Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C109 pharmacopoeia

C109 pharmacopoeia

0After a night of rest, on the second day, when the sky had just started to brighten, Lei Yang arrived at the entrance of the Pill Pavilion in high spirits.    


However, what he did not expect was that Lei Tong was already waiting for him to arrive. Lei Yang immediately stepped forward and bowed, his heart feeling extremely touched.    


Lei Tong brought Lei Yang into the Pill Pavilion, and arranged for him to complete the next mission, so that he could read all the medicine books in the first level within a month. Otherwise, the matter regarding the "Pill Attraction" would be considered another matter, and after that, they would each go to their own business.    


Looking at Lei Tong's back as he left, and looking at the sea of books, Lei Yang suddenly felt that he was the one who was tricked in the end.    


"I'm finished. I've screwed myself this time, but this pit was dug by myself. I even have to fill in the hole myself!" Lei Yang muttered in his heart, but since it was such a helpless situation, he could not retreat, otherwise, he would be looked down upon by Uncle Lin. Hence, he did not think much, and quickly buried his head in the first row and started reading seriously.    


This was the first book Lei Yang picked up, and when he opened the yellowed cover, line after line of words filled with the aura of time flew into his view.    


"Essence Qi exists in this world, it originally has no master, it roams all over the world, and due to luck and coincidence, it is caused by the nature of the mountains, the vegetation, and the vegetation." Essence Qi exists in the world, and it originally has no master, and it roams all over the mountains and valleys.    


"This book introduces the origins of all kinds of spiritual herbs, how to differentiate and search for them, and even the medicinal properties of spiritual herbs."    


At the very beginning, Lei Yang was deeply attracted by the contents of the book. The contents had recorded for thousands of years what kind of spirit grass people had left behind.    


As Lei Yang flipped through the pages, he gradually entered a state where he lost himself in thought. The Spirit Grasses seemed to come to life, jumping on top of the paper, and flew straight into his brain.    


"Tiger Head Grass, born in the sun of the mountains. It's sex is fire, and it has three leaves that coexist. In the middle, it has a heart shaped like a tiger's head, and its medicinal strength is tyrannical!"    


"The Wind Moon Grass is born when Yin and Yang interact in the world. It belongs to the water type and has a single leaf. Its leaves are transparent, resembling a crescent moon, and its medicinal effects are soft and long!"    


"Legend has it that the Dragon Tongue Grass grew from the saliva left behind by an ancient True Dragon. It has the shape of a dragon's tongue with three leaves, and its medicinal properties are ferocious. Its sex is metal!"    


"Rainy Flower Grass!"    


"Star Falling Grass!"    


"Yellow Springs Grass!"    


"Lightning Melting Grass!"    


While Lei Yang's mind was working rapidly, all of this information on the medical knowledge in the area of plants and vegetation was rapidly rising in a shocking, seemingly linear manner in Lei Yang's mind.    


At this moment, his brain was like an infinite container, able to take in all the knowledge of the countless types of medicinal herbs, and he could even differentiate them clearly.    


What was plants and vegetation, what was the path of medicine, what was the extension, all of these could be accurately captured in his mind.    


Lei Yang had experienced this kind of astonishing memory before, but even so, it still caused him to be deeply shocked. This kind of reading speed was practically dozens of lines per glance, and this kind of memorizing speed was something that would never be forgotten.    


Just like that, with this shocking speed, Lei Yang's entire person had already merged with the various medicinal manuals. In his eyes, it was as if he was travelling back and forth between countless spirit herbs, and all of these manuals had turned into fresh spirit herbs in his eyes.    


Time passed, and after a day, Lei Yang's eyes were completely bloodshot, but at the moment, he did not want to stop at all.    


He felt as if he was born with a longing for knowledge about medicinal plants. The attraction he had toward knowledge about medicinal plants could be said to be unprecedented, as if he was born with the knowledge for the Dao of medicine.    


During this day, the speed at which he flipped through the books was so fast that he almost finished flipping through a tenth of the books on this floor of Pill Pavilion. At the same time, all kinds of knowledge regarding plants and vegetation also exploded in his mind.    


The gale continued to grow stronger and stronger as he continued to read. At the same time, the gale continued to grow, and at the same time, the rate at which he was reading the books also increased rapidly, as if the gale was going to consume all of the knowledge on medicinal plants in Pill Pavilion before it eventually dissipated.    


Two days later, Lei Tong came to visit Lei Yang. When he saw Lei Yang's dishevelled hair and scarlet eyes, and how he had completely fallen into that state of selflessness, he was immediately and deeply shocked.    


He stood in the distance, not daring to disturb Lei Yang, but the smile in his eyes was growing wider.    


"Brat, I originally thought that giving you a month's time would be enough to motivate you, but it seems like it's still too easy for you!    


Ordinary disciples of Pill Pavilion would need at least three years to understand at least a tenth of the knowledge of medicine on this level. With your speed, it would not even take ten days ?    


