Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1405 Hubby Is too Fierce 1404

C1405 Hubby Is too Fierce 1404

0Chen Yuan arrived at Master Xiao's residence. When she saw the intimidating Big Brother, she was scolded harshly.    


"What are you doing? I have done so many things to cooperate with you, but you are in such a sorry state?"    


"I'm sorry, Master Xiao. " Chen Yuan lowered her head. No matter how unwilling she was, she had to face the truth.    


"What do you mean by sorry? What are you going to do?" Master Xiao was wearing sunglasses, but his eyes were still like knives poking Chen Yuan's body.    


Chen Yuan firmly said, "Although I can't use Bai Chichi to overthrow Situ Qing, as his assistant, I also know a lot of his business secrets. From this point on, I also have ways to make him lose his reputation!"    


"You better remember what you said! Otherwise, you also know the consequences!" Master Xiao slammed the table, scaring everyone around him until they shivered like cicadas in winter.    


Chen Yuan took a deep breath. "Don't worry, my revenge will be on him too!"    


"That's the best. " Master Xiao said coldly.    


Chen Yuan went back to her hometown after she came out of Master Xiao's house. She wanted to pay her parents a visit.    


She failed and did not fulfill her mother's wish. This was the greatest pain as a daughter. Chen Yuan felt sorry for her mother who had been struggling in pain all her life.    


The house in her hometown was long gone. It was good that it was not there. Otherwise, the blood-stained haunted house would make Chen Yuan keep having nightmares.    


Now, there was an open-market building a beautiful elevator apartment complex there. The beautiful environment and the newborn baby made this place full of vitality.    


Chen Yuan also got a house, but she rarely came back to live. This time, she took the opportunity to tidy it up.    


After all, this was the only thing left by her parents.    


Chen Yuan's house was decorated very elegantly. Her taste was actually very good. In order to not let others destroy it, Chen Yuan kept it and did not rent it out.    


When they were dividing the houses, Chen Yuan specially asked for a set of the highest floor so that she could stand on the balcony at night and look down at the city.    


That feeling of being close to the sky was what Chen Yuan liked very much. She yearned for freedom and desire freedom, but was deeply imprisoned by her mother's last words.    


This was also a restraint that she could not get rid of for the past 20 years. She could not get rid of it, and she did not want to get rid of it.    


Why did Bai Chichi and her mother live so comfortably and freely? Every time Chen Yuan thought of Situ Qing and Bai Chichi's love, she would have a heart-wrenching pain.    


But that was not jealousy, nor was it jealousy, but anger.    


She felt that Bai Chichi was not worthy of all this, because Bai Chichi was the daughter of a sinner, a fruit that should not be borne.    


The night was hanging low and Chen Yuan changed into a long robe and put on a light green woven shirt left by her mother. She sat on the beach chair on the balcony and drank red wine.    


High up in the sky, the wind whistled by. It was already the beginning of winter. Chen Yuan felt waves of coldness constantly assaulting her.    


But she did not want to enter the house. She wanted this kind of bone-piercing cold to remind herself that she had not avenged Bai Chichi yet and Bai Chichi was still carefree and happy!    


Now that she was forced to leave the Situ Family, Bai Chichi must have already reconciled with Situ Qing, right? At such a moment, they should be leaning against the wide and comfortable bed and looking forward to the beautiful life in the future!    


If you want to be beautiful, I won't let you have a good life!    


Chen Yuan hoped to use other methods to make Situ Qing bankrupt and lose all the material strength that he had to support his love.    


Without money, where would your child live? Your life will be in dire straits, and it would be best if you lived on the streets!    


Aren't you afraid that I will kill your baby? Then I won't kill it. Keep it and let him feel the feeling of falling from the sky!    


The more Chen Yuan thought about it, the more excited she became. The wine in her hand was continuously drank into her stomach until she could no longer hold on and stumbled onto the sofa.    


Chen Yuan did not close the window. She caught a cold.    


Sometimes it was cold and sometimes it was hot. She had a terrible headache.    


The discomfort in her body made Chen Yuan's mood very bad. She curled up on the sofa alone and a line of clear tears slowly fell.    


But Chen Yuan was still very strong. She struggled to stand up and call the hospital. Then she stayed in the hospital for a week. She finally got better.    


After she was discharged from the hospital, Chen Yuan returned home. Unexpectedly, she found a piece of paper at the door with a sentence written on it.    


"Beibei, I am your father's former colleague, Uncle Wei. Please give me a call when you see the note. "    


There was a phone number at the back.    


Chen Yuan took off the note and walked into the house.    


"Uncle Wei?" After thinking for a long time, Chen Yuan finally remembered such a person.    


Yes. In the past, her father had a very good friend who was also his colleague. It was this Uncle Wei.    


Chen Yuan remembered that when she was young, Uncle Wei often came to the house to play. But later on, she could not stand the expression on her mother's face and the words of her mother, so she gradually stopped visiting.    


