The Super Universe Leveling Game

C79 Stone Golem Guard

C79 Stone Golem Guard

0Sky City Notification: Player Dongfang Qingyu has accepted the mission to destroy the goblin tribe. If he completed the mission, he would be rewarded. If he fails the mission, he will be punished.    


"This mission actually has a punishment" Dongfang Qingyu muttered in a low voice. He once again rushed to the goblin tribe tribe. This was the third time. Within a day, he had done nothing but travel. Two hours later, he once again arrived at goblin tribe. He spent half an hour to calculate the defensive range of the Stone Man Guard. Then, he took out the Crane Mouth Hoe and started digging on the ground.    


After thirty minutes, he dug out a meter in diameter. It was a pit with a depth of two meters. He put away the Crane Mouth Hoe and approached the Stone Man Guard. The warning range of the Stone Man Guard was ten meters. Just as he approached, a patrolling Stone Man Guard noticed him. It rushed over, scaring Dongfang Qingyu into running away.    


The Stone Man Guard was level 12, and its speed was very fast. The speed of his equipment was similar to the Stone Man Guard. If he reacted a little slower, the Stone Man Guard would catch up to him. Dongfang Qingyu was using the Stone Man Guard to not be 30 meters away from the goblin tribe's limit.    


But Dongfang Qingyu could not run too fast. If they were more than six meters away, the Stone Man Guard would throw javelins. If he ran too slow, he would be stabbed again. They could not be too far away, nor could they be too close. He had to control the distance between them.    


In a short thirty meters, Dongfang Qingyu ran very hard. When he was about to run out of the goblin tribe, the Stone Man Guard slowed down. It didn't want to run anymore. Dongfang Qingyu had been paying attention to his back. He also stopped, turned around, and threw out a talisman.    


When the talisman landed on the front side of the Stone Man Guard, it suddenly emitted a strong light. The Stone Man Guard instantly lost its sight, and was unable to distinguish anything.    




System Notification: Congratulations to Dongfang Qingyu for successfully charming the Stone Man Guard. Duration: 3 seconds. During this period of time, the target will be under your command.    


He had only managed to charm a brainless stone man for 3 seconds. Dongfang Qingyu felt a sense of powerlessness, but he didn't dare neglect it, and immediately ordered the Stone Man Guard to run.    


One second, two seconds, three seconds. Time passed very quickly. The moment the Stone Man Guard woke up, it fell into the pit that Dongfang Qingyu had carefully prepared.    


The other three Stone Man Guard that were patrolling together followed behind it. When they saw Dongfang Qingyu run thirty meters away, they actually stopped chasing. They completely ignored that one of their companions had disappeared, and went back to patrolling.    


"Corruption Art!"    


A transparent gray airflow fell on the Stone Man Guard's body, and a layer of faint gray appeared on the surface of the Stone Man Guard. A red damage value appeared above its head. '-1, -1, -1... '    


"Poison Fang Art!"    


A level 3 Poison Fang Art could shoot out three poison teeth at the same time. When the poison teeth hit the Stone Man Guard, three damage figures floated up. 6,-6,-6… The Stone Man Guard's body turned green, -3, -3, -3...    


"Poison Fang Art!"    


"'Poison Fang Art!'"    


"'Poison Fang Art! '"    


The size of the hole was suitable. The Stone Man Guard was stored inside, so there was basically no room for movement. The Stone Man Guard just stared at Dongfang Qingyu like this. It could only watch helplessly as its HP was slowly being grinded away.    


The Stone Man Guard's HP was high, and its defense was also high. Dongfang Qingyu attacked with all his heart, and it took him about eight minutes to kill it.    


The Stone Man Guard turned into a pile of crushed stones and died. Apart from the three copper coin that fell, there was nothing else.    


Looking at the Stone Man Guard that fell into the hole, Dongfang Qingyu's teeth hurt. It was already late at night, and the night was hazy. He took out the Crane Mouth Hoe and started beating it again. He dug out a slope on one side of the hole and threw a skill down.    


"Resurrection Arts!"    


