Urban Hardened All-area System

C1 The System Awakens: The Rise of the Loser

C1 The System Awakens: The Rise of the Loser

0Bailu City, Anming County, Zhicai High School, Class (18).    


Standing on the podium, a middle-aged female teacher with black-framed glasses, spoke in English without stopping.    


As the English syllables lingering through a sky like a lullaby, the students slowly succumbed to their drowsiness.    


At one of the tables in the last row, a boy with short hair slept soundly like an infant on the table.    


That boy's name was Ye Hong, a sixteen year old student.    


At that moment, Ye Hong felt as if he had been dreaming for a very long time.    


In his dream, he had been admitted to the best high school in the county, instead of paying a high price to attend this damned Zhicai Private High School.    


In his dream, his parents threw him with a barrage of praises, becoming the "other family's child" as his neighbors called him.    


In his dream, the idol of his class sat at the same table next to him. Instead of her usual cold and aloof attitude, she smiled like a blooming flower that attracted the attention of the butterflies around her.    


In his dream...    


Suddenly, a cold and authoritative voice reverberated in Ye Hong's mind.    


[Target Discovered... Binding Host... Divine Strengthening System successfully binded to the Host]    


Who was speaking?    


What is a divine strengthening system?    


The English teacher on the podium — infuriated by what she saw — frowned and stared daggers at the rude brat who was sleeping in the back row of the classroom.    


This male student called Ye Hong was one of the bottom students in the entire class. If he was not reading novels in class, he would succumb to his lack of interest in the class and sleep — not putting a teacher like her in his eyes whatsoever.    


The most infuriating thing was that the homeroom teacher had even arranged for her dazzling daughter to sit at the same table as this failure of a student.    


The idea was for her to be able to assist him in his studies.    


However, her daughter had already complained to her many times, saying that Ye Hong had been staring at her all day, preventing her from focusing on her studies.    


Thinking of this, the English teacher could not help but stop her lecture and send the chalk in her hand flying towards Ye Hong.    


With utmost precision, it landed squarely on Ye Hong's head.    


Upon impact, the chalk shattered into a several pieces, left behind on Ye Hong's body.    


All the students in the class — startled by their teacher's sudden action — looked towards Ye Hong's direction.    


"Who dares hit me?!"    


Ye Hong immediately woke up from his dream from his sudden shock and stood up like a clown.    




With that, the surrounding students immediately burst into a series of laughter.    


Especially Zhang Xuewei, Ye Hong's table partner and also known as the goddess of the class, wish she could stay as far away as possible from him as her beautiful, oval face filled with contempt for him.    


Now, Ye Hong was wide awake.    


Of course... There's no such thing as that system in this world... It was all only a dream.    


Today was the second week of Ye Hong's high school life, and he was currently in English class.    


Lifitng his head and looking at the podium, a trace of nervousness flashed across Ye Hong's face.    


The gloomy old woman standing on the podium was Ye Hong's English teacher. Although she had already reached such an old age, she shamelessly asked everyone to call her Miss Zhang.    


Miss Zhang knocked on the blackboard and sneered, "Student Ye, did you sleep well? If you are unable to produce this translation question, you will be punished by copying it a hundred times!"    


Ye Hong cursed in his heart, knowing that they old woman was definitely trying to make things more difficult for him.    


No matter how stupid he was, he could clearly tell that the sentence written on the blackboard was the content from the next chapter. It was not something that they, who had just enrolled in high school, could answer.     


However, there was nothing that Ye Hong could do. After all, it was his own fault that he was caught sleeping in class.    


If you behave badly, your parents would definitely be notified.    


In a moment of hopelessness, Ye Hong could only brace himself as he walked towards the blackboard.    


Then, a wave of whispers came from the students below.    


"Even I don't understand this question. How could the worst student of the class translate such a difficult sentence?"    


"Serves him right. He's just some trash who doesn't understand his place, to actually have the nerve to sit at the same table as our goddess!"    


Almost everyone was waiting for Ye Hong to make a fool of himself.    


Ye Hong looked at the godforsaken English sentence in front of him and clenched his teeth in defeat. At that point, he was just about to admit to Miss Zhang that he could not translate it.    


But just at that moment, the voice from the dream sounded in his mind once again: [Ding! Analyzing English Words... English Ability +1, Current Progress: 1/10, Rating: Beginner-level."    