Her father had also quarreled with her mother about this matter, but it was also not settled. Her father could only make an appointment with Uncle Wei to meet outside for a drink.    


Later on, after something happened to his father, it was Uncle Wei who helped to take care of the funeral.    


However, not long after that, Uncle Wei was sent abroad for work and had never contacted him again.    


"Why did he think of coming to find me?" Chen Yuan looked at the note in confusion and did not understand.    


It had been so long since the incident happened. Could it be that Uncle Wei had returned to the country? Was it because he thought of the child of his old friend that he had come looking for him?    


Because the old house had been demolished, Chen Yuan rarely stayed at home. She cut off all contact with her family and no one knew about her return.    


This time, Uncle Wei must have heard about Chen Yuan's residence from the other old neighbors, but he did not expect her to go to the hospital again, so he could only leave his contact details at the door.    


After thinking for a while, Chen Yuan still decided to call Uncle Wei. After all, she had come to visit him on purpose.    


She dialed the number on the note and waited for a while. A familiar yet unfamiliar voice was heard: "Hello, hello"    


"Er, may I ask if you are Uncle Wei? I am Yu Beibei. " When Chen Yuan heard this voice, her heart was still touched.    



When she was young, Uncle Wei liked Yu Beibei very much and also sympathized with this poor child. He often brought her some snacks or something.    


"Beibei! I finally found you!" Uncle Wei's voice immediately became excited.    


Chen Yuan's heart ached.    


"I'm sorry, Uncle Wei. I was sick and hospitalized a while ago. I didn't know you came to look for me. "    


"Sick? How's the situation now? Are you feeling better?" Uncle Wei asked with a heartache.    


"Oh, I'm almost done! Uncle Wei, didn't you settle down overseas? Why did you come back this time?"    


Uncle Wei heard that Chen Yuan had recovered and his tone became calmer. "Yes, I settled down overseas. I came back this time to visit my family! Because you can be considered a child that I watched grow up. I have a good relationship with your father. That's why I want to see how you're doing. "    


"Thank you!"    


Chen Yuan was touched that someone still remembered her.    


"Beibei, actually this is not the only reason why I am looking for you. I also have some important things to give to you. " Uncle Wei's tone became serious.    


Chen Yuan asked in surprise, "Important things?"    


"Yes, it is the diary that your father used to keep with me. It is not a diary, but some scribbles. "    


"My father's scribbles? What did he write?" Chen Yuan never knew that her father had such a habit.    


Uncle Wei nodded. "I wrote down some of his feelings and feelings. You also know that your father and your mother have always been at odds with each other. That's why he didn't want to leave this piece of paper at home. He didn't want your mother to keep arguing with him after she saw it. "    


"Oh, I think so. " Chen Yuan naturally understood her father's mentality back then. He didn't even talk to her mother. As long as he spoke, it would cause her mother to endlessly criticize and hysterically scream and curse.    


"Beibei, when your father and mother passed away, you were just an adult. I couldn't bear to let you see this kind of thing, so I kept it by my side. I wanted to give it to you when you grew up. " Uncle Wei's heart was very kind. He thought and did the same.    


"But later I was sent out of the country, and you were also sent out to college. Time was too tight, so I didn't have time to give it to you. "    


Uncle Wei sighed and said, "I also didn't expect that I would be gone for so many years! You also went to a different school. The houses in your hometown were all demolished. It was very difficult for me to find you overseas. "    


Chen Yuan said softly, "Yes, I did not think that there would be people looking for me. "    


"Fortunately, this time when I came back, I met some old neighbors and found out about your current residence. I quickly went to find you but you were not there. "    


"I'm sorry, Uncle Wei. Me too. . . . "    


"Silly child, what are you apologizing for? The one who was sorry about you was me. I should have come back earlier to look for you!"    


Uncle Wei must have been entrusted by his father. Otherwise, he would not blame himself like this. Chen Yuan still had some doubts in her heart.    


Could it be that those father's scribbles wanted her to see them?    


"Uncle Wei, my father's scribbles were for you to pass to me?" Chen Yuan couldn't help but ask.    


"Yes. Your father said that one day he will let you see these things. You will also understand why his relationship with your mother is so bad. "    


Chen Yuan took a deep breath. "Uncle Wei, when can I see my father's handwriting with my own eyes?"    


"Anytime! I have wanted to give it to you for a long time. It's a pity that the Creators are playing tricks on me. I've really let my old friend down! "    


"Where are you right now, can I come and get it?" Chen Yuan was somewhat impatient. She urgently wanted to know what her father had written and what kind of information and instructions she could get from it.    


Since her father had such an arrangement, it meant that it must be very important.    


"I am at the City Garden Hotel. If you come over now, I will go to the lobby and wait for you, okay?" Uncle Wei was also very willing to see Chen Yuan immediately.    


Chen Yuan nodded. "Okay, then I will have to trouble you!"    


"No trouble. Quickly come over. I will bring you to eat. " In Uncle Wei's memory, Chen Yuan was still the same 18-year-old girl.    


However, time had changed.    


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