Urban Hardened All-area System

C3494 Comrade

C3494 Comrade

0"What? Uncle guard, are you saying that the Star Demon Race sent the three great Demon Sovereigns here to stop us and rush to the Bluestar at the edge of the universe in front of us?"    


When Ye Hong returned from outer space and told everyone his "speculation," it immediately caused Li Zhouzhou to react in surprise.    


In fact, it wasn't Ye Hong's speculation. It was the information he got from the memories of the two Devil Sovereigns.    


According to the memories of the two Demon Sovereigns, the Star Demon Race had already known that their intentions were exposed. They also knew that Li Zhouzhou and Li Tang Tang were planning to head to the Bluestar.    


Therefore, the Star Demon Clan made a prompt decision. They sent their men to the Bluestar to speed up their pace. At the same time, they also sent another group of men to infiltrate the Holy Region, attempting to intercept Li Zhouzhou and Li Tang Tang.    


Of course, Ye Hong couldn't expose his ability, so he could only use 'speculation' as a reason.    


His heart was burning with anxiety.    


Because there was no such thing on the original timeline!    


Now that they had been completely wiped out along the way, it was very likely that the Star Demon Race would dispatch even more powerful forces and approach the Bluestar at an even faster speed.    


Not only did the spatial line under Ye Hong's feet not return to the right track, it became even more distorted!    


Ye Hong originally thought that he came from the future and had the ability to know everything.    


He did not expect that the development of the matter seemed to have left his control.    


What he could do now was to increase his speed to the maximum, to catch up to the Star Demon Race, and arrive at the Bluestar ahead of time!    




Loong Yan frowned deeply. "The Sacred Zone has just been unified not long ago. The star maps of the Star Divisions are not perfect.    


As the saying goes, the faster we want, the less we can reach it. The faster we increase our speed, the easier it is for us to get lost. "    


Li Zhouzhou was also racking his brains over this question.    


Only Li Tang Tang had a smile on the corner of his mouth as he looked at Ye Hong meaningfully.    


"What if I have a detailed star map?"    


At this moment, Ye Hong suddenly said indifferently.    


"What?" Li Zhouzhou and Loong Yan were both shocked.    


"Brother Ye Da, where did you get the star map?" Loong Yan asked in surprise.    


Of course, it came from the future.    


Before Ye Hong could make up an excuse, Li Zhouzhou had already taken the opportunity to speak to him. He said to Loong Yan, "Nonsense. It must be Father who gave it to Uncle Protector."    


"So that's how it is. As expected of His Majesty, the Holy Emperor of the Supreme Star!" Loong Yan had a look of realization on his face.    


Well, this time, the matter was settled without Ye Hong bringing Li Shi out.    


Ye Hong laughed in his heart. He raised his head and met Li Tang Tang's pair of eyes that seemed to have seen through everything.    


His heart immediately panicked.    


Could it be that this great aunt had seen through something?    


In order to change the topic, Ye Hong quickly said, "There is no time to lose. I will immediately enter the star map into the control center.    


From today onwards, the Flaming Meteorite will immediately move according to the star map's trajectory.    


We must arrive at the Bluestar before the Star Demon race arrives!"    


After that, Ye Hong put on an act and loaded the star map of his future memories into the control center of the Flaming Meteorite.    


The Flaming Meteorite that obtained a brand new star map did not stop for even half an hour and set off on a journey with a rumble.    


And in order to not let the space-time line continue to deviate, Ye Hong also found a reason to continue hiding in the depths of the mountains in seclusion.    


However, he did not expect that the battle in Outer Sky had spread his reputation.    


Almost everyone in Meteorite Clan knew that there was an extremely powerful human expert on the planet.    


It was said that his strength was only second to the Supreme Star Sage Emperor.    


There were also those who said that he had three heads and six arms, and that he could swallow the three great demon sovereigns with a single mouth.    


All sorts of versions were different.    


Affected by this, the line of time and space deviated a bit more.    


This made Ye Hong very distressed.    


But what made Ye Hong even more distressed was that two uninvited guests had come to the cave where he was in seclusion.    


There was a man and a woman.    


The man looked like a middle-aged uncle. He was fat and broad, and his eyes and eyebrows were snow white.    


The woman was young and beautiful, and she had a cold temperament.    


Putting the middle-aged man aside, just this young woman alone was enough to make Ye Hong smile bitterly to himself.    


Because this young woman's appearance was clearly carved from the same mold as his little aunt Ye Xi.    


Coupled with the faintly discernible powerful aura on her body, Ye Hong confirmed her identity without a doubt.    


Realm crossing holy dragon, Ao Ying!    


Then that fair and fat middle-aged uncle by the side was undoubtedly the Spacetime Holy Spirit.    



It was also the fat meat at its peak, the appearance after it transformed.    


Perhaps Ye Hong had thought of meeting them before.    


However, ever since he realized that his actions would cause the distortion of time and space, he no longer had any thoughts of meeting them.    


However, Ye Hong had tried to avoid these old people, but he did not expect them to find him instead.    


"What business do you two have with me?" Ye Hong asked with a bitter smile.    


The Spacetime Sacred Spirit and the World Crossing Sacred Dragon looked at each other. The Spacetime Sacred Spirit asked, "We want to ask you..."    


His white eyes flashed as he lowered his voice and asked, "Did you come from another dimension?"    


Ye Hong's pupils shrank. He subconsciously clenched his fingers.    


"I knew it."    


Although Ye Hong didn't reply, the Saint Spirit of Space and Time had a confident look on its face.    


Ye Hong felt his throat was dry. The line of time and space in his line of sight began to twist again.    


But at this moment, Ye Hong saw the Holy Spirit of Space and Time pointing at his feet.    


The twisted line of time and space actually stopped fluctuating.    


Ye Hong was stunned. He raised his eyes and saw the Saint Spirit of Space and Time's half-smiling expression.    


"Are you wondering how we found you?" The Saint Spirit of Space and Time grinned. "Fool, have you forgotten who we are?"    


Ye Hong was startled at first, but then he shook his head and laughed.    


That's right, ordinary people might not be able to sense anything unusual, but these two people in front of them were different.    


Because the spatial power Ye Hong obtained from the future came from the two of them.    


Just as Li Mei had a vague feeling about him, these two people should be able to sense the aura that belonged to them.    


It was also because they possessed the power of time and space that they were able to help Ye Hong fix the distorted time line.    


"I can also smell the scent of Li Shi from your body." The Spacetime Sacred Spirit rubbed his chin and chuckled. "I guess you were sent here by the future Li Shi, right?"    


Ye Hong was shocked.    


Such a smart guy. Was he really the big glutton who only knew how to eat?    


"Yo, from your expression, could it be that the future me is very different from the current me?" The white eyebrows of the Spacetime Sacred Spirit raised.    


On the other side, the World Spiritist Sacred Dragon, who had never spoken before, also said crisply: "Tell us about the future.    


Since Li Shihe sent you back, there must be some mission that needs to be completed in this time and space, right?    


Rather than quietly bearing all of this, why not let the two of us help you together?    


There is one thing that you can rest assured about. Because of the two of us' special factors, telling us about the future won't cause the space-time line to distort. "    


At this moment, Ye Hong felt like crying.    


In this world without relatives, he finally didn't need to fight alone!    


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