Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C76 Shao Zhengfei will Marry Xiaoting

C76 Shao Zhengfei will Marry Xiaoting

0Shao Zhengfei heard what grandpa said and immediately looked at his father. "Dad. "    


Shao Jiaqi looked at his disappointed son and said unwillingly, "Find a suitable day and marry Xiaoting. "    


"Dad, thank you!" Shao Zhengfei was very happy when he heard that his father had finally agreed to his marriage.    


Pan Shaomin immediately nodded when she heard her husband's words. "The date has been chosen long ago. It will be a good day three days later. We are waiting for your permission. "    


Old Master Shao looked at Pan Shaomin with worry. "Will the wedding be a little rushed in three days?"    


"Dad, don't worry. The Shao Family only needs three days to hold a wedding. " Actually, Pan Shaomin was afraid that it would drag on for too long. At that time, her husband would change his mind. That would be terrible.    


"Zhengfei, you know what happened between you and your brother. So you can't hold this wedding too extravagantly, do you understand?" Shao Jiaqi still considered his eldest son's feelings.    


"I know! Dad, don't worry!" As long as his father nodded, everything else would be fine.    


"Jiaqi, what about Zhanping and Xiaoxiao? Should we let them participate?" As soon as Old Master Shao finished his words, Shao Zhengfei and his mother stared at Shao Jiaqi. This was a sensitive topic in Shao Family, but he had to bring it up at a time like this.    


Shao Jiaqi sighed again. "No matter what, they are Zhengfei's Big Brother and sister-in-law. Since it is a wedding, let them come back. . . "    


"You are right! Anyway, you will have to live in this house sooner or later. " Old Master Shao listened to his son and looked at his grandson, Shao Zhengfei.    


"Alright, grandpa!" Shao Zhengfei nodded. A complicated look flashed through his eyes.    


Half a month passed quickly. Xiaoxiao had been helping to take care of the twins for the past half month. Her life was also very fulfilling. Today sister-in-law came back from her hometown and Xiaoxiao went home very early in the afternoon. First, she went to her room and surfed the internet. She logged into QQ and chatted with her friends for a while. Soon, it was night time. Xiaoxiao made some dinner by herself. After dinner, she went out for a walk before going back to bed.    


After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Xiaoxiao felt that she had fallen into a wide embrace in a daze. Immediately after, there was something pricking and pricking her chin. It was a little painful. She even felt that someone was kissing her.    


When she realized this situation, she was very shocked. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a black shadow lying beside her. Just as she wanted to shout, she heard a familiar voice, "It's me!"    


Following his voice, the lamp at the bedside also lit up. Xiaoxiao saw Shao Zhanping's familiar face. She did not see him for half a month. He had turned black and also lost weight.    


"You're back?" After half a month, when she suddenly came into contact with him at such a close distance, her heart began to beat wildly with a bang.    


"Didn't you say you were leaving? You wouldn't stay here all the time, would you?" His large hand gently stroked her back. This little girl was getting more and more daring. She only wore a nightgown and not even a bra.    


"I'm back again. "    




Xiaoxiao was asked this question, but she could not tell the truth. After a long silence, she realized that the two of them were too close.    


"You are too close to me. Let me go first!"    


During this period of time, she had gotten used to sleeping alone. She didn't even wear a bra. Being tightly hugged by him like this, her chest immediately pressed against his chest. Xiaoxiao felt that she was about to die of embarrassment.    


As soon as her words fell, the hand that held her waist once again sent into his embrace. This seemed to be a little punishment for what she just said.    


"Shao Zhanping, don't be like this! We have an agreement!" Thinking of her relationship with him, she began to regain some confidence. Her big eyes stared at him.    


"Aren't you my wife?" Looking at her expression, he smiled faintly, as if he had long forgotten what happened half a month ago.    


"Don't you know if I'm your wife or not?" Knowing that she could not resist him, she glared at him with all her might.    


"It's not like I've never hugged you before. Besides, you didn't even miss me when you didn't see me for half a month?"    


"I don't like you. Why would I miss you?"    


"If you don't miss me, why did you come back after you left? You obviously don't want to leave, right? "    


"No!" She had no words to refute. Back then, she had been arguing about leaving, and now, she had taken the initiative to run back. She was instantly rendered speechless by his question.    


Seeing her embarrassed expression, he smiled and let go of her. Hugging her like this was also a fatal torture for him.    


"I'm tired, go to sleep!" Shao Zhanping let go of her as he spoke. He reached out and turned off the lamp, closed his eyes, and slept.    


Once her body was freed, Xiaoxiao immediately returned to her position. Seeing him close his eyes, she suddenly came back to her senses. She stared at him and asked, "Shao Zhanping, how did you come back? Why didn't I hear anything at all?"    


Shao Zhanping looked at her and smiled. "Xiao Lee carried me in. I didn't expect to see you sleeping on the bed as soon as I came in!"    


