Limitless Arrogant Sovereign





When Wang Yunmo heard these two words, his expression immediately became gloomy, because these words were obviously ridiculing him.    


"Bullsh * t. I'd like to see how you turn me into a corpse." Wang Yunmo said angrily.    


Very clearly, Ye Xiu's seemingly ordinary words from before had angered the other party.    


Of course, Ye Xiu did not care about that, because if someone respected him a third of a meter, he would definitely return the favor, and the reverse was also true. When Wang Yunmo saw that he was not injured, he was surprised, obviously hoping that something would happen to Ye Xiu.    


"Fine, I originally wanted to give you some face, but if you don't want it, I'll take your face." Ye Xiu said indifferently.    


With that said, Ye Xiu walked towards Wang Yunmo step by step. With every step, his speed increased by a fold.    




When Ye Xiu's speed rapidly increased, his figure also became blurry.    




Seeing that Ye Xiu had turned into many afterimages flying towards him, Wang Yunmo snorted angrily, following that, the Profound Power in his body started to surge again.    


"Fire Dragon Fist!"    


When Ye Xiu got closer, both of Wang Yunmo's hands formed a fist and punched at the same time.    




The moment Wang Yunmo threw out his palms, a deafening voice came out, following that, two fiery red figures quickly rushed towards Ye Xiu.    


Seeing this scene, Ye Xiu's eyes slightly narrowed, but he did not stop. Instead, his body slightly bent, and dodged the two fiery red figures' attack.    


"Watch my palm!"    


After successfully dodging Wang Yunmo's attack, Ye Xiu naturally quickly arrived in front of him. And because of his fast speed, it was only when his voice rang, that the former reacted.    


Obviously, the current Wang Yunmo did not have time to react. He could only watch as Ye Xiu's palm, which was emitting a strong profound energy, landed on his chest.    




A violent collision sound came out, and in the next moment, Wang Yunmo was sent flying backwards in front of everyone's eyes.    


"This ?"    


When everyone saw Wang Yunmo being flung out like this, every face seemed to have been frozen.    


The cultivation of the Great Perfection of Profound Qi Stage was actually able to knock the Peak Profound Qi Stage Expert flying so easily. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed it?    


"With Ye Xiu's current strength, if he entered that crazy state, he would probably be able to compete with his Minor Profound Core Stage." Lin Tian muttered as he looked at Wang Yunmo, who was sent flying by Ye Xiu's attack.    


He had seen Ye Xiu in that crazy state before, then his strength would definitely be much stronger than before.    


If the current Ye Xiu was able to defeat Peak Profound Qi Stage Expert, then it would not be difficult for him to enter that state and fight with Minor Profound Core Stage.    


As for whether or not he could defeat Minor Profound Core Stage Expert, this Lin Tian did not guarantee. After all, Minor Profound Core Stage was practically a collapsed large level.    


Therefore, he only knew that Ye Xiu's current strength could compete with Minor Profound Core Stage, but as to whether he could actually defeat Ye Xiu, even he himself was not sure, since Ye Xiu had never fought with Minor Profound Core Stage Expert before.    


"Damn it!"    


When Wang Yunmo crawled up from the ground, he let out a roar filled with blood.    


Being sent flying in front of everyone's eyes, had caused him to lose all face. From today onwards, how would he be able to stand firmly in the Five Elements Sect.    


Therefore, at this moment, Wang Yunmo was extremely furious. He wanted to tear Ye Xiu into two to relieve the hatred in his heart.    




However, just as Wang Yunmo's Spirit Qi was rising, a stern voice came out.    


Hearing the shout, although Wang Yunmo was still very unwilling, he had no choice but to stop, because the voice was coming from Ling Zhen.    


As the Patriarch of the Five Elements Sect, Ling Zhen naturally had his authority and prestige. Therefore, Wang Yunmo naturally did not dare to act rashly.    


"Alright, who cares if Ye Xiu and the rest become my disciples now?" After Ling Zhen shouted, he swept his gaze across every disciple present and asked.    


But this time, the disciples were completely silent. Although they had only experienced Ye Xiu's capabilities, but anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that the five of them were together. So if they offended the others, would Ye Xiu let them go?    


Since there was no way to change what had happened, then those people who had yet to offend Ye Xiu would naturally not be so foolish as to kick this metal plate again.    


Therefore, when Ling Zhen finished speaking, none of them objected.    


Although Wang Yunmo really wanted to say it, he had been defeated now, so if he was against it, could it be that he had the qualifications to become the Sect Leader's disciple?    


"Alright, since no one has any problems with it, from now on, Ye Xiu, Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, Qin Rouer and the others will be my first batch of disciples." Ling Zhen announced.    


"The five of you, follow me. The rest of you, return to your respective areas to train." Ling Zhen told Ye Xiu and the rest, and then he left after that.    


