CEO's Sudden Proposal

C379 Rich Man I'll Only Give You One Chance

C379 Rich Man I'll Only Give You One Chance

0"They did it themselves."    


"You won" Qin Yiyue was speechless.    


He Qiaoyan smiled at her and said, "From the day I met you until now, only the words I said on the day of your divorce were false. Everything else was true."    


Qin Yiyue also suddenly smiled. Her smile was pure and clear. "Okay. Rich man, chase me. Let me dispel the uneasiness from before, the struggle and pain from these three years. If I have the courage, I will accompany you one more time."    


He Qiaoyan looked at the bright and innocent smile on his face. For some reason, his eyes started to tear up.    


He did not dare to look at her smile directly. This little girl was already thirty years old, and she still had such a naive, direct, and unguarded smile on her face.    


After being injured by him, she was still willing to give him a chance to have her again.    


Qin Yiyue fixed her eyes on He Qiaoyan's red eyes and said softly, "Rich man, I will only give you one chance. If one day something happens and you push me away again, no matter how important the reason is, I cannot forgive you. Do you understand? "    


" Alright then. "    


"We are husband and wife. If there is a problem, we can talk openly and face it together. Maybe it was because I did not give you enough confidence at that time to let you believe that I can face Zhou Min and the power behind her together with you. Thus, it caused Big Brother's life to be threatened. So, I chose to give each of us another chance. I want you to understand that I am willing to show all of my thoughts and thoughts to you or my family and friends. Because I see you all very important. I don't want you to have to guess my thoughts when you face me. Guess if I'm happy or not. My attitude towards people I don't love or don't get close to is also very clear. I'm also in a dilemma. After three years of experience in the business world, I think I should let you have more confidence in me. " After Qin Yiyue said this, she did not speak anymore.    


He Qiaoyan did not expect that he could actually hear such words. He could also hear her soft and mellow voice calling him "nouveau riche."    


After the shock, he hugged the little girl in front of him. He said in a hoarse voice, "Yue Yue, you will never know how important you are to me. I never thought that you would disappoint me. On the contrary, you have always brought me hope and miracles. You saved Xiaobao, made Xiaobao speak again, taught me how to love others, made me not have negative thoughts about my father, made me lose my job for three years and still have a cute and obedient child. More importantly, let me have a wife like that three years later."    


When Qin Yiyue heard this, tears flowed out of her eyes like a broken dam. She hugged He Qiaoyan's waist hard and sobbed," You said this yourself. If you disappoint me again, don't blame me for being impolite. "    


He Qiaoyan's reply was to directly kiss the lips that he thought of day and night. God knew how much he wanted to hug and kiss her.    


Qin Yiyue was very emotional between accepting and pushing He Qiaoyan away. Before she could get the result, she was completely kissed.    


Fine, she's already an old wife, what's there to be pretentious about.    


He Qiaoyan only let go of her before Qin Yiyue almost ran out of oxygen.    


He said he would let go, but he still hugged her with long arms and legs, as if he was afraid that she would disappear in the next second.    


He Qiaoyan never knew that he would lose control of himself one day to the extent that his heartbeat would lose its effectiveness, but what his wife said just now really made him unable to calm down.    


He Qiaoyan suddenly laughed foolishly, "Before I came to find you, I went to see Big Brother. He likes you very much."    


"No matter what, I'm loved by everyone. It's normal for Big Brother to like me."    


"My wife is right no matter what she says."    


Qin Yiyue rolled her eyes at him. "I will go for lunch first. You can do whatever you want."    


"I will also go for lunch."    


"There's no place for you to take an afternoon nap." Qin Yiyue lazily replied.    


"Then I will make the bed for you. I saw that your bed sheet and pillow were all sunburned."    


"I have hands and feet. I don't need you."    


"Where there's a husband, how can he let his wife do it? This kind of rough and tiring work is better done by me."    


Qin Yiyue,... ""    


In the end, she was still unable to compete with someone and was directly suppressed by force.    


After suppressing her own wife with force, a diligent and loving husband went to make the bed very well.    


After making the bed, he carried his wife to the bed and covered her with a blanket.    


He squatted by the bed and looked at his wife's sleeping face with a loyal smile.    


Qin Yiyue did not expect that she actually fell asleep under He Qiaoyan's gaze, and even slept very soundly.    


After waking up, she found that the things she had sunburned had already been collected.    


The room was still filled with the fragrance of food. Qin Yiyue poured herself a cup of water and leaned against the kitchen door to look at He Qiaoyan's busy figure in the kitchen.    


This man's back view was even more exquisite than other people's. Even the ends of his hair carried his unique aura.    


Qin Yiyue was looking when the sound of the door lock rotating came from the door.    


Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei came in with two bags in their hands.    


Qin Yiyue asked curiously, "Dad, Mom, why are you guys back?"    


"Did I disturb your two lives?" Luo Mingmei said snappily.    


"I thought you guys were having dinner with Elder Sister Fen and brother-in-law tonight."    


Luo Mingmei glanced at the kitchen and the meaning of that glance was very obvious.    


Qin Yiyue suddenly felt awkward. She had just mentioned this matter to her parents last night, but today He Qiaoyan had swaggered into her house and even cooked with an apron.    


If she could run away and hide for a while, she would really hide without any hesitation.    


Just as the three people from the Qin family were staring at each other, He Qiaoyan came out with the dishes he had prepared. "Dad, Mom, you're back."    


Qin Qiuyang,... ""    


Luo Mingmei was speechless."    


Qin Yiyue was speechless."    


Could she step out and hide from the limelight first?    


He Qiaoyan did not have the slightest reaction from the three people from the Qin family. After putting down the food, he walked towards Qin Yiyue and held her shoulder naturally.    



In terms of thick skin, no one could compare to President He, who had dominated the shopping mall for more than ten years.    


Just as the three people from the Qin family did not know what expression to put on, the little guy's delicate and tender voice appeared, "Little brother, the rice is closed."    


He Weifei said, "Change your shoes first."    


"The depressed shoes are not dirty."    


"We'll change too."    


"Oh, oh."    


The little guy walked in with small steps. He sat on the stool specially prepared for him at the entrance with kengchi kengchi sounds and changed into small slippers.    


Then he rested on He Weifei and asked him to carry him.    


He Weifei treated everyone coldly and treated the little guy very well. He practically agreed to every request.    


His movements were very natural as he hugged his little body.    


Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei saw the two children's subconscious reactions. They felt emotional and disappointed in their hearts.    


This blood relationship was too powerful.    


With the addition of the two children, the atmosphere became much more harmonious.    


Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei were angry with He Qiaoyan, but they had no objections to He Weifei.    


Seeing that he was really good to Yu Yu, they could not put on a cold face to him.    


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