Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C22 He Didn't Agree

C22 He Didn't Agree

0When Pan Shaomin heard Shao Zhanping's words, she immediately shut her mouth guiltily, not daring to say another word.    


Shao Jiaqi glared at his wife snappily and sighed as he looked at his son's cold face opposite him. Just as he was about to speak, he heard his father speak slowly, "Zhanping, grandpa knows that you feel wronged. But have you ever thought about Xiaoxiao? If her mother knew about this, what would she think? You have no relationship at all. How are you going to bring happiness to Xiaoxiao in the future? We already owe the Xia Family enough. We can't waste Xiaoxiao's life anymore! Can you understand grandpa's words? "    


Shao Zhanping nodded as if he understood. His voice was still cold as he said, "grandpa, do you mean that if Xiaoxiao marries Zhengfei, she will be very happy? Marrying me will be misfortune? In fact, this is common sense. What right does a person in a wheelchair have to talk about happiness? "    


Old Master Shao sighed. He felt that his eldest grandson was a little stubborn, but there was nothing he could do. "Zhanping, you know I don't mean that. . . "    


"grandpa, no matter what, I am also a regimental commander. There are many reasons that I understand even without others saying it! You all want to persuade me to divorce Xiaoxiao, so that you will feel less guilt towards the Xia Family! I know all of this! You have seen me since I was young. You have always understood my temper. When I do things, I never turn back! Since we have gotten the marriage certificate, I will hold the wedding as usual. Whether Xiaoxiao and I will be happy or not, no one has the right to speak. Because we are the ones who are getting married!" After saying that, Shao Zhanping's gaze fell on Xia Xiaoxiao, who was at the side, "I think we should go to your house first and push me away!"    


Shao Jiaqi saw that his son was about to leave and immediately stopped him. "Why do you still have such a stubborn temper after so many years? Shao Zhanping asked. If you leave just like that, what about your marriage?"    


The others also looked closely at Shao Zhanping.    


Shao Zhanping looked at his father with a cold gaze. "Xiaoxiao and I will mix together. To you, it is a joke. But to me, she is a very important person! No matter whether she was impulsive this morning or worried about her mother, it doesn't matter. But she knew that my legs were paralyzed and insisted on entering the Marriage Registration Centre with me. You only wanted to separate us, because what you cared about. . . It was the face of the Shao Family, but you never thought about the feelings of this person sitting in a wheelchair. . . " After saying that, He didn't even look at the people present and just turned the wheelchair around. He wanted to leave this place!    


Xia Xiaoxiao immediately stood up. She took a step forward and held the wheelchair's handle, wanting to push Shao Zhanping out!    


"Wait a minute!" Shao Jiaqi stood up and looked at his son's lonely back. His heart ached and he sighed heavily. "Good! Since you insist on holding this wedding, I will agree to it! "    


"Shao Jiaqi, are you crazy?" Pan Shaomin, who was beside him, immediately looked at him in disbelief when she heard what her husband said.    


"Zhanping is right! We only thought about our own feelings, but we never thought about it from his standpoint!" Shao Jiaqi looked at his father and asked, "Dad, although Xiaoxiao and Zhengfei are impossible! However, she is still our daughter-in-law after marrying Zhanping. What do you think. . . "    


Old Master Shao nodded. "Now that things have come to this, let's do as Zhanping says. . . "    


Shao Zhengfei was silent on the ground. He heard that his father and grandpa had agreed to the marriage between Big Brother and his ex-girlfriend. He immediately stood up from the ground and blocked Big Brother and Xia Xiaoxiao's way. He shouted, "No! You can't get married! I don't agree! "    


" Give me a reason! " Shao Zhanping looked at his younger brother and asked coldly.    


"Xiaoxiao doesn't love you at all! She married you just to take revenge on me! Anyone can see this kind of thing. Why are you still so stubborn? You will harm her, don't you understand?" Shao Zhengfei lost control of himself and roared.    


"Are you sure Sun Xiaoting loves you?" Shao Zhanping looked at his brother coldly. His eyes were like a cold arrow, piercing into Shao Zhengfei's eyes!    


Shao Zhengfei could not stand his brother's gaze. The muscles on his face twitched unnaturally. Except for Big Brother, no matter who asked him this question, he could answer it confidently. However, Sun Xiaoting was Big Brother's fiancée, so he had no face to answer this question!    


Knowing that Xia Xiaoxiao was soft-hearted, he turned to look at her. He went forward and held Xia Xiaoxiao's arm, "Xiaoxiao, I know you are angry with me. I deserve to die! But you cannot ruin your life just because you are angry with me! You absolutely cannot marry him! I cannot watch you jump into the fire pit, Xiaoxiao. . . "    


"Slap!" A loud and clear ear suddenly resounded in the living room and Shao Zhengfei's body suddenly stiffened! His face was burning with pain. He looked at this girl who had never said no to him for nine years in disbelief. He couldn't react in time!    


She actually raised her hand and gave him a slap in the face!    


The others also looked at this scene in shock!    


They did not expect that this seemingly gentle and gentle girl also had such a fierce side!    


Xia Xiaoxiao looked at the man who had lost control and could not bear it anymore. "Shao Zhengfei, aren't you a little too self-righteous? You said he was a fire pit, then what are you to me? Nine years! Do you know what it means to put a person in your heart in nine years? When I fell in love with you nine years ago, It was like someone put a seed in my heart and watered it. She fertilized it and watched it grow into a towering tree. In these nine years, It has already become a part of my body. It is connected to my internal organs. Do you know that when you pull it out, I will also feel pain? I will also collapse? I am not as strong as you think!" Tears kept flowing in her eyes. She looked at the man she loved the most and swallowed the bitterness in her heart. "Zhanping is you, Big Brother, but he is also my husband now. Please think about what you have done when you belittle him in the future!" When Xia Xiaoxiao said this, She did not care about Shao Zhengfei's reaction and pushed Shao Zhanping away resolutely!    


Shao Zhengfei was tied up by Xia Xiaoxiao's words and dejectedly let go of her arm. . .    


"Xiaoxiao! Wait a moment!" Shao Jiaqi walked over and looked at his son and Xia Xiaoxiao in the wheelchair. "We need to explain Zhengfei's matter to your mother first. How about this, Zhengfei, follow me to the Xia family to ask for forgiveness first! Zhanping, you and Xiaoxiao can go upstairs later! Let's go! "    


Xia Xiaoxiao nodded slightly.    


Although Shao Zhengfei was unwilling, he knew in his heart that going to the Xia family to apologize was inevitable! Hearing his father's instructions, he could only follow him out of the living room. Xia Xiaoxiao also pushed Shao Zhanping and left Villa of Shao Family.    


Shao Jiaqi first brought his son to Xia Family. Shao Zhanping's car followed behind a little later. Watching the off-road vehicle slowly drive out of Shao Family, Xia Xiaoxiao looked out of the window with a blank face, and her eyes were a little erratic.    


Everything happened too suddenly! Even she was still in a trance, how could her mother accept it?    


But things had already happened. Other than facing it, she didn't know what else she could do.    


"Are you hungry?" Shao Zhanping looked at Xia Xiaoxiao, whose eyes were wandering, and asked softly.    


Xia Xiaoxiao shook her head lightly. Everything happened too suddenly. She did not have any appetite at all.    


"I am hungry! Xiao Lee, go to the hotel!" Shao Zhanping did not seek Xia Xiaoxiao's opinion anymore and directly ordered Xiao Lee in front of him.    


" Yes, regimental commander! "    


Xia Xiaoxiao silently looked out the window. Her thoughts were still slowly drifting about in the past.    


Xiao Lee chose a high-end hotel according to Shao Zhanping's instructions. Xia Xiaoxiao pushed Shao Zhanping into the lobby. He originally thought that she would choose a private room because of his disability, but she did not care about other people's strange looks. She chose a seat by the window. Xia Xiaoxiao quietly sat opposite him and looked out the window absentmindedly. At this moment, she was still immersed in her own world. . .    


After Shao Zhanping finished ordering the dishes, he looked at her and his eyes turned slightly. "Does it really hurt that much?"    


Xia Xiaoxiao retracted her gaze and smiled bitterly. "I am not a wooden person. I have flesh and blood too. Of course it will hurt!"    


"Have you ever thought that you will continue to feel pain when you live in the Shao Family in the future?"    


Xia Xiaoxiao was stunned by the question and did not know how to answer it. . . .    


Although she had indeed gotten a marriage certificate with this man, she had no time to think about her future life.    


Shao Zhanping blinked his eyes. "Everyone will inevitably get hurt since they were young. When you were young, you had parents to protect you. But when you grow up, you will learn to face it alone. You have to live in Villa of Shao Family for three months. If you face today's wound alone, it might hurt even more. Have you prepared yourself?"    


Xia Xiaoxiao sighed and looked at him. "No matter how painful it is, it can't be compared to today!"    


"I will take care of your mother's thoughts. When I talk to her later, remember to leave for a while. "    


"Why?" Xia Xiaoxiao frowned and looked at him in confusion.    


"There is no reason. "    


Xia Xiaoxiao looked at him speechlessly, feeling that this person was really straightforward. But when she thought about how he talked to his mother alone, She was still a little worried and reminded him, "I know you are regimental commander. But don't use regimental commander's attitude to pressure my mother, and you can't use the tone and way you talk to your family in the villa. If you cause any harm to my mother, I won't forgive you easily! "    


Shao Zhanping looked at her teasingly. "It seems that you did not have a good first impression of me. . . "    


"It doesn't matter if it's good or not. In any case, we're only husband and wife in name for three months!"    


Shao Zhanping looked at her silently and did not speak anymore.    



Although she did not have any appetite, Xia Xiaoxiao was still forced by Shao Zhanping to eat something. After coming out of the hotel, Xiao Lee drove the car towards Xia Xiaoxiao's house. When the car arrived downstairs, Xia Xiaoxiao discovered a problem. Her house was an ordinary residential building. There was no elevator at all. If she wanted to get Shao Zhanping to the fourth floor from the first floor, it would be a problem. But Xiao Lee quickly found a way to solve the problem. He first carried the wheelchair upstairs and put it in front of Xia Xiaoxiao's door. Then he quickly carried Shao Zhanping up from the basement and carefully put him in the wheelchair. Xia Xiaoxiao knocked on the door.    


The person who came to open the door was Shao Jiaqi. As soon as the door was opened, Xia Xiaoxiao heard her mother's intermittent sobs. Her heart was instantly gripped tightly and she quickly ran in.    


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