"Let's go!"    


Seeing Ling Zhen leave, Ye Xiu said to Lin Tian and the other three, and then they quickly followed after him.    


After Ling Zhen, Ye Xiu and the rest of the five left the place, the others also quickly left the Training Field, and of course, the injured Wang Yunmo was one of them.    


Although Wang Yunmo was extremely unreconciled in his heart, with the presence of the Clan Master, he naturally did not dare to act rashly.    


"Ye Xiu, from today onwards, the five of you are my Five Elements Sect's disciples, my disciples, and these five rooms will be your residences from today onwards."    


Under Ling Zhen's lead, the five of them were brought to a place with five decent houses.    


This house was much better than the one they had previously stayed in. Whether it was the appearance or the other places, they were all much more exquisite and luxurious.    



But of course, Ling Zhen was the Clan Master of the Five Elements Sect, so his disciple's residence couldn't be any worse.    


"Thank you, Sovereign!"    


Ye Xiu naturally understood Ling Zhen's good intentions towards them. Although he did not understand why the other party would treat them in such a manner, as long as it was his good intentions, they would naturally not reject him.    


"Ye Xiu, do you have any other requests? If you have a request, just mention it. As long as I can do it, I will not decline. " Ling Zhen continued to ask.    




Hearing this, Ye Xiu and the other three were shocked. As their Clan Master, wasn't this a little too polite?    




Seeing the shocked expressions of Ye Xiu and the other three, Ling Zhen's brows slightly creased, revealing a puzzled look.    


"Clan Master, aren't you being a little too polite to us? We are only just disciples that have reached the Five Elements Sect. Ye Xiu said as he spat out the truth.    


The one in front of him was a strong existence who possessed Profound Sea Stage. If the other party wanted to do something, Ye Xiu's group of five would not be able to resist at all.    




With regards to Ye Xiu's words, Ling Zhen didn't know what to say. Could it be that he was wrong to treat his disciple a little better?    


"Senior Brother, I already knew that you would scare them like this. See, I'm not wrong, right?"    


Just then, a loud voice came out, and the beautiful middle-aged woman appeared in front of Ye Xiu and the rest.    


"Greetings, Vice Sect Leader!"    


Seeing this beautiful middle-aged woman, Ye Xiu and the other three answered at the same time.    


With regards to Ye Xiu's group of five adding the vice president up, the middle aged woman was not angry at all. After all, she was the deputy sect master, and the few of them were not wrong, so what was there to be angry about?    


"Ye Xiu, my senior brother truly has no ill intentions towards you, I can promise you this." The middle-aged beautiful woman, who was also called Xie Shan Shan smiled slightly and said.    


Although Xie Shan was already quite old, and the passing of time had left some scars on her face, because of her high cultivation level, she still retained her original appearance of around thirty years old, and was not the least bit old.    


"I know that, but if the sect leader wants to harm us, then we don't even need to put in the effort. We only need to use our fingers and we will be killed." Ye Xiu said.    


Even though he said that, Ye Xiu's heart was still in turmoil. After all, one person would not treat the other well for no reason.    


"Sect Leader, is there anything you need our help with? If you do, then just say so. You treat us like this, but we don't feel at ease at all. " Ye Xiu continued.    


If one's Five Elements Sect was not stable, it would instead affect the progress of one's cultivation. This way, it would be better to have several people go to the wilderness to gain experience.    


The reason why Ye Xiu joined the Five Elements Sect was because he was curious about them. The second reason was that he wanted to settle down for the time being, or at the very least, give Lin Tian and the others a stable place.    


Ye Xiu didn't know when he would be separated from Lin Tian and the others, so how could he arrange things for the others before he leaves?    


"This ??"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's question, Ling Zhen didn't know what to say, or whether he should say it or not.    


"Sect Leader, if this matter is not convenient to talk about, can you tell me alone? I promise not to tell another person, believe me."    


"Sect Leader, if you don't say anything, then please don't treat us too well. Otherwise, if you are not at ease in your heart, it will bring us a lot of trouble in cultivation."    


Seeing Ling Zhen's troubled expression, Ye Xiu continued to speak.    


"Ye Xiu, you are right, my senior brother's performance was too obvious, and since you guys are not at ease, then we can tell you, but only you can listen." Xie Shan said after thinking for a while.    


Although she did not discuss this with Ling Zhen, but since it had come to this, she had to be honest and let Ye Xiu stay.    


"No problem!"    


Hearing Xie Shan's words, Ye Xiu nodded his head, as long as he knew what was going on, it was fine.    


Just like that, with Ye Xiu's agreement, Ling Zhen and Xie Shan brought Ye Xiu into the room belonging to the latter, and after that the door closed.    


As for the words of Lin Tian and the other three, although they were curious, they did not want to listen in on them, because if they were required to know, they would know sooner or later.    


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