Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C5 Mysterious Dragon Mark

C5 Mysterious Dragon Mark

0That loud noise resounded within Lei Yang's body, and surpassed the speed of lightning, but he could not be heard from the outside. As the sound of the explosion spread, an astonishing heat wave was suddenly emitted from his body.    


"Ahh ..."    


A scream came out from Lei Yang's mouth, the skin all over his body rippled like waves, causing him to tremble intensely. His entire body trembled and turned crimson red, as though he had just taken out a soldering iron from the furnace.    


And it was also in this instant that, with Lei Yang's body as the center, all of the plants and vegetation within a radius of several tens of meters, turned into ashes along with the heat wave emitted from his body. Even the gigantic bluestones had directly melted into magma along with this astonishing heat wave!    


As the high temperature liquid instantly rushed into Lei Yang's limbs and bones, his body received an unprecedented impact.    


In a split-second, his meridians, which he believed to be tough enough, were broken and scattered from the impact. The bones in his body were broken, his muscles were broken, and he was in a complete mess.    


But even so, under such a violent impact, Lei Yang's body miraculously did not collapse.    


At this moment, his clothes had already turned into ashes, his skin had turned a fiery red, and even his hair had turned a crimson red. As the wind blew crazily around him, he seemed like a flame dancing in the wind.    


Right now, he felt as if his eyes were spewing fire. From the inside to the outside, his entire body seemed to be made up of raging flames. He was completely made up of fire.    


Lei Yang's face was scarlet red with malevolence, the kind of pain that felt like he was being cut out of bones, was able to cause his face to contort, but his eyes that seemed to be able to spit out fire, revealed a strange light.    


The high-temperature liquid continued to rampage through Lei Yang's body. Everywhere it passed, everything would be incinerated, causing his body to be in a mess. Even the life force in his flesh had become the nutrients for it to burn. The intense pain caused his consciousness to become fuzzy, and a life and death crisis once again appeared intensely in his mind.    


However, he did not turn back to fire. Since he had already come this far, there was no other option for him. He shook his head with all his might and bit the tip of his tongue, forcing himself to stay awake.    


This kind of intense pain continued for around two incense sticks of time, and the temperature in Lei Yang's body started to slowly drop. As the temperature fell, the high temperature liquid in his limbs and bones gradually melted into countless specks of golden light. With a speed visible to the naked eye, these specks of light began to converge at the end of his limbs and bones.    


Even though Lei Yang felt that it was extremely painful right now, he had always been forcefully maintaining the clarity of his mind from the beginning to end. Following the continuous convergence of the golden specks of light, in the end, they had started to help Lei Yang to repair his messy broken body that was previously attacked.    


"This ..." "Could this be the legendary body shattering remodeling?!" Restructuring a body was one of the highest levels of body tempering. The fleshly body refined at this level would form a firm foundation for future cultivation and would bring about unimaginable benefits. Thinking of this, Lei Yang's breathing unconsciously became hurried.    


The golden spots of light that had gathered at the end of his tendons were not randomly repairing them, but had a particular order. As if they were being controlled by a mysterious power, they began to slowly heal within Lei Yang's body.    


First, he repaired his meridians, then his bones, and finally his muscles and skin. It was as if he had once again transformed Lei Yang's body from the inside out.    


Following the constant recovery of his physical body, Lei Yang could feel a large amount of black impurities being forcefully expelled by the golden spots of light out of his body. He could clearly feel that his body was gradually becoming lighter and more transparent.    


The golden dot of light slowly pushed into Lei Yang's body, like a pioneer, opening up meridians to repair his body. Lei Yang felt that the intense pain was slowly disappearing, replacing it was an incomparably comfortable feeling.    


Gradually, Lei Yang once again entered that bizarre ethereal realm, and unknowingly, a day had flashed past.    


A day later, when the golden light completely restored the last inch of Lei Yang's skin and muscles back to normal, Lei Yang's entire body naturally left that realm. He suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes. A feeling of clarity that he had never felt before instantly spread through his entire body.    


