You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C13 It Is Easy to Meet Your Enemy

C13 It Is Easy to Meet Your Enemy

0When Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing were about to leave for work, Luo Yanyan had already left.     


Usually, as the days approach the weekend, their schedules would've been less hectic. However, as the HR Department was meeting their new manager, all of them had to go to work early and go over all the extra documents.     


By nine, Li Xiang Rong had arrived with a few people trailing behind him. He glanced over at all his subordinates before clapping, attracting everyone's attention. Immediately, all of them stood up in unison to greet their new boss.     


In the middle of the room stood a well-dressed woman. Her soft make-up highlighted the glow in her face, making her seem even younger and more beautiful. In fact, from afar, she looked just like Fan Bing Bing, a popular Chinese actress. However, her soft features didn't hide the aggression in her eyes. There was something about her beauty that made her all the more domineering, intimidating even the men in the room.     


As Jian Yun looked at the woman, a chill raced down her spine. Wasn't this the crazy woman who had chased her after Huo Liancheng? Wasn't she the one who had wailed out about the man abandoning her? That crazy woman was going to be their HR Manager?     


She resisted the urge to groan at her sheer luck. It seemed that Liancheng wasn't going to be her only nemesis in the office. At this point, it was like the universe was already colluding against her.     


"Everybody, I want you to meet your new manager–Ms. Xia Bingbing. Please give her a warm welcome!"     


She even had the same name as the actress!     


Applause rang across the hall. As usual, Xia Bingbing started off with an opening statement, followed by a couple of orders on how things should go. She had only just been here a couple of minutes, but the way she spoke made it seem as if she had been here for years. Her voice was overbearing and tinged with arrogance that even the senior staff secretly frowned at the sight.     


Wu Wenjing used this time to whisper in her ear, "Yun, look at her bag! Hermes! It must've caused thousands of yuan, and did you see the skirt she's wearing? It's Fan Sizhe's newest design. I saw it in the store the other day, and it's worth half a year's salary to even buy one right off the bat! Manager Xia must be loaded!"     


The last thing Jian Yun wanted to pay attention to was Xia Bingbing's fashion choice! The only hope she could hold onto was that she wouldn't recognize her. After all, she had been wearing heavy make-up the other night.     


Plus, why the hell did that woman have to look so beautiful? Couldn't she have been ugly to match her already rotting soul?     


"I don't like it when people don't pay attention while I'm talking." Suddenly, Xia Bingbing's voice sounded. Everyone had gone silent as her strict gaze fell on the tall woman at the back of the room. She raised her eyebrows. "Do you have any objections to what I've just said?"     


Wu Wenjing didn't realize who she was talking about until the woman had walked towards her. She pointed at herself. "Manager Xia, are you talking about me?"     


"Is there any other person talking around here?" Her eyes flashed in disdain.     


"What do you mean? Aren't you a person?" Wu Wenjing replied sarcastically. Coming from Sichuan, she was used to the rowdy atmosphere, and there was no way she was going to allow herself to be stomped on. Her fingers dug into her palm, clenching her jaw.     


Perhaps Xia Bingbing wasn't used to people talking to her that way, because she immediately exploded in rage. Her cheeks were flushed white as her fingers trembled. "You!" she sputtered out. "You dare talk to me like this! Do you even know who I am?"     


"You could be the President's daughter, and I still wouldn't care! You're the one who humiliated me first!" She rolled her eyes.     


"You think I won't fire you for your misdemeanor?"     


"I've already signed a contract with Ming's, and it still hasn't expired yet." Wu Wenjing blinked, placing a hand to her sides. "You can fire me all right, and the next time you'll see me, it would be at court!"     


Li Xiangrong immediately came to the rescue, waving her hands between the two women. He shook his head. "Alright, alright," he started, trying to make his voice as joyous as possible. "Manager Xia only said those words for your own good! Calm down!"     


He even shot Jian Yun a helpless look on his face.     


Immediately, she held her friend back. "Stop talking!"     


Although she didn't like the way Xia Bingbing had spoken to them, she didn't want to put more trouble on her plate. Besides, her arm was already sore from covering and scratching the sides of her face. Jian Yun gritted her teeth.     


However, she couldn't just stand there and allow the two to continue fighting like this. After all, they would all have to work together in the future, and Xia Bingbing was already assigned to be their manager. If her friend had offended her, Manager Xia would definitely stop at nothing in making both their lives a living hell.     


Wu Wenjing must've thought the same thing as she immediately quieted down.     


Xia Bingbing glared at her once more and turned to leave. However, just before she turned, she glanced at Jian Yun as if trying to size her up. Suddenly, recognition flashed in her eyes, but she hesitated. "You look familiar. Have we met?"     


Jian Yun immediately shook her head. "No. If I knew someone as beautiful and noble as Manager Xia, I wouldn't have forgotten," she insisted.     


The woman must have enjoyed the compliments, because she had nodded and allowed Li Xiang Rong to lead her into the manager's office. Their dispute had already come to an end.     


Everyone finally dispersed to finish their own tasks. As soon as Jian Yun sat down, she received a message from her WeChat.     


Call Me Jing: "Yun, do you know this bitch?"    


Slow-Getter: "She's the crazy woman I was talking about! The one who splashed the coffee on me!"     


Slow-Getter: "It's better not to bother her. I remembered her saying that she was pregnant with President Huo's child!"     


Call Me Jing: "What the hell did you just say? Pregnant?"     


Suddenly, Jian Yun heard a noise from the other desks. When she turned, she saw that Wu Wenjing had already fallen off her chair. Suppressing a giggle, she returned to her work.     


After this incident, Xia Bingbing must have already busied herself with all the handover processions because she still hadn't made her second appearance after the opening statement. However, as Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing were walking out of the staff dining room, the spotted Huo Liancheng striding across the elevator while their new manager raced after them with her 10 cm heels.     


"Lian Cheng! Wait for me!" Xia Bingbing's previously overbearing appearance had changed. Instead, her eyes flashed with urgency and her features had softened almost entirely. It was like looking at a completely different person.     


However, President Huo continued, acting as if he hadn't heard her. He didn't even bother to look at her as he passed the two of them. They quickly lowered their heads in greeting. "President Huo!"     


Huo Liancheng pretended not to have heard them either as he quickly overstepped and changed direction. Knowing fully well that this was how he acted, Jian Yun didn't even bother to react.     


Xia Bingbing only had eyes on the man that she didn't even notice the two as she passed by. Once the strange couple was out of sight, Wu Wenjing nudged her in the arm, staring at the woman's high heels. "I've never seen a pregnant woman trying to run in heels," she murmured. "Gotta say, I admire her."     


"Lower your voice!" Jian Yun pulled her friend's arm and dragged her away. The last thing she needed was to have Manager Xia recognize her. It was better off like this.     


Furthermore, she had already punched Xia Bingbing back then. Although the punch wasn't as hard and was just enough to throw her off, it would definitely put a dent between them.     


Even then, Jian Yun couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows at the sight she had just witnessed. From the looks of things, Xia Bingbing had obviously fallen deeply in love with Huo Liancheng. She may not know what conflicts they had, but how could they have been so careless at such an early stage of pregnancy? Liancheng didn't even glance her way!     


Did he really not care?     


It was strange.     


They quickly walked towards the elevator on the other side of the corridor, not noticing that Huo Liancheng was still in earshot. "I just don't get why Xia Bingbing's still wearing heels at this stage," Wu Wenjing commented, and the man stopped in his tracks.     


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