Urban Hardened All-area System

C61 In Order to Solve the Problem He Started to Learn the Relevant Knowledge

C61 In Order to Solve the Problem He Started to Learn the Relevant Knowledge

0Fix the computer without turning it on.    


This was the first time Ye Hong had heard of this kind of repair method.    


Just as he was about to approach the computer, Wang shouted, "Wait! How can you give such an important task to a student?    


If he messed it up, "The order will be gone, and it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the shop!"    


"Wang, Ye Hong is not an ordinary student."    


"He looks younger than me. He doesn't look reliable."    


Wang looked at Ye Hong's clean face and could not help but feel jealous.    


"Whether a person is reliable depends on his strength, not his mouth."    


Ye Hong said plainly. He was too lazy to waste time with Ye Hong. He put his hand on Wang's shoulder.    


"Ding! Activate beginner-level Arm Strength!"    


Wang suddenly felt an irresistible force coming from his shoulder. He was dragged out of the counter by Ye Hong.    


"Bastard!" Wang was about to flare up when he suddenly saw Zhao Lin looking at him with a warning look.    


He stopped, but still said fiercely, "I want to see how awesome you are!"    


Ye Hong did not pay attention to Wang anymore. Instead, he walked to the computer by himself.    


His eyes focused on the computer in front of him, and the system's voice sounded again.    


"Ding! The proficient-level computing ability has been triggered. Scanning the computer, 3 malfunction points have been found. Repairing success rate is 95%. Please confirm if you want to fix it? "    


Ye Hong suddenly asked the system," Is there a way to fix the computer without turning it on? "    


"Ding! Receive your request. Automatic adjustment plan. ..." "    


'Ding! ' With your current computing ability, the success rate of not activating it is 70%. Would you like to confirm the restoration?"    


"Only 70%. Does that mean that he still has a 30% chance of failure?    


Zhao Lin valued this order so much that Ye Hong did not want to disappoint him.    


In order to fix it 100%, he could not allow this 30% chance of failure to exist.    


"System, how many computing ability do I need to fix this computer 100%?"    


"Ding! Data analysis requires you to increase 20 computing ability points."    


Ye Hong frowned. His current progress was 15 points, which meant he needed to reach at least 35 points.    


But where was he going to find these 20 computing ability points now?    


"Teacher Zhao, do you have any computer books in your shop?"    


Zhao Lin was stunned. "Yes, but why do you need them?"    


"Teacher Zhao, don't ask so many questions. I need a lot of these books now. Take out all of them!"    


Zhao Lin scratched his head, but he still found the books for Ye Hong.    


As a information technology class teacher, he had quite a lot of these books. He carried a large pile of them out of the room for Ye Hong.    


Under the two people's stunned gazes, Ye Hong directly sat down and started flipping through these books one by one.    


"Ye Hong, I have read all of these books. There is no record of the corresponding method."    


Zhao Lin couldn't help but remind him.    


Ye Hong used his index finger to gently move between his lips, indicating that the two of them should not disturb him. He then focused all of his attention on quickly flipping through the books.    


"Ding! Reading the computer textbook, computing ability + 1. Current progress: 16 / 100, current level: proficient-level."    


'Ding! ' Reading the PS theory course, computing ability + 1..."    


Wang looked at Ye Hong's strange flipping speed and could not help but whisper into Zhao Lin's ear, "Is there something wrong with the intelligence of this student you found?"    


He said with a mocking smile and pointed at his head.    


Zhao Lin did not say anything. He just frowned. Even he did not know what Ye Hong was up to.    


Ye Hong's ears moved slightly. He clearly heard Wang's voice, but he couldn't be bothered to talk to him.    


Twenty minutes later, Ye Hong finally finished flipping through the fifth book in front of him.    


Ding! Reading the principles of the database, computing ability + 1, current progress: 35 / 100 ..." "    


Target achieved.    


Ye Hong put down the book and scanned the computer again. As expected, the success rate had increased to 100%.    


Ding! The repair plan has been sent."    


Ye Hong received the information in his mind and nodded silently. He said calmly, "Teacher Zhao, please lend me another computer."    


Before Zhao Lin could say anything, Wang mocked him. "Can't you find a solution from the books? Are you going to search online?    


Then you should give up as soon as possible. I've tried all the online solutions, but none of them worked. "    


Ye Hong glanced at Wang coldly and asked, "What does it have to do with you if I talk to Teacher Zhao? Is it your turn to interrupt?"    


"You!" Wang's face turned livid.    



"Ding! Counterattack, Taunt + Current progress: 1 : 1 / 10, Current Level: beginner-level    


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