Lei Yang had already completely recovered back to normal. His hair and pupils had already returned to black, and he looked as if he had been baptised, his skin becoming crystalline and his bones becoming stronger. Even his muscles seemed to have grown a lot, causing him to look much stronger than before. The current Lei Yang was brimming with vitality, his breathing was even, and there was no longer the slightest trace of sickness he had in the past.    


Lei Yang clenched his fists. Feeling his strong body, he felt his strength increase again. "No one knows where his confidence came from, but all of a sudden, he had a bold idea. Right now, with just his physical body, he was probably able to fight a disciple of the fifth floor of the Spirit Qi. Heh heh, Lei Ming, if you continue to cause trouble now, I'm afraid I won't be the only one getting beaten up! "    


However, even after calming his heart, he was still unable to breakthrough his cultivation and step into the threshold of cultivation. Even though he had reaped benefits, it had all been in vain.    


Just when Lei Yang was feeling depressed, he suddenly saw the golden specks of light appearing on his skin, upon closer inspection, he realized that the golden specks of light inside his body were not consumed because of the restoration of his body, but instead increased.    


They flowed with the blood and covered his entire body. One could see them clearly on the surface of his body. He even seemed to be emitting a faint golden light from afar.    


"What's going on?" Lei Yang himself was still a little unable to see through his own body, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was a little extraordinary. He did not think too much into it either, because there were some issues that were not something that he could understand.    


He didn't know what those golden specks of light were, but he could feel that every single speck of light contained an indescribable boundless power. That power was enough to destroy the world, but it wasn't something he could use. He couldn't even use one of the millions of dots of light because it wasn't something his current body could endure.    


Just as he was thinking, a set of cryptic chants suddenly appeared in Lei Yang's mind. The chants' name was Thunder Dragon Art, and it was as if they popped out from the depths of his brain.    


Lei Yang was simply unable to comprehend it. However, as he watched, the Seal seemed to come to life as each of them jumped right in front of Lei Yang's eyes. They were extremely mysterious, and no one could help but to follow them.    


After Lei Yang consecutively bid out a few extremely complex and ancient Seal, a bizarre thing immediately happened. The Seal had just appeared when the golden spots of light in the blood all over his body emitted a "shua" sound and instantly began to boil.    


In an instant, it was as if a golden-colored storm surged within Lei Yang's meridians, and swept through his entire body with a loud bang. In the depths of his heart, that intense feeling of danger emerged once again.    


Lei Yang immediately stopped his seal, who would have thought that after stopping for a while, the golden light became calm, but upon forming another seal, they immediately became berserk again.    


Lei Yang fumbled around as he thought about it. Gradually, he discovered that this Thunder Dragon Art seemed to be able to control the golden specks of light in his blood. As long as it did not form a seal, it would be fine. However, the Thunder Dragon Art seemed to be very mysterious, it could not help but make people want to follow it and practice, as though there was some sort of strange force pulling Lei Yang, making him to continuously try it out.    


After many experiments, Lei Yang realized that as long as he controlled them carefully, there would not be any danger.    


As Lei Yang's various complex Seal s struck out, the golden speck of light actually gradually grew as though it had acknowledged him, and quieted down. Then, it slowly gathered towards its chest, and condensed into a golden dragon-like bloodline in the end.    


The blood vessels grew brighter and brighter, eventually shrinking in size, leaving a small, golden dragon tattoo on the skin of his chest. But, just as the golden dragon pattern was formed, Lei Yang felt as if he was in deep sleep, although he was in deep sleep, Lei Yang could still feel the boundless power contained within the golden dragon pattern!    


"So that's the case. The Thunder Dragon Art is the key to condensing this golden dragon pattern." Lei Yang slowly started to understand from his continuous research.    


