Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C47 Her Husband Was too Fierce

C47 Her Husband Was too Fierce

0After the two of them left the graveyard, they returned to Villa of Shao Family. When they entered the living room, they saw that Shao Zhengfei had also returned. Seeing the two of them walk in, Shao Zhengfei's gaze landed on Xiaoxiao.    


He did not know why, but ever since she registered with Big Brother, this girl's taste in clothes had instantly increased by a level. In the past, she would always appear with a dirty face every day, but now she had become more and more beautiful. He looked at Big Brother who was sitting in a wheelchair. They really did not match.    


"You guys are back?" Shao Zhanping was his Big Brother after all. Shao Zhengfei stood up and greeted them first.    


Shao Zhanping responded faintly. He turned his face slightly to Xiaoxiao behind him and said, "I am a little tired. I want to go back and rest. "    


Xiaoxiao nodded and wanted to push Shao Zhanping back to the room. She saw Pan Shaomin carrying a plate of fruit and walking over. When Pan Shaomin saw her, she immediately greeted Xiaoxiao warmly. "Xiaoxiao, come out and eat some fruit later!"    


"Okay!" Xiaoxiao looked at Pan Shaomin and smiled. She then pushed Shao Zhanping back to their new room.    


Maybe it was because he saw his mother's tombstone in the cemetery, but this incident brought up the sad past of Shao Zhanping. He lay down with Xiaoxiao's help and then closed his eyes. Xiaoxiao helped him cover the thin blanket. Seeing that he was fine, she felt at ease and walked out of the bedroom. She casually closed the door of the room.    


But just as she turned around, she saw Shao Zhengfei walk in front of her. Without waiting for her to react, he pulled her into the study room on the opposite side and tightly locked the door.    


"What are you doing?" Xiaoxiao angrily stared at him. Her wrist felt pain from his grip and she tried to pull it back. But his strength was too great and her struggles were useless.    


"Did you have sex with him last night?" Shao Zhengfei ignored her reaction and anxiously asked her.    


Xiaoxiao sneered. She felt that this man's question was very funny. "Shao Zhengfei, don't you think this question is very funny? I am his legal wife, and I have sex with him. Does this have anything to do with you? "    


"His legs can't even stand up. He definitely can't have sex with you. Nothing happened to you last night, right?" Shao Zhengfei did not mind her attitude towards him and continued to ask her.    


"That has nothing to do with you! I am you, sister-in-law. Quickly let go of me!" Xiaoxiao angrily stared at him and continuously struggled, but in the end, she could not resist his strength and was pulled into his embrace.    


Shao Zhengfei was very happy. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist. He tightly locked her arms. His tone slowly slowed down. "Xiaoxiao, even if you are his legal wife, he said. He can't make you a real woman! Didn't you always like me? Can you be my woman? I can make you happy. . . " Shao Zhengfei said as he lowered his head to kiss her lips.    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and was really mad. Without waiting for him to kiss her, she lifted her leg and pushed it between his legs!    


Shao Zhengfei let out a painful cry. He also let go of Xiaoxiao's arms. Once her body was freed, Xiaoxiao quickly retreated. She picked up the globe on the desk and raised it above her head. "Shao Zhengfei! You bastard! Try taking another step towards me!"    


Shao Zhengfei covered his lower body and gritted his teeth as he looked at her. After a long while, he slowly recovered.    


"Xiaoxiao, I know that you married him because you want to take revenge on me. I admit that I did something wrong. In these nine years, I didn't pay much attention to you. It was only when you and Big Brother had their wedding that I realized that you were actually so good. Xiaoxiao. Don't you like me? I can give you everything you want, but we can't get married!" She liked him for nine years. He believed that she still had feelings for him. When he thought about the woman that originally belonged to him lying in another man's bed, he couldn't stand it.    


"Shao Zhengfei! You disappoint me! Even if I really like you, you can't say such disrespectful words to me! I am now your sister-in-law, how can you say such words?" All the good things were broken by him bit by bit. She was really disappointed with this man.    


"That's because I didn't realize that you were good in the past! Xiaoxiao, do you know? I drank all night last night and only woke up at noon today. Xiaoxiao, it's not too late for you to regret now. Shall we start over? " Shao Zhengfei straightened his body and walked towards her step by step as he spoke.    


"Stop right there! If you take another step forward, I will shout for help!" Xia Xiaoxiao angrily stared at him. She raised the globe high up and was about to smash it to the ground. She really could not believe that the man in front of her was the Shao Zhengfei she once knew.    


"Don't be impulsive! Our days in the future are still very long. I will give you time to think about this problem. " Shao Zhengfei saw her excited look and hesitated for a moment before retreating to the door. He turned around to look at Xiaoxiao, who was still angry, and sighed lightly as he walked out of the room.    


