The Super Universe Leveling Game

C56 Yue Lai Inn

C56 Yue Lai Inn

0Dongfang Qingyu didn't drink last night, but it was already nine o'clock when he woke up this morning. However, Dongfang Qingyu did not wake up the latest. Li Hongdou, who was facing him, was still sleeping. He went out to have breakfast and helped Li Hongdou bring a portion of the Rice Noodle Roll back. It was almost ten o'clock. He hurried back to his room and entered the game.    


The poor did not have weekends. Although he was barely a rich person, he was still used to treating himself as someone who needed to work hard every day to have food.    


The moment he went online, he felt that Sky City was much livelier. Yesterday afternoon, there were only about 300 people. In just one night, the square was already filled with people coming and going. He opened the level rankings and was shocked. There were already more than 300,000 players above Level 10. In other words, there were already 100,000 players in Sky City. According to 80% of the players, there were more than 80,000 of them. The lowest log in rate was 20% in the morning, which was also more than 20,000. Under normal circumstances, the log in rate was 50%. However, today was the weekend, so the rate of logging in was at least 90%.    


The feeling he had when he walked in the Sky City was completely different from when he walked in the Novice Village. Novice Village gave people the feeling of the countryside, it was crowded. He walked on the mud road, the tallest building only had two floors. The tallest building in the Sky City was already in the clouds. No one knew how many floors it had. Moreover, although there were a lot of people in Sky City, it didn't feel crowded at all.    


He bought shops number two, number eight, and number nine. They were the second, third, and fourth best shops. He could also afford the number one shop, but the fame needed was too high. If he bought the number one shop, he wouldn't have the money and fame to buy other shops. After some consideration, he chose these three shops.    


When he walked to the shop street, he was surprised to find that other than his three shops, half of the remaining 30 shops already had owners, and they were already open for business.    


Equipment Store, material shop, Potion Shop, secret manual store... Among the 30 shops, he paid the most attention to the number 1 shop. This was the largest and best store in the surrounding shops. Of course, it was also the most expensive store. In one night's time, the renovation of Shop No. 1 had been completed. A red plaque was hung on the door, but unfortunately, it was blocked by a red cloth.    


Hundreds of players stood outside the shop and discussed animatedly. They seemed to be waiting for the shop to open. At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded in the sky.    


Sky City Announcement: Happiness Inn will open for business today. Within eight hours. Food and drinks are free, half price. I hope all the players in Sky City will give me face. I, 'Peanut Bean Milk Sugar', sincerely await your arrival in Happiness Inn. Thank you!    


The announcement was very domineering. When it sounded, the rest of the voices would be suppressed. After playing it three times, unless it was a player who had fallen asleep or fainted, as long as it was in Sky City, no player would not be able to hear it. After the announcement ended, countless players started discussing it.    


"Who is' Peanut Bean Milk Sugar '? A notification for 1 million copper coin, he is really rich." A Thief said.    


"100,000 players from Sky City. He didn't even care about having them eat for 8 hours. Why was he still thinking about 3 million copper coin? You are really childish! " Warrior said disdainfully from the side.    


"That sounds weird." An archer interrupted.    


"Isn't it good to eat for free?" Warrior asked back.    


The archer was speechless.    


"I know 'Peanut Bean Milk Sugar'. He and I are from the same Novice Village. The hotels he opened in real life are all over China. He is young and has a net worth of billions. He is a tycoon." The Mage said with a slightly envious tone.    


Female player, who did not care about it at first, immediately perked up her ears. Their eyes were also a little hot.    


In front of shop number 1, following the command of a handsome young master, the red cloth on the plaque was ripped off, revealing its true appearance. There were a few large gold words on it: Happiness Inn!    


A wave of exclamations came from the crowd. Among the players standing, some were very excited, and some were suddenly enlightened.    


"So this is the Happiness Inn. No wonder they needed to use the announcement."    


"I already knew that the No.1 shop is such a crucial location. How could it be opened so casually?"    


"'Peanut Bean Milk Sugar' is so handsome." It was female player who said this.    


When she said this, the expressions of the surrounding male players changed slightly. But they just happened to hear Peanut Bean Milk Sugar inviting them in, and they immediately rushed in without holding back.    


Who wouldn't like free things?    


"The first 100 players to enter Happiness Inn will get a lottery ticket. The cheapest prize was a Red Drug. The first prize is a Green-Copper. With an eight-hour time limit, the three customers who spent the most money would receive the prize carefully prepared by Happiness Inn. The first prize was a medium grade Green-Copper. The second prize was a low-grade Green-Copper. The third prize is a top grade Black Iron."    


