Urban Hardened All-area System

C3425 One on Two

C3425 One on Two

0Under Ye Hong's stunned gaze, Jin Buyu fumbled around his body and finally took out a rusty key. He inserted it into the iron door and twisted it a few times before opening it.    


"Tch! This broken door should have been changed long ago..."    


Jin Buji kept nagging as he walked into the security pavilion.    


After walking a few steps, he turned around and looked at Ye Hong and the others. He waved his hand and said, "What are you all standing there for?    


Hurry up and come in!"    


Ye Hong and the others had strange thoughts. He followed her into the security booth.    


He initially thought that the small security pavilion could not accommodate so many of them, but he did not expect that there would be another world inside.    


The floor was clearly filled with miscellaneous items, books, boxes, tables and chairs. There was a messy pile of things, but the crowd did not notice that it was crowded.    


It was as if there was a distorted space that existed on top of these miscellaneous items.    


"Ding! Comprehending top grade array knowledge, array knowledge + 1! '    


When Ye Hong received the reminder, Loong Yan could not help but praise, "What impressive formation skill!"    


"It is my honor to be praised by the number one expert of the World Continent, Emperor of Meteorite ." Jin Bufu stroked his beard with an expression of enjoyment.    


"You are being modest." Loong Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at Jin Buyu. "Such skill is not something an ordinary librarian can have.    


Who exactly are you?"    


Everyone in the room looked at Jin Buyu as well.    


"Please take a seat." Jin Buyu smiled and waved his hand. The chair in the room automatically flew to the feet of everyone.    


He found a soft and collapsed chair himself and lay comfortably on it. Narrowing his eyes, he lazily said, "Mmm. ... Where should I start?    


Talking about stories was really troublesome.    


"Why don't you ask me and answer?"    


That's exactly what I want. " The Fifth Qingshan was the first to speak. He looked at Jin Buyu and said, "I want to ask you something. " Yes, are you the Palace Master? "    


Jin Bufu nodded without hesitation.    


Although everyone had guessed it earlier, they were still shocked.    


So the extremely mysterious Palace Master had always been by their side?    


"I understand. That's why you are able to control the Bright Star Palace!" Ye Hong also came to a realization.    


Because Jin Bujie was the Palace Master, he was able to control the ancient artifact of the Bright Star Palace - Desolate Star Stone Palace!    


"Hehe, you're right." Jin Bufu looked at Ye Hong with a smile. "After the Star Devil Race took control of the Immortal Capital, I knew that the Bright Star Palace wouldn't be able to escape.    


That's why I hid all the teachers and students in advance to ensure their safety.    


" The moment the Fairy's Capital was transformed into a demon city, I controlled the Desolate Star Stone Palace to save all of you.    


However, my abilities are limited. I can't save all of the citizens of the Fairy Capital. "    


Your Excellency, there's no need to blame yourself. It's already a great favor for you to be able to save us. " Loong Yan shook his head and asked, "I have a question for you, Master.    


" Since you are so powerful, why did you choose to hide in this small security pavilion? "    


"Because I am lazy." Jin Buyu yawned lazily, "This point, You can tell by my alias.    


My hobby is reading books, fiddling with formations, sleeping in.    


When I'm in a good mood, I'll go and guide the students.    


I don't want to be involved in your fights and killings.    


"If it wasn't for the Star Demon Clan endangering the safety of the teachers and students, I, the person in charge of the palace, wouldn't be bothered to take action either."    


Everyone didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Perhaps this was the laziest principal in history.    


"I have a question too!" Ming Che was different from Loong Yan and Fifth Qingshan. His face was cold as he asked bluntly, "May I ask what happened to your Star Demon form?"    


Everyone's expression turned solemn.    


That's right, this was the most important question!    


"Because..." Jin Buyu stretched lazily. He said coolly, "I was originally a Star Demon."    


"Then why did you save us again?!" Ming Che stared at Jin Buji.    


"Hahaha. It seems that you don't know much about the Star Demon Race." Jin Bufu shook his head and smiled. "The Star Demon Race was born in the family's sacred relic, the Star Devouring Talisman.    


" Thus, as soon as we were born, we had innate abilities that ordinary races could not envy.    


We control the demonic path with one hand, and star power with the other. We can also imitate the abilities of your various races.    


In addition, with the existence of clones, we have nothing to fear.    


Therefore, the Star Demons who felt that they were superior would inevitably have the desire to conquer them.    




Not all of the Star Demons wanted to conquer the world.    


There are also Star Demons like me who hate fighting and like peace.    



It was just that they were both sealed by the two Sage Emperors back then.    


Only I, who was relatively lucky, I followed a fellow to escape the seal and come to the Ancient World Continent.    


"That fellow, you've just met him..."    


Ye Hong thought of the familiar appearance of Jin Buyu when he transformed. He couldn't help but blurt out," Are you talking about Zuo Mie? "    


"That's right." Jin Bufu nodded with a smile. "To be exact," he said. "I am him, he is me."    


Everyone was stunned.    


"Hehe, let me tell you with my actions."    


Jin Buhuan smiled and transformed back into the Star Demon Race posture.    


He pointed at himself and said, "How is it? Do you look like Zuo Mie?"    


Everyone thought of Zuo Mie's transformation and could not help but nod.    


"Actually, my real identity is Zuo Mie's clone." Jin Bufu spoke without stopping.    


As expected, everyone was so shocked that they could not speak!    


"Aiyaya, this appearance is really uncomfortable. I'd better change back."    


Jin Bufu transformed back into his human form.    


"Phew - this is much more comfortable."    


He adjusted his posture and smiled at the group of people who were still in shock. "You should know that the Star Demon Race is born with [Star Body] and [Demon Body]. Two clones.    


" Zuo Mie is my Demon Body.    


I am naturally Zuo Mie's star body.    


But you may not know that the two doppelgangers of the Star Demon Race can have independent personalities and memories.    


They can even think, act, think, and see. All of them will be different as time goes on.    


Just like how Zuo Mie and I had huge differences in our views of the world.    


He was loyal to the Star Demon Empress. He was thinking about how to help the Star Demon Empress break free from the seal and conquer this world.    


On the other hand, I don't like to fight. I'm lazy, and I disagree with him.    


Thus, after I escaped the seal, I parted ways with him.    


He became his Immortal Emperor, and I became my master. We don't interfere with each other's business. "    


Ye Hong listened quietly and blinked his eyes. A lot of things came to his mind.    


No wonder the Bright Star Palace was able to fight against the colossal figure of the Taiyi Immortal Sect even though they were immortals. No wonder Jin Buzhan knew Zuo Mie's intention so well. No wonder he knew Zuo Mie so well. ...    


Because Zuo Mie and Jin Buzhan were the two avatars of the same Star Demon Race!    


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