Hearing his footsteps go far away, Xiaoxiao immediately let out a sigh of relief. She dejectedly put the globe on the table and slightly stabilized her emotions. She then left the study. Listening to the voices in the living room, she really wasn't in the mood. She lifted her foot and entered her new room. She lightly closed the door of the room and looked at Shao Zhanping who was still sleeping on the bed. She slowly walked to the other side of the bed and lifted her foot to get on the bed. She laid down with her back facing Shao Zhanping.    


Her heart really hurt. The moment she slowly closed her eyes, tears flowed down her face.    


In the future, she still needed to face Shao Zhengfei for three months. She really didn't dare to imagine if she could endure it or not.    


Thinking about what he said today and his actions, she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to escape from him every time in the next three months! But this was the place she had to live, what should she do?    


A large hand reached out from behind her and pulled her body, making her look at him. When he saw the tears at the corners of her eyes, Shao Zhanping frowned. "Why are you crying?"    


Xiaoxiao did not want to tell him the truth. She looked at him and forced a smile. "I'm fine. . . "    


"Then why are you crying?"    


Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes slightly. She looked down and said: "When I went to the cemetery with you, I thought of my father. . . " Any man who knew what happened just now would also be furious. Furthermore, his body was inconvenient, so she didn't want him to get angry because of this.    


Shao Zhanping slightly blinked his eyes. He looked at her and slowly asked, "I want to return to the army in two days. Anyway, you have nothing to do for the time being. Then you can come with me. . . "    


Xiaoxiao listened to his words and fell silent. He had mentioned this question to her before. At that time, she did not want to have too much to do with him, so she rejected him. But the scene that happened just now suddenly made her heart move. If she went with him to the army, she could avoid Shao Zhengfei's harassment.    


"Can I really go with you?"    


Hearing her tone loosening, Shao Zhanping smiled faintly. "Of course, as long as you are willing!"    


"Then I will think about it. . . " Their relationship was too sensitive, she didn't want to rashly make a decision.    




"When are you leaving?"    


" The day after tomorrow! "    




" Why were you crying just now? " Shao Zhanping returned to his original question. Although he did not speak much, it was inconvenient for him to move. However, he wasn't a fool. He could almost guess what had happened just now.    


"I am just a little sad. . . " Xiaoxiao smiled at him and remembered what Elder Yang had said. She simply sat up from the bed and looked at him. "Elder Yang said that you need to massage your legs every day. Let me massage you!" Anyway, she had nothing to do right now. Besides, she didn't want to go to the living room, so she might as well find some work for herself.    


"Do you want my leg to be okay?" Shao Zhanping also propped himself up after hearing her words. Seeing that she had already rolled up his pants, she started to massage him.    


Xiaoxiao smiled and replied as she massaged, "I have no enmity with you. Why don't you want your legs to be good?"    


"You are not worried that if my leg is better, I will not let you go?"    


Xiaoxiao smiled again, "You are a soldier! So you will not go back on your word. " Although he had a bad temper, he was definitely a person who would keep his word.    


"It seems like you have a very good impression of soldiers!"    


"Soldiers represent justice, soldiers represent the image of a country. I remember when I was a child, I went out with my father to play, but in the end, I fell into the water. That time, it was a Liberation Army uncle who saved me! "    


When Shao Zhanping heard her talking about the uncle from the Liberation Army, he could not help but laugh. "I am also an uncle from the Liberation Army. Then, do you have to change your mind when you call me in the future? "    


"Alright, I will call you Uncle Shao from now on!" After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she could not help but laugh. After a moment, she stopped and looked at him in confusion. If there was no problem with her understanding, was this man joking with her just now?    


"What's wrong?"    


Xiaoxiao smiled. "Nothing. . . "    



During dinner, Xiaoxiao did not see Shao Zhengfei at the dining table. This made her feel more relaxed. After dinner, Xiaoxiao and Shao Zhanping chatted with Old Master Shao and Shao Zhanping's parents for a while. After a few minutes, Shao Zhanping went to the study by himself. Xiaoxiao chatted with everyone for about half an hour. It seemed that it was about time. She wanted to get up and leave, but she had just walked out a few steps. She saw Shao Zhengfei walk in from the living room door swaying his body.    


"Xiaoxiao, don't go. You can't marry him. . . " Shao Zhengfei staggered a little as he walked. He reeked of alcohol. It seemed that he had gone out to drink.    


Shao Jiaqi looked at his son and his anger rose. "You really disappoint me. Xiaoxiao is now your sister-in-law!"    


Shao Zhengfei listened to his father and walked over. His face was red. His eyes landed on Xiaoxiao. "Xiaoxiao, are you my sister-in-law? Big Brother can't give you happiness. You will definitely divorce in the future!"    


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