"If this golden speck of light can form a dragon mark, then the remaining golden specks of light can form a second, a third, or even more." "Since the Golden Dragon Mark is so extraordinary, I might as well make a few more and say that it will be of great use in the future." Feeling that there were still many golden spots of light in the blood, Lei Yang's eyes flashed, he had that thought in his mind, and with a raise of his hand, he formed another seal.    


As time slowly passed, Lei Yang realized that even though he had won so many Seal s, not a single one of them was the same. However, the effect was obvious. A second golden dragon mark had actually appeared on his chest.    


Next were the third, fourth, and fifth golden dragon prints.    


In the blink of an eye, another day had passed, but on this day, the amount of golden dragon markings condensed on Lei Yang's chest, had already reached nine. At this time, even the 10th golden dragon mark seemed to be constantly being formed by him, and a faint shadow appeared, slowly taking shape.    


However, the image of the 10th Dragon Mark was clearly different from the other nine Dragon Marks. It was clearly much bigger than the previous nine Dragon Marks. Furthermore, just as it condensed, it released a supreme will, soaring up to the sky, causing the air around Lei Yang to suddenly become distorted, as though the heaven and earth could not withstand its appearance.    


Almost at the same time the tenth golden dragon phantom appeared, the entire world seemed to tremble with it. The clear sky suddenly dimmed, and the wind and clouds in all directions began to surge. As the wind and clouds surged, an illusion appeared in the sky, and within that illusion, a hint of divine retribution could be seen.    


It was as if the heaven and earth did not allow the birth of the tenth day's Golden Dragon Mark. As it continued to solidify in Lei Yang's chest, lightning began to rumble in the sky.    


At this moment, within a circumference of thousands of miles, all the cultivators in the area felt the strange phenomenon that was about to occur in the sky, and they were all moved. At this moment, within a circumference of thousands of li, all the cultivators felt the strange phenomenon that was about to occur in the sky, and they were all moved.    


"Heavens! Who was it that attracted the descent of heavenly tribulation?"    


"That's right. He must be a heaven defying person to be able to trigger heavenly tribulation!" Soon, all sorts of discussions were going on.    


In the center of the underground palace was a tall stone platform. In the middle of the stone platform was a dried up corpse that had been there for who knows how many years. At this moment, a ghostly light suddenly flashed in the corpse's eyes.    


After a moment, the corpse strangely opened his eyes. As his eyes opened, his entire body seemed to have recovered a sliver of life. So ... He ... He was actually a living person. As he opened his eyes, the darkness of the underground palace seemed to grow brighter, despite the fact that he had not seen the light of day for many years.    


This was an old man wearing a grey robe. Rather than calling him a human, it would be more accurate to say that he was more like an evil ghost.    



His hair was as dry as dry straw, his forehead was dry and shriveled, and it was caved in. His two sunken eye sockets were like two bottomless black holes, incomparably deep, his limbs were like dried firewood, and his entire body was surrounded by an endless aura of death, making him look like a swindler.    


However, the moment he opened his eyes, his shriveled body released a terrifying aura, and as he dozed, the sun, moon and stars seemed to materialize in his eyes, and his shriveled body was filled with an endless deathly aura. However, there was a hint of life within the deathly aura, and although it was only a sliver, it gave people a feeling that it was powerful enough to give birth to a world.    


"I never thought that there would be a clan member that would awaken their ancestral blood in a lower realm where the suppressive laws are suppressed, and even stir up heavenly tribulation. How interesting!" After a moment, the grey-robed elder spoke hoarsely. He used his withered hand to wave in front of him, and an ancient mirror the size of his palm immediately appeared in the air in front of him.    


Ancient symbols were engraved on the back of the ancient mirror. They gave off an ancient feeling, as if they had existed for a very long time. The moment they flew out, they immediately expanded to ten feet and floated in the air.    


The old man flicked his finger and a Spirit Qi flew out. It instantly fused with the ancient mirror, and a multicolored light flashed on the surface of the mirror.    


Following the flash of light, the mirror became transparent and a scenery appeared within it. Looking carefully, it was Lei Yang's current cultivation grounds.    




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