The Stone Man Guard reformed and turned into a new Stone Man Guard. Apart from the fact that the HP had dropped by half, the rest of its attributes were exactly the same.    


His target was still the patrolling Stone Man Guard. He could not choose the fixed Stone Man Guard because the patrolling Stone Man Guard would come back to support him. If he chose the patrolling Stone Man Guard, the fixed Stone Man Guard would not help him.    


The patrolling Stone Man Guard was separated by ten meters. After the patrolling Stone Man Guard was disturbed, as long as his speed was fast enough... There would not be a situation where two Stone Man Guard attacked him at the same time. Of course, if his reaction wasn't fast enough, he could only pray for his own good.    


Dongfang Qingyu ran wildly in front while the Stone Man Guard chased behind him. The distance between them was maintained between four to six meters. Ten meters behind the Stone Man Guard, the other two Stone Man Guard were startled.    


Dongfang Qingyu rushed out thirty meters away, and the Stone Man Guard immediately slowed down. At this moment, a javelin shot at the Stone Man Guard with lightning speed.    




The huge damage caused Dongfang Qingyu's eyes to bulge. He felt lucky in his heart. He had been very cautious before, not giving the Stone Man Guard a chance to shoot the javelin. Otherwise, with his weak defense, he was afraid that a javelin skill could kill him.    


The Stone Man Guard was enraged, and immediately charged toward the revived Stone Man Guard. Dongfang Qingyu turned around, and a magic shot out.    


"Corruption Art!"    


The airflow hit the Stone Man Guard, and a layer of faint grey appeared on its body. Almost at the same time, the second javelin shot out from the Revival Stone Man Guard. The javelin was as fast as lightning, and it left a heart-shaking light in the air.    


The javelin fiercely stabbed into the Stone Man Guard's body. -138.    


The Stone Man Guard did not want to fall behind and raised its arm high. Just as it was about to shoot the javelin, a magic hit it.    


"Charm Art!"    


System Notification: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for successfully charming the target Stone Man Guard. Lasts for 3 seconds. During this period of time, the Stone Man Guard will listen to your orders.    


"Attack yourself."    


The Stone Man Guard was originally in a daze. On the surface, it could not tell the difference between charm and not charm. But its actions were very loyal to the effect of charm. He saw it holding a javelin and fiercely stabbing itself in the stomach, the flames shooting out in all directions. The force was fierce, similar to that of the murderer of his father.    


"Charm Art!"    


Three seconds later, the Stone Man Guard woke up. Dongfang Qingyu immediately shot another spell at it.    


System Notification: Charm failed.    


Skill failed. The Stone Man Guard did not attack the Revival Stone Man Guard that dealt the most damage to him. Instead, it chased after Dongfang Qingyu. It scared Dongfang Qingyu so much that he turned around and ran. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Stone Man Guard raise its arm. He jumped like a shooting star and fell into the hole. Almost at the same time, the sound of air being torn could be heard. A stream of light brushed past his body and pierced deeply into the wall of the hole. The javelin that was exposed outside trembled, and the dull force caused the entire pit to feel.    


Dongfang Qingyu was so scared that he broke out in a sweat. If it wasn't for the Revival Stone Man Guard, he would have been caught by the Stone Man Guard.    


When Dongfang Qingyu crawled out of the hole, the Revival Stone Man Guard had already been turned into a residual blood. It quickly rushed forward and shot out a spell.    


"Charm Art!"    


He had succeeded!    


The reviving Stone Man Guard's javelin crazily stabbed into the Stone Man Guard's body. Every time it attacked, it would cause a huge amount of damage. Unfortunately, it could not find a vital point, or else the damage would be even more pleasing.    


"Charm Art!"    


He had succeeded!    



The third Charm Art had succeeded. The Stone Man Guard collapsed and turned into a pile of gravel. As for the Revival Stone Man Guard, it only had a tiny bit of life left, and it would die immediately.    


Dongfang Qingyu wiped the sweat off his forehead. In less than three minutes of battle, it had caused his heart to palpitate in fear.    


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