Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C384 Husband Is too Fierce 383

C384 Husband Is too Fierce 383

0Anan saw that things were not looking good, so she changed the subject: "Exactly! I think you are a soldier too, so I won't beat around the bush. Let me tell you the truth, we invited you here today because we want to tell you two things! "    


" Which two things? " Kang Shaonan held back his laughter and asked.    


"First, let Yu Xiao go. From now on, you can be good friends with her. She will find her love and you will find your happiness. From now on, we will not interfere with each other! " An An spoke righteously, which made Yu Xiao feel a little comforted.    


"What about the second one?" Kang Shaonan asked.    


"Xiaoxiao's company is about to close down. We know that your family has a big company. Second, we need to borrow money to help Yu Xiao's family get through this crisis! How is it? " An An's words were straightforward and straightforward. They completely expressed Yu Xiao's thoughts. As soon as she finished speaking, the three of them stared at Kang Shaonan at the same time.    


"What benefits can I get in return?"    


"Well. . . Of course there are benefits. We are purifying your soul. Think about helping others. Isn't it what you soldiers should do? Helping others and purifying your soul, why not? Right? " Xiao Tong rushed over to answer.    


" I'm sorry, I can't do both of you. First, I am a stubborn person, I will never give up on things that I have set my mind on! Second, Although our family is rich, that is not mine. . . That is why I cannot save Xiaoxiao's family's company. " Kang Shaonan replied neither servile nor overbearing. There was no sign of compromise on his face.    


"See! I knew there wouldn't be any results. I already told you, but you still don't believe me?" Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan's expression and directly pursed her lips. She knew that today's negotiations wouldn't have any good results. Now it seemed like it was really the case!    


"Hey, how can you be like this? Previously, you said that you like Xiaoxiao, but now you actually turn a blind eye to her. I thought that you were a good person. Xiaoxiao, let's go! " Hearing what Kang Shaonan said, An An's good impression of him instantly shattered. She angrily grabbed Yu Xiao's hand and was about to leave.    


Kang Shaonan just sat there and let the two of them leave.    


Xiao Tong, who was sitting next to him, still felt reluctant to leave her good friend, but she still stood up unwillingly. She pointed at Kang Shaonan with righteous indignation and said, "You, you, you are too much!" After saying that, she also left.    


Kang Shaonan saw the three of them walk out of the coffee shop angrily and then slowly disappear on the sidewalk. He smiled, took out his phone from his pocket, and dialed Kang Shaobei's number.    


"How is it going?" Kang Shaonan asked as he picked up his watch and looked at the time. He still had to rush back to the army this afternoon. Before that, Yu Xiao's family matter had to be resolved.    


"Big Brother, I just came out of my little sister-in-law's company. Don't worry, the matter has been settled. "    


"Got it! I have to return to the army in a while. If nothing unexpected happens, I will come back next week!"    




Yu Xiao and her two good friends went out for a long time. Anyway, it was the weekend, so the three of them went to a nearby rice noodle shop to prepare for lunch. The three of them found a seat by the window and sat down, criticizing the cynical uncle. Once the topic was changed, the complaints towards Uncle Kang surged like a surging river.    


"That uncle is really a stubborn one. The world is so big, why did he only take a fancy to Xiaoxiao? Anan, take a look. Take a look. Which one of us is pretty? " Xiao Tong was the first to speak. When she thought of Uncle Kang's stubborn mind, she could not help but complain.    


"Alright, you!" An An picked up the disposable chopsticks on the table and knocked Xiao Tong. "He is stubborn. You are smiling like a flower in front of him. I don't like you. But he really likes you. Why didn't he help your family? I look at men. He just said one thing and did another! Xiaoxiao, This time you must fight to the end. The two of us will support you till the end! " After experiencing the scene just now, Anan had a very bad impression of Uncle Kang.    


Yu Xiao heard the words of her two good friends and sighed. However, she knew very well that if she refused to compromise. . . She knew clearly what the consequences of waiting for her own family would be. She picked up the juice on the table and took a sip. It was clearly sweet juice, but she drank a bitter taste. Was she really going to marry that old man who was ten years older than her?    


At this moment, her phone rang. Yu Xiao listlessly took out her phone from her bag and two good friends immediately came over. "It can't be Uncle Kang's, right? Xiaoxiao, if he admits his mistake, you must put on airs. Otherwise, he will definitely think that you are easy to bully in the future!"    


" Right, right, right! You have to vent your anger first! " Xiao Tong also nodded crazily in agreement.    


Yu Xiao looked listlessly at the two of them. "My dad called!" Then she put the phone beside her ear. "Dad!"    


"Xiaoxiao, let me tell you some good news. Our company is fine now. "    


"Really? That's great!" Yu Xiao's eyes lit up and she became excited. The company was fine. Did it mean that she did not need to marry that cynical man anymore?    


"Do you know who did it?" Yu Jiahou asked with a smile.    


"Dad, who did it?" She really wanted to know who that saviour was. As long as there was a chance, she would definitely kowtow three times and kowtow nine times to thank him.    


"It's the Kang Family!"    


