Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



0"Ye Xiu, is it because of my body, that my body is unable to absorb the Profound Pill's medicinal power?" Qin Rouer asked.    


Since it was not a problem with the Profound Pill, then it must be because of his body. Since Qin Rouer was a Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, it was highly likely that there was a problem with his body.    


And if it was a physical problem, it also meant that from now on, Qin Rouer's cultivation could not use the Profound Pill to level up, and could only rely on himself.    


Others could use Profound Pill s to raise their cultivation level in a short amount of time, but Qin Rouer could not. If that was the case, then it would not be special in a short amount of time, but if time passed, the difference in cultivation level between Qin Rouer and Song Qianqian would definitely be huge.    


Of course, with the scariness of Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, even if their cultivation was weaker by an entire round, the one with the greatest lethality was still Qin Rouer.    


But if there were people with a cultivation level comparable to his that were higher than him, then that would cause Qin Rouer to feel extremely pressured.    


So, if there was any hope to solve this problem, then it must be solved, and if it really cannot be solved, then Qin Rouer could only work hard to cultivate and increase his cultivation bit by bit.    


"Physical reason!"    


After hearing Qin Rouer's words, Ye Xiu fell into a state of confusion. Level Four Profound Pill s did not affect Qin Rouer, so what if their level was a little higher, or if the amount they consumed was a little higher?    


Although this might cause danger to Qin Rouer, or even if it didn't cause danger, it would also cause the Profound Pill to waste energy unnecessarily.    


"Qin Rouer, I have a bold guess, maybe the Profound Pill's medicine did not catch your attention, so your body will not absorb it." Ye Xiu guessed.    


"Ye Xiu, what do you mean by that?" Regarding Ye Xiu's conjecture, Qin Rouer was extremely confused.    


"Qin Rouer, do you dare to take the risk?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Ye Xiu, as long as you are here, I am not afraid of anything." Qin Rouer lightly nodded.    


Although Qin Rouer had said it like that, Ye Xiu knew that even if something really happened to the other party, he wouldn't be able to help with anything by his side.    


Therefore, Qin Rouer's adventure was truly a risk. If she really met with danger, whether or not she could turn the situation around would still depend on herself.    


"Qin Rouer, I have a bold guess, it's because the Profound Pill's medicinal power is not enough, so your Heaven Disaster Venomous Body is not interested in it. How about you consume the remaining two-thirds of the Profound Pill in your hands, and if I'm not wrong, these two-thirds should have some reaction to your body." Ye Xiu said.    


As long as there was even a little change, even if his body absorbed a little bit of the medicinal power, it would mean that Ye Xiu's guess was correct.    


If that was really the case, Ye Xiu would have to use a Level 5 Profound Pill for Qin Rouer to consume or even a higher level Profound Pill.    


Of course, if it was a little higher, Ye Xiu would not dare to easily take it. Although he had discovered these Profound Pill himself, after all, they belonged to the same sect and their Five Elements Sect.    


Level 4 Profound Pill were the weakest and most numerous among the lot of them. After all, they were all in cans, and if there were a lot of them, it would not be a problem for Ye Xiu to take some of them.    


However, there were at most two or three high levelled Profound Pill, and some of them only had one. For example, the Nine Extreme Profound Pill Ye Xiu had taken before, it was one Profound Pill and one Jade Bottle.    


"Ye Xiu, I'll try!"    


Since Ye Xiu had said so, Qin Rouer naturally did not think too much about it and directly swallowed the other two-thirds of the Profound Pill in his hands in front of him.    


In the next second, Qin Rouer sat on the ground and immediately began cultivating in front of Ye Xiu.    


Although cultivation required a quiet place to do so, and they couldn't be disturbed in the slightest, with Ye Xiu here, Qin Rouer was naturally at ease.    


Furthermore, if he cultivated in front of Ye Xiu, he might be able to let Ye Xiu see how he had refined the Profound Pill.    


"Ye Long, can you sense anything?"    


When Qin Rouer began to refine the Profound Pill, Ye Xiu's voice sounded out in his mind.    


"Master, everything is fine for now." Ye Long replied.    


Perhaps because Qin Rouer had just entered into cultivation, no special circumstances had occurred.    


"Master, something's wrong!"    


But not even two or three minutes later, Ye Long's voice sounded once again.    


"The Profound Pill's medicinal strength was actually expelled from its body."    


But before Ye Long could say anything, Ye Xiu himself discovered the special situation that happened to Qin Rouer.    


The Profound Pill's medicinal strength was not visible to the naked eye, but the Profound Pill's medicinal strength was also a type of energy, thus when the medicinal strength was expelled by the body, the people around could clearly feel the medicinal strength fluctuation that came from Qin Rouer's body.    


Under normal circumstances, even if there was a fluctuation of medicinal power, it would be weak. After all, no one could guarantee that not a single strand of medicinal power would escape from their body while they were refining the Profound Pill.    


However, with such a strong fluctuation of medicinal power, it was clear that the Profound Pill's medicinal power had not been absorbed by the body, and had instead been expelled completely.    


