, entered the state of sudden enlightenment.    


"Big Brother Gu Xuan, he suddenly understood?"    


Lan Yan was shocked.    


Jin Wansan almost staggered and fell down.    


"Sudden enlightenment? Isn't that something that only happens after bathing in incense and meditating for a few years?"    


At least, in Jin Wansan's knowledge, that was the case.    


"Sudden enlightenment?"    


Fairy White Jade looked at Gu Xuan and could not help but widen her eyes.    


She was injured and was about to treat her injuries. She had just taken a pill and had not even started cultivating, but Gu Xuan had already entered the state of sudden enlightenment?    


When did sudden enlightenment become something as cheap as cabbage?    


You said you would suddenly enlighten, but did you consider the feelings of others?    


Fairy Baiyu's teeth were about to shatter.    


She was jealous!    


She was so jealous that she went crazy!    


Suddenly, Fairy Baiyu thought of something.    


In her Sea of Consciousness, she had swallowed a wave of Soul Power, which was exactly the same as her Soul Aura.    


And that Soul Power belonged to Gu Xuan!    


"My god! How did he do it?    



Could the Soul Aura be imitated?    


Fairy Baiyu felt as if a great secret had been revealed, and her heart was beating wildly.    


"I remember that I haven't completely refined that Soul Power yet.    


If I can completely refine it and make it mine, perhaps I will be able to break through the shackles of the Dao of the Soul and reach a higher level!"    


Fairy Baiyu's breathing suddenly became rapid.    


She didn't even care about healing herself. After all, this small injury wouldn't kill her.    


Her consciousness was completely immersed in the Sea of Consciousness.    


A quarter of an hour later.    


Lan Yan was surprised to find that Master seemed to have entered a state of enlightenment!    


"No! Everyone is in a state of enlightenment. I can't waste time. I also need to enter a state of enlightenment!    


"I'm counting on you to be on guard, Wan San!"    


Lan Yan closed her eyes and began to comprehend the martial path with no distractions.    


"Listen to me, Lan Yan. The two of them are special.    


"If you want to enter a state of enlightenment, you have to bathe in incense first..."    


Before Jin Wansan could finish speaking, he stopped.    


Because the blue smoke actually entered a state of enlightenment!    


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