Sigh! It is not a waste that I was tricked by you. Looks like it is worth it! "    


Lei Tong did not dare to disturb Lei Yang and quietly withdrew, and even announced the removal of all the disciples from Pill Pavilion, so as to not disturb Lei Yang. Before Lei Yang came out, no one was allowed to enter the first level of Pill Pavilion, even the patriarch of the elders were not allowed.    


Right after Lei Tong finished issuing the order, Lei Tong's house plate suddenly shook, he fused with the Spiritual Sense and upon hearing the order, his face immediately changed, and after personally dismissing all the disciples in the Pill Pavilion, he rushed to the back of the Sun Moon Plaza in the center of the Lei Family, to the Soaring Dragon Pavilion.    


In the Pill Pavilion, Lei Yang was like a ghost in a bookshelf in the first floor of the Pill Pavilion. He would go here and there, constantly absorbing the knowledge from the books, causing the tempest in his mind to become stronger.    


In the process of flipping through the books, Lei Yang discovered that although the first level of Pill Pavilion seemed to be endless, there were many parts that overlapped each other. In the following pages, Lei Yang was actually able to avoid the overlapping content, which made his speed even faster.    


It was only on the morning of the tenth day that Lei Yang suddenly opened his eyes and put down the last ancient book in his hands.    


Following the recovery of his condition, the memory storm in his mind also gradually calmed down. After organizing his things, Lei Yang arrived in front of Lei Tong's pill room in large strides.    


Sensing Lei Yang's Qi, Lei Tong instantly opened the pill room and walked out, saying: "Not bad, you came earlier than I expected!"    


"Have you memorized all the knowledge in plants and vegetation in the first level of Pill Pavilion?" Lei Tong forced himself to ask.    


"Uncle Lin, one is not bad!" Lei Yang replied confidently.    


"Humph, you stinking brat, don't be too confident. You have the final say in this matter!" As Lei Tong spoke, he pointed towards the gigantic stone pillar in the center with his finger, and suddenly, a ray of light poured down from the stone pillar, forming a circular light pillar in front of Lei Yang.    


Step into the pillar of light and accept the examination. As for how much knowledge you have about plants and vegetation, I will naturally be able to answer that. Lei Tong said in a serious tone.    


"Alright!" As Lei Yang stepped into the light pillar in front of him, he instantly felt his vision blur. When his vision cleared up, he discovered that he was already in an illusionary space.    


Before Lei Yang could react, he suddenly heard a mechanical voice saying: "The examinee can silently write out the appearance of the medicinal herbs in front of them. To be able to silently write out three thousand of them as qualified, to be able to write out five thousand as excellent, to be able to write out eight thousand as excellent, to be able to write out ten thousand and be treated as a genius in the Way of Medicine, and to be rewarded with a top tier pill room."    


Lei Yang drew in the air with his hand, and a bright line suddenly appeared in the air, taking the shape of a unique shape that would not disappear for a long time.    


So it could actually still be like this. After clarifying the examination method, Lei Yang began to sketch out the plants and vegetation that he memorized one by one in front of him.    


At first, he was still slow, but as time passed, his hands kept drawing outline in the air, becoming faster and faster, to the point that the knowledge of plants and vegetation displayed on the smooth stone pillars outside soared crazily. Even Lei Tong who was in front of the stone pillars didn't have time to react before Lei Yang already had a knowledge of over eight thousand.    


"Oh my god, is he trying to set a new record?" Lei Tong's mouth was agape, his jaw dropped, but before he could close his mouth, the records for the eight thousand plants changed again, the number flew up, and instantly broke past ten thousand.    


"Oh my god, this is a demon. When this guy grows up, he will definitely become a master of medicine, a genius of medicine, a genius of medicine!" Lei Tong felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.    


However, the impact that Lei Yang gave him was far from over. As he broke new records time and time again, Lei Tong had already started to feel numb. It was only when Lei Yang had silently wrote down the last spirit medicine in his head that Lei Tong nearly fell flat on his butt.    


16,864 stalks!    



Lei Tong stared at the number on the stone pillar, he was in disbelief, his mouth was already parched and he did not know what to say.    


He had always felt that Lei Yang was very mysterious, he simply could not see through this youth who was only sixteen or seventeen years old.    


Not to mention Lei Tong, even Patriarch Lei Yuntian would be petrified if he found out that Lei Yang had such an astounding talent in the Way of Medicine.    


In the illusory space, the mechanical voice sounded out again after Lei Yang finished drawing out the last spirit grass. He had passed the examination, and was a genius in the Way of Medicine, with exceptional results. He had even received a reward of one top tier pill room.    


As soon as the voice fell, a command medallion materialized inside the illusory space. The command medallion had the word 'Spring' engraved on it; it was the 'Spring' pill room 'located around the smooth stone pillar.    


The moment he received the order badge, Lei Yang's vision blurred once again. When he appeared, he had already returned to his original position, and the light pillar in the center of the smooth stone pillar had already dissipated, leaving only the dumbstruck Lei Tong who looked like a statue, standing there as though he was looking at a monster.    


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