No one was in the mood to listen to the rest of the words. They rushed in like a race against each other, all for the top 100. Everyone revealed a greedy expression towards the Green-Copper.    


Dongfang Qingyu was mixed in the crowd, and he was forced to enter Happiness Inn. From the outside, it looked like the inn was very big. But when he walked in, he found that the inn was actually bigger.    


The inn was antique, and everything was built according to the style of the ancient inn. The inn was divided into three levels, and there was a roof in the middle. The first floor was the largest, and it could accommodate five thousand people. The rows of private rooms in the hall were very spectacular. He could not see the end of the room. The private rooms looked small, but they actually had their own space. It was at least 50 square meters. It wouldn't feel crowded even if three tables were placed.    


If one added the private room, just the first floor alone could accommodate 10,000 people at once. In reality, this kind of place definitely wouldn't exist. Peanut Bean Milk Sugar's generosity was only directed at the first floor. The second and third floor were not free to outsiders. Only players with VIP card could go up. Ordinary players naturally wouldn't join in the fun. However, some arrogant players did not want to be associated with ordinary people. They chose to go up the stairs.    


Because it was free food, players couldn't order their own meals. All the food was arranged by Happiness Inn. However, the menu was very sumptuous, so it wasn't a perfunctory job.    


The food included roast chicken, roast duck, drumsticks, steamed fish and braised pork, pig trotters... each table could have ten people. Everyone could eat their fill.    


"It's so delicious. I've never eaten such delicious roast chicken before." A miner grabbed a roast chicken with both hands and fiercely chewed on it. His face was full of grease.    


"Just like how you've eaten roasted chicken before." Warrior suddenly interjected.    


The miner almost choked.    


The other players who were sitting at the same table saw this and laughed at the same time.    


"The taste is very good. He didn't try to trick us!" A very tall Berserker held a drumstick in one hand and pig trotters in the other. He wolfed down his food.    


"This is a good time for him to advertise. If he falsifies at this time, how will he continue doing business in the future? " A Thief buried his head in the steamed fish and said without even raising his head.    


"You guys try this roasted duck. It smells good outside, but it's very tender inside. The taste is no less than Beijing Roasted Duck." A Mage was very fond of roasted Duck.    


"Are we missing something?" The trainee alchemist smacked his lips. Everyone was stunned. They also felt that something was missing.    


"I want wine!" Berserker threw the pig trotters on the table and the bowls and chopsticks vibrated. He shouted at the top of his voice, "Waiter, serve the wine!"    


Following Berserker's voice, the entire Happiness Inn bridge was filled with the sound of wine being served. The waiter hoped to have two more legs. He carried a can of wine and ran across the hall.    


On the third floor, Peanut Bean Milk Sugar saw this and smiled.    


Anyone who opened a hotel knew that food was profitable. But the profits brought by food were not as good as half of the profits from alcohol and drinks. Eight hours of free food and drinks, if everyone didn't drink, he had to pay some cost. But when everyone started drinking, the cost he paid was negligible.    


The hall started to be filled with the strong scent of alcohol. Some players who had no intention of spending money were attracted by the alcohol. They couldn't help but stand up.    


"Waiter, serve the wine!"    


Eight hours of free food and drink seemed to take a long time. Actually, the real time to eat was probably only an hour, and the rest of the time was spent drinking. There weren't many players in Sky City right now. If he could eat and drink for free in a few more days, even if 'Peanut Bean Milk Sugar' had money, he would still feel heartache. However, there were only 100,000 players in ___, excluding those who weren't online. Apart from the players who were killing monsters outside, the remaining players in Sky City were only 20,000 to 30,000. Apart from those who were busy and could not come, eight hours later... By relying on alcohol, Happiness Inn would probably be able to earn back the cost.    


Dongfang Qingyu, who was not good at drinking wine, couldn't help but order a jar of Nverhong. The fragrance of the Nverhong assailed his nostrils. The taste was very good, and it did not taste spicy at all. However, its price wasn't cheap. A jar of Nverhong cost 10,000 copper coin. Even if it was half price, it would still be 5,000 copper coin.    


This was still a low-priced wine. High-end wine was even more expensive. For example, the Nverhong that Shao Xing produced cost 30,000 copper coin, the 10 year Nverhong cost 50,000 copper coin, and the 20 year Nverhong cost 100,000 copper coin.    


Dongfang Qingyu had three shops, so he didn't know what kind of business he was going to do. Now he knew. One of them could be used as a bar, while the other two would be reserved. He first took care of the first one, then he gave it a name. He would call it Qingyu Bar.    


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