"Kang Family? Could it be. . . Kang Shaonan's family?" Just a moment ago, she felt that the sky was clear for tens of thousands of miles, but in an instant, there was an explosion above her head, causing Yu Xiao to be confused.    


If it really was the Kang Family. . . Then isn't she dead?    


"Yes, it was Shaonan who asked his younger brother to do it! Xiaoxiao, come back quickly. We have to pay a visit to their house today no matter what!"    


" But. . . Dad. . . "Yu Xiao scratched her head gloomily and did not know what to say.    


" There is no buts. Come back immediately! " Yu Jiahou used a commanding tone and then hung up the phone with a bang, leaving only the beeping sound.    


Yu Xiao's eyes dimmed when she heard the beeping sound on the phone. She softly threw the phone on the table and did not know what to do.    


"Xiaoxiao, is it your father who called?" An An and Xiao Tong had already heard some clues from Yu Xiao's conversation, so they quickly asked.    


"Well, our company is fine now. But I am going to die!" Yu Xiao let out a long sigh. Her heart was filled with unspeakable depression.    


"Could it really be that Uncle Kang's family came to help?"    


"Yes, this time, that cynical man will be pleased with himself! You guys eat it. My dad let me go back. I'll be leaving first!" Yu Xiao grabbed the bag beside her and prepared to leave.    


"Wait a minute! We will help you come up with an idea! Three stinky artisans against Zhuge Liang! " An An grabbed Yu Xiao's wrist and motioned for her to sit down first.    


"Yes! Yes! Let's think about what we should do! " Xiao Tong also nodded in agreement.    


Yu Xiao sat down in the chair and looked at the two of them listlessly, "What ideas can you help me with? That is two million! It can sell me several times!" Although she also wanted to struggle for her love once, She felt that she had no way to escape. She thought about Luo Yi. Her heart was filled with grief. Some time ago, they were still longing for a happy future together, but now. . .    


"If you really marry Kang Shaonan, have you ever thought about Luo Yi? Don't you all love each other? Even if Kang Shaonan and his family are really indebted to you. We don't have to use you to pay them back. It's just two million, right? We can give him an IOU. Then we can pay it in installments. You, Luo Yi, me, and Xiao Tong. I don't believe that we can't pay back his two million!" As expected of Yu Xiao's good friend, An An couldn't just watch her good friend's happiness die at this moment.    


"Yes! Xiaoxiao, you can't compromise like this! Absolutely not!" Xiao Tong was reminded by Anan's words. She nodded in agreement, although sometimes she would be a little infatuated. However, now that it was about the happiness of a good friend, she couldn't just sit there and do nothing. But thinking about the two million, She started to look at Anan in disbelief again. "When. . . Will the four of us earn two million yuan?"    


Anan raised her hand and pointed at Xiao Tong's head angrily. She shook Xiao Tong's head.    


"F * ck. Are you Xiaoxiao's good friend? Why do you always make others ambitious and destroy your own prestige? If you say such words again, I will cut ties with you! "    


Xiao Tong immediately bit her lips tightly. She did not dare to say a word.    


"But. . . Will their family agree to give him an IOU?" Even his father couldn't borrow two million. For example, these few university students who were about to graduate, what right did the other party have to believe him?    


"If you don't try, how would you know? Oh right, where's Luo Yi? Why hasn't he appeared yet?"    


"Her mother has leukemia and is hospitalized. How can I call him back at a time like this?" Yu Xiao replied with a dull look in her eyes. If Luo Yi was by her side, perhaps the current situation would be completely different. But his mother was seriously ill in bed. How could she bear to call him back?    


"How could it be like this? Sigh, you really are a pair of bitter lovebirds!" Xiao Tong pouted her mouth and shook her head sympathetically.    



"Even if he can't come back for a while, you should let him know your current situation. Maybe after you tell him, he will think of a better way! Love is a matter of two people. At this time, he should also take some responsibility. If you don't tell him, you won't even have a glimmer of hope!" Anan reminded him.    


"Well, you're right! I should call him!" Yu Xiao's eyes lit up when she heard what Anan said. She just didn't want to give him unnecessary troubles for the past few days, but she forgot that he might come up with an idea for her. Think of a way. She stood up, grabbed her bag, and looked at her good friend. She said, "I'll go back first. I'll call you guys if there's anything!"    


Yu Xiao walked out of the rice noodle shop. The pedestrian streets were full of people. Occasionally, couples flirting with each other would pass by her. Yu Xiao felt bitter in her heart. When could she walk on the streets with Luo Yi like this? She took out her phone and called Luo Yi as she walked.    


"Xiaoxiao, do you miss me? I will go back tomorrow!" Luo Yi's voice came from the phone. It sounded like the sun was shining on her. She was not as tired as before. Yu Xiao's heart was instantly warmed.    


"When will you come back tomorrow?" Yu Xiao asked urgently.    


"I will be on the train in the morning. I should be there at noon tomorrow!"    


"How is Auntie now?"    


. . . "Um. . . I'll tell you when we get back tomorrow!"    


"Okay, then be careful tomorrow. Call me immediately when you're there!"    




"Then I'll hang up first. Bye! "    




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