Only by refining the medicinal power could his cultivation progress, but now that the power of the pill had been expelled out of his body, Qin Rouer's cultivation would naturally not be able to progress any further.    


Just like that, in less than two hours, Qin Rouer who was initially in cultivation opened her eyes, but at this time, the medicinal power around her had already stopped fluctuating.    


It was obvious that two-thirds of the medicinal efficacy had been removed from his body at the fastest speed possible.    


"Ye Xiu, why are you so fast this time?"    


When Qin Rouer opened his eyes, she looked at his body with an astonished gaze.    


It had to be known that before she had taken one third of the Profound Pill s, she could not remove the effects of the medicine in her body so quickly, but this time the effects had increased, and the rate at which it was discharged had also increased.    


With regards to the phenomenon Qin Rouer was talking about, Ye Xiu naturally did not know what was going on. Perhaps it was because his body had already experienced the effects of the medicine before, so the speed at which he exited this time was much faster.    


But why was it that Qin Rouer's body was unable to absorb the Profound Pill's medicinal power?    


"Qin Rouer, do you feel any discomfort in your body?" Ye Xiu asked softly.    


"A place of discomfort?"    


Qin Rouer thought for a while, and then carefully felt the condition of his body, before shaking his head: "I don't feel any discomfort, Ye Xiu, forget it, this might be because my situation is so special, so the heavens do not wish for me to borrow Profound Pill s to quickly raise my cultivation."    


Qin Rouer's Heaven Disaster Venomous Body was very scary, if it was touched, she would die immediately. So, if her cultivation could also be raised using her Profound Pill, then it would be too heaven-defying.    


Therefore, Qin Rouer's idea wasn't impossible, but it was still a little unrealistic.    



It had to be known that Ye Xiu and the others were all cultivators, and cultivation was always against the heavens, so if there really was a heaven, would it really cause people to go against the heavens' will?    


In other words, in Ye Xiu's opinion, whatever idea the Heavens were thinking was something that had been fabricated by humans out of thin air. There was no such thing as the Heavens, because the fate of every person was in his or her own hands.    


"Qin Rouer, don't be discouraged, since it is due to your body, then I will definitely find a way to deal with it. Perhaps your body is prone to have side effects, since consuming Profound Pill s will create a burden on your body, and then, there will be side effects." Ye Xiu analyzed.    


If there were side effects on the body, the body would not continue to be baptized by Profound Pill, which would lead to a slow increase in cultivation after consuming the same Profound Pill, to the point where it would not advance at all.    


But if they really guessed that, then Qin Rouer's situation would be too serious, and the side effects of his body would be too severe.    


"Ye Xiu, I have an idea. I wonder if you have anything that I need." Qin Rouer said.    


"Tell me about it."    


Since Qin Rouer had his own thoughts, then Ye Xiu naturally wanted to have the other party speak out for him. After all, under such circumstances, it was extremely necessary to pool all of their thoughts and opinions.    


"Ye Xiu, can you prepare a poison pill for me?" Qin Rouer asked.    


"What? Poison pill!"    


Hearing that word, Ye Xiu's eyes congealed and he asked: "Qin Rouer, what do you mean? You are simply unable to use the Profound Pill to raise your cultivation, and it's not like your cultivation cannot progress, do you need to take poison and commit suicide?"    


"Ye Xiu, listen to me, others taking the poison pill would commit suicide, but I won't die from the poison ah ? because I already have a poison body, how could I die from the poison?" Qin Rouer reminded.    


Of course, Ye Xiu's worry made his heart warm, which meant that Ye Xiu was worried about her.    


When the excited Ye Xiu heard Qin Rouer's words, he suddenly understood. That's right, the other party was the Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, so how could she die from poison?    


"Qin Rouer, what you're saying is, your body cannot absorb ordinary Profound Pill, so the effects of the poison pill can actually help you increase your cultivation?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"That's right, that's what I am thinking. Ye Xiu, can you help me try it?" Qin Rouer asked.    


If anyone could get their hands on poison pills, then it would be Ye Xiu, so if he didn't help, Qin Rouer definitely wouldn't be able to get his hands on it.    


"Qin Rouer, although you are a Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, your cultivation is still shallow, so you are still in danger of dying from poison. How about this, I will go and find a low level poison pill for you, you can try taking it first, if it is not a problem, and if it is beneficial to your cultivation, I will then go to the mysterious space to find a high level poison pill for you." Ye Xiu thought about it and suggested.    


High level poison pellets must be extremely toxic, so if they were given to Qin Rouer casually, then in the event of danger, no one could save her life.    


Therefore, in order to prevent Qin Rouer from getting into trouble, it was extremely necessary to take the test.    


"Ye Xiu, I will listen to you."    


With regards to Ye Xiu's suggestion, Qin Rouer agreed without even thinking.    


Because Qin Rouer agreed, Ye Xiu didn't hesitate to help her search for a poison pill.    


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