Urban Hardened All-area System

C3521 Slash of Fate

C3521 Slash of Fate

0"Ceng! Ceng! Ceng!"    


A total of nine voices sounded from behind Ye Hong.    


It was as if nine swords had been drawn out of their sheaths. Nine demonic tails suddenly emerged from Ye Hong's back.    


The number was exactly the same as Zi Wei's back!    


"This is impossible!"    


Zi Wei immediately cried out in disbelief.    


"Disguise? No, that's not right!"    


If this was a disguise, how could the burning devilish energy on the nine demonic tails possibly be fake?    


When Zi Wei met Ye Hong's dark and deep eyes, she couldn't help but make a ridiculous guess.    


"Could it be that you, you are a Star Demon?!"    


Because the pure Devil Qi released by Ye Hong at this moment was not something that those experimenters who had been modified by other races could possess.    


Only the Star Devil Race with pure bloodlines could possess such pure Devil Qi that could shock one's soul!    


Even Zi Wei had a feeling that the Devil Qi in Ye Hong's body was stronger than his own.    


"What the hell is going on?!    


Who are you?!"    


Zi Wei roared continuously.    


"Take your time to guess." Ye Hong's expression was indifferent. He had no intention of answering Zi Wei's question.    


At the same time, Zi Wei felt a chill behind her back.    




Because of the chaos in his heart, he didn't have the time to react, and he forcefully received a blow from behind.    


A cylindrical figure instantly pierced through Zi Wei's back from behind to his chest.    


Black demonic blood splattered in the air.    


Even Zi Wei's body staggered forward due to the powerful force. He almost fell to the ground.    


He clutched the wound on his chest and turned around in shock.    


But he found that the person who attacked him was Ye Hong!    


Two Ye Hong?    


This familiar feeling made Zi Wei's heart turn cold.    


Sure enough, when he turned around to look at Ye Hong's original position, he found that Ye Hong, who was still talking, had already turned into a pool of Devil Qi.    


Space exchange!    


It was the Supreme Cosmos ability that Zi Wei used to sneak attack Ye Hong!    


However, the Ye Hong in front of him was copied from the beginning.    


"How is this possible?!"    


Zi Wei's head instantly fell into a mess.    


For a moment, she couldn't even figure out who exactly was the Star Devouring Demon Emperor between her and Ye Hong.    


"Something that you don't understand. There are still a lot of things that you don't understand."    


Taking advantage of Zi Wei falling into chaos, Ye Hong shouted and chased after her without stopping.    


Supreme Devil Emperor, Supreme Devil Emperor, Supreme Devil Emperor, and Supreme Devil Emperor. ...    


One Star Devil expert after another unleashed their powers from Ye Hong's hands, taking turns attacking Zi Wei.    


The entire situation and scene were completely reversed!    


Ye Hong had become that cat, and Zi Wei had become a rat that kept fleeing!    


"This is impossible, how is this possible..."    


Zi Wei, who had no idea what was going on, kept running away while mumbling to herself in confusion.    


He couldn't understand!    


In fact, only Ye Hong himself knew what was going on.    


Whether it was his nine demonic tails, the demonic Qi, or the moves of the Star Demon Race, none of them came from Ye Hong himself, but from the Star Devouring Talisman in Ye Hong's body.    


The Star Devouring Talisman was not only a sacred object of the Star Demon Race, it was also a killing weapon that could cause fatal damage to the Star Demon Race.    


Once the Star Devouring Talisman was controlled by an outsider, it would be a destructive blow to the entire Star Demon Race.    


Hence, in the future space-time, when the Star Devouring Talisman was sealed by Li Tang and Li Tang together in a space-time restriction, the Star Demon Race would go crazy and want to take back the Star Devouring Talisman.    


The reason why Ye Hong could beat Zi Wei until he ran away was because of the Star Devouring Talisman.    


In other words, if Li Shi were to deal with Zi Wei, the effect would not be as good as Ye Hong's.    


Although Li Shi could easily defeat Zi Wei, he could not kill Zi Wei.    



But Ye Hong was different.    


With the Star Devouring Talisman in hand, he could already threaten Zi Wei's life!    


That was why Ye Hong was the key to solving this past space-time trap.    


However, in the present time and space, only Ye Hong, the two holy beasts who knew the inside story, Li Tang Tang, and a few others knew the reason.    


Zi Wei had never thought that there would be such a thing in this world. And another Star Devouring Talisman!    


The battle was still ongoing.    


Because he had been struck by Ye Hong in the beginning, Zi Wei was unable to organize an effective counterattack in the following period of time.    


In a battle between experts, victory and defeat usually lay in this one and a half moves.    


Although Zi Wei could use other Star Demon abilities with medical properties to treat wounds, it could not be healed in an instant after all.    


And this wound was the biggest flaw he had exposed.    


Every attack of Ye Hong was aimed at this wound.    


In order to protect the wound, Zi Wei could only passively defend and dodge.    


From the looks of it, it was the scene of Zi Wei being chased by Ye Hong.    


Not to mention, the chaotic mind of Zi Wei, which could not be quelled no matter how hard he tried, had greatly reduced Zi Wei's strength.    


And as the commander of the Star Demon Race, the source of all the demonic qi, Zi Wei's situation here wasn't good, as if it affected the entire Star Demon Race as well.    


At this moment, the Saint realm races that were fighting the Star Demon Clan on the Holy Demon Battlefield suddenly realized that the Star Demon Clan's aura in front of them had become weaker.    


It was as if an invisible sharp blade had cut off three parts of the Star Demon race's destiny.    


This discovery greatly boosted the morale of the Saint realm races, and they advanced at a rapid pace.    


The battlefield outside the Ancient Bluestar was even more obvious.    


The two great powerhouses, Demon Sovereign Tae Wei and Demon Sovereign Tian Cheng, who were currently fighting the Spacetime Sacred Spirit and the World Crossing Sacred Dragon, suddenly had pained expressions on their faces.    


"Puhwark -"    


"Puhwark -"    


Two mouthfuls of devil blood spurted out from their bodies.    


Due to their massive size, the two mouthfuls of demonic blood transformed into two torrents that swept towards the battlefield.    


The World Crossing Sacred Dragon and the Spacetime Sacred Spirit hurriedly dodged in disgust, avoiding being tainted by the demonic blood.    


At the same time, the two exchanged glances and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.    


Both sides had always been evenly matched. Why did the two great Demon Sovereigns suddenly spit out demonic blood?    


It was as if they were in the dark. Someone was helping them.    


"Could it be Ye...!?"    


The World Crossing Holy Dragon and the Spacetime Holy Spirit reacted at the same time. Surprise flashed across their eyes.    


On the other hand, the Star Demon race on the other side had encountered an encounter similar to the two Demon Sovereigns almost at the same time.    


The Meteorite Clan were baffled to find that the Star Demons who were fighting against them suddenly spat out blood while fighting.    


Some of the weaker Star Demons evaporated on the spot.    


What surprised Li Zhouzhou, Loong Yan and the others the most was that the black hole vortex in space also showed signs of shrinking due to the injuries of both Supreme Minor Demon Sovereign and Heavenly City Demon Sovereign.    


Furthermore, the Star Devil Race that was sent here also showed signs of weakening to different degrees.    


In an instant, the morale of the Star Demon Race's side fell greatly.    


Fear and bewilderment lingered in the hearts of every Star Demon. Even their courage to fight declined to the freezing point.    


How could the Meteorite Clan let go of such a good opportunity and organized a counterattack on the spot!    


The battlefield situation began to shift towards the Flaming Meteorite side!    


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