"Then he saw me?" Xiaoxiao subconsciously wrapped the sheets around her body.    


"It's okay! I didn't turn on the light! Don't even think about it, go to sleep! "    


Because it was late at night, Xiaoxiao did not want to ask any more questions. After a while, she heard Shao Zhanping's breathing sound and slowly closed her eyes.    


This night was the most painful night in Xiaoxiao's half a month. When she thought about the days after Shao Zhanping came back, her heart started to panic again. She kept tossing and turning on the bed, and only when it was almost dawn did she slowly fall asleep.    


When she woke up, there was no longer a shadow of Shao Zhanping by her side. She quickly got up from the bed. Hearing the sound in the living room, she didn't have time to wash up. She ran out of the bedroom first. She saw Shao Zhanping practicing walking back and forth in the living room while leaning on the crutches. They hadn't seen each other for half a month, and he had already walked very well. Xiaoxiao looked at him. In her heart, she was happy for him.    


"Did you wash up?" Xiaoxiao looked at him and asked slowly. She even forgot that she was busy running out and even forgot to change her nightdress. The light in the day was strong, and her figure made Shao Zhanping's blood boil. He swallowed his saliva and looked away from her with difficulty.    


"Not yet. "    


"Oh, then wait for me!" She instantly realized the clothes she was wearing when she saw him. She went back to the bedroom with a red face, quickly changed her clothes, and walked out again. She helped Shao Zhanping enter the bathroom to wash up.    


When they were eating breakfast, Shao Zhanping walked to the dining table and sat down with the crutch. He looked at Xiaoxiao, who was opposite him. "I have something to tell you!"    


Xiaoxiao stopped moving and looked at him. "What is it?"    


"You better be mentally prepared!" Shao Zhanping looked at her and slightly blinked his eyes.    


"What is it?" Looking at his expression, she looked at him uneasily.    


"Let's go back to City S tomorrow!"    


Xiaoxiao looked at him nervously, "You want to go back too?"    


"Of course. This exercise is over for me. I have half a year's holiday now. So I'll leave here tomorrow. Perhaps you won't have the chance to come here again in the future. " After saying that, Shao Zhanping looked at her with a thoughtful look and smiled.    


Xiaoxiao looked down and understood what Shao Zhanping meant. She was silent for a while, but still looked up at him and asked, "When we go back, will we still live in the villa?"    



Shao Zhanping heard her words and blinked. After a while, he looked at her and said, "Yes! Because I am not in good health and we have not been married for long, the family will definitely not let us live outside. Besides, even if we live outside, you don't want to take care of me. "    


Xiaoxiao lowered her voice and her face turned red. "I didn't. . . "    


Shao Zhanping smiled. "I am joking with you. I know you are not that kind of ruthless girl. " When he said this, his face became slightly serious. He looked at Xiaoxiao and said slowly, "But there is one more thing that I must tell you. "    


"What is it?" Xiaoxiao looked up at him.    


"The day after tomorrow is Zhengfei and Sun Xiaoting's wedding day!"    


Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. It was as if something had cut through her heart, and she felt a heart-piercing pain. It turned out that after such a long time, she would still be sad and sad because of that man.    


"You don't dare to face it?" Seeing that she kept silent and did not speak, Shao Zhanping looked at her and asked.    


Xiaoxiao shook her head and slightly pursed her lower lip. After a while, she looked at Shao Zhanping and asked in disbelief, "Are they really getting married?"    


She had long known that this would be the result, but she did not expect that at this time, it would be so fast!    


Shao Zhengfei had been waiting for this day for a long time, right?    


"Xiaoting's stomach is getting bigger and bigger. If she continues to wait, she won't be able to wear the wedding dress, right?" Shao Zhanping drank a mouthful of milk. There was no sadness on his face, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.    


Xiaoxiao looked at his expression and was puzzled. "You are not upset at all?"    


Shao Zhanping looked at her thoughtfully and smiled faintly. "The thing that makes me sad the most is that my wife thinks of other men!"    


Xiaoxiao's face turned red and she refuted him somewhat guiltily. "We are not really husband and wife. "    


Shao Zhanping nodded silently and did not say anything.    


"After they get married, they will also live in Villa of Shao Family?" If she went back with Shao Zhanping, they would often meet Shao Zhengfei and Sun Xiaoting.    


"Yes. "    


Xiaoxiao lowered her head, feeling a little depressed in her heart.    


"Do you still like Zhengfei?"    


Xiaoxiao shook her head, "No. " Even if she did not like Shao Zhengfei now, they were once lovers after all. Thinking about living with him in the villa in the future, how could she be calm?    


Shao Zhanping looked at her expression and didn't say anything.    


Xiaoxiao was a little absent-minded on this day. When she thought about her life in Shao Family in the future, she didn't know what to do. In these nine years, she never thought that one day in the future, she would live under the same roof as Shao Zhengfei with another identity. She never thought that this kind of situation would actually happen.    


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