You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C2 Mysterious Man

C2 Mysterious Man

0Startled from the sudden impact of the coffee, Jian Yun raised her bag to cover her face. Although most of the cup's contents had fallen directly onto her bag, some of them trailed across her arms and hand, leaving a trail of red. She had to restrain herself from screaming in pain.     


Even the waiters and customers in the coffee shop were surprised by the sudden turn of events.     


"You little bitch! So you're the reason why Liancheng rejected me! I–I'm already pregnant with his child, and you stole him from me!" Once she had emptied the cup's contents, the woman was about to slap her when she dodged. However, before Jian Yun could run away, she grabbed hold of her hair as a string of curses left her lips.     


Jian Yun froze, blinking in disbelief. Was this woman crazy?     


"You bitch! Do you think I'll let you hook up with my man? I'll tear you to shreds–" Just then, she raised her hands up in the air, waving her long manicured fingernails at Jian Yun's face. She looked like a stray cat that was ready to pounce.     


Even though she had dodged the first attack, Jian Yun was not able to avoid the second swing. Her right cheek throbbed in pain as blood trickled down her milky skin.     


At the sight, the waiters quickly scrambled around the two women. However, it was obvious that they had sided with the strange woman, given that all their glares and efforts were focused on keeping Jian Yun in her place.     


Despite the pain, she felt a deep-seated rage bubbling at the bottom of her heart. Jian Yun had hated being misunderstood the most, especially when she was being bullied for it! There was absolutely no way she was going to stand there and take those hits like a freaking punching bag!     


As the woman was about to swing her fingernails at her face, Jian Yun used the opportunity to grab her wrist and punched her on the shoulder. She had made sure to dispel any sort of force in her movements, making it seem as if Jian Yun was simply patting her. However, the force was enough to catch her off guard, dispelling all sorts of arrogance.     


Jian Yun had practiced Taiji Fist with her grandfather back when she was little. Although she wasn't much of an expert, she knew enough to deal with any attacker, let alone a crazy woman who didn't even have it in her to withstand one blow. If the woman wasn't pregnant, Yun wouldn't have shown her any mercy.     


"I have no idea what you're talking about!" she snapped, having enough of the woman's string of curses. "I don't even know who that Liancheng guy is! So why don't you shut the hell up! If you dare wag those nails in my face again, I'm calling the police, you crazy bitch!"     


Jian Yun huffed, as she glowered at her. Taking her phone out of her bag, she pressed the numbers 110.     


However, just as she was about to press the call button, a slender hand reached over her shoulder and pulled her back. "About her," he started, pointing at the disheveled woman. "Why don't you let my boss handle it? Besides, even if you call the police, they won't arrest her."     


"Who's your boss?" Jian Yun raised her eyebrows.     


The man chuckled. "The man who had helped you earlier."     


It was then when Jian Yun had noticed how the crazed woman had finally quieted down. Ever since the man had arrived, the woman was staring at the doorway like a hound waiting for a pound of meat. It was a weird sight to take in, that was for sure.     


Curious about what she was looking at, Jian Yun followed her gaze to see a tall man standing not far away from the coffee shop.     


Jian Yun thought about it for a moment before putting away her phone.     


If the man hadn't saved her back then, then she would have totally made an even bigger fool of herself. She might as well let this go as a way of paying him back.     


"Thank you!" The young man had seen this subtle act, and he gratefully bowed his head.     


"Since you look like you've just gotten out of the mental hospital, don't forget to take your medicine on your way out!" Not wanting to bother herself with any of them, Jian Yun glared at the woman one last time before turning away. If it wasn't for the fact that she had just repaid her debt, she would've already taught this woman a lesson.     


The crazy woman snapped out of her reverie and glowered at Jian Yun. "Why you shameless bitch! You think I'm the one who had just gotten out of the mental hospital?"     


"I'm sorry, Miss!" With one last apology, the young man grabbed the crazy woman's arm and lifted her up onto his shoulders before walking out of the cafe.     


Seeing as the drama had already died down, the crowd surrounding them slowly dispersed. Jian Yun could only stare at her reflection once again, wincing at the sight of her miserable appearance. She grabbed a tissue from the table and dabbed around her bag before observing the blisters forming on her wrists. 'God, my luck is horrible!' she thought.     


Just as she was about to walk out the door, a waiter blocked her path. "I'm sorry, Miss, but you haven't settled your bill yet," he said awkwardly.     


"My bill?"    


A trace of pity flashed in the waiter's eyes. "Yes, Miss. The man who was with you just now only paid for his share."     


Her jaw dropped. The astonishment in Jian Yun's face quickly faded. Instead, it was replaced with utter incredulity over his actions. Li Feng was truly indescribable for all the wrong reasons! She didn't even bother to throw a fit about it. After all, Jian Yun already had enough drama for the day. Taking a few bills from her waller, she handed it to the waiter and stalked out of the cafe.     


As she stood on the side of the road, Jian Yun could only stare at the cars rushing back and forth. Despite it being rush hour, there wasn't a single taxi in sight. What was even more tragic was the fact that her skirt had a large hole after being pulled over by Li Feng. The cool breeze blew across the block, and she shivered. 'Could this day get any worse?'    


Fortunately, not long after, Jian Yun found a car parked right across the streets. Thinking that it was an Uber, she opened the door and got in the car. However, as soon as had she gotten in, she noticed that there was someone else in the back seat.     


It was then when she realized how different the car was from the usual Uber she rode in. The car was extremely spacious with leather seats and tinted windows. When Jian Yun glanced out of the corner of her eye, she could see a pair of wings on the steering wheel, with a capital B in the middle.     


Her heart stopped at the sight. She had gotten in the wrong car! There was no way an Uber driver would use a Bentley–no way in hell. Stifling a groan, she clenched her fists and prepared herself. It seemed that her day had just gotten even worse. Damn her luck!     


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