Ye Hong gawked in absolute disbelief. Though he had never learned the words from the sentence before, its meaning still appeared clearly in his mind.    


He felt as if he had possessed both the English and Chinese dictionary in his mind.    


"What are you standing there daydreaming about?" Miss Zhang folded her arms across her chest and said disdainfully, "If you don't know how to translate it, then hurry up and copy it a hundred times. Don't waste your classmates' time any further."    


"You do realized that if you were to waste even a single minute, it would be equivalent to wasting fifty minutes for everyone else in the class."    


"You're so damn annoying!" Ye Hong felt a burst of annoyance and could not help but shout out.    


"Yo-you actually dare to contradict your teacher!" Miss Zhang fumed with so much anger that her glasses almost flew off her head in her moment of eruption as she declared, "Alright! I'd like to see how you do it! "    



Everyone in the class was shocked by Ye Hong's sudden exclaim as well — their whispers had turned into a loud discussion.    


"Has Ye Hong gone mad? Why is he acting so arrogantly?"    


"He's so irritating. Let's see how he's going to deal with this later."    


Everyone's attention and gaze was set on Ye Hong.    


However, Ye Hong did not feel nervous whatsoever as his gaze shifted from one word to another.    


Just as expected, the voice rang out again: [Ding! Analyzing English Words... English Ability +1...]    


With that, Ye Hong scarred through the entire sentence word by word.    


[Ding! English Ability +1... ]    


[Ding! English Ability +1...]    


[Ding! Current Progress: 11/100, English Ability leveled up to 'Proficient-level']    


At that instant, Ye Hong seemed as if he had entered another world.    


He felt like a stream of warmth had rushed to the top of his head.    


Those English words that seemed impossible initially had instantly became easy to understand.    


The answer to the whole entire sentence was now displayed clearly in his mind.    


At this moment, Ye Hong concluded that the system that only appeared in novels had actually come to him.    


Ye Hong revealed a confident smile as he picked up a piece of chalk and quickly wrote the translation on the blackboard.    


In less than ten seconds, Ye Hong had finished translating the sentence.    


"H-How could he be so fast?"    


"That's impossible! He must be scribbling nonsense!"    


The students still did not, or rather, did not want to believe in Ye Hong's abilities.    


Casually throwing the chalk into the chalk box, Ye Hong patted the dust off his hands and looked at the stunned Miss Zhang. He said lightly, "Miss Zhang, although this kind of question is too simple for me, I still have to say, please don't give me such a flawed question in the future."    


Then he pointed to a word on the blackboard: "This word, 'interesting,' should obviously be replaced by its version as a verb, 'interested.'"    


"Ah, uh, mm…"    


Seeming to have just come back to her senses, Miss Zhang took a glance at the textbook's original answer and discovered that Ye Hong's answer was even more perfect than the original answer.    


An even more mind-blowing fact was that Ye Hong managed to point out the loophole in the sentence.    


One had to know that the editor of the textbook was a legendary professor at Jiangnan University.    


Ye Hong was no longer an ordinary person anymore, but was instead, a genius in the English language.    


Miss Zhang suddenly came to a realization of Ye Hong's reason for not paying attention in her class. With his level of proficiency in English, he could directly move on and take the college entrance exam.    


Her face flushed scarlet red as she shyly said, "Ye Hong, your translation is perfect. Quickly go back to your seat and let's continue with our lessons."    




Everyone in Class (18) immediately sucked in a breath of cold air in disbelief.    


How could this be possible?!    


He had actually translated the sentence correctly!    


Ye Hong turned around and walked nonchalantly back towards his seat.    


Ye Hong could not help but sigh as he looked at the dumbfounded expressions on everyone's faces.    


Before going up to the podium, Ye Hong felt that they were not from the same world.    


After all, he knew that he was simply a failure of a student.    


Getting off the podium, Ye Hong still felt that he was not in the same world as them.    


But this time, they had all become dregs in his eyes.    


After returning to his seat, Ye Hong noticed that his table partner, Zhang Xuewei, had secretly passed him a piece of paper with words written on it.    


It read: "How did you do it?"    


Ye Hong then turned around, only to find that Zhang Xuewei's face had turned red as she unconsciously moved closer to him.    


The surrounding male students that saw this scene all had flames of jealousy jolting out from their eyes.    


Ye Hong sneered in his heart, "Since you ignored me yesterday, I'll let you have a taste of your own medicine!"    


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