You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C46 If You Don't like It Just Throw It Away!

C46 If You Don't like It Just Throw It Away!

0Ignoring his quaking figure, Jian Yun fished out his ID card from his wallet and gave it to him. "Take it!" She held her phone close to her side, planning to take a picture of his humiliated face. If the man disagreed, then she'd happily slap him twice. After all, what's a small picture compared to all the things that she knew he would've done to her if she hadn't stopped him?     


It was obvious that the man had bad intentions. He thought that just because he had a sports car and an expensive suit, he could get away with anything. She gnashed her teeth together. If there was one thing she planned to do tonight, it was to teach him a lesson. After all the words he had thrown at her, this was only right.     


If he had met another girl tonight, who would've known what he'd do?     


"I know I'm wrong! Please, just–just let me go!" He cried bitterly, hiding his snot-filled face. The cockiness was long gone from his system and was replaced with total desperation. The phone flashed, and the bright light almost blinded him as he struggled to sit back up. He squinted his eyes. "Please–I'm sorry!"     


"I can pretend nothing happened tonight, but if you dare try to seek me out, then I'll post all these photos of you online." Jian Yun purposely walked up to the man and showed him the photos she had taken. All of them were pictures of him lying down on the pavement, his piteous naked body out in the open. His eyes were swollen, and his cheeks were smeared with dirt. The sight of it was enough to make anyone throw up. "I'll let the whole world know who you are!"     


The man could only squeeze his eyes shut, nodding in agreement.     


"Now, since we've reached an agreement, why don't you get up and put some clothes on so you can send me to the nearest subway station?" As if nothing had happened, she kicked him one last time and slipped her phone into her pockets.     


Jian Yun was well-aware of what these men usually do in their spare time. They'd climb up their world-class mansions and spend the time drinking and spending without a single care in the world. However, if there was one thing they'd be scared of doing–it's causing a scandal. If they had done anything to shame their family name, then their resources would be cut off. It was almost as worse as the death penalty for them. A smirk slipped into her lips. This was why she had done what she did. After all, if he was willing to play dirty, then so was she.     


"I–I think I'm suffering from internal bleeding." Although the man had already put on his clothes, he couldn't help but clutch his chest. The pain soared through his very veins, climbing up to his arms and neck. Every move made him flinch. "I need to get to the hospital."     


"Oh, cut the crap! I know what I was doing. I didn't hurt you." Waving her phone as a warning, she forced him into the car.     


The young man would always come out at night and lurk around the corner to see if he could seduce any pretty lady in his midst. However, not only had he failed tonight, but he had also been beaten up. Bitter from this, he made sure to slow down at the sight of any surveillance camera, just to make sure that he could rewind them and see her face. Although he may not be able to get back at her tonight, he'd be sure to take his revenge the next time they'd see each other.     


"Don't even think about trying to fool me!" Jian Yun was smart enough to know what he was planning. That was why she had already taken out her mask and hat to cover her pale face. Seeing that the man was purposely slowing down, she grabbed the bobblehead in front of them and pointed it at his crotch. "If you still want to have kids, then I suggest you start following my rules."     


The man could only bow his head and follow. He gripped the ends of his steering wheel, feeling his anxiety eating up every inch of his heart. How could he have such bad luck?     


Once they had arrived at the subway station, she found a secluded place for them to park in. "We're here, stop the car!" Barking out, she stepped out of the car and threw the bobblehead at his face. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she slipped into the crowd.     


The man clenched his jaw and took out his phone. At first, he wanted to call out his men to seek her out and take revenge, but just as he was about to dial their numbers, he hesitated.     


If people knew that he, Mr. Zhang, was beaten up to the point that he couldn't up–by a woman of all people–they were never going to let him live this down! Taking a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and turned away. He should deal with this himself.     


Jian Yun took the subway back home, and by the time she had finally arrived, it was already 8:30. Although Luo Yanyan wasn't there, the food was already prepared. She quickly started to eat. After the long and interesting day she just had, all she wanted was to bury her head in a warm bowl of rice. During this time, she even received a phone call from Zhou Shaolong, asking her if she was free tomorrow. "I might need to work overtime, so I'm still not sure," she had said before hanging up and hurrying to the bathroom to take a shower.     


By the time she was finished with all the necessities, it was already ten o'clock.     


Jian Yun yawned as she slipped under the covers. Although she was exhausted, she still couldn't fall asleep. No matter how much she tossed and turned around her bed, Huo Liancheng's face would pop in her thoughts every now and then as the legend of the Lover's Heart repeated over and over again like a broken recorder.     


Subconsciously, she took out the velvet box from under her pillow and pulled out the pink diamond necklace. As her thumb grazed against the glittering surface, she couldn't help but think. If this diamond really was hers, maybe she didn't have to work as hard. Perhaps, if she had sold this, she and her mother would finally be able to live their own happily ever after for many more lifetimes ahead. Maybe then, they'd both be happy.     


Blinking, Jian Yun shook her head, rubbing the creases in her forehead.     


No. The diamond was far too precious to be sold just like that, and its meaning...She couldn't take it!     


Thinking of this, she grabbed her phone from the bedside table and stared at Huo Liancheng's name for a long time, wondering if she should call him. A few seconds later, she shook her head and opened her WeChat.     


It was better to text him instead. Just the thought of talking to him was already giving her anxiety.     


When Jian Yun opened her WeChat, she saw thousands of unread messages, many of them coming from her high school group. The chat had about two thousand unread messages in the past two days alone. Rolling her eyes, she ignored them and pressed on Huo Liancheng's profile. The last thing she needed was any more gossip from her classmates.     


"President Huo, are you there?" She sent a message over.     


Five minutes later, he finally replied, "Yes."     


Jian Yun paused for a bit before replying to him, "When are you free? So that I could return the necklace."     


This time, Huo Liancheng didn't reply. Just as she thought that he had fallen asleep, her phone started ringing.     


Her heart raced in her chest as she clenched her fingers around her phone. Why couldn't he just text like any normal person?     


Gritting her teeth, she answered, "President Huo."     


"Don't you like it?" Huo Liancheng asked, and she had to lean in closer to her speaker for her to hear it. There were faint honks and chatter in the background from the other end of the line. It seemed as if he was walking.     




"Don't you like the necklace?" His voice was still as cold as ever.     


Jian Yun froze. "It's too precious. I can't just–"     


"If you don't want it, then you can just throw it away!"     


Her eyes twitched violently. The necklace, from what she had searced, was worth a hundred and two billion! And he wanted her to just throw it away? Was he being serious? Did he assume that these diamonds just grow on trees? Silence had ensued between them, as Jian Yun struggled to come up with a better response, but at this point, she found herself at a loss for words.     


"Is there anything else?" Huo Liancheng prompted.     


Speechless, she slowly shook her head. "No. There's nothing else."     


Not waiting for her to say anything more, he hung up.     


He was angry–that was already obvious from the way he had phrased his words. Jian Yun stared at her darkened screen, and a thought suddenly occurred to her.     


Was he angry that she didn't want to accept his gift?     


Putting her phone down, she lied back on her bed in a daze, staring at the beautiful diamond. Under the moonlight, it glistened even brighter, as if a little angel was trapped inside this beautiful gem. How could she not like the pink diamond? Hell, if she had a choice, she'd keep and guard this with all her life.     


But...why would he give her something this expensive? Did he want anything from her in exchange? She slowly shook the thought away.     


Obviously, Jian Yun wasn't planning on throwing the necklace. Instead, she decided to keep it for now. Maybe she could ask Cheng Muze to return it to Huo Liancheng tomorrow. Perhaps, this was better done indirectly.     


However, that single phone call had agitated her even more that she couldn't fall asleep, so she opened her Weibo. It had taken her half an hour of scanning and reading various posts that showed up on her feed before she had finally drifted off.     


The next morning, when Jian Yun arrived at the company, Wu Wenjing skipped towards her. "Yun," she sang, spinning around. "How do I look? Notice anything different today?"     


Pausing, she looked at her friend up and down before shaking her head. "No, why?"     


"Don't you think I'm prettier today? Happier, perhaps?" Wu Wenjing leaned closer to her desk.    


Jian Yun shook her head once again. "No?" Her answer sounded more like a question than a statement.     


"You're so annoying!" Sighing, Wu Wenjing squeezed in next to her before whispering in her ear, "I bumped into one of my high school classmates the day before yesterday, and he's now working in the entertainment industry! He's asking if I'm interested to act in one of his films, so of course, I said yes! Now, get this, he's asking me to come to his company for an interview in a few days!"     



"Are you finally going to become a celebrity then?" Jian Yun teased, raising her eyebrows.     


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