Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C944 Legend of the True Spirit

C944 Legend of the True Spirit

0That Lava Firebird's speed was extremely fast, and in the split-second that Lei Yang was next to it, it had already charged straight at Lei Yang. It actually opened its huge mouth, and fiercely swallowed Lei Yang in one gulp.    


It was also at this moment that, in front of the shocked eyes of Old Freak Yan Yue and the Ancestor Chi Yan, the blood-red colored seals that they each held flew out and headed straight for the lava lake below them.    


All of this took a long time to describe, but happened in a split-second. It was all completed in a flash, causing the Ancestor Chi Yan and Old Freak Yan Yue in the sky to only react after a few breaths of time in their shock.    


At the same time, he extended his hand and grabbed at the Emperor Seals held by each of them. Even though their cultivation levels had already reached the highest level in this world, the Ascension Realm, even though they possessed the powers of sector lords, they were still unable to take back half of the Emperor Seals they held.    


Lei Yang disappeared, and the Emperor Seal also followed him into the depths of the Flame Cave. The lava lake returned to its calm state, and the sky became clear and peaceful again, thanks to the halting of the two ancestors.    


Although it was still scorched earth and a place of death where there was no chance of survival, it had temporarily become a suitable environment for the surviving cultivators. In a short period of time, the peace of the entire great world appeared.    


Ancestor Chi Yan and Old Demon Yan Yue were currently looking down at the lava lake, as if they had forgotten about the fierce battle between them from before. Thoughts filled their eyes as they floated in the air, like two statues.    


At the same time, all the surrounding army of cultivators and Mo Wangji's dozen or so Nirvana Elders had also gathered around once again. Although there was shock in their eyes and they were all suspicious, none of them dared to ask the Ancestor Chi Yan about it. Thus, all of them could only stand quietly to the side and watch the changes that occurred on the surface of the lava lake.    


After a while, the sky above the cave!    


Ancestor Chi Yan and Old Freak Yan Yue looked at each other almost at the same time before they let out a gasp.    


"The true spirit of the Vermillion Bird has been discovered. Could it be that there's another way to survive this Crimson Flame Boundary?"    


And at this time, the Ancestor Chi Yan was the first to speak. He said it in a very soft voice, both to himself and to Yan Yue.    


"Yeah, it has never appeared in all these endless years. Even my master said that it was only a legend, but now ?" Old Freak Yan Yue spoke as well, his eyes filled with reminiscence.    


"Master did say it before, but no one would believe it. Even in this long period of time, none of those almighty experts from the Crimson Flame Boundary did not want to uncover this secret, but in the end, none of them were able to find any clues in this cave!    


Senior Brother, you have been hiding in the cave for so many years, could it be that you did not do it for the true spirit of the Vermillion Bird? Ancestor Chi Yan slowly said to Yan Yue.    


Furthermore, from his words, it could be seen that he seemed to have put down his grudge. In front of such a great injustice, he had temporarily placed his personal grudge on the other side.    


"Yes, Junior Chi Yan, you're right. I have been hiding in the cave for so many years to search for the true spirit of the Vermillion Bird. However, I was unable to find anything. I did not even manage to find a single clue." At this moment, Old Demon Yan Yue didn't seem to reject his junior brother Ancestor Chi Yan anymore.    


Afterwards, the two of them fell into a state of silence. After a long while, Yan Yue let out a sigh and spoke again, "Master said that the Vermillion Bird's true spirit had the Vermillion Bird's legacy hidden within it. Only by obtaining the Vermillion Bird's legacy can they completely merge with the Emperor Seal and become the true master of the Crimson Flame Boundary.    


And only when a true Realm Master is born in the entire Crimson Flame Boundary, will the Crimson Flame Boundary return to its normal path, thus avoiding the calamity of a Flame Essence that erupts at fixed intervals every thousand years! "    


"That's right. Looking at the time, it should not be too far from a thousand years. I just don't know if this time ?" The Ancestor Chi Yan said this as a glimmer of hope flashed past his eyes.    


"Ai, junior, you and I have fought for our entire lives, but in the end, I never would have thought that a brat would take the initiative. So, many things are predestined to happen and you can't even fight for it!" Yan Yue said with a sigh.    


"That's right. Think about why we have that body. For the sake of that legendary inheritance, we have lost too much!"    


Now that this brat has obtained such a good opportunity, my heart actually feels at ease. Sigh, I hope that he can successfully obtain the inheritance. The Ancestor Chi Yan said.    


After hearing it, he nodded and said, "In the last moments of Master's life, he had once divined for the entire Crimson Flame Boundary. He said that during the most dangerous period, Crimson Flame Boundary would be saved by a creature that did not belong to this realm.    


Moreover, Junior Brother, I don't believe that you didn't see how extraordinary that yellow haired boy was before. I felt that fellow had the aura of two divine beasts in his body!    


When he was fighting against you earlier, in the final moment when he received your Divine Crimson Flame Sword, the afterimage of the Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, actually appeared on his body at the same time.    


Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise had been made into the four God Beasts, and he alone had inherited two of these God Beasts. How could such a person be simple?    


Furthermore, to tell you the truth, the reason I want to obtain him is also because I discovered this. I wanted to use the inheritance energy of these two divine beasts in his body to draw out the true soul of the Vermilion Bird. "    


"Hahahaha, Senior Brother is indeed a cunning old fox, but back then, I did see the secret on his body. Although I did not think of the level of Senior Brother, but I knew that kid was very mysterious, so I decided to keep him, and slowly study him!" After the Ancestor Chi Yan heard this, he laughed and said.    


"Mm. It looks like my speculation is correct, but I don't need to act. The true spirit of the Vermillion Bird has already acted."    


"In fact, I have been observing and researching in this cave of fire for many years, but I am unable to penetrate deep into the interior of the cave of fire. After I can only descend for at most one hundred zhang, I cannot continue to descend because the temperature there is too high. If I were to forcibly descend, my body would be melted by the high temperature there!" Yan Yue said.    


"En, whatever. Since that's the case, we might as well wait and see what the outcome of this young man will be!"    


If he were to succeed, then he would be someone who will have the legacies of three God Beasts gathered in one body. This is simply unimaginable. I'm afraid that such a cultivator will grow up in the future. It's unimaginable! " The Ancestor Chi Yan said.    


After hearing what he said, Yan Yue nodded. The two of them sat cross-legged in meditation in the space above the Flame Cave. They closed their eyes to rest their minds and waited quietly and patiently.    


As for the surrounding army of cultivators and the ten over Nirvana subordinates under the Ancestor Chi Yan, when they saw this dramatic scene, they did not know what to say, but at the same time, they did not dare to say anything.    


Thus, everyone sat down cross-legged and began to meditate in the void